Merge commit '1ba21ed194ed33d013c2dd181083e989001fa330' as 'lib/handlebars'

This commit is contained in:
laf 2015-04-29 13:58:35 +01:00
commit 24bb9c41a6
120 changed files with 14717 additions and 0 deletions

lib/handlebars/.eslintrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
"globals": {
"self": false
"env": {
"node": true
"ecmaFeatures": {
// Enabling features that can be implemented without polyfills. Want to avoid polyfills at this time.
"arrowFunctions": true,
"blockBindings": true,
"defaultParams": true,
"destructuring": true,
"modules": true,
"objectLiteralComputedProperties": true,
"objectLiteralDuplicateProperties": true,
"objectLiteralShorthandMethods": true,
"objectLiteralShorthandProperties": true,
"spread": true,
"templateStrings": true
"rules": {
// Possible Errors //
"comma-dangle": [2, "never"],
"no-cond-assign": [2, "except-parens"],
// Allow for debugging
"no-console": 1,
"no-constant-condition": 2,
"no-control-regex": 2,
// Allow for debugging
"no-debugger": 1,
"no-dupe-args": 2,
"no-dupe-keys": 2,
"no-duplicate-case": 2,
"no-empty": 2,
"no-empty-class": 2,
"no-ex-assign": 2,
"no-extra-boolean-cast": 2,
"no-extra-parens": 0,
"no-extra-semi": 2,
"no-func-assign": 2,
// Stylistic... might consider disallowing in the future
"no-inner-declarations": 0,
"no-invalid-regexp": 2,
"no-irregular-whitespace": 2,
"no-negated-in-lhs": 2,
"no-obj-calls": 2,
"no-regex-spaces": 2,
"no-reserved-keys": 2, // Important for IE
"no-sparse-arrays": 0,
// Optimizer and coverage will handle/highlight this and can be useful for debugging
"no-unreachable": 1,
"use-isnan": 2,
"valid-jsdoc": 0,
"valid-typeof": 2,
// Best Practices //
"block-scoped-var": 0,
"complexity": 0,
"consistent-return": 0,
"curly": 2,
"default-case": 1,
"dot-notation": [2, {"allowKeywords": false}],
"eqeqeq": 0,
"guard-for-in": 1,
"no-alert": 2,
"no-caller": 2,
"no-div-regex": 1,
"no-else-return": 0,
"no-empty-label": 2,
"no-eq-null": 0,
"no-eval": 2,
"no-extend-native": 2,
"no-extra-bind": 2,
"no-fallthrough": 2,
"no-floating-decimal": 2,
"no-implied-eval": 2,
"no-iterator": 2,
"no-labels": 2,
"no-lone-blocks": 2,
"no-loop-func": 2,
"no-multi-spaces": 2,
"no-multi-str": 1,
"no-native-reassign": 2,
"no-new": 2,
"no-new-func": 2,
"no-new-wrappers": 2,
"no-octal": 2,
"no-octal-escape": 2,
"no-param-reassign": 0,
"no-process-env": 2,
"no-proto": 2,
"no-redeclare": 2,
"no-return-assign": 2,
"no-script-url": 2,
"no-self-compare": 2,
"no-sequences": 2,
"no-throw-literal": 2,
"no-unused-expressions": 2,
"no-void": 0,
"no-warning-comments": 1,
"no-with": 2,
"radix": 2,
"vars-on-top": 0,
"wrap-iife": 2,
"yoda": 0,
// Strict //
"strict": 0,
// Variables //
"no-catch-shadow": 2,
"no-delete-var": 2,
"no-label-var": 2,
"no-shadow": 2,
"no-shadow-restricted-names": 2,
"no-undef": 2,
"no-undef-init": 2,
"no-undefined": 0,
"no-unused-vars": [2, {"vars": "all", "args": "after-used"}],
"no-use-before-define": [2, "nofunc"],
// Node.js //
// Others left to environment defaults
"no-mixed-requires": 0,
// Stylistic //
"indent": 0,
"brace-style": [2, "1tbs", {"allowSingleLine": true}],
"camelcase": 2,
"comma-spacing": [2, {"before": false, "after": true}],
"comma-style": [2, "last"],
"consistent-this": [1, "self"],
"eol-last": 2,
"func-names": 0,
"func-style": [2, "declaration"],
"key-spacing": [2, {
"beforeColon": false,
"afterColon": true
"max-nested-callbacks": 0,
"new-cap": 2,
"new-parens": 2,
"newline-after-var": 0,
"no-array-constructor": 2,
"no-continue": 0,
"no-inline-comments": 0,
"no-lonely-if": 2,
"no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": 2,
"no-multiple-empty-lines": 0,
"no-nested-ternary": 1,
"no-new-object": 2,
"no-spaced-func": 2,
"no-ternary": 0,
"no-trailing-spaces": 2,
"no-underscore-dangle": 0,
"no-wrap-func": 2,
"one-var": 0,
"operator-assignment": 0,
"padded-blocks": 0,
"quote-props": 0,
"quotes": [2, "single", "avoid-escape"],
"semi": 2,
"semi-spacing": [2, {"before": false, "after": true}],
"sort-vars": 0,
"space-after-keywords": [2, "always"],
"space-before-blocks": [2, "always"],
"space-before-function-paren": [2, {"anonymous": "never", "named": "never"}],
"space-in-brackets": 0,
"space-in-parens": [2, "never"],
"space-infix-ops": 2,
"space-return-throw-case": 2,
"space-unary-ops": 2,
"spaced-line-comment": 2,
"wrap-regex": 1,
"no-var": 1

lib/handlebars/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

lib/handlebars/.gitmodules vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[submodule "spec/mustache"]
path = spec/mustache
url = git://

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
excludes: ['**/spec/**']

lib/handlebars/.npmignore Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
language: node_js
- npm install -g grunt-cli
- grunt --stack travis
on_failure: change
on_success: never
- secure: ckyEe5dzjdFDjmZ6wIrhGm0CFBEnKq8c1dYptfgVV/Q5/nJFGzu8T0yTjouS/ERxzdT2H327/63VCxhFnLCRHrsh4rlW/rCy4XI3O/0TeMLgFPa4TXkO8359qZ4CB44TBb3NsJyQXNMYdJpPLTCVTMpuiqqkFFOr+6OeggR7ufA=
- secure: Nm4AgSfsgNB21kgKrF9Tl7qVZU8YYREhouQunFracTcZZh2NZ2XH5aHuSiXCj88B13Cr/jGbJKsZ4T3QS3wWYtz6lkyVOx3H3iI+TMtqhD9RM3a7A4O+4vVN8IioB2YjhEu0OKjwgX5gp+0uF+pLEi7Hpj6fupD3AbbL5uYcKg8=
- node_js: '0.10'
- PUBLISH=true
- secure: pLTzghtVll9yGKJI0AaB0uI8GypfWxLTaIB0ZL8//yN3nAEIKMhf/RRilYTsn/rKj2NUa7vt2edYILi3lttOUlCBOwTc9amiRms1W8Lwr/3IdWPeBLvLuH1zNJRm2lBAwU4LBSqaOwhGaxOQr6KHTnWudhNhgOucxpZfvfI/dFw=
- secure: yERYCf7AwL11D9uMtacly/THGV8BlzsMmrt+iQVvGA3GaY6QMmfYqf6P6cCH98sH5etd1Y+1e6YrPeMjqI6lyRllT7FptoyOdHulazQe86VQN4sc0EpqMlH088kB7gGjTut9Z+X9ViooT5XEh9WA5jXEI9pXhQJNoIHkWPuwGuY=
- node_modules

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# How to Contribute
## Reporting Issues
Please see our [FAQ]( for common issues that people run into.
Should you run into other issues with the project, please don't hesitate to let us know by filing an [issue][issue]! In general we are going to ask for an example of the problem failing, which can be as simple as a jsfiddle/jsbin/etc. We've put together a jsfiddle [template][jsfiddle] to ease this. (We will keep this link up to date as new releases occur, so feel free to check back here)
Pull requests containing only failing thats demonstrating the issue are welcomed and this also helps ensure that your issue won't regress in the future once it's fixed.
Documentation issues on the site should be reported on [handlebars-site](
## Pull Requests
We also accept [pull requests][pull-request]!
Generally we like to see pull requests that
- Maintain the existing code style
- Are focused on a single change (i.e. avoid large refactoring or style adjustments in untouched code if not the primary goal of the pull request)
- Have [good commit messages](
- Have tests
- Don't significantly decrease the current code coverage (see coverage/lcov-report/index.html)
## Building
To build Handlebars.js you'll need a few things installed.
* Node.js
* [Grunt](
Before building, you need to make sure that the Git submodule `spec/mustache` is included (i.e. the directory `spec/mustache` should not be empty). To include it, if using Git version 1.6.5 or newer, use `git clone --recursive` rather than `git clone`. Or, if you already cloned without `--recursive`, use `git submodule update --init`.
Project dependencies may be installed via `npm install`.
To build Handlebars.js from scratch, you'll want to run `grunt`
in the root of the project. That will build Handlebars and output the
results to the dist/ folder. To re-run tests, run `grunt test` or `npm test`.
You can also run our set of benchmarks with `grunt bench`.
The `grunt dev` implements watching for tests and allows for in browser testing at `http://localhost:9999/spec/`.
If you notice any problems, please report them to the GitHub issue tracker at
## Ember testing
The current ember distribution should be tested as part of the handlebars release process. This requires building the `handlebars-source` gem locally and then executing the ember test script.
npm link
grunt build release
cp dist/*.js $emberRepoDir/bower_components/handlebars/
cd $emberRepoDir
npm link handlebars
npm test
## Releasing
Handlebars utilizes the [release yeoman generator][generator-release] to perform most release tasks.
A full release may be completed with the following:
yo release
npm publish
yo release:publish components handlebars.js dist/components/
cd dist/components/
gem build handlebars-source.gemspec
gem push handlebars-source-*.gem
After this point the handlebars site needs to be updated to point to the new version numbers. The jsfiddle link should be updated to point to the most recent distribution for all instances in our documentation.

lib/handlebars/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I file a bug report:
See our guidelines on [reporting issues](
1. Why isn't my Mustache template working?
Handlebars deviates from Mustache slightly on a few behaviors. These variations are documented in our [readme](
1. Why is it slower when compiling?
The Handlebars compiler must parse the template and construct a JavaScript program which can then be run. Under some environments such as older mobile devices this can have a performance impact which can be avoided by precompiling. Generally it's recommended that precompilation and the runtime library be used on all clients.
1. Why doesn't this work with Content Security Policy restrictions?
When not using the precompiler, Handlebars generates a dynamic function for each template which can cause issues with pages that have enabled Content Policy. It's recommended that templates are precompiled or the `unsafe-eval` policy is enabled for sites that must generate dynamic templates at runtime.
1. How can I include script tags in my template?
If loading the template via an inlined `<script type="text/x-handlebars">` tag then you may need to break up the script tag with an empty comment to avoid browser parser errors:
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<scr{{!}}ipt src="bar"></scr{{!}}ipt>
It's generally recommended that templates are served through external, precompiled, files, which do not suffer from this issue.
1. Why are my precompiled scripts throwing exceptions?
When using the precompiler, it's important that a supporting version of the Handlebars runtime be loaded on the target page. In version 1.x there were rudimentary checks to compare the version but these did not always work. This is fixed under 2.x but the version checking does not work between these two versions. If you see unexpected errors such as `undefined is not a function` or similar, please verify that the same version is being used for both the precompiler and the client. This can be checked via:
handlebars --version
If using the integrated precompiler and
On the client side.
We include the built client libraries in the npm package for those who want to be certain that they are using the same client libraries as the compiler.
Should these match, please file an issue with us, per our [issue filing guidelines](
1. Why doesn't IE like the `default` name in the AMD module?
Some browsers such as particular versions of IE treat `default` as a reserved word in JavaScript source files. To safely use this you need to reference this via the `Handlebars['default']` lookup method. This is an unfortunate side effect of the shims necessary to backport the Handlebars ES6 code to all current browsers.
1. How do I load the runtime library when using AMD?
There are two options for loading under AMD environments. The first is to use the `handlebars.runtime.amd.js` file. This may require a [path mapping]( as well as access via the `default` field.
The other option is to load the `handlebars.runtime.js` UMD build, which might not require path configuration and exposes the library as both the module root and the `default` field for compatibility.
If not using ES6 transpilers or accessing submodules in the build the former option should be sufficient for most use cases.

lib/handlebars/Gruntfile.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
/*eslint-disable no-process-env */
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
eslint: {
options: {
files: [
clean: ['tmp', 'dist', 'lib/handlebars/compiler/parser.js'],
copy: {
dist: {
options: {
processContent: function(content) {
return grunt.template.process('/*!\n\n <%= %> v<%= pkg.version %>\n\n<%="LICENSE") %>\n@license\n*/\n')
+ content;
files: [
{expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: ['*.js'], dest: 'dist/'}
cdnjs: {
files: [
{expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: ['*.js'], dest: 'dist/cdnjs'}
components: {
files: [
{expand: true, cwd: 'components/', src: ['**'], dest: 'dist/components'},
{expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: ['*.js'], dest: 'dist/components'}
babel: {
options: {
loose: ['es6.modules']
amd: {
options: {
modules: 'amd'
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'lib/',
src: '**/!(index).js',
dest: 'dist/amd/'
cjs: {
options: {
modules: 'common'
files: [{
cwd: 'lib/',
expand: true,
src: '**/!(index).js',
dest: 'dist/cjs/'
webpack: {
options: {
context: __dirname,
module: {
loaders: [
// the optional 'runtime' transformer tells babel to require the runtime instead of inlining it.
{ test: /\.jsx?$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader?optional=runtime&loose=es6.modules' }
output: {
path: 'dist/',
library: 'Handlebars',
libraryTarget: 'umd'
handlebars: {
entry: './lib/handlebars.js',
output: {
filename: 'handlebars.js'
runtime: {
entry: './lib/handlebars.runtime.js',
output: {
filename: 'handlebars.runtime.js'
requirejs: {
options: {
optimize: 'none',
baseUrl: 'dist/amd/'
dist: {
options: {
name: 'handlebars',
out: 'dist/handlebars.amd.js'
runtime: {
options: {
name: 'handlebars.runtime',
out: 'dist/handlebars.runtime.amd.js'
uglify: {
options: {
mangle: true,
compress: true,
preserveComments: 'some'
dist: {
files: [{
cwd: 'dist/',
expand: true,
src: ['handlebars*.js', '!*.min.js'],
dest: 'dist/',
rename: function(dest, src) {
return dest + src.replace(/\.js$/, '.min.js');
concat: {
tests: {
src: ['spec/!(require).js'],
dest: 'tmp/tests.js'
connect: {
server: {
options: {
base: '.',
hostname: '*',
port: 9999
'saucelabs-mocha': {
all: {
options: {
build: process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID,
urls: ['http://localhost:9999/spec/?headless=true', 'http://localhost:9999/spec/amd.html?headless=true'],
detailedError: true,
concurrency: 2,
browsers: [
{browserName: 'chrome'},
{browserName: 'firefox'},
{browserName: 'safari', version: 7, platform: 'OS X 10.9'},
{browserName: 'safari', version: 6, platform: 'OS X 10.8'},
{browserName: 'internet explorer', version: 11, platform: 'Windows 8.1'},
{browserName: 'internet explorer', version: 10, platform: 'Windows 8'},
{browserName: 'internet explorer', version: 9, platform: 'Windows 7'}
sanity: {
options: {
build: process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID,
urls: ['http://localhost:9999/spec/umd.html?headless=true', 'http://localhost:9999/spec/amd-runtime.html?headless=true', 'http://localhost:9999/spec/umd-runtime.html?headless=true'],
detailedError: true,
concurrency: 2,
browsers: [
{browserName: 'chrome'}
watch: {
scripts: {
options: {
atBegin: true
files: ['src/*', 'lib/**/*.js', 'spec/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['build', 'amd', 'tests', 'test']
// Build a new version of the library
this.registerTask('build', 'Builds a distributable version of the current project', [
this.registerTask('amd', ['babel:amd', 'requirejs']);
this.registerTask('node', ['babel:cjs']);
this.registerTask('globals', ['webpack']);
this.registerTask('tests', ['concat:tests']);
this.registerTask('release', 'Build final packages', ['eslint', 'amd', 'uglify', 'copy:dist', 'copy:components', 'copy:cdnjs']);
// Load tasks from npm
grunt.registerTask('bench', ['metrics']);
grunt.registerTask('sauce', process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME ? ['tests', 'connect', 'saucelabs-mocha'] : []);
grunt.registerTask('travis', process.env.PUBLISH ? ['default', 'sauce', 'metrics', 'publish:latest'] : ['default']);
grunt.registerTask('dev', ['clean', 'connect', 'watch']);
grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean', 'build', 'test', 'release']);

lib/handlebars/LICENSE Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Yehuda Katz
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
[![Travis Build Status](](
[![Selenium Test Status](](
Handlebars.js is an extension to the [Mustache templating
language]( created by Chris Wanstrath.
Handlebars.js and Mustache are both logicless templating languages that
keep the view and the code separated like we all know they should be.
Checkout the official Handlebars docs site at
Installing Handlebars is easy. Simply download the package [from the official site]( or the [bower repository][bower-repo] and add it to your web pages (you should usually use the most recent version).
For web browsers, a free CDN is available at [jsDelivr](!handlebarsjs). Advanced usage, such as [version aliasing & concocting](, is available.
Alternatively, if you prefer having the latest version of handlebars from
the 'master' branch, passing builds of the 'master' branch are automatically
published to S3. You may download the latest passing master build by grabbing
a `handlebars-latest.js` file from the [builds page][builds-page]. When the
build is published, it is also available as a `handlebars-gitSHA.js` file on
the builds page if you need a version to refer to others.
`handlebars-runtime.js` builds are also available.
**Note**: The S3 builds page is provided as a convenience for the community,
but you should not use it for hosting Handlebars in production.
In general, the syntax of Handlebars.js templates is a superset
of Mustache templates. For basic syntax, check out the [Mustache
Once you have a template, use the `Handlebars.compile` method to compile
the template into a function. The generated function takes a context
argument, which will be used to render the template.
var source = "<p>Hello, my name is {{name}}. I am from {{hometown}}. I have " +
"{{kids.length}} kids:</p>" +
"<ul>{{#kids}}<li>{{name}} is {{age}}</li>{{/kids}}</ul>";
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var data = { "name": "Alan", "hometown": "Somewhere, TX",
"kids": [{"name": "Jimmy", "age": "12"}, {"name": "Sally", "age": "4"}]};
var result = template(data);
// Would render:
// <p>Hello, my name is Alan. I am from Somewhere, TX. I have 2 kids:</p>
// <ul>
// <li>Jimmy is 12</li>
// <li>Sally is 4</li>
// </ul>
Registering Helpers
You can register helpers that Handlebars will use when evaluating your
template. Here's an example, which assumes that your objects have a URL
embedded in them, as well as the text for a link:
Handlebars.registerHelper('link_to', function() {
return new Handlebars.SafeString("<a href='" + Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(this.url) + "'>" + Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(this.body) + "</a>");
var context = { posts: [{url: "/hello-world", body: "Hello World!"}] };
var source = "<ul>{{#posts}}<li>{{link_to}}</li>{{/posts}}</ul>"
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
// Would render:
// <ul>
// <li><a href='/hello-world'>Hello World!</a></li>
// </ul>
Helpers take precedence over fields defined on the context. To access a field
that is masked by a helper, a path reference may be used. In the example above
a field named `link_to` on the `context` object would be referenced using:
By default, the `{{expression}}` syntax will escape its contents. This
helps to protect you against accidental XSS problems caused by malicious
data passed from the server as JSON.
To explicitly *not* escape the contents, use the triple-mustache
(`{{{}}}`). You have seen this used in the above example.
Differences Between Handlebars.js and Mustache
Handlebars.js adds a couple of additional features to make writing
templates easier and also changes a tiny detail of how partials work.
### Paths
Handlebars.js supports an extended expression syntax that we call paths.
Paths are made up of typical expressions and `.` characters. Expressions
allow you to not only display data from the current context, but to
display data from contexts that are descendants and ancestors of the
current context.
To display data from descendant contexts, use the `.` character. So, for
example, if your data were structured like:
var data = {"person": { "name": "Alan" }, "company": {"name": "Rad, Inc." } };
You could display the person's name from the top-level context with the
following expression:
You can backtrack using `../`. For example, if you've already traversed
into the person object you could still display the company's name with
an expression like `{{../}}`, so:
{{#with person}}{{name}} - {{../}}{{/with}}
would render:
Alan - Rad, Inc.
### Strings
When calling a helper, you can pass paths or Strings as parameters. For
Handlebars.registerHelper('link_to', function(title, options) {
return "<a href='/posts" + this.url + "'>" + title + "!</a>"
var context = { posts: [{url: "/hello-world", body: "Hello World!"}] };
var source = '<ul>{{#posts}}<li>{{{link_to "Post"}}}</li>{{/posts}}</ul>'
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
// Would render:
// <ul>
// <li><a href='/posts/hello-world'>Post!</a></li>
// </ul>
When you pass a String as a parameter to a helper, the literal String
gets passed to the helper function.
### Block Helpers
Handlebars.js also adds the ability to define block helpers. Block
helpers are functions that can be called from anywhere in the template.
Here's an example:
var source = "<ul>{{#people}}<li>{{#link}}{{name}}{{/link}}</li>{{/people}}</ul>";
Handlebars.registerHelper('link', function(options) {
return '<a href="/people/' + + '">' + options.fn(this) + '</a>';
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var data = { "people": [
{ "name": "Alan", "id": 1 },
{ "name": "Yehuda", "id": 2 }
// Should render:
// <ul>
// <li><a href="/people/1">Alan</a></li>
// <li><a href="/people/2">Yehuda</a></li>
// </ul>
Whenever the block helper is called it is given one or more parameters,
any arguments that are passed into the helper in the call, and an `options`
object containing the `fn` function which executes the block's child.
The block's current context may be accessed through `this`.
Block helpers have the same syntax as mustache sections but should not be
confused with one another. Sections are akin to an implicit `each` or
`with` statement depending on the input data and helpers are explicit
pieces of code that are free to implement whatever behavior they like.
The [mustache spec](
defines the exact behavior of sections. In the case of name conflicts,
helpers are given priority.
### Partials
You can register additional templates as partials, which will be used by
Handlebars when it encounters a partial (`{{> partialName}}`). Partials
can either be String templates or compiled template functions. Here's an
var source = "<ul>{{#people}}<li>{{> link}}</li>{{/people}}</ul>";
Handlebars.registerPartial('link', '<a href="/people/{{id}}">{{name}}</a>')
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var data = { "people": [
{ "name": "Alan", "id": 1 },
{ "name": "Yehuda", "id": 2 }
// Should render:
// <ul>
// <li><a href="/people/1">Alan</a></li>
// <li><a href="/people/2">Yehuda</a></li>
// </ul>
Partials can also accept parameters
var source = "<div>{{> roster rosterProperties people=listOfPeople}}</div>";
Handlebars.registerPartial('roster', '<h2>{{rosterName}}</h2>{{#people}}<span>{{id}}: {{name}}</span>{{/people}}')
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var data = {
"listOfPeople": [
{ "name": "Alan", "id": 1 },
{ "name": "Yehuda", "id": 2 }
"rosterProperties": {
"rosterName": "Cool People"
// Should render:
// <div>
// <h2>Cool People</h2>
// <span>1: Alan</span>
// <span>2: Yehuda</span>
// </div>
### Comments
You can add comments to your templates with the following syntax:
{{! This is a comment }}
You can also use real html comments if you want them to end up in the output.
{{! This comment will not end up in the output }}
<!-- This comment will show up in the output -->
### Compatibility
There are a few Mustache behaviors that Handlebars does not implement.
- Handlebars deviates from Mustache slightly in that it does not perform recursive lookup by default. The compile time `compat` flag must be set to enable this functionality. Users should note that there is a performance cost for enabling this flag. The exact cost varies by template, but it's recommended that performance sensitive operations should avoid this mode and instead opt for explicit path references.
- The optional Mustache-style lambdas are not supported. Instead Handlebars provides it's own lambda resolution that follows the behaviors of helpers.
- Alternative delimeters are not supported.
Precompiling Templates
Handlebars allows templates to be precompiled and included as javascript
code rather than the handlebars template allowing for faster startup time.
### Installation
The precompiler script may be installed via npm using the `npm install -g handlebars`
### Usage
Precompile handlebar templates.
Usage: handlebars template...
-a, --amd Create an AMD format function (allows loading with RequireJS) [boolean]
-f, --output Output File [string]
-k, --known Known helpers [string]
-o, --knownOnly Known helpers only [boolean]
-m, --min Minimize output [boolean]
-s, --simple Output template function only. [boolean]
-r, --root Template root. Base value that will be stripped from template names. [string]
-c, --commonjs Exports CommonJS style, path to Handlebars module [string]
-h, --handlebarPath Path to handlebar.js (only valid for amd-style) [string]
-n, --namespace Template namespace [string]
-p, --partial Compiling a partial template [boolean]
-d, --data Include data when compiling [boolean]
-e, --extension Template extension. [string]
-b, --bom Removes the BOM (Byte Order Mark) from the beginning of the templates. [boolean]
If using the precompiler's normal mode, the resulting templates will be
stored to the `Handlebars.templates` object using the relative template
name sans the extension. These templates may be executed in the same
manner as templates.
If using the simple mode the precompiler will generate a single
javascript method. To execute this method it must be passed to
the `Handlebars.template` method and the resulting object may be used as normal.
### Optimizations
- Rather than using the full _handlebars.js_ library, implementations that
do not need to compile templates at runtime may include _handlebars.runtime.js_
whose min+gzip size is approximately 1k.
- If a helper is known to exist in the target environment they may be defined
using the `--known name` argument may be used to optimize accesses to these
helpers for size and speed.
- When all helpers are known in advance the `--knownOnly` argument may be used
to optimize all block helper references.
- Implementations that do not use `@data` variables can improve performance of
iteration centric templates by specifying `{data: false}` in the compiler options.
Supported Environments
Handlebars has been designed to work in any ECMAScript 3 environment. This includes
- Node.js
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari 5+
- Opera 11+
- IE 6+
Older versions and other runtimes are likely to work but have not been formally
tested. The compiler requires `JSON.stringify` to be implemented natively or via a polyfill. If using the precompiler this is not necessary.
[![Selenium Test Status](](
In a rough performance test, precompiled Handlebars.js templates (in
the original version of Handlebars.js) rendered in about half the
time of Mustache templates. It would be a shame if it were any other
way, since they were precompiled, but the difference in architecture
does have some big performance advantages. Justin Marney, a.k.a.
[gotascii](, confirmed that with an
[independent test]( The
rewritten Handlebars (current version) is faster than the old version,
with many [performance tests]( being 5 to 7 times faster than the Mustache equivalent.
See []( for upgrade notes.
Known Issues
See []( for known issues and common pitfalls.
Handlebars in the Wild
* [Assemble](, by [@jonschlinkert](
and [@doowb](, is a static site generator that uses Handlebars.js
as its template engine.
* [CoSchedule]( An editorial calendar for WordPress that uses Handlebars.js
* [dashbars]( A modern helper library for Handlebars.js.
* [Ember.js]( makes Handlebars.js the primary way to
structure your views, also with automatic data binding support.
* [Ghost]( Just a blogging platform.
* [handlebars_assets]( A Rails Asset Pipeline gem
from Les Hill (@leshill).
* [handlebars-helpers]( is an extensive library
with 100+ handlebars helpers.
* [handlebars-layouts]( is a set of helpers which implement extendible and embeddable layout blocks as seen in other popular templating languages.
* [hbs]( An Express.js view engine adapter for Handlebars.js,
from Don Park.
* [koa-hbs]( [koa]( generator based
renderer for Handlebars.js.
* [jblotus]( created [](
for anyone who would like to try out Handlebars.js in their browser.
* [jQuery plugin]( allows you to use
Handlebars.js with [jQuery](
* [Lumbar]( provides easy module-based template management for
handlebars projects.
* [sammy.js]( by Aaron Quint, a.k.a. quirkey,
supports Handlebars.js as one of its template plugins.
* [SproutCore]( uses Handlebars.js as its main
templating engine, extending it with automatic data binding support.
* [YUI]( implements a port of handlebars
* [Swag]( by [@elving]( is a growing collection of helpers for handlebars.js. Give your handlebars.js templates some swag son!
* [DOMBars]( is a DOM-based templating engine built on the Handlebars parser and runtime
External Resources
* [Gist about Synchronous and asynchronous loading of external handlebars templates](
Have a project using Handlebars? Send us a [pull request][pull-request]!
Handlebars.js is released under the MIT license.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
var _ = require('underscore'),
async = require('async'),
fs = require('fs'),
zlib = require('zlib');
module.exports = function(grunt, callback) {
var distFiles = fs.readdirSync('dist'),
distSizes = {};
async.each(distFiles, function(file, callback) {
var content;
try {
content = fs.readFileSync('dist/' + file);
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 'EISDIR') {
} else {
throw err;
file = file.replace(/\.js/, '').replace(/\./g, '_');
distSizes[file] = content.length;
zlib.gzip(content, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
throw err;
distSizes[file + '_gz'] = data.length;
function() {
grunt.log.writeln('Distribution sizes: ' + JSON.stringify(distSizes, undefined, 2));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
var fs = require('fs');
var metrics = fs.readdirSync(__dirname);
metrics.forEach(function(metric) {
if (metric === 'index.js' || !/(.*)\.js$/.test(metric)) {
var name = RegExp.$1;
metric = require('./' + name);
if (metric instanceof Function) {
module.exports[name] = metric;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
var _ = require('underscore'),
templates = require('./templates');
module.exports = function(grunt, callback) {
// Deferring to here in case we have a build for parser, etc as part of this grunt exec
var Handlebars = require('../lib');
var templateSizes = {};
_.each(templates, function(info, template) {
var src = info.handlebars,
compiled = Handlebars.precompile(src, {}),
knownHelpers = Handlebars.precompile(src, {knownHelpersOnly: true, knownHelpers: info.helpers});
templateSizes[template] = compiled.length;
templateSizes['knownOnly_' + template] = knownHelpers.length;
grunt.log.writeln('Precompiled sizes: ' + JSON.stringify(templateSizes, undefined, 2));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module.exports = {
helpers: {
foo: function(options) {
return '';
context: {
bar: true
handlebars: '{{foo person "person" 1 true foo=bar foo="person" foo=1 foo=true}}'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module.exports = {
context: { names: [{name: "Moe"}, {name: "Larry"}, {name: "Curly"}, {name: "Shemp"}] },
handlebars: "{{#each names}}{{name}}{{/each}}",
dust: "{#names}{name}{/names}",
mustache: "{{#names}}{{name}}{{/names}}",
eco: "<% for item in @names: %><%= %><% end %>"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
module.exports = {
context: { names: [{name: "Moe"}, {name: "Larry"}, {name: "Curly"}, {name: "Shemp"}] },
handlebars: "{{#names}}{{name}}{{/names}}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<li><a href="{url}">{name}</a></li>
<p>The list is empty.</p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<h1><%= @header() %></h1>
<% if @items.length: %>
<% for item in @items: %>
<% if item.current: %>
<li><strong><%= %></strong></li>
<% else: %>
<li><a href="<%= item.url %>"><%= %></a></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% else: %>
<p>The list is empty.</p>
<% end %>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
{{#if items}}
{{#each items}}
{{#if current}}
<li><a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a></li>
<p>The list is empty.</p>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
var fs = require('fs');
module.exports = {
context: {
header: function() {
return "Colors";
hasItems: true, // To make things fairer in mustache land due to no `{{if}}` construct on arrays
items: [
{name: "red", current: true, url: "#Red"},
{name: "green", current: false, url: "#Green"},
{name: "blue", current: false, url: "#Blue"}
handlebars: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/complex.handlebars').toString(),
dust: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/complex.dust').toString(),
eco: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/').toString(),
mustache: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/complex.mustache').toString()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<li><a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a></li>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
module.exports = {
context: { names: [{name: "Moe"}, {name: "Larry"}, {name: "Curly"}, {name: "Shemp"}] },
handlebars: "{{#each names}}{{@index}}{{name}}{{/each}}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module.exports = {
context: { names: [{name: "Moe"}, {name: "Larry"}, {name: "Curly"}, {name: "Shemp"}], foo: 'bar' },
handlebars: "{{#each names}}{{../foo}}{{/each}}",
mustache: "{{#names}}{{foo}}{{/names}}",
eco: "<% for item in @names: %><%= @foo %><% end %>"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module.exports = {
context: { names: [{bat: 'foo', name: ["Moe"]}, {bat: 'foo', name: ["Larry"]}, {bat: 'foo', name: ["Curly"]}, {bat: 'foo', name: ["Shemp"]}], foo: 'bar' },
handlebars: "{{#each names}}{{#each name}}{{../bat}}{{../../foo}}{{/each}}{{/each}}",
mustache: "{{#names}}{{#name}}{{bat}}{{foo}}{{/name}}{{/names}}",
eco: "<% for item in @names: %><% for child in %><%= item.bat %><%= @foo %><% end %><% end %>"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
var fs = require('fs');
var templates = fs.readdirSync(__dirname);
templates.forEach(function(template) {
if (template === 'index.js' || !/(.*)\.js$/.test(template)) {
module.exports[RegExp.$1] = require('./' + RegExp.$1);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
module.exports = {
context: { person: { name: "Larry", age: 45 } },
handlebars: "{{#person}}{{name}}{{age}}{{/person}}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module.exports = {
context: { person: { name: "Larry", age: 45 } },
handlebars: "{{#with person}}{{name}}{{age}}{{/with}}",
dust: "{#person}{name}{age}{/person}",
eco: "<%= %><%= @person.age %>",
mustache: "{{#person}}{{name}}{{age}}{{/person}}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
module.exports = {
context: { name: '1', kids: [{ name: '1.1', kids: [{name: '1.1.1', kids: []}] }] },
partials: {
mustache: { recursion: "{{name}}{{#kids}}{{>recursion}}{{/kids}}" },
handlebars: { recursion: "{{name}}{{#each kids}}{{>recursion}}{{/each}}" }
handlebars: "{{name}}{{#each kids}}{{>recursion}}{{/each}}",
dust: "{name}{#kids}{>recursion:./}{/kids}",
mustache: "{{name}}{{#kids}}{{>recursion}}{{/kids}}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module.exports = {
context: { peeps: [{name: "Moe", count: 15}, {name: "Larry", count: 5}, {name: "Curly", count: 1}] },
partials: {
mustache: { variables: "Hello {{name}}! You have {{count}} new messages." },
handlebars: { variables: "Hello {{name}}! You have {{count}} new messages." }
handlebars: "{{#each peeps}}{{>variables}}{{/each}}",
dust: "{#peeps}{>variables/}{/peeps}",
mustache: "{{#peeps}}{{>variables}}{{/peeps}}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module.exports = {
context: { person: { name: {bar: {baz: "Larry"}}, age: 45 } },
handlebars: "{{}}{{person.age}}{{}}{{animal.age}}",
dust: "{}{person.age}{}{animal.age}",
eco: "<%= %><%= @person.age %><%= %><% if @animal: %><%= @animal.age %><% end %>",
mustache: "{{}}{{person.age}}{{}}{{animal.age}}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
module.exports = {
context: {},
handlebars: "Hello world",
dust: "Hello world",
mustache: "Hello world",
eco: "Hello world"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module.exports = {
helpers: {
echo: function(value) {
return 'foo ' + value;
header: function() {
return "Colors";
handlebars: "{{echo (header)}}",
eco: "<%= @echo(@header()) %>"
module.exports.context = module.exports.helpers;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
module.exports = {
context: {name: "Mick", count: 30},
handlebars: "Hello {{name}}! You have {{count}} new messages.",
dust: "Hello {name}! You have {count} new messages.",
mustache: "Hello {{name}}! You have {{count}} new messages.",
eco: "Hello <%= @name %>! You have <%= @count %> new messages."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
var _ = require('underscore'),
runner = require('./util/template-runner'),
templates = require('./templates'),
eco, dust, Handlebars, Mustache, eco;
try {
dust = require("dustjs-linkedin");
} catch (err) { /* NOP */ }
try {
Mustache = require("mustache");
} catch (err) { /* NOP */ }
try {
eco = require("eco");
} catch (err) { /* NOP */ }
function error() {
throw new Error("EWOT");
function makeSuite(bench, name, template, handlebarsOnly) {
// Create aliases to minimize any impact from having to walk up the closure tree.
var templateName = name,
context = template.context,
partials = template.partials,
var handlebar = Handlebars.compile(template.handlebars, {data: false}),
compat = Handlebars.compile(template.handlebars, {data: false, compat: true}),
options = {helpers: template.helpers};
_.each(template.partials && template.partials.handlebars, function(partial, name) {
Handlebars.registerPartial(name, Handlebars.compile(partial, {data: false}));
handlebarsOut = handlebar(context, options);
bench("handlebars", function() {
handlebar(context, options);
compatOut = compat(context, options);
bench("compat", function() {
compat(context, options);
if (handlebarsOnly) {
if (dust) {
if (template.dust) {
dustOut = false;
dust.loadSource(dust.compile(template.dust, templateName));
dust.render(templateName, context, function(err, out) { dustOut = out; });
bench("dust", function() {
dust.render(templateName, context, function(err, out) { });
} else {
bench('dust', error);
if (eco) {
if ( {
var ecoTemplate = eco.compile(;
ecoOut = ecoTemplate(context);
bench("eco", function() {
} else {
bench("eco", error);
if (Mustache) {
var mustacheSource = template.mustache,
mustachePartials = partials && partials.mustache;
if (mustacheSource) {
mustacheOut = Mustache.to_html(mustacheSource, context, mustachePartials);
bench("mustache", function() {
Mustache.to_html(mustacheSource, context, mustachePartials);
} else {
bench("mustache", error);
// Hack around whitespace until we have whitespace control
handlebarsOut = handlebarsOut.replace(/\s/g, '');
function compare(b, lang) {
if (b == null) {
b = b.replace(/\s/g, '');
if (handlebarsOut !== b) {
throw new Error('Template output mismatch: ' + name
+ '\n\nHandlebars: ' + handlebarsOut
+ '\n\n' + lang + ': ' + b);
compare(compatOut, 'compat');
compare(dustOut, 'dust');
compare(ecoOut, 'eco');
compare(mustacheOut, 'mustache');
module.exports = function(grunt, callback) {
// Deferring load incase we are being run inline with the grunt build
Handlebars = require('../lib');
console.log('Execution Throughput');
runner(grunt, makeSuite, function(times, scaled) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
var _ = require('underscore'),
Benchmark = require("benchmark");
var BenchWarmer = function(names) {
this.benchmarks = [];
this.currentBenches = [];
this.names = [];
this.times = {};
this.minimum = Infinity;
this.maximum = -Infinity;
this.errors = {};
var print = require("sys").print;
BenchWarmer.prototype = {
winners: function(benches) {
return Benchmark.filter(benches, 'fastest');
suite: function(suite, fn) {
this.suiteName = suite;
this.times[suite] = {};
this.first = true;
var self = this;
fn(function(name, benchFn) {
self.push(name, benchFn);
push: function(name, fn) {
if(this.names.indexOf(name) == -1) {
var first = this.first, suiteName = this.suiteName, self = this;
this.first = false;
var bench = new Benchmark(fn, {
name: this.suiteName + ": " + name,
onComplete: function() {
if(first) { self.startLine(suiteName); }
}, onError: function() {
self.errors[] = this;
bench.suiteName = this.suiteName;
bench.benchName = name;
bench: function(callback) {
var self = this;
this.printHeader('ops/msec', true);
Benchmark.invoke(this.benchmarks, {
name: "run",
onComplete: function() {
_.each(self.scaled, function(value, name) {
_.each(self.names, function(lang) {
self.writeValue(value[lang] || '');
var errors = false, prop, bench;
for(prop in self.errors) {
if (self.errors.hasOwnProperty(prop)
&& self.errors[prop].error.message !== 'EWOT') {
errors = true;
if(errors) {
for(prop in self.errors) {
if (self.errors.hasOwnProperty(prop)
&& self.errors[prop].error.message !== 'EWOT') {
bench = self.errors[prop];
print("\n" + + ":\n");
if(bench.error.stack) {
scaleTimes: function() {
var scaled = this.scaled = {};
_.each(this.times, function(times, name) {
var output = scaled[name] = {};
_.each(times, function(time, lang) {
output[lang] = ((time - this.minimum) / (this.maximum - this.minimum) * 100).toFixed(2);
}, this);
}, this);
printHeader: function(title, winners) {
var benchSize = 0, names = this.names, i, l;
for(i=0, l=names.length; i<l; i++) {
var name = names[i];
if(benchSize < name.length) { benchSize = name.length; }
this.nameSize = benchSize + 2;
this.benchSize = 20;
var horSize = 0;
horSize = horSize + this.benchSize;
for(i=0, l=names.length; i<l; i++) {
horSize = horSize + this.benchSize;
if (winners) {
horSize = horSize + "WINNER(S)".length;
print("\n" + new Array(horSize + 1).join("-"));
startLine: function(name) {
var winners =, function(bench) {
return": ")[1];
this.currentBenches = [];
print(winners.join(", "));
if (name) {
writeBench: function(bench) {
var out;
if(!bench.error) {
var count = bench.hz,
moe = count * bench.stats.rme / 100,
count = Math.round(count / 1000);
moe = Math.round(moe / 1000);
minimum = count - moe;
maximum = count + moe;
out = count + " ±" + moe + " (" + bench.cycles + ")";
this.times[bench.suiteName][bench.benchName] = count;
this.minimum = Math.min(this.minimum, minimum);
this.maximum = Math.max(this.maximum, maximum);
} else {
if (bench.error.message === 'EWOT') {
out = 'NA';
} else {
out = 'E';
writeValue: function(out) {
var padding = this.benchSize - out.length + 1;
out = out + new Array(padding).join(" ");
module.exports = BenchWarmer;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
var _ = require('underscore'),
BenchWarmer = require('./benchwarmer'),
templates = require('../templates');
module.exports = function(grunt, makeSuite, callback) {
var warmer = new BenchWarmer();
var handlebarsOnly = grunt.option('handlebars-only'),
grep = grunt.option('grep');
if (grep) {
grep = new RegExp(grep);
_.each(templates, function(template, name) {
if (!template.handlebars || (grep && !grep.test(name))) {
warmer.suite(name, function(bench) {
makeSuite(bench, name, template, handlebarsOnly);
warmer.bench(function() {
callback && callback(warmer.times, warmer.scaled);

lib/handlebars/bin/handlebars Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
var optimist = require('optimist')
.usage('Precompile handlebar templates.\nUsage: $0 [template|directory]...', {
'f': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Output File',
'alias': 'output'
'map': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Source Map File'
'a': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Exports amd style (require.js)',
'alias': 'amd'
'c': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Exports CommonJS style, path to Handlebars module',
'alias': 'commonjs',
'default': null
'h': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Path to handlebar.js (only valid for amd-style)',
'alias': 'handlebarPath',
'default': ''
'k': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Known helpers',
'alias': 'known'
'o': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Known helpers only',
'alias': 'knownOnly'
'm': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Minimize output',
'alias': 'min'
'n': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Template namespace',
'alias': 'namespace',
'default': 'Handlebars.templates'
's': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Output template function only.',
'alias': 'simple'
'r': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Template root. Base value that will be stripped from template names.',
'alias': 'root'
'p' : {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Compiling a partial template',
'alias': 'partial'
'd' : {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Include data when compiling',
'alias': 'data'
'e': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Template extension.',
'alias': 'extension',
'default': 'handlebars'
'b': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Removes the BOM (Byte Order Mark) from the beginning of the templates.',
'alias': 'bom'
'v': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Prints the current compiler version',
'alias': 'version'
'help': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Outputs this message'
.check(function(argv) {
if (argv.version) {
var argv = optimist.argv;
argv.templates = argv._;
delete argv._;
if ( || (!argv.templates.length && !argv.version)) {
return require('../dist/cjs/precompiler').cli(argv);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"name": "handlebars",
"version": "3.0.3",
"main": "handlebars.js",
"dependencies": {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"name": "handlebars",
"repo": "components/handlebars.js",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "handlebars.js",
"scripts": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"name": "components/handlebars.js",
"description": "Handlebars.js and Mustache are both logicless templating languages that keep the view and the code separated like we all know they should be.",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"type": "component",
"keywords": [
"authors": [
"name": "Chris Wanstrath",
"homepage": ""
"require": {
"robloach/component-installer": "*"
"extra": {
"component": {
"name": "handlebars",
"scripts": [
"files": [
"shim": {
"exports": "Handlebars"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require 'json'
package = JSON.parse('bower.json')) do |gem| = "handlebars-source"
gem.authors = ["Yehuda Katz"] = [""] ="%Y-%m-%d")
gem.description = %q{Handlebars.js source code wrapper for (pre)compilation gems.}
gem.summary = %q{Handlebars.js source code wrapper}
gem.homepage = ""
gem.version = package["version"].sub "-", "."
gem.license = "MIT"
gem.files = [

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<authors>handlebars.js Authors</authors>
<description>Extension of the Mustache logicless template language</description>
<tags>handlebars mustache template html</tags>
<file src="handlebars.js" target="Content\Scripts" />

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module Handlebars
module Source
def self.bundled_path
File.expand_path("../../../handlebars.js", __FILE__)
def self.runtime_bundled_path
File.expand_path("../../../handlebars.runtime.js", __FILE__)

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@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
# Handlebars Compiler APIs
There are a number of formal APIs that tool implementors may interact with.
## AST
Other tools may interact with the formal AST as defined below. Any JSON structure matching this pattern may be used and passed into the `compile` and `precompile` methods in the same way as the text for a template.
AST structures may be generated either with the `Handlebars.parse` method and then manipulated, via the `Handlebars.AST` objects of the same name, or constructed manually as a generic JavaScript object matching the structure defined below.
var ast = Handlebars.parse(myTemplate);
// Modify ast
### Basic
interface Node {
type: string;
loc: SourceLocation | null;
interface SourceLocation {
source: string | null;
start: Position;
end: Position;
interface Position {
line: uint >= 1;
column: uint >= 0;
### Programs
interface Program <: Node {
type: "Program";
body: [ Statement ];
blockParams: [ string ];
### Statements
interface Statement <: Node { }
interface MustacheStatement <: Statement {
type: "MustacheStatement";
path: PathExpression | Literal;
params: [ Expression ];
hash: Hash;
escaped: boolean;
strip: StripFlags | null;
interface BlockStatement <: Statement {
type: "BlockStatement";
path: PathExpression;
params: [ Expression ];
hash: Hash;
program: Program | null;
inverse: Program | null;
openStrip: StripFlags | null;
inverseStrip: StripFlags | null;
closeStrip: StripFlags | null;
interface PartialStatement <: Statement {
type: "PartialStatement";
name: PathExpression | SubExpression;
params: [ Expression ];
hash: Hash;
indent: string;
strip: StripFlags | null;
`name` will be a `SubExpression` when tied to a dynamic partial, i.e. `{{> (foo) }}`, otherwise this is a path or literal whose `original` value is used to lookup the desired partial.
interface ContentStatement <: Statement {
type: "ContentStatement";
value: string;
original: string;
interface CommentStatement <: Statement {
type: "CommentStatement";
value: string;
strip: StripFlags | null;
### Expressions
interface Expression <: Node { }
##### SubExpressions
interface SubExpression <: Expression {
type: "SubExpression";
path: PathExpression;
params: [ Expression ];
hash: Hash;
##### Paths
interface PathExpression <: Expression {
type: "PathExpression";
data: boolean;
depth: uint >= 0;
parts: [ string ];
original: string;
- `data` is true when the given expression is a `@data` reference.
- `depth` is an integer representation of which context the expression references. `0` represents the current context, `1` would be `../`, etc.
- `parts` is an array of the names in the path. `` would be `['foo', 'bar']`. Scope references, `.`, `..`, and `this` should be omitted from this array.
- `original` is the path as entered by the user. Separator and scope references are left untouched.
##### Literals
interface Literal <: Expression { }
interface StringLiteral <: Literal {
type: "StringLiteral";
value: string;
original: string;
interface BooleanLiteral <: Literal {
type: "BooleanLiteral";
value: boolean;
original: boolean;
interface NumberLiteral <: Literal {
type: "NumberLiteral";
value: number;
original: number;
interface UndefinedLiteral <: Literal {
type: "UndefinedLiteral";
interface NullLiteral <: Literal {
type: "NullLiteral";
### Miscellaneous
interface Hash <: Node {
type: "Hash";
pairs: [ HashPair ];
interface HashPair <: Node {
type: "HashPair";
key: string;
value: Expression;
interface StripFlags {
open: boolean;
close: boolean;
`StripFlags` are used to signify whitespace control character that may have been entered on a given statement.
## AST Visitor
`Handlebars.Visitor` is available as a base class for general interaction with AST structures. This will by default traverse the entire tree and individual methods may be overridden to provide specific responses to particular nodes.
Recording all referenced partial names:
var Visitor = Handlebars.Visitor;
function ImportScanner() {
this.partials = [];
ImportScanner.prototype = new Visitor();
ImportScanner.prototype.PartialStatement = function(partial) {
this.partials.push({request:});, partial);
var scanner = new ImportScanner();
The current node's ancestors will be maintained in the `parents` array, with the most recent parent listed first.
The visitor may also be configured to operate in mutation mode by setting the `mutation` field to true. When in this mode, handler methods may return any valid AST node and it will replace the one they are currently operating on. Returning `false` will remove the given value (if valid) and returning `undefined` will leave the node in tact. This return structure only apply to mutation mode and non-mutation mode visitors are free to return whatever values they wish.
Implementors that may need to support mutation mode are encouraged to utilize the `acceptKey`, `acceptRequired` and `acceptArray` helpers which provide the conditional overwrite behavior as well as implement sanity checks where pertinent.
## JavaScript Compiler
The `Handlebars.JavaScriptCompiler` object has a number of methods that may be customized to alter the output of the compiler:
- `nameLookup(parent, name, type)`
Used to generate the code to resolve a give path component.
- `parent` is the existing code in the path resolution
- `name` is the current path component
- `type` is the type of name being evaluated. May be one of `context`, `data`, `helper`, or `partial`.
Note that this does not impact dynamic partials, which implementors need to be aware of. Overriding `VM.resolvePartial` may be required to support dynamic cases.
- `depthedLookup(name)`
Used to generate code that resolves parameters within any context in the stack. Is only used in `compat` mode.
- `compilerInfo()`
Allows for custom compiler flags used in the runtime version checking logic.
- `appendToBuffer(source, location, explicit)`
Allows for code buffer emitting code. Defaults behavior is string concatenation.
- `source` is the source code whose result is to be appending
- `location` is the location of the source in the source map.
- `explicit` is a flag signaling that the emit operation must occur, vs. the lazy evaled options otherwise.
- `initializeBuffer()`
Allows for buffers other than the default string buffer to be used. Generally needs to be paired with a custom `appendToBuffer` implementation.
function MyCompiler() {
Handlebars.JavaScriptCompiler.apply(this, arguments);
MyCompiler.prototype = Object.create(Handlebars.JavaScriptCompiler);
MyCompiler.nameLookup = function(parent, name, type) {
if (type === 'partial') {
return 'MyPartialList[' + JSON.stringify(name) ']';
} else {
return, parent, name, type);
var env = Handlebars.create();
env.JavaScriptCompiler = MyCompiler;
env.compile('my template');

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import runtime from './handlebars.runtime';
// Compiler imports
import AST from './handlebars/compiler/ast';
import { parser as Parser, parse } from './handlebars/compiler/base';
import { Compiler, compile, precompile } from './handlebars/compiler/compiler';
import JavaScriptCompiler from './handlebars/compiler/javascript-compiler';
import Visitor from './handlebars/compiler/visitor';
import noConflict from './handlebars/no-conflict';
let _create = runtime.create;
function create() {
let hb = _create();
hb.compile = function(input, options) {
return compile(input, options, hb);
hb.precompile = function(input, options) {
return precompile(input, options, hb);
hb.AST = AST;
hb.Compiler = Compiler;
hb.JavaScriptCompiler = JavaScriptCompiler;
hb.Parser = Parser;
hb.parse = parse;
return hb;
let inst = create();
inst.create = create;
inst.Visitor = Visitor;
inst['default'] = inst;
export default inst;

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import * as base from './handlebars/base';
// Each of these augment the Handlebars object. No need to setup here.
// (This is done to easily share code between commonjs and browse envs)
import SafeString from './handlebars/safe-string';
import Exception from './handlebars/exception';
import * as Utils from './handlebars/utils';
import * as runtime from './handlebars/runtime';
import noConflict from './handlebars/no-conflict';
// For compatibility and usage outside of module systems, make the Handlebars object a namespace
function create() {
let hb = new base.HandlebarsEnvironment();
Utils.extend(hb, base);
hb.SafeString = SafeString;
hb.Exception = Exception;
hb.Utils = Utils;
hb.escapeExpression = Utils.escapeExpression;
hb.VM = runtime;
hb.template = function(spec) {
return runtime.template(spec, hb);
return hb;
let inst = create();
inst.create = create;
inst['default'] = inst;
export default inst;

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@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
import * as Utils from './utils';
import Exception from './exception';
export const VERSION = '3.0.1';
export const COMPILER_REVISION = 6;
export const REVISION_CHANGES = {
1: '<= 1.0.rc.2', // 1.0.rc.2 is actually rev2 but doesn't report it
2: '== 1.0.0-rc.3',
3: '== 1.0.0-rc.4',
4: '== 1.x.x',
5: '== 2.0.0-alpha.x',
6: '>= 2.0.0-beta.1'
const isArray = Utils.isArray,
isFunction = Utils.isFunction,
toString = Utils.toString,
objectType = '[object Object]';
export function HandlebarsEnvironment(helpers, partials) {
this.helpers = helpers || {};
this.partials = partials || {};
HandlebarsEnvironment.prototype = {
constructor: HandlebarsEnvironment,
logger: logger,
log: log,
registerHelper: function(name, fn) {
if ( === objectType) {
if (fn) { throw new Exception('Arg not supported with multiple helpers'); }
Utils.extend(this.helpers, name);
} else {
this.helpers[name] = fn;
unregisterHelper: function(name) {
delete this.helpers[name];
registerPartial: function(name, partial) {
if ( === objectType) {
Utils.extend(this.partials, name);
} else {
if (typeof partial === 'undefined') {
throw new Exception('Attempting to register a partial as undefined');
this.partials[name] = partial;
unregisterPartial: function(name) {
delete this.partials[name];
function registerDefaultHelpers(instance) {
instance.registerHelper('helperMissing', function(/* [args, ]options */) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
// A missing field in a {{foo}} constuct.
return undefined;
} else {
// Someone is actually trying to call something, blow up.
throw new Exception('Missing helper: "' + arguments[arguments.length - 1].name + '"');
instance.registerHelper('blockHelperMissing', function(context, options) {
let inverse = options.inverse,
fn = options.fn;
if (context === true) {
return fn(this);
} else if (context === false || context == null) {
return inverse(this);
} else if (isArray(context)) {
if (context.length > 0) {
if (options.ids) {
options.ids = [];
return instance.helpers.each(context, options);
} else {
return inverse(this);
} else {
if ( && options.ids) {
let data = createFrame(;
data.contextPath = Utils.appendContextPath(,;
options = {data: data};
return fn(context, options);
instance.registerHelper('each', function(context, options) {
if (!options) {
throw new Exception('Must pass iterator to #each');
let fn = options.fn,
inverse = options.inverse,
i = 0,
ret = '',
if ( && options.ids) {
contextPath = Utils.appendContextPath(, options.ids[0]) + '.';
if (isFunction(context)) { context =; }
if ( {
data = createFrame(;
function execIteration(field, index, last) {
if (data) {
data.key = field;
data.index = index;
data.first = index === 0;
data.last = !!last;
if (contextPath) {
data.contextPath = contextPath + field;
ret = ret + fn(context[field], {
data: data,
blockParams: Utils.blockParams([context[field], field], [contextPath + field, null])
if (context && typeof context === 'object') {
if (isArray(context)) {
for (let j = context.length; i < j; i++) {
execIteration(i, i, i === context.length - 1);
} else {
let priorKey;
for (let key in context) {
if (context.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
// We're running the iterations one step out of sync so we can detect
// the last iteration without have to scan the object twice and create
// an itermediate keys array.
if (priorKey) {
execIteration(priorKey, i - 1);
priorKey = key;
if (priorKey) {
execIteration(priorKey, i - 1, true);
if (i === 0) {
ret = inverse(this);
return ret;
instance.registerHelper('if', function(conditional, options) {
if (isFunction(conditional)) { conditional =; }
// Default behavior is to render the positive path if the value is truthy and not empty.
// The `includeZero` option may be set to treat the condtional as purely not empty based on the
// behavior of isEmpty. Effectively this determines if 0 is handled by the positive path or negative.
if ((!options.hash.includeZero && !conditional) || Utils.isEmpty(conditional)) {
return options.inverse(this);
} else {
return options.fn(this);
instance.registerHelper('unless', function(conditional, options) {
return instance.helpers['if'].call(this, conditional, {fn: options.inverse, inverse: options.fn, hash: options.hash});
instance.registerHelper('with', function(context, options) {
if (isFunction(context)) { context =; }
let fn = options.fn;
if (!Utils.isEmpty(context)) {
if ( && options.ids) {
let data = createFrame(;
data.contextPath = Utils.appendContextPath(, options.ids[0]);
options = {data: data};
return fn(context, options);
} else {
return options.inverse(this);
instance.registerHelper('log', function(message, options) {
let level = && != null ? parseInt(, 10) : 1;
instance.log(level, message);
instance.registerHelper('lookup', function(obj, field) {
return obj && obj[field];
export let logger = {
methodMap: { 0: 'debug', 1: 'info', 2: 'warn', 3: 'error' },
// State enum
INFO: 1,
WARN: 2,
level: 1,
// Can be overridden in the host environment
log: function(level, message) {
if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && logger.level <= level) {
let method = logger.methodMap[level];
(console[method] || console.log).call(console, message); // eslint-disable-line no-console
export let log = logger.log;
export function createFrame(object) {
let frame = Utils.extend({}, object);
frame._parent = object;
return frame;

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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
let AST = {
Program: function(statements, blockParams, strip, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'Program';
this.body = statements;
this.blockParams = blockParams;
this.strip = strip;
MustacheStatement: function(path, params, hash, escaped, strip, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'MustacheStatement';
this.path = path;
this.params = params || [];
this.hash = hash;
this.escaped = escaped;
this.strip = strip;
BlockStatement: function(path, params, hash, program, inverse, openStrip, inverseStrip, closeStrip, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'BlockStatement';
this.path = path;
this.params = params || [];
this.hash = hash;
this.program = program;
this.inverse = inverse;
this.openStrip = openStrip;
this.inverseStrip = inverseStrip;
this.closeStrip = closeStrip;
PartialStatement: function(name, params, hash, strip, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'PartialStatement'; = name;
this.params = params || [];
this.hash = hash;
this.indent = '';
this.strip = strip;
ContentStatement: function(string, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'ContentStatement';
this.original = this.value = string;
CommentStatement: function(comment, strip, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'CommentStatement';
this.value = comment;
this.strip = strip;
SubExpression: function(path, params, hash, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'SubExpression';
this.path = path;
this.params = params || [];
this.hash = hash;
PathExpression: function(data, depth, parts, original, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'PathExpression'; = data;
this.original = original; = parts;
this.depth = depth;
StringLiteral: function(string, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'StringLiteral';
this.original =
this.value = string;
NumberLiteral: function(number, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'NumberLiteral';
this.original =
this.value = Number(number);
BooleanLiteral: function(bool, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'BooleanLiteral';
this.original =
this.value = bool === 'true';
UndefinedLiteral: function(locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'UndefinedLiteral';
this.original = this.value = undefined;
NullLiteral: function(locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'NullLiteral';
this.original = this.value = null;
Hash: function(pairs, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'Hash';
this.pairs = pairs;
HashPair: function(key, value, locInfo) {
this.loc = locInfo;
this.type = 'HashPair';
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
// Public API used to evaluate derived attributes regarding AST nodes
helpers: {
// a mustache is definitely a helper if:
// * it is an eligible helper, and
// * it has at least one parameter or hash segment
helperExpression: function(node) {
return !!(node.type === 'SubExpression' || node.params.length || node.hash);
scopedId: function(path) {
return (/^\.|this\b/).test(path.original);
// an ID is simple if it only has one part, and that part is not
// `..` or `this`.
simpleId: function(path) {
return === 1 && !AST.helpers.scopedId(path) && !path.depth;
// Must be exported as an object rather than the root of the module as the jison lexer
// must modify the object to operate properly.
export default AST;

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import parser from './parser';
import AST from './ast';
import WhitespaceControl from './whitespace-control';
import * as Helpers from './helpers';
import { extend } from '../utils';
export { parser };
let yy = {};
extend(yy, Helpers, AST);
export function parse(input, options) {
// Just return if an already-compiled AST was passed in.
if (input.type === 'Program') { return input; }
parser.yy = yy;
// Altering the shared object here, but this is ok as parser is a sync operation
yy.locInfo = function(locInfo) {
return new yy.SourceLocation(options && options.srcName, locInfo);
let strip = new WhitespaceControl();
return strip.accept(parser.parse(input));

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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
/*global define */
import {isArray} from '../utils';
let SourceNode;
try {
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (typeof define !== 'function' || !define.amd) {
// We don't support this in AMD environments. For these environments, we asusme that
// they are running on the browser and thus have no need for the source-map library.
let SourceMap = require('source-map');
SourceNode = SourceMap.SourceNode;
} catch (err) {
/* NOP */
/* istanbul ignore if: tested but not covered in istanbul due to dist build */
if (!SourceNode) {
SourceNode = function(line, column, srcFile, chunks) {
this.src = '';
if (chunks) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
SourceNode.prototype = {
add: function(chunks) {
if (isArray(chunks)) {
chunks = chunks.join('');
this.src += chunks;
prepend: function(chunks) {
if (isArray(chunks)) {
chunks = chunks.join('');
this.src = chunks + this.src;
toStringWithSourceMap: function() {
return {code: this.toString()};
toString: function() {
return this.src;
function castChunk(chunk, codeGen, loc) {
if (isArray(chunk)) {
let ret = [];
for (let i = 0, len = chunk.length; i < len; i++) {
ret.push(codeGen.wrap(chunk[i], loc));
return ret;
} else if (typeof chunk === 'boolean' || typeof chunk === 'number') {
// Handle primitives that the SourceNode will throw up on
return chunk + '';
return chunk;
function CodeGen(srcFile) {
this.srcFile = srcFile;
this.source = [];
CodeGen.prototype = {
prepend: function(source, loc) {
this.source.unshift(this.wrap(source, loc));
push: function(source, loc) {
this.source.push(this.wrap(source, loc));
merge: function() {
let source = this.empty();
this.each(function(line) {
source.add([' ', line, '\n']);
return source;
each: function(iter) {
for (let i = 0, len = this.source.length; i < len; i++) {
empty: function(loc = this.currentLocation || {start: {}}) {
return new SourceNode(loc.start.line, loc.start.column, this.srcFile);
wrap: function(chunk, loc = this.currentLocation || {start: {}}) {
if (chunk instanceof SourceNode) {
return chunk;
chunk = castChunk(chunk, this, loc);
return new SourceNode(loc.start.line, loc.start.column, this.srcFile, chunk);
functionCall: function(fn, type, params) {
params = this.generateList(params);
return this.wrap([fn, type ? '.' + type + '(' : '(', params, ')']);
quotedString: function(str) {
return '"' + (str + '')
.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
.replace(/"/g, '\\"')
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
.replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
.replace(/\u2028/g, '\\u2028') // Per Ecma-262 7.3 + 7.8.4
.replace(/\u2029/g, '\\u2029') + '"';
objectLiteral: function(obj) {
let pairs = [];
for (let key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
let value = castChunk(obj[key], this);
if (value !== 'undefined') {
pairs.push([this.quotedString(key), ':', value]);
let ret = this.generateList(pairs);
return ret;
generateList: function(entries, loc) {
let ret = this.empty(loc);
for (let i = 0, len = entries.length; i < len; i++) {
if (i) {
ret.add(castChunk(entries[i], this, loc));
return ret;
generateArray: function(entries, loc) {
let ret = this.generateList(entries, loc);
return ret;
export default CodeGen;

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@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
import Exception from '../exception';
import {isArray, indexOf} from '../utils';
import AST from './ast';
const slice = [].slice;
export function Compiler() {}
// the foundHelper register will disambiguate helper lookup from finding a
// function in a context. This is necessary for mustache compatibility, which
// requires that context functions in blocks are evaluated by blockHelperMissing,
// and then proceed as if the resulting value was provided to blockHelperMissing.
Compiler.prototype = {
compiler: Compiler,
equals: function(other) {
let len = this.opcodes.length;
if (other.opcodes.length !== len) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
let opcode = this.opcodes[i],
otherOpcode = other.opcodes[i];
if (opcode.opcode !== otherOpcode.opcode || !argEquals(opcode.args, otherOpcode.args)) {
return false;
// We know that length is the same between the two arrays because they are directly tied
// to the opcode behavior above.
len = this.children.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!this.children[i].equals(other.children[i])) {
return false;
return true;
guid: 0,
compile: function(program, options) {
this.sourceNode = [];
this.opcodes = [];
this.children = [];
this.options = options;
this.stringParams = options.stringParams;
this.trackIds = options.trackIds;
options.blockParams = options.blockParams || [];
// These changes will propagate to the other compiler components
let knownHelpers = options.knownHelpers;
options.knownHelpers = {
'helperMissing': true,
'blockHelperMissing': true,
'each': true,
'if': true,
'unless': true,
'with': true,
'log': true,
'lookup': true
if (knownHelpers) {
for (let name in knownHelpers) {
if (name in knownHelpers) {
options.knownHelpers[name] = knownHelpers[name];
return this.accept(program);
compileProgram: function(program) {
let childCompiler = new this.compiler(), // eslint-disable-line new-cap
result = childCompiler.compile(program, this.options),
guid = this.guid++;
this.usePartial = this.usePartial || result.usePartial;
this.children[guid] = result;
this.useDepths = this.useDepths || result.useDepths;
return guid;
accept: function(node) {
let ret = this[node.type](node);
return ret;
Program: function(program) {
let body = program.body,
bodyLength = body.length;
for (let i = 0; i < bodyLength; i++) {
this.isSimple = bodyLength === 1;
this.blockParams = program.blockParams ? program.blockParams.length : 0;
return this;
BlockStatement: function(block) {
let program = block.program,
inverse = block.inverse;
program = program && this.compileProgram(program);
inverse = inverse && this.compileProgram(inverse);
let type = this.classifySexpr(block);
if (type === 'helper') {
this.helperSexpr(block, program, inverse);
} else if (type === 'simple') {
// now that the simple mustache is resolved, we need to
// evaluate it by executing `blockHelperMissing`
this.opcode('pushProgram', program);
this.opcode('pushProgram', inverse);
this.opcode('blockValue', block.path.original);
} else {
this.ambiguousSexpr(block, program, inverse);
// now that the simple mustache is resolved, we need to
// evaluate it by executing `blockHelperMissing`
this.opcode('pushProgram', program);
this.opcode('pushProgram', inverse);
PartialStatement: function(partial) {
this.usePartial = true;
let params = partial.params;
if (params.length > 1) {
throw new Exception('Unsupported number of partial arguments: ' + params.length, partial);
} else if (!params.length) {
params.push({type: 'PathExpression', parts: [], depth: 0});
let partialName =,
isDynamic = === 'SubExpression';
if (isDynamic) {
this.setupFullMustacheParams(partial, undefined, undefined, true);
let indent = partial.indent || '';
if (this.options.preventIndent && indent) {
this.opcode('appendContent', indent);
indent = '';
this.opcode('invokePartial', isDynamic, partialName, indent);
MustacheStatement: function(mustache) {
this.SubExpression(mustache); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
if (mustache.escaped && !this.options.noEscape) {
} else {
ContentStatement: function(content) {
if (content.value) {
this.opcode('appendContent', content.value);
CommentStatement: function() {},
SubExpression: function(sexpr) {
let type = this.classifySexpr(sexpr);
if (type === 'simple') {
} else if (type === 'helper') {
} else {
ambiguousSexpr: function(sexpr, program, inverse) {
let path = sexpr.path,
name =[0],
isBlock = program != null || inverse != null;
this.opcode('getContext', path.depth);
this.opcode('pushProgram', program);
this.opcode('pushProgram', inverse);
this.opcode('invokeAmbiguous', name, isBlock);
simpleSexpr: function(sexpr) {
helperSexpr: function(sexpr, program, inverse) {
let params = this.setupFullMustacheParams(sexpr, program, inverse),
path = sexpr.path,
name =[0];
if (this.options.knownHelpers[name]) {
this.opcode('invokeKnownHelper', params.length, name);
} else if (this.options.knownHelpersOnly) {
throw new Exception('You specified knownHelpersOnly, but used the unknown helper ' + name, sexpr);
} else {
path.falsy = true;
this.opcode('invokeHelper', params.length, path.original, AST.helpers.simpleId(path));
PathExpression: function(path) {
this.opcode('getContext', path.depth);
let name =[0],
scoped = AST.helpers.scopedId(path),
blockParamId = !path.depth && !scoped && this.blockParamIndex(name);
if (blockParamId) {
this.opcode('lookupBlockParam', blockParamId,;
} else if (!name) {
// Context reference, i.e. `{{foo .}}` or `{{foo ..}}`
} else if ( { = true;
this.opcode('lookupData', path.depth,;
} else {
this.opcode('lookupOnContext',, path.falsy, scoped);
StringLiteral: function(string) {
this.opcode('pushString', string.value);
NumberLiteral: function(number) {
this.opcode('pushLiteral', number.value);
BooleanLiteral: function(bool) {
this.opcode('pushLiteral', bool.value);
UndefinedLiteral: function() {
this.opcode('pushLiteral', 'undefined');
NullLiteral: function() {
this.opcode('pushLiteral', 'null');
Hash: function(hash) {
let pairs = hash.pairs,
i = 0,
l = pairs.length;
for (; i < l; i++) {
while (i--) {
this.opcode('assignToHash', pairs[i].key);
opcode: function(name) {
this.opcodes.push({ opcode: name, args:, 1), loc: this.sourceNode[0].loc });
addDepth: function(depth) {
if (!depth) {
this.useDepths = true;
classifySexpr: function(sexpr) {
let isSimple = AST.helpers.simpleId(sexpr.path);
let isBlockParam = isSimple && !!this.blockParamIndex([0]);
// a mustache is an eligible helper if:
// * its id is simple (a single part, not `this` or `..`)
let isHelper = !isBlockParam && AST.helpers.helperExpression(sexpr);
// if a mustache is an eligible helper but not a definite
// helper, it is ambiguous, and will be resolved in a later
// pass or at runtime.
let isEligible = !isBlockParam && (isHelper || isSimple);
// if ambiguous, we can possibly resolve the ambiguity now
// An eligible helper is one that does not have a complex path, i.e. ``, `../foo` etc.
if (isEligible && !isHelper) {
let name =[0],
options = this.options;
if (options.knownHelpers[name]) {
isHelper = true;
} else if (options.knownHelpersOnly) {
isEligible = false;
if (isHelper) {
return 'helper';
} else if (isEligible) {
return 'ambiguous';
} else {
return 'simple';
pushParams: function(params) {
for (let i = 0, l = params.length; i < l; i++) {
pushParam: function(val) {
let value = val.value != null ? val.value : val.original || '';
if (this.stringParams) {
if (value.replace) {
value = value
.replace(/^(\.?\.\/)*/g, '')
.replace(/\//g, '.');
if (val.depth) {
this.opcode('getContext', val.depth || 0);
this.opcode('pushStringParam', value, val.type);
if (val.type === 'SubExpression') {
// SubExpressions get evaluated and passed in
// in string params mode.
} else {
if (this.trackIds) {
let blockParamIndex;
if ( && !AST.helpers.scopedId(val) && !val.depth) {
blockParamIndex = this.blockParamIndex([0]);
if (blockParamIndex) {
let blockParamChild ='.');
this.opcode('pushId', 'BlockParam', blockParamIndex, blockParamChild);
} else {
value = val.original || value;
if (value.replace) {
value = value
.replace(/^\.\//g, '')
.replace(/^\.$/g, '');
this.opcode('pushId', val.type, value);
setupFullMustacheParams: function(sexpr, program, inverse, omitEmpty) {
let params = sexpr.params;
this.opcode('pushProgram', program);
this.opcode('pushProgram', inverse);
if (sexpr.hash) {
} else {
this.opcode('emptyHash', omitEmpty);
return params;
blockParamIndex: function(name) {
for (let depth = 0, len = this.options.blockParams.length; depth < len; depth++) {
let blockParams = this.options.blockParams[depth],
param = blockParams && indexOf(blockParams, name);
if (blockParams && param >= 0) {
return [depth, param];
export function precompile(input, options, env) {
if (input == null || (typeof input !== 'string' && input.type !== 'Program')) {
throw new Exception('You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.precompile. You passed ' + input);
options = options || {};
if (!('data' in options)) { = true;
if (options.compat) {
options.useDepths = true;
let ast = env.parse(input, options),
environment = new env.Compiler().compile(ast, options);
return new env.JavaScriptCompiler().compile(environment, options);
export function compile(input, options = {}, env) {
if (input == null || (typeof input !== 'string' && input.type !== 'Program')) {
throw new Exception('You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.compile. You passed ' + input);
if (!('data' in options)) { = true;
if (options.compat) {
options.useDepths = true;
let compiled;
function compileInput() {
let ast = env.parse(input, options),
environment = new env.Compiler().compile(ast, options),
templateSpec = new env.JavaScriptCompiler().compile(environment, options, undefined, true);
return env.template(templateSpec);
// Template is only compiled on first use and cached after that point.
function ret(context, execOptions) {
if (!compiled) {
compiled = compileInput();
return, context, execOptions);
ret._setup = function(setupOptions) {
if (!compiled) {
compiled = compileInput();
return compiled._setup(setupOptions);
ret._child = function(i, data, blockParams, depths) {
if (!compiled) {
compiled = compileInput();
return compiled._child(i, data, blockParams, depths);
return ret;
function argEquals(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return true;
if (isArray(a) && isArray(b) && a.length === b.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!argEquals(a[i], b[i])) {
return false;
return true;
function transformLiteralToPath(sexpr) {
if (! {
let literal = sexpr.path;
// Casting to string here to make false and 0 literal values play nicely with the rest
// of the system.
sexpr.path = new AST.PathExpression(false, 0, [literal.original + ''], literal.original + '', literal.loc);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
import Exception from '../exception';
export function SourceLocation(source, locInfo) {
this.source = source;
this.start = {
line: locInfo.first_line,
column: locInfo.first_column
this.end = {
line: locInfo.last_line,
column: locInfo.last_column
export function id(token) {
if (/^\[.*\]$/.test(token)) {
return token.substr(1, token.length - 2);
} else {
return token;
export function stripFlags(open, close) {
return {
open: open.charAt(2) === '~',
close: close.charAt(close.length - 3) === '~'
export function stripComment(comment) {
return comment.replace(/^\{\{~?\!-?-?/, '')
.replace(/-?-?~?\}\}$/, '');
export function preparePath(data, parts, locInfo) {
locInfo = this.locInfo(locInfo);
let original = data ? '@' : '',
dig = [],
depth = 0,
depthString = '';
for (let i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) {
let part = parts[i].part,
// If we have [] syntax then we do not treat path references as operators,
// i.e. foo.[this] resolves to approximately['this']
isLiteral = parts[i].original !== part;
original += (parts[i].separator || '') + part;
if (!isLiteral && (part === '..' || part === '.' || part === 'this')) {
if (dig.length > 0) {
throw new Exception('Invalid path: ' + original, {loc: locInfo});
} else if (part === '..') {
depthString += '../';
} else {
return new this.PathExpression(data, depth, dig, original, locInfo);
export function prepareMustache(path, params, hash, open, strip, locInfo) {
// Must use charAt to support IE pre-10
let escapeFlag = open.charAt(3) || open.charAt(2),
escaped = escapeFlag !== '{' && escapeFlag !== '&';
return new this.MustacheStatement(path, params, hash, escaped, strip, this.locInfo(locInfo));
export function prepareRawBlock(openRawBlock, content, close, locInfo) {
if (openRawBlock.path.original !== close) {
let errorNode = {loc: openRawBlock.path.loc};
throw new Exception(openRawBlock.path.original + " doesn't match " + close, errorNode);
locInfo = this.locInfo(locInfo);
let program = new this.Program([content], null, {}, locInfo);
return new this.BlockStatement(
openRawBlock.path, openRawBlock.params, openRawBlock.hash,
program, undefined,
{}, {}, {},
export function prepareBlock(openBlock, program, inverseAndProgram, close, inverted, locInfo) {
// When we are chaining inverse calls, we will not have a close path
if (close && close.path && openBlock.path.original !== close.path.original) {
let errorNode = {loc: openBlock.path.loc};
throw new Exception(openBlock.path.original + ' doesn\'t match ' + close.path.original, errorNode);
program.blockParams = openBlock.blockParams;
let inverse,
if (inverseAndProgram) {
if (inverseAndProgram.chain) {
inverseAndProgram.program.body[0].closeStrip = close.strip;
inverseStrip = inverseAndProgram.strip;
inverse = inverseAndProgram.program;
if (inverted) {
inverted = inverse;
inverse = program;
program = inverted;
return new this.BlockStatement(
openBlock.path, openBlock.params, openBlock.hash,
program, inverse,
openBlock.strip, inverseStrip, close && close.strip,

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
/*eslint-disable new-cap */
import Visitor from './visitor';
export function print(ast) {
return new PrintVisitor().accept(ast);
export function PrintVisitor() {
this.padding = 0;
PrintVisitor.prototype = new Visitor();
PrintVisitor.prototype.pad = function(string) {
let out = '';
for (let i = 0, l = this.padding; i < l; i++) {
out = out + ' ';
out = out + string + '\n';
return out;
PrintVisitor.prototype.Program = function(program) {
let out = '',
body = program.body,
i, l;
if (program.blockParams) {
let blockParams = 'BLOCK PARAMS: [';
for (i = 0, l = program.blockParams.length; i < l; i++) {
blockParams += ' ' + program.blockParams[i];
blockParams += ' ]';
out += this.pad(blockParams);
for (i = 0, l = body.length; i < l; i++) {
out = out + this.accept(body[i]);
return out;
PrintVisitor.prototype.MustacheStatement = function(mustache) {
return this.pad('{{ ' + this.SubExpression(mustache) + ' }}');
PrintVisitor.prototype.BlockStatement = function(block) {
let out = '';
out = out + this.pad('BLOCK:');
out = out + this.pad(this.SubExpression(block));
if (block.program) {
out = out + this.pad('PROGRAM:');
out = out + this.accept(block.program);
if (block.inverse) {
if (block.program) { this.padding++; }
out = out + this.pad('{{^}}');
out = out + this.accept(block.inverse);
if (block.program) { this.padding--; }
return out;
PrintVisitor.prototype.PartialStatement = function(partial) {
let content = 'PARTIAL:' +;
if (partial.params[0]) {
content += ' ' + this.accept(partial.params[0]);
if (partial.hash) {
content += ' ' + this.accept(partial.hash);
return this.pad('{{> ' + content + ' }}');
PrintVisitor.prototype.ContentStatement = function(content) {
return this.pad("CONTENT[ '" + content.value + "' ]");
PrintVisitor.prototype.CommentStatement = function(comment) {
return this.pad("{{! '" + comment.value + "' }}");
PrintVisitor.prototype.SubExpression = function(sexpr) {
let params = sexpr.params,
paramStrings = [],
for (let i = 0, l = params.length; i < l; i++) {
params = '[' + paramStrings.join(', ') + ']';
hash = sexpr.hash ? ' ' + this.accept(sexpr.hash) : '';
return this.accept(sexpr.path) + ' ' + params + hash;
PrintVisitor.prototype.PathExpression = function(id) {
let path ='/');
return ( ? '@' : '') + 'PATH:' + path;
PrintVisitor.prototype.StringLiteral = function(string) {
return '"' + string.value + '"';
PrintVisitor.prototype.NumberLiteral = function(number) {
return 'NUMBER{' + number.value + '}';
PrintVisitor.prototype.BooleanLiteral = function(bool) {
return 'BOOLEAN{' + bool.value + '}';
PrintVisitor.prototype.UndefinedLiteral = function() {
return 'UNDEFINED';
PrintVisitor.prototype.NullLiteral = function() {
return 'NULL';
PrintVisitor.prototype.Hash = function(hash) {
let pairs = hash.pairs,
joinedPairs = [];
for (let i = 0, l = pairs.length; i < l; i++) {
return 'HASH{' + joinedPairs.join(', ') + '}';
PrintVisitor.prototype.HashPair = function(pair) {
return pair.key + '=' + this.accept(pair.value);
/*eslint-enable new-cap */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
import Exception from '../exception';
import AST from './ast';
function Visitor() {
this.parents = [];
Visitor.prototype = {
constructor: Visitor,
mutating: false,
// Visits a given value. If mutating, will replace the value if necessary.
acceptKey: function(node, name) {
let value = this.accept(node[name]);
if (this.mutating) {
// Hacky sanity check:
if (value && (!value.type || !AST[value.type])) {
throw new Exception('Unexpected node type "' + value.type + '" found when accepting ' + name + ' on ' + node.type);
node[name] = value;
// Performs an accept operation with added sanity check to ensure
// required keys are not removed.
acceptRequired: function(node, name) {
this.acceptKey(node, name);
if (!node[name]) {
throw new Exception(node.type + ' requires ' + name);
// Traverses a given array. If mutating, empty respnses will be removed
// for child elements.
acceptArray: function(array) {
for (let i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
this.acceptKey(array, i);
if (!array[i]) {
array.splice(i, 1);
accept: function(object) {
if (!object) {
if (this.current) {
this.current = object;
let ret = this[object.type](object);
this.current = this.parents.shift();
if (!this.mutating || ret) {
return ret;
} else if (ret !== false) {
return object;
Program: function(program) {
MustacheStatement: function(mustache) {
this.acceptRequired(mustache, 'path');
this.acceptKey(mustache, 'hash');
BlockStatement: function(block) {
this.acceptRequired(block, 'path');
this.acceptKey(block, 'hash');
this.acceptKey(block, 'program');
this.acceptKey(block, 'inverse');
PartialStatement: function(partial) {
this.acceptRequired(partial, 'name');
this.acceptKey(partial, 'hash');
ContentStatement: function(/* content */) {},
CommentStatement: function(/* comment */) {},
SubExpression: function(sexpr) {
this.acceptRequired(sexpr, 'path');
this.acceptKey(sexpr, 'hash');
PathExpression: function(/* path */) {},
StringLiteral: function(/* string */) {},
NumberLiteral: function(/* number */) {},
BooleanLiteral: function(/* bool */) {},
UndefinedLiteral: function(/* literal */) {},
NullLiteral: function(/* literal */) {},
Hash: function(hash) {
HashPair: function(pair) {
this.acceptRequired(pair, 'value');
export default Visitor;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
import Visitor from './visitor';
function WhitespaceControl() {
WhitespaceControl.prototype = new Visitor();
WhitespaceControl.prototype.Program = function(program) {
let isRoot = !this.isRootSeen;
this.isRootSeen = true;
let body = program.body;
for (let i = 0, l = body.length; i < l; i++) {
let current = body[i],
strip = this.accept(current);
if (!strip) {
let _isPrevWhitespace = isPrevWhitespace(body, i, isRoot),
_isNextWhitespace = isNextWhitespace(body, i, isRoot),
openStandalone = strip.openStandalone && _isPrevWhitespace,
closeStandalone = strip.closeStandalone && _isNextWhitespace,
inlineStandalone = strip.inlineStandalone && _isPrevWhitespace && _isNextWhitespace;
if (strip.close) {
omitRight(body, i, true);
if ( {
omitLeft(body, i, true);
if (inlineStandalone) {
omitRight(body, i);
if (omitLeft(body, i)) {
// If we are on a standalone node, save the indent info for partials
if (current.type === 'PartialStatement') {
// Pull out the whitespace from the final line
current.indent = (/([ \t]+$)/).exec(body[i - 1].original)[1];
if (openStandalone) {
omitRight((current.program || current.inverse).body);
// Strip out the previous content node if it's whitespace only
omitLeft(body, i);
if (closeStandalone) {
// Always strip the next node
omitRight(body, i);
omitLeft((current.inverse || current.program).body);
return program;
WhitespaceControl.prototype.BlockStatement = function(block) {
// Find the inverse program that is involed with whitespace stripping.
let program = block.program || block.inverse,
inverse = block.program && block.inverse,
firstInverse = inverse,
lastInverse = inverse;
if (inverse && inverse.chained) {
firstInverse = inverse.body[0].program;
// Walk the inverse chain to find the last inverse that is actually in the chain.
while (lastInverse.chained) {
lastInverse = lastInverse.body[lastInverse.body.length - 1].program;
let strip = {
close: block.closeStrip.close,
// Determine the standalone candiacy. Basically flag our content as being possibly standalone
// so our parent can determine if we actually are standalone
openStandalone: isNextWhitespace(program.body),
closeStandalone: isPrevWhitespace((firstInverse || program).body)
if (block.openStrip.close) {
omitRight(program.body, null, true);
if (inverse) {
let inverseStrip = block.inverseStrip;
if ( {
omitLeft(program.body, null, true);
if (inverseStrip.close) {
omitRight(firstInverse.body, null, true);
if ( {
omitLeft(lastInverse.body, null, true);
// Find standalone else statments
if (isPrevWhitespace(program.body)
&& isNextWhitespace(firstInverse.body)) {
} else if ( {
omitLeft(program.body, null, true);
return strip;
WhitespaceControl.prototype.MustacheStatement = function(mustache) {
return mustache.strip;
WhitespaceControl.prototype.PartialStatement =
WhitespaceControl.prototype.CommentStatement = function(node) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
let strip = node.strip || {};
return {
inlineStandalone: true,
close: strip.close
function isPrevWhitespace(body, i, isRoot) {
if (i === undefined) {
i = body.length;
// Nodes that end with newlines are considered whitespace (but are special
// cased for strip operations)
let prev = body[i - 1],
sibling = body[i - 2];
if (!prev) {
return isRoot;
if (prev.type === 'ContentStatement') {
return (sibling || !isRoot ? (/\r?\n\s*?$/) : (/(^|\r?\n)\s*?$/)).test(prev.original);
function isNextWhitespace(body, i, isRoot) {
if (i === undefined) {
i = -1;
let next = body[i + 1],
sibling = body[i + 2];
if (!next) {
return isRoot;
if (next.type === 'ContentStatement') {
return (sibling || !isRoot ? (/^\s*?\r?\n/) : (/^\s*?(\r?\n|$)/)).test(next.original);
// Marks the node to the right of the position as omitted.
// I.e. {{foo}}' ' will mark the ' ' node as omitted.
// If i is undefined, then the first child will be marked as such.
// If mulitple is truthy then all whitespace will be stripped out until non-whitespace
// content is met.
function omitRight(body, i, multiple) {
let current = body[i == null ? 0 : i + 1];
if (!current || current.type !== 'ContentStatement' || (!multiple && current.rightStripped)) {
let original = current.value;
current.value = current.value.replace(multiple ? (/^\s+/) : (/^[ \t]*\r?\n?/), '');
current.rightStripped = current.value !== original;
// Marks the node to the left of the position as omitted.
// I.e. ' '{{foo}} will mark the ' ' node as omitted.
// If i is undefined then the last child will be marked as such.
// If mulitple is truthy then all whitespace will be stripped out until non-whitespace
// content is met.
function omitLeft(body, i, multiple) {
let current = body[i == null ? body.length - 1 : i - 1];
if (!current || current.type !== 'ContentStatement' || (!multiple && current.leftStripped)) {
// We omit the last node if it's whitespace only and not preceeded by a non-content node.
let original = current.value;
current.value = current.value.replace(multiple ? (/\s+$/) : (/[ \t]+$/), '');
current.leftStripped = current.value !== original;
return current.leftStripped;
export default WhitespaceControl;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
const errorProps = ['description', 'fileName', 'lineNumber', 'message', 'name', 'number', 'stack'];
function Exception(message, node) {
let loc = node && node.loc,
if (loc) {
line = loc.start.line;
column = loc.start.column;
message += ' - ' + line + ':' + column;
let tmp =, message);
// Unfortunately errors are not enumerable in Chrome (at least), so `for prop in tmp` doesn't work.
for (let idx = 0; idx < errorProps.length; idx++) {
this[errorProps[idx]] = tmp[errorProps[idx]];
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, Exception);
if (loc) {
this.lineNumber = line;
this.column = column;
Exception.prototype = new Error();
export default Exception;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/*global window */
export default function(Handlebars) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
let root = typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : window,
$Handlebars = root.Handlebars;
/* istanbul ignore next */
Handlebars.noConflict = function() {
if (root.Handlebars === Handlebars) {
root.Handlebars = $Handlebars;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
import * as Utils from './utils';
import Exception from './exception';
import { COMPILER_REVISION, REVISION_CHANGES, createFrame } from './base';
export function checkRevision(compilerInfo) {
const compilerRevision = compilerInfo && compilerInfo[0] || 1,
currentRevision = COMPILER_REVISION;
if (compilerRevision !== currentRevision) {
if (compilerRevision < currentRevision) {
const runtimeVersions = REVISION_CHANGES[currentRevision],
compilerVersions = REVISION_CHANGES[compilerRevision];
throw new Exception('Template was precompiled with an older version of Handlebars than the current runtime. ' +
'Please update your precompiler to a newer version (' + runtimeVersions + ') or downgrade your runtime to an older version (' + compilerVersions + ').');
} else {
// Use the embedded version info since the runtime doesn't know about this revision yet
throw new Exception('Template was precompiled with a newer version of Handlebars than the current runtime. ' +
'Please update your runtime to a newer version (' + compilerInfo[1] + ').');
// TODO: Remove this line and break up compilePartial
export function template(templateSpec, env) {
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (!env) {
throw new Exception('No environment passed to template');
if (!templateSpec || !templateSpec.main) {
throw new Exception('Unknown template object: ' + typeof templateSpec);
// Note: Using env.VM references rather than local var references throughout this section to allow
// for external users to override these as psuedo-supported APIs.
function invokePartialWrapper(partial, context, options) {
if (options.hash) {
context = Utils.extend({}, context, options.hash);
partial =, partial, context, options);
let result =, partial, context, options);
if (result == null && env.compile) {
options.partials[] = env.compile(partial, templateSpec.compilerOptions, env);
result = options.partials[](context, options);
if (result != null) {
if (options.indent) {
let lines = result.split('\n');
for (let i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i++) {
if (!lines[i] && i + 1 === l) {
lines[i] = options.indent + lines[i];
result = lines.join('\n');
return result;
} else {
throw new Exception('The partial ' + + ' could not be compiled when running in runtime-only mode');
// Just add water
let container = {
strict: function(obj, name) {
if (!(name in obj)) {
throw new Exception('"' + name + '" not defined in ' + obj);
return obj[name];
lookup: function(depths, name) {
const len = depths.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (depths[i] && depths[i][name] != null) {
return depths[i][name];
lambda: function(current, context) {
return typeof current === 'function' ? : current;
escapeExpression: Utils.escapeExpression,
invokePartial: invokePartialWrapper,
fn: function(i) {
return templateSpec[i];
programs: [],
program: function(i, data, declaredBlockParams, blockParams, depths) {
let programWrapper = this.programs[i],
fn = this.fn(i);
if (data || depths || blockParams || declaredBlockParams) {
programWrapper = wrapProgram(this, i, fn, data, declaredBlockParams, blockParams, depths);
} else if (!programWrapper) {
programWrapper = this.programs[i] = wrapProgram(this, i, fn);
return programWrapper;
data: function(value, depth) {
while (value && depth--) {
value = value._parent;
return value;
merge: function(param, common) {
let obj = param || common;
if (param && common && (param !== common)) {
obj = Utils.extend({}, common, param);
return obj;
noop: env.VM.noop,
compilerInfo: templateSpec.compiler
function ret(context, options = {}) {
let data =;
if (!options.partial && templateSpec.useData) {
data = initData(context, data);
let depths,
blockParams = templateSpec.useBlockParams ? [] : undefined;
if (templateSpec.useDepths) {
depths = options.depths ? [context].concat(options.depths) : [context];
return, context, container.helpers, container.partials, data, blockParams, depths);
ret.isTop = true;
ret._setup = function(options) {
if (!options.partial) {
container.helpers = container.merge(options.helpers, env.helpers);
if (templateSpec.usePartial) {
container.partials = container.merge(options.partials, env.partials);
} else {
container.helpers = options.helpers;
container.partials = options.partials;
ret._child = function(i, data, blockParams, depths) {
if (templateSpec.useBlockParams && !blockParams) {
throw new Exception('must pass block params');
if (templateSpec.useDepths && !depths) {
throw new Exception('must pass parent depths');
return wrapProgram(container, i, templateSpec[i], data, 0, blockParams, depths);
return ret;
export function wrapProgram(container, i, fn, data, declaredBlockParams, blockParams, depths) {
function prog(context, options = {}) {
container.helpers, container.partials, || data,
blockParams && [options.blockParams].concat(blockParams),
depths && [context].concat(depths));
prog.program = i;
prog.depth = depths ? depths.length : 0;
prog.blockParams = declaredBlockParams || 0;
return prog;
export function resolvePartial(partial, context, options) {
if (!partial) {
partial = options.partials[];
} else if (! && ! {
// This is a dynamic partial that returned a string = partial;
partial = options.partials[partial];
return partial;
export function invokePartial(partial, context, options) {
options.partial = true;
if (partial === undefined) {
throw new Exception('The partial ' + + ' could not be found');
} else if (partial instanceof Function) {
return partial(context, options);
export function noop() { return ''; }
function initData(context, data) {
if (!data || !('root' in data)) {
data = data ? createFrame(data) : {};
data.root = context;
return data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// Build out our basic SafeString type
function SafeString(string) {
this.string = string;
SafeString.prototype.toString = SafeString.prototype.toHTML = function() {
return '' + this.string;
export default SafeString;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
const escape = {
'&': '&amp;',
'<': '&lt;',
'>': '&gt;',
'"': '&quot;',
"'": '&#x27;',
'`': '&#x60;'
const badChars = /[&<>"'`]/g,
possible = /[&<>"'`]/;
function escapeChar(chr) {
return escape[chr];
export function extend(obj /* , ...source */) {
for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
for (let key in arguments[i]) {
if ([i], key)) {
obj[key] = arguments[i][key];
return obj;
export let toString = Object.prototype.toString;
// Sourced from lodash
/*eslint-disable func-style, no-var */
var isFunction = function(value) {
return typeof value === 'function';
// fallback for older versions of Chrome and Safari
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (isFunction(/x/)) {
isFunction = function(value) {
return typeof value === 'function' && === '[object Function]';
export var isFunction;
/*eslint-enable func-style, no-var */
/* istanbul ignore next */
export const isArray = Array.isArray || function(value) {
return (value && typeof value === 'object') ? === '[object Array]' : false;
// Older IE versions do not directly support indexOf so we must implement our own, sadly.
export function indexOf(array, value) {
for (let i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
if (array[i] === value) {
return i;
return -1;
export function escapeExpression(string) {
if (typeof string !== 'string') {
// don't escape SafeStrings, since they're already safe
if (string && string.toHTML) {
return string.toHTML();
} else if (string == null) {
return '';
} else if (!string) {
return string + '';
// Force a string conversion as this will be done by the append regardless and
// the regex test will do this transparently behind the scenes, causing issues if
// an object's to string has escaped characters in it.
string = '' + string;
if (!possible.test(string)) { return string; }
return string.replace(badChars, escapeChar);
export function isEmpty(value) {
if (!value && value !== 0) {
return true;
} else if (isArray(value) && value.length === 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
export function blockParams(params, ids) {
params.path = ids;
return params;
export function appendContextPath(contextPath, id) {
return (contextPath ? contextPath + '.' : '') + id;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// var handlebars = require('handlebars');
/* eslint-disable no-var */
// var local = handlebars.create();
var handlebars = require('../dist/cjs/handlebars')['default'];
var printer = require('../dist/cjs/handlebars/compiler/printer');
handlebars.PrintVisitor = printer.PrintVisitor;
handlebars.print = printer.print;
module.exports = handlebars;
// Publish a Node.js require() handler for .handlebars and .hbs files
function extension(module, filename) {
var fs = require('fs');
var templateString = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
module.exports = handlebars.compile(templateString);
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && require.extensions) {
require.extensions['.handlebars'] = extension;
require.extensions['.hbs'] = extension;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
/*eslint-disable no-console */
import fs from 'fs';
import * as Handlebars from './handlebars';
import {basename} from 'path';
import {SourceMapConsumer, SourceNode} from 'source-map';
import uglify from 'uglify-js';
module.exports.cli = function(opts) {
if (opts.version) {
if (!opts.templates.length) {
throw new Handlebars.Exception('Must define at least one template or directory.');
opts.templates.forEach(function(template) {
try {
} catch (err) {
throw new Handlebars.Exception(`Unable to open template file "${template}"`);
if (opts.simple && opts.min) {
throw new Handlebars.Exception('Unable to minimize simple output');
if (opts.simple && (opts.templates.length !== 1 || fs.statSync(opts.templates[0]).isDirectory())) {
throw new Handlebars.Exception('Unable to output multiple templates in simple mode');
// Convert the known list into a hash
let known = {};
if (opts.known && !Array.isArray(opts.known)) {
opts.known = [opts.known];
if (opts.known) {
for (let i = 0, len = opts.known.length; i < len; i++) {
known[opts.known[i]] = true;
// Build file extension pattern
let extension = opts.extension.replace(/[\\^$*+?.():=!|{}\-\[\]]/g, function(arg) { return '\\' + arg; });
extension = new RegExp('\\.' + extension + '$');
let output = new SourceNode();
if (!opts.simple) {
if (opts.amd) {
output.add('define([\'' + opts.handlebarPath + 'handlebars.runtime\'], function(Handlebars) {\n Handlebars = Handlebars["default"];');
} else if (opts.commonjs) {
output.add('var Handlebars = require("' + opts.commonjs + '");');
} else {
output.add('(function() {\n');
output.add(' var template = Handlebars.template, templates = ');
if (opts.namespace) {
output.add(' = ');
output.add(' || ');
function processTemplate(template, root) {
let path = template,
stat = fs.statSync(path);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
fs.readdirSync(template).map(function(file) {
let childPath = template + '/' + file;
if (extension.test(childPath) || fs.statSync(childPath).isDirectory()) {
processTemplate(childPath, root || template);
} else {
let data = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
if ( && data.indexOf('\uFEFF') === 0) {
data = data.substring(1);
let options = {
knownHelpers: known,
knownHelpersOnly: opts.o
if ( {
options.srcName = path;
if ( { = true;
// Clean the template name
if (!root) {
template = basename(template);
} else if (template.indexOf(root) === 0) {
template = template.substring(root.length + 1);
template = template.replace(extension, '');
let precompiled = Handlebars.precompile(data, options);
// If we are generating a source map, we have to reconstruct the SourceNode object
if ( {
let consumer = new SourceMapConsumer(;
precompiled = SourceNode.fromStringWithSourceMap(precompiled.code, consumer);
if (opts.simple) {
output.add([precompiled, '\n']);
} else if (opts.partial) {
if (opts.amd && (opts.templates.length == 1 && !fs.statSync(opts.templates[0]).isDirectory())) {
output.add('return ');
output.add(['Handlebars.partials[\'', template, '\'] = template(', precompiled, ');\n']);
} else {
if (opts.amd && (opts.templates.length == 1 && !fs.statSync(opts.templates[0]).isDirectory())) {
output.add('return ');
output.add(['templates[\'', template, '\'] = template(', precompiled, ');\n']);
opts.templates.forEach(function(template) {
processTemplate(template, opts.root);
// Output the content
if (!opts.simple) {
if (opts.amd) {
if (opts.templates.length > 1 || (opts.templates.length == 1 && fs.statSync(opts.templates[0]).isDirectory())) {
if (opts.partial) {
output.add('return Handlebars.partials;\n');
} else {
output.add('return templates;\n');
} else if (!opts.commonjs) {
if ( {
output.add('\n//# sourceMappingURL=' + + '\n');
output = output.toStringWithSourceMap(); = + '';
if (opts.min) {
output = uglify.minify(output.code, {
fromString: true,
inSourceMap: JSON.parse(
if ( {
output.code += '\n//# sourceMappingURL=' + + '\n';
if ( {
fs.writeFileSync(,, 'utf8');
output = output.code;
if (opts.output) {
fs.writeFileSync(opts.output, output, 'utf8');
} else {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
"name": "handlebars",
"barename": "handlebars",
"version": "3.0.3",
"description": "Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration",
"homepage": "",
"keywords": [
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"author": "Yehuda Katz",
"license": "MIT",
"readmeFilename": "",
"engines": {
"node": ">=0.4.7"
"dependencies": {
"optimist": "^0.6.1",
"source-map": "^0.1.40"
"optionalDependencies": {
"uglify-js": "~2.3"
"devDependencies": {
"async": "^0.9.0",
"aws-sdk": "~1.5.0",
"babel-loader": "^5.0.0",
"babel-runtime": "^5.1.10",
"benchmark": "~1.0",
"dustjs-linkedin": "^2.0.2",
"eco": "~1.1.0-rc-3",
"grunt": "~0.4.1",
"grunt-babel": "^5.0.0",
"grunt-cli": "~0.1.10",
"grunt-contrib-clean": "0.x",
"grunt-contrib-concat": "0.x",
"grunt-contrib-connect": "0.x",
"grunt-contrib-copy": "0.x",
"grunt-contrib-requirejs": "0.x",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "0.x",
"grunt-contrib-watch": "0.x",
"grunt-eslint": "^11.0.0",
"grunt-saucelabs": "8.x",
"grunt-webpack": "^1.0.8",
"istanbul": "^0.3.0",
"jison": "~0.3.0",
"": "0.0.3",
"mocha": "~1.20.0",
"mustache": "0.x",
"semver": "^4.0.0",
"underscore": "^1.5.1"
"main": "lib/index.js",
"bin": {
"handlebars": "bin/handlebars"
"scripts": {
"test": "grunt"
"jspm": {
"main": "handlebars",
"directories": {
"lib": "dist/amd"
"buildConfig": {
"minify": true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
# Release Notes
## Development
## v3.0.3 - April 28th, 2015
- [#1004]( - Latest version breaks with RequireJS (global is undefined) ([@boskee](
## v3.0.2 - April 20th, 2015
- [#998]( - Add full support for es6 ([@kpdecker](
- [#994]( - Access Handlebars.Visitor in browser ([@tamlyn](
- [#990]( - Allow passing null/undefined literals subexpressions ([@blimmer](
- [#989]( - Source-map error with requirejs ([@SteppeEagle](
- [#967]( - can't access "this" property ([@75lb](
- Use captureStackTrace for error handler - a009a97
- Ignore branches tested without coverage monitoring - 37a664b
## v3.0.1 - March 24th, 2015
- [#984]( - Adding documentation for passing arguments into partials ([@johneke](
- [#973]( - version 3 is slower than version 2 ([@elover](
- [#966]( - "handlebars --version" does not work with v3.0.0 ([@abloomston](
- [#964]( - default is a reserved word ([@grassick](
- [#962]( - Add dashbars' link on README. ([@pismute](
## v3.0.0 - February 10th, 2015
- [#941]( - Add support for dynamic partial names ([@kpdecker](
- [#940]( - Add missing reserved words so compiler knows to use array syntax: ([@mattflaschen](
- [#938]( - Fix example using #with helper ([@diwo](
- [#930]( - Add parent tracking and mutation to AST visitors ([@kpdecker](
- [#926]( - Depthed lookups fail when program duplicator runs ([@kpdecker](
- [#918]( - Add instructions for 'spec/mustache' to, fix a few typos ([@oneeman](
- [#915]( - Ast update ([@kpdecker](
- [#910]( - Different behavior of {{@last}} when {{#each}} in {{#each}} ([@zordius](
- [#907]( - Implement named helper variable references ([@kpdecker](
- [#906]( - Add parser support for block params ([@mmun](
- [#903]( - Only provide aliases for multiple use calls ([@kpdecker](
- [#902]( - Generate Source Maps ([@kpdecker](
- [#901]( - Still escapes with noEscape enabled on isolated Handlebars environment ([@zedknight](
- [#896]( - Simplify BlockNode by removing intermediate MustacheNode ([@mmun](
- [#892]( - Implement parser for else chaining of helpers ([@kpdecker](
- [#889]( - Consider extensible parser API ([@kpdecker](
- [#887]( - Handlebars.noConflict() option? ([@bradvogel](
- [#886]( - Add SafeString to context (or use duck-typing) ([@dominicbarnes](
- [#870]( - Registering undefined partial throws exception. ([@max-b](
- [#866]( - comments don't respect whitespace control ([@75lb](
- [#863]( - + jsDelivr CDN info ([@tomByrer](
- [#858]( - Disable new default auto-indent at included partials ([@majodev](
- [#856]( - jspm compatibility ([@MajorBreakfast](
- [#805]( - Request: "strict" lookups ([@nzakas](
- Export the default object for handlebars/runtime - 5594416
- Lookup partials when undefined - 617dd57
Compatibility notes:
- Runtime breaking changes. Must match 3.x runtime and precompiler.
- The AST has been upgraded to a public API.
- There are a number of changes to this, but the format is now documented in docs/
- The Visitor API has been expanded to support mutation and provide a base implementation
- The `JavaScriptCompiler` APIs have been formalized and documented. As part of the sourcemap handling these should be updated to return arrays for concatenation.
- `JavaScriptCompiler.namespace` has been removed as it was unused.
- `SafeString` is now duck typed on `toHTML`
New Features:
- noConflict
- Source Maps
- Block Params
- Strict Mode
- @last and other each changes
- Chained else blocks
- @data methods can now have helper parameters passed to them
- Dynamic partials
## v2.0.0 - September 1st, 2014
- Update jsfiddle to 2.0.0-beta.1 - 0670f65
- Add contrib note regarding docs - 4d17e3c
- Play nice with gemspec version numbers - 64d5481
## v2.0.0-beta.1 - August 26th, 2014
- [#787]( - Remove whitespace surrounding standalone statements ([@kpdecker](
- [#827]( - Render false literal as “false” ([@scoot557](
- [#767]( - Subexpressions bug with hash and context ([@evensoul](
- Changes to 0/undefined handling
- [#731]( - Strange behavior for {{#foo}} {{bar}} {{/foo}} when foo is 0 ([@kpdecker](
- [#820]( - strange behavior for {{}} when foo is 0 or null or false ([@zordius](
- [#837]( - Strange input for custom helper ( == false when foo is undefined ) ([@zordius](
- [#819]( - Implement recursive field lookup ([@kpdecker](
- [#764]( - This reference not working for helpers ([@kpdecker](
- [#773]( - Implicit parameters in {{#each}} introduces a peculiarity in helpers calling convention ([@Bertrand](
- [#783]( - helperMissing and consistency for different expression types ([@ErisDS](
- [#795]( - Turn the precompile script into a wrapper around a module. ([@jwietelmann](
- [#823]( - Support inverse sections on the with helper ([@dan-manges](
- [#834]( - Refactor blocks, programs and inverses ([@mmun](
- [#852]( - {{foo~}} space control behavior is different from older version ([@zordius](
- [#835]( - Templates overwritten if file is loaded twice
- Expose escapeExpression on the root object - 980c38c
- Remove nested function eval in blockHelperMissing - 6f22ec1
- Fix compiler program de-duping - 9e3f824
Compatibility notes:
- The default build now outputs a generic UMD wrapper. This should be transparent change but may cause issues in some environments.
- Runtime compatibility breaks in both directions. Ensure that both compiler and client are upgraded to 2.0.0-beta.1 or higher at the same time.
- `programWithDepth` has been removed an instead an array of context values is passed to fields needing depth lookups.
- `false` values are now printed to output rather than silently dropped
- Lines containing only block statements and whitespace are now removed. This matches the Mustache spec but may cause issues with code that expects whitespace to exist but would not otherwise.
- Partials that are standalone will now indent their rendered content
- `AST.ProgramNode`'s signature has changed.
- Numerious methods/features removed from psuedo-API classes
- `JavaScriptCompiler.register`
- `JavaScriptCompiler.replaceStack` no longer supports non-inline replace
- `Compiler.disassemble`
- `DECLARE` opcode
- `strip` opcode
- `lookup` opcode
- Content nodes may have their `string` values mutated over time. `original` field provides the unmodified value.
- Removed unused `Handlebars.registerHelper` `inverse` parameter
- `each` helper requires iterator parameter
## v2.0.0-alpha.4 - May 19th, 2014
- Expose setup wrappers for compiled templates - 3638874
## v2.0.0-alpha.3 - May 19th, 2014
- [#797]( - Pass full helper ID to helperMissing when options are provided ([@tomdale](
- [#793]( - Ensure isHelper is coerced to a boolean ([@mmun](
- Refactor template init logic - 085e5e1
## v2.0.0-alpha.2 - March 6th, 2014
- [#756]( - fix bug in IE<=8 (no Array::map), closes #751 ([@jenseng](
- [#749]( - properly handle multiple subexpressions in the same hash, fixes #748 ([@jenseng](
- [#743]( - subexpression confusion/problem? ([@waynedpj](
- [#746]( - [CLI] support `handlebars --version` ([@apfelbox](
- [#747]( - updated grunt-saucelabs, failing tests revealed ([@Jonahss](
- Make JSON a requirement for the compiler. - 058c0fb
- Temporarily kill the AWS publish CI step - 8347ee2
Compatibility notes:
- A JSON polyfill is required to run the compiler under IE8 and below. It's recommended that the precompiler be used in lieu of running the compiler on these legacy environments.
## v2.0.0-alpha.1 - February 10th, 2014
- [#182]( - Allow passing hash parameters to partials ([@kpdecker](
- [#392]( - Access to root context in partials and helpers ([@kpdecker](
- [#472]( - Helpers cannot have decimal parameters ([@kayleg](
- [#569]( - Unable to lookup array values using @index ([@kpdecker](
- [#491]( - For nested helpers: get the @ variables of the outer helper from the inner one ([@kpdecker](
- [#669]( - Ability to unregister a helper ([@dbachrach](
- [#730]( - Raw block helpers ([@kpdecker](
- [#634]( - It would be great to have the helper name passed to `blockHelperMissing` ([@kpdecker](
- [#729]( - Convert template spec to object literal ([@kpdecker](
- [#658]( - Depthed helpers do not work after an upgrade from 1.0.0 ([@xibxor](
- [#671]( - Crashes on no-parameter {{#each}} ([@stepancheg](
- [#689]( - broken template precompilation ([@AAS](
- [#698]( - Fix parser generation under windows ([@osiris43](
- [#699]( - @DATA not compiles to invalid JS in stringParams mode ([@kpdecker](
- [#705]( - 1.3.0 can not be wrapped in an IIFE ([@craigteegarden](
- [#706]( - README: Use with helper instead of relying on blockHelperMissing ([@scottgonzalez](
- [#700]( - Remove redundant conditions ([@blakeembrey](
- [#704]( - JavaScript Compiler Cleanup ([@blakeembrey](
Compatibility notes:
- `helperMissing` helper no longer has the indexed name argument. Helper name is now available via ``.
- Precompiler output has changed, which breaks compatibility with prior versions of the runtime and precompiled output.
- `JavaScriptCompiler.compilerInfo` now returns generic objects rather than javascript source.
- AST changes
- Additional PartialNode hash parameter
- New RawBlockNode type
- Data frames now have a `_parent` field. This is internal but is enumerable for performance/compatability reasons.
## v1.3.0 - January 1st, 2014
- [#690]( - Added support for subexpressions ([@machty](
- [#696]( - Fix for reserved keyword "default" ([@nateirwin](
- [#692]( - add line numbers to nodes when parsing ([@fivetanley](
- [#695]( - Pull options out from param setup to allow easier extension ([@blakeembrey](
- [#694]( - Make the environment reusable ([@blakeembrey](
- [#636]( - Print line and column of errors ([@sgronblo](
- Use literal for data lookup - c1a93d3
- Add stack handling sanity checks - cd885bf
- Fix stack id "leak" on replaceStack - ddfe457
- Fix incorrect stack pop when replacing literals - f4d337d
## v1.2.1 - December 26th, 2013
- [#684]( - Allow any number of trailing characters for valid JavaScript variable ([@blakeembrey](
- [#686]( - Falsy AMD module names in version 1.2.0 ([@kpdecker](
## v1.2.0 - December 23rd, 2013
- [#675]( - Cannot compile empty template for partial ([@erwinw](
- [#677]( - Triple brace statements fail under IE ([@hamzaCM](
- [#655]( - Loading Handlebars using bower ([@niki4810](
- [#657]( - Fixes issue where cli compiles non handlebars templates ([@chrishoage](
- [#681]( - Adds in-browser testing and Saucelabs CI ([@kpdecker](
- [#661]( - Add @first and @index to #each object iteration ([@cgp](
- [#650]( - Handlebars is MIT-licensed ([@thomasboyt](
- [#641]( - Document ember testing process ([@kpdecker](
- [#662]( - handlebars-source 1.1.2 is missing from RubyGems.
- [#656]( - Expose COMPILER_REVISION checks as a hook ([@machty](
- [#668]( - Consider publishing handlebars-runtime as a separate module on npm ([@dlmanning](
- [#679]( - Unable to override invokePartial ([@mattbrailsford](
- [#646]( - Fix "\\{{" immediately following "\{{" ([@dmarcotte](
- Allow extend to work with non-prototyped objects - eb53f2e
- Add JavascriptCompiler public API tests - 1a751b2
- Add AST test coverage for more complex paths - ddea5be
- Fix handling of boolean escape in MustacheNode - b4968bb
Compatibility notes:
- `@index` and `@first` are now supported for `each` iteration on objects
- `Handlebars.VM.checkRevision` and `Handlebars.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.compilerInfo` now available to modify the version checking behavior.
- Browserify users may link to the runtime library via `require('handlebars/runtime')`
## v1.1.2 - November 5th, 2013
- [#645]( - 1.1.1 fails under IE8 ([@kpdecker](
- [#644]( - Using precompiled templates (AMD mode) with handlebars.runtime 1.1.1 ([@fddima](
- Add simple binary utility tests - 96a45a4
- Fix empty string compilation - eea708a
## v1.1.1 - November 4th, 2013
- [#642]( - handlebars 1.1.0 are broken with nodejs
- Fix release notes link - 17ba258
## v1.1.0 - November 3rd, 2013
- [#628]( - Convert code to ES6 modules ([@kpdecker](
- [#336]( - Add whitespace control syntax ([@kpdecker](
- [#535]( - Fix for probable JIT error under Safari ([@sorentwo](
- [#483]( - Add first and last @ vars to each helper ([@denniskuczynski](
- [#557]( - `\\{{foo}}` escaping only works in some situations ([@dmarcotte](
- [#552]( - Added BOM removal flag. ([@blessenm](
- [#543]( - publish passing master builds to s3 ([@fivetanley](
- [#608]( - Add `includeZero` flag to `if` conditional
- [#498]( - `Handlebars.compile` fails on empty string although a single blank works fine
- [#599]( - lambda helpers only receive options if used with arguments
- [#592]( - Optimize array and subprogram performance
- [#571]( - uglify upgrade breaks compatibility with older versions of node
- [#587]( - Partial inside partial breaks?
Compatibility notes:
- The project now includes separate artifacts for AMD, CommonJS, and global objects.
- AMD: Users may load the bundled `handlebars.amd.js` or `handlebars.runtime.amd.js` files or load individual modules directly. AMD users should also note that the handlebars object is exposed via the `default` field on the imported object. This [gist]( provides some discussion of possible compatibility shims.
- CommonJS/Node: Node loading occurs as normal via `require`
- Globals: The `handlebars.js` and `handlebars.runtime.js` files should behave in the same manner as the v1.0.12 / 1.0.0 release.
- Build artifacts have been removed from the repository. [npm][npm], [components/handlebars.js][components], [cdnjs][cdnjs], or the [builds page][builds-page] should now be used as the source of built artifacts.
- Context-stored helpers are now always passed the `options` hash. Previously no-argument helpers did not have this argument.
## v1.0.12 / 1.0.0 - May 31 2013
- [#515]( - Add node require extensions support ([@jjclark1982](
- [#517]( - Fix amd precompiler output with directories ([@blessenm](
- [#433]( - Add support for unicode ids
- [#469]( - Add support for `?` in ids
- [#534]( - Protect from object prototype modifications
- [#519]( - Fix partials with . name ([@jamesgorrie](
- [#519]( - Allow ID or strings in partial names
- [#437]( - Require matching brace counts in escaped expressions
- Merge passed partials and helpers with global namespace values
- Add support for complex ids in @data references
- Docs updates
Compatibility notes:
- The parser is now stricter on `{{{`, requiring that the end token be `}}}`. Templates that do not
follow this convention should add the additional brace value.
- Code that relies on global the namespace being muted when custom helpers or partials are passed will need to explicitly pass an `undefined` value for any helpers that should not be available.
- The compiler version has changed. Precompiled templates with 1.0.12 or higher must use the 1.0.0 or higher runtime.
## v1.0.11 / 1.0.0-rc4 - May 13 2013
- [#458]( - Fix `./foo` syntax ([@jpfiset](
- [#460]( - Allow `:` in unescaped identifers ([@jpfiset](
- [#471]( - Create release notes (These!)
- [#456]( - Allow escaping of `\\`
- [#211]( - Fix exception in `escapeExpression`
- [#375]( - Escape unicode newlines
- [#461]( - Do not fail when compiling `""`
- [#302]( - Fix sanity check in knownHelpersOnly mode
- [#369]( - Allow registration of multiple helpers and partial by passing definition object
- Add bower package declaration ([@DevinClark](
- Add NuSpec package declaration ([@MikeMayer](
- Handle empty context in `with` ([@thejohnfreeman](
- Support custom template extensions in CLI ([@matteoagosti](
- Fix Rhino support ([@broady](
- Include contexts in string mode ([@leshill](
- Return precompiled scripts when compiling to AMD ([@JamesMaroney](
- Docs updates ([@iangreenleaf](, [@gilesbowkett](, [@utkarsh2012](
- Fix `toString` handling under IE and browserify ([@tommydudebreaux](
- Add program metadata
## v1.0.10 - Node - Feb 27 2013
- [#428]( - Fix incorrect rendering of nested programs
- Fix exception message ([@tricknotes](
- Added negative number literal support
- Concert library to single IIFE
- Add handlebars-source gemspec ([@machty](
## v1.0.9 - Node - Feb 15 2013
- Added `Handlebars.create` API in node module for sandboxed instances ([@tommydudebreaux](
## 1.0.0-rc3 - Browser - Feb 14 2013
- Prevent use of `this` or `..` in illogical place ([@leshill](
- Allow AST passing for `parse`/`compile`/`precompile` ([@machty](
- Optimize generated output by inlining statements where possible
- Check compiler version when evaluating templates
- Package browser dist in npm package
## Prior Versions
When upgrading from the Handlebars 0.9 series, be aware that the
signature for passing custom helpers or partials to templates has
Instead of:
template(context, helpers, partials, [data])
template(context, {helpers: helpers, partials: partials, data: data})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
// Create a simple path alias to allow browserify to resolve
// the runtime on a supported path.
module.exports = require('./dist/cjs/handlebars.runtime')['default'];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"globals": {
"CompilerContext": true,
"Handlebars": true,
"handlebarsEnv": true,
"shouldCompileTo": true,
"shouldCompileToWithPartials": true,
"shouldThrow": true,
"compileWithPartials": true,
"console": true,
"require": true,
"suite": true,
"equal": true,
"equals": true,
"test": true,
"testBoth": true,
"raises": true,
"deepEqual": true,
"start": true,
"stop": true,
"ok": true,
"strictEqual": true,
"define": true
"env": {
"mocha": true
"rules": {
// Disabling for tests, for now.
"no-path-concat": 0,
"no-var": 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/mocha/mocha.css" />
.headless .suite > h1,
.headless .test.pass {
display: none;
// Show only errors in "headless", non-interactive mode.
if (/headless=true/.test(location.href)) {
document.documentElement.className = 'headless';
<script src="/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js"></script>
<script src="/spec/env/json2.js"></script>
<script src="/spec/env/require.js"></script>
<script src="/spec/env/common.js"></script>
var requireFailure;
paths: {
'handlebars.runtime': '/dist/handlebars.runtime.amd'
requirejs.onError = function (err) {
requireFailure = err;
onload = function(){
require(['handlebars.runtime'], function(Handlebars) {
describe('runtime', function() {
it('should load', function() {
equal(!!Handlebars['default'].template, true);
equal(!!Handlebars['default'].VERSION, true);
// The test harness leaks under FF. We should have decent global leak coverage from other tests
if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/([\d.]+)/)) {
var runner =;
//Reporting for saucelabs
var failedTests = [];
runner.on('end', function(){
window.mochaResults = runner.stats;
window.mochaResults.reports = failedTests;
runner.on('fail', logFailure);
// Inject any require initilizer failures into the first test so they are properly
// reported.
if (requireFailure) {
runner.on('hook end', function(hook){
if (requireFailure) {
requireFailure = undefined;
function logFailure(test, err){
var flattenTitles = function(test){
var titles = [];
while (test.parent.title){
test = test.parent;
return titles.reverse();
name: test.title,
result: false,
message: err.message,
stack: err.stack,
titles: flattenTitles(test)
<div id="mocha"></div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/mocha/mocha.css" />
.headless .suite > h1,
.headless .test.pass {
display: none;
// Show only errors in "headless", non-interactive mode.
if (/headless=true/.test(location.href)) {
document.documentElement.className = 'headless';
<script src="/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js"></script>
<script src="/spec/env/json2.js"></script>
<script src="/spec/env/require.js"></script>
<script src="/spec/env/common.js"></script>
var requireFailure;
paths: {
handlebars: '/dist/handlebars.amd',
tests: '/tmp/tests'
requirejs.onError = function (err) {
requireFailure = err;
var CompilerContext = {
compile: function(template, options) {
var templateSpec = handlebarsEnv.precompile(template, options);
return handlebarsEnv.template(safeEval(templateSpec));
compileWithPartial: function(template, options) {
return handlebarsEnv.compile(template, options);
function safeEval(templateSpec) {
try {
var ret;
eval('ret = ' + templateSpec);
return ret;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
onload = function(){
require(['handlebars'], function(Handlebars) {
window.Handlebars = Handlebars['default'];
require(['tests'], function(Handlebars) {
// The test harness leaks under FF. We should have decent global leak coverage from other tests
if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/([\d.]+)/)) {
var runner =;
//Reporting for saucelabs
var failedTests = [];
runner.on('end', function(){
window.mochaResults = runner.stats;
window.mochaResults.reports = failedTests;
runner.on('fail', logFailure);
// Inject any require initilizer failures into the first test so they are properly
// reported.
if (requireFailure) {
runner.on('hook end', function(hook){
if (requireFailure) {
requireFailure = undefined;
function logFailure(test, err){
function flattenTitles(test){
var titles = [];
while (test.parent.title){
test = test.parent;
return titles.reverse();
name: test.title,
result: false,
message: err.message,
stack: err.stack,
titles: flattenTitles(test)
<div id="mocha"></div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Hello, {{name}}!

lib/handlebars/spec/ast.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
describe('ast', function() {
if (!Handlebars.AST) {
start: {
line: 1,
column: 1
end: {
line: 1,
column: 1
function testLocationInfoStorage(node) {
equals(node.loc.start.line, 1);
equals(node.loc.start.column, 1);
equals(node.loc.end.line, 1);
equals(node.loc.end.column, 1);
describe('MustacheStatement', function() {
it('should store args', function() {
var mustache = new handlebarsEnv.AST.MustacheStatement({}, null, null, true, {}, LOCATION_INFO);
equals(mustache.type, 'MustacheStatement');
equals(mustache.escaped, true);
describe('BlockStatement', function() {
it('should throw on mustache mismatch', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
handlebarsEnv.parse('\n {{#foo}}{{/bar}}');
}, Handlebars.Exception, "foo doesn't match bar - 2:5");
it('stores location info', function() {
var mustacheNode = new handlebarsEnv.AST.MustacheStatement([{ original: 'foo'}], null, null, false, {});
var block = new handlebarsEnv.AST.BlockStatement(
null, null,
{body: []},
{body: []},
describe('PathExpression', function() {
it('stores location info', function() {
var idNode = new handlebarsEnv.AST.PathExpression(false, 0, [], 'foo', LOCATION_INFO);
describe('Hash', function() {
it('stores location info', function() {
var hash = new handlebarsEnv.AST.Hash([], LOCATION_INFO);
describe('ContentStatement', function() {
it('stores location info', function() {
var content = new handlebarsEnv.AST.ContentStatement('HI', LOCATION_INFO);
describe('CommentStatement', function() {
it('stores location info', function() {
var comment = new handlebarsEnv.AST.CommentStatement('HI', {}, LOCATION_INFO);
describe('NumberLiteral', function() {
it('stores location info', function() {
var integer = new handlebarsEnv.AST.NumberLiteral('6', LOCATION_INFO);
describe('StringLiteral', function() {
it('stores location info', function() {
var string = new handlebarsEnv.AST.StringLiteral('6', LOCATION_INFO);
describe('BooleanLiteral', function() {
it('stores location info', function() {
var bool = new handlebarsEnv.AST.BooleanLiteral('true', LOCATION_INFO);
describe('PartialStatement', function() {
it('stores location info', function() {
var pn = new handlebarsEnv.AST.PartialStatement('so_partial', [], {}, {}, LOCATION_INFO);
describe('Program', function() {
it('storing location info', function() {
var pn = new handlebarsEnv.AST.Program([], null, {}, LOCATION_INFO);
describe('Line Numbers', function() {
var ast, body;
function testColumns(node, firstLine, lastLine, firstColumn, lastColumn) {
equals(node.loc.start.line, firstLine);
equals(node.loc.start.column, firstColumn);
equals(node.loc.end.line, lastLine);
equals(node.loc.end.column, lastColumn);
ast = Handlebars.parse('line 1 {{line1Token}}\n line 2 {{line2token}}\n line 3 {{#blockHelperOnLine3}}\nline 4{{line4token}}\n' +
body = ast.body;
it('gets ContentNode line numbers', function() {
var contentNode = body[0];
testColumns(contentNode, 1, 1, 0, 7);
it('gets MustacheStatement line numbers', function() {
var mustacheNode = body[1];
testColumns(mustacheNode, 1, 1, 7, 21);
it('gets line numbers correct when newlines appear', function() {
testColumns(body[2], 1, 2, 21, 8);
it('gets MustacheStatement line numbers correct across newlines', function() {
var secondMustacheStatement = body[3];
testColumns(secondMustacheStatement, 2, 2, 8, 22);
it('gets the block helper information correct', function() {
var blockHelperNode = body[5];
testColumns(blockHelperNode, 3, 7, 8, 23);
it('correctly records the line numbers the program of a block helper', function() {
var blockHelperNode = body[5],
program = blockHelperNode.program;
testColumns(program, 3, 5, 8, 5);
it('correctly records the line numbers of an inverse of a block helper', function() {
var blockHelperNode = body[5],
inverse = blockHelperNode.inverse;
testColumns(inverse, 5, 7, 5, 0);
describe('standalone flags', function() {
describe('mustache', function() {
it('does not mark mustaches as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse(' {{comment}} ');
equals(!!ast.body[0].value, true);
equals(!!ast.body[2].value, true);
describe('blocks', function() {
it('marks block mustaches as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse(' {{# comment}} \nfoo\n {{else}} \n bar \n {{/comment}} '),
block = ast.body[1];
equals(ast.body[0].value, '');
equals(block.program.body[0].value, 'foo\n');
equals(block.inverse.body[0].value, ' bar \n');
equals(ast.body[2].value, '');
it('marks initial block mustaches as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse('{{# comment}} \nfoo\n {{/comment}}'),
block = ast.body[0];
equals(block.program.body[0].value, 'foo\n');
it('marks mustaches with children as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse('{{# comment}} \n{{foo}}\n {{/comment}}'),
block = ast.body[0];
equals(block.program.body[0].value, '');
equals(block.program.body[1].path.original, 'foo');
equals(block.program.body[2].value, '\n');
it('marks nested block mustaches as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse('{{#foo}} \n{{# comment}} \nfoo\n {{else}} \n bar \n {{/comment}} \n{{/foo}}'),
body = ast.body[0].program.body,
block = body[1];
equals(body[0].value, '');
equals(block.program.body[0].value, 'foo\n');
equals(block.inverse.body[0].value, ' bar \n');
equals(body[0].value, '');
it('does not mark nested block mustaches as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse('{{#foo}} {{# comment}} \nfoo\n {{else}} \n bar \n {{/comment}} {{/foo}}'),
body = ast.body[0].program.body,
block = body[1];
equals(body[0].omit, undefined);
equals(block.program.body[0].value, ' \nfoo\n');
equals(block.inverse.body[0].value, ' bar \n ');
equals(body[0].omit, undefined);
it('does not mark nested initial block mustaches as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse('{{#foo}}{{# comment}} \nfoo\n {{else}} \n bar \n {{/comment}}{{/foo}}'),
body = ast.body[0].program.body,
block = body[0];
equals(block.program.body[0].value, ' \nfoo\n');
equals(block.inverse.body[0].value, ' bar \n ');
equals(body[0].omit, undefined);
it('marks column 0 block mustaches as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse('test\n{{# comment}} \nfoo\n {{else}} \n bar \n {{/comment}} '),
block = ast.body[1];
equals(ast.body[0].omit, undefined);
equals(block.program.body[0].value, 'foo\n');
equals(block.inverse.body[0].value, ' bar \n');
equals(ast.body[2].value, '');
describe('partials', function() {
it('marks partial as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse('{{> partial }} ');
equals(ast.body[1].value, '');
it('marks indented partial as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse(' {{> partial }} ');
equals(ast.body[0].value, '');
equals(ast.body[1].indent, ' ');
equals(ast.body[2].value, '');
it('marks those around content as not standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse('a{{> partial }}');
equals(ast.body[0].omit, undefined);
ast = Handlebars.parse('{{> partial }}a');
equals(ast.body[1].omit, undefined);
describe('comments', function() {
it('marks comment as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse('{{! comment }} ');
equals(ast.body[1].value, '');
it('marks indented comment as standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse(' {{! comment }} ');
equals(ast.body[0].value, '');
equals(ast.body[2].value, '');
it('marks those around content as not standalone', function() {
var ast = Handlebars.parse('a{{! comment }}');
equals(ast.body[0].omit, undefined);
ast = Handlebars.parse('{{! comment }}a');
equals(ast.body[1].omit, undefined);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
global.handlebarsEnv = null;
beforeEach(function() {
global.handlebarsEnv = Handlebars.create();
describe('basic context', function() {
it('most basic', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{foo}}', { foo: 'foo' }, 'foo');
it('escaping', function() {
shouldCompileTo('\\{{foo}}', { foo: 'food' }, '{{foo}}');
shouldCompileTo('content \\{{foo}}', { foo: 'food' }, 'content {{foo}}');
shouldCompileTo('\\\\{{foo}}', { foo: 'food' }, '\\food');
shouldCompileTo('content \\\\{{foo}}', { foo: 'food' }, 'content \\food');
shouldCompileTo('\\\\ {{foo}}', { foo: 'food' }, '\\\\ food');
it('compiling with a basic context', function() {
shouldCompileTo('Goodbye\n{{cruel}}\n{{world}}!', {cruel: 'cruel', world: 'world'}, 'Goodbye\ncruel\nworld!',
'It works if all the required keys are provided');
it('compiling with an undefined context', function() {
shouldCompileTo('Goodbye\n{{cruel}}\n{{}}!', undefined, 'Goodbye\n\n!');
shouldCompileTo('{{#unless foo}}Goodbye{{../test}}{{test2}}{{/unless}}', undefined, 'Goodbye');
it('comments', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{! Goodbye}}Goodbye\n{{cruel}}\n{{world}}!',
{cruel: 'cruel', world: 'world'}, 'Goodbye\ncruel\nworld!',
'comments are ignored');
shouldCompileTo(' {{~! comment ~}} blah', {}, 'blah');
shouldCompileTo(' {{~!-- long-comment --~}} blah', {}, 'blah');
shouldCompileTo(' {{! comment ~}} blah', {}, ' blah');
shouldCompileTo(' {{!-- long-comment --~}} blah', {}, ' blah');
shouldCompileTo(' {{~! comment}} blah', {}, ' blah');
shouldCompileTo(' {{~!-- long-comment --}} blah', {}, ' blah');
it('boolean', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbye}}GOODBYE {{/goodbye}}cruel {{world}}!';
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: true, world: 'world'}, 'GOODBYE cruel world!',
'booleans show the contents when true');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: false, world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'booleans do not show the contents when false');
it('zeros', function() {
shouldCompileTo('num1: {{num1}}, num2: {{num2}}', {num1: 42, num2: 0},
'num1: 42, num2: 0');
shouldCompileTo('num: {{.}}', 0, 'num: 0');
shouldCompileTo('num: {{num1/num2}}', {num1: {num2: 0}}, 'num: 0');
it('false', function() {
/*eslint-disable no-new-wrappers */
shouldCompileTo('val1: {{val1}}, val2: {{val2}}', {val1: false, val2: new Boolean(false)}, 'val1: false, val2: false');
shouldCompileTo('val: {{.}}', false, 'val: false');
shouldCompileTo('val: {{val1/val2}}', {val1: {val2: false}}, 'val: false');
shouldCompileTo('val1: {{{val1}}}, val2: {{{val2}}}', {val1: false, val2: new Boolean(false)}, 'val1: false, val2: false');
shouldCompileTo('val: {{{val1/val2}}}', {val1: {val2: false}}, 'val: false');
/*eslint-enable */
it('should handle undefined and null', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{awesome undefined null}}',
awesome: function(_undefined, _null, options) {
return (_undefined === undefined) + ' ' + (_null === null) + ' ' + (typeof options);
'true true object');
'undefined': function() {
return 'undefined!';
'null': function() {
return 'null!';
it('newlines', function() {
shouldCompileTo("Alan's\nTest", {}, "Alan's\nTest");
shouldCompileTo("Alan's\rTest", {}, "Alan's\rTest");
it('escaping text', function() {
shouldCompileTo("Awesome's", {}, "Awesome's", "text is escaped so that it doesn't get caught on single quotes");
shouldCompileTo('Awesome\\', {}, 'Awesome\\', "text is escaped so that the closing quote can't be ignored");
shouldCompileTo('Awesome\\\\ foo', {}, 'Awesome\\\\ foo', "text is escaped so that it doesn't mess up backslashes");
shouldCompileTo('Awesome {{foo}}', {foo: '\\'}, 'Awesome \\', "text is escaped so that it doesn't mess up backslashes");
shouldCompileTo(" ' ' ", {}, " ' ' ", 'double quotes never produce invalid javascript');
it('escaping expressions', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{{awesome}}}', {awesome: '&\'\\<>'}, '&\'\\<>',
"expressions with 3 handlebars aren't escaped");
shouldCompileTo('{{&awesome}}', {awesome: '&\'\\<>'}, '&\'\\<>',
"expressions with {{& handlebars aren't escaped");
shouldCompileTo('{{awesome}}', {awesome: "&\"'`\\<>"}, '&amp;&quot;&#x27;&#x60;\\&lt;&gt;',
'by default expressions should be escaped');
shouldCompileTo('{{awesome}}', {awesome: 'Escaped, <b> looks like: &lt;b&gt;'}, 'Escaped, &lt;b&gt; looks like: &amp;lt;b&amp;gt;',
'escaping should properly handle amperstands');
it("functions returning safestrings shouldn't be escaped", function() {
var hash = {awesome: function() { return new Handlebars.SafeString('&\'\\<>'); }};
shouldCompileTo('{{awesome}}', hash, '&\'\\<>',
"functions returning safestrings aren't escaped");
it('functions', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{awesome}}', {awesome: function() { return 'Awesome'; }}, 'Awesome',
'functions are called and render their output');
shouldCompileTo('{{awesome}}', {awesome: function() { return this.more; }, more: 'More awesome'}, 'More awesome',
'functions are bound to the context');
it('functions with context argument', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{awesome frank}}',
{awesome: function(context) { return context; },
frank: 'Frank'},
'Frank', 'functions are called with context arguments');
it('pathed functions with context argument', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{bar.awesome frank}}',
{bar: {awesome: function(context) { return context; }},
frank: 'Frank'},
'Frank', 'functions are called with context arguments');
it('depthed functions with context argument', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#with frank}}{{../awesome .}}{{/with}}',
{awesome: function(context) { return context; },
frank: 'Frank'},
'Frank', 'functions are called with context arguments');
it('block functions with context argument', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#awesome 1}}inner {{.}}{{/awesome}}',
{awesome: function(context, options) { return options.fn(context); }},
'inner 1', 'block functions are called with context and options');
it('depthed block functions with context argument', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#with value}}{{#../awesome 1}}inner {{.}}{{/../awesome}}{{/with}}',
{value: true, awesome: function(context, options) { return options.fn(context); }},
'inner 1', 'block functions are called with context and options');
it('block functions without context argument', function() {
{awesome: function(options) { return options.fn(this); }},
'inner', 'block functions are called with options');
it('pathed block functions without context argument', function() {
{foo: {awesome: function() { return this; }}},
'inner', 'block functions are called with options');
it('depthed block functions without context argument', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#with value}}{{#../awesome}}inner{{/../awesome}}{{/with}}',
{value: true, awesome: function() { return this; }},
'inner', 'block functions are called with options');
it('paths with hyphens', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{foo-bar}}', {'foo-bar': 'baz'}, 'baz', 'Paths can contain hyphens (-)');
shouldCompileTo('{{}}', {foo: {'foo-bar': 'baz'}}, 'baz', 'Paths can contain hyphens (-)');
shouldCompileTo('{{foo/foo-bar}}', {foo: {'foo-bar': 'baz'}}, 'baz', 'Paths can contain hyphens (-)');
it('nested paths', function() {
shouldCompileTo('Goodbye {{alan/expression}} world!', {alan: {expression: 'beautiful'}},
'Goodbye beautiful world!', 'Nested paths access nested objects');
it('nested paths with empty string value', function() {
shouldCompileTo('Goodbye {{alan/expression}} world!', {alan: {expression: ''}},
'Goodbye world!', 'Nested paths access nested objects with empty string');
it('literal paths', function() {
shouldCompileTo('Goodbye {{[@alan]/expression}} world!', {'@alan': {expression: 'beautiful'}},
'Goodbye beautiful world!', 'Literal paths can be used');
shouldCompileTo('Goodbye {{[foo bar]/expression}} world!', {'foo bar': {expression: 'beautiful'}},
'Goodbye beautiful world!', 'Literal paths can be used');
it('literal references', function() {
shouldCompileTo('Goodbye {{[foo bar]}} world!', {'foo bar': 'beautiful'},
'Goodbye beautiful world!', 'Literal paths can be used');
it("that current context path ({{.}}) doesn't hit helpers", function() {
shouldCompileTo('test: {{.}}', [null, {helper: 'awesome'}], 'test: ');
it('complex but empty paths', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{person/name}}', {person: {name: null}}, '');
shouldCompileTo('{{person/name}}', {person: {}}, '');
it('this keyword in paths', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{this}}{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {goodbyes: ['goodbye', 'Goodbye', 'GOODBYE']};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'goodbyeGoodbyeGOODBYE',
'This keyword in paths evaluates to current context');
string = '{{#hellos}}{{this/text}}{{/hellos}}';
hash = {hellos: [{text: 'hello'}, {text: 'Hello'}, {text: 'HELLO'}]};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'helloHelloHELLO', 'This keyword evaluates in more complex paths');
it('this keyword nested inside path', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, 'Invalid path: text/this - 1:13');
shouldCompileTo('{{[this]}}', {'this': 'bar'}, 'bar');
shouldCompileTo('{{text/[this]}}', {text: {'this': 'bar'}}, 'bar');
it('this keyword in helpers', function() {
var helpers = {foo: function(value) {
return 'bar ' + value;
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{foo this}}{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {goodbyes: ['goodbye', 'Goodbye', 'GOODBYE']};
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, helpers], 'bar goodbyebar Goodbyebar GOODBYE',
'This keyword in paths evaluates to current context');
string = '{{#hellos}}{{foo this/text}}{{/hellos}}';
hash = {hellos: [{text: 'hello'}, {text: 'Hello'}, {text: 'HELLO'}]};
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, helpers], 'bar hellobar Hellobar HELLO', 'This keyword evaluates in more complex paths');
it('this keyword nested inside helpers param', function() {
var string = '{{#hellos}}{{foo text/this/foo}}{{/hellos}}';
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, 'Invalid path: text/this - 1:17');
'{{foo [this]}}',
{foo: function(value) { return value; }, 'this': 'bar'},
'{{foo text/[this]}}',
{foo: function(value) { return value; }, text: {'this': 'bar'}},
it('pass string literals', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{"foo"}}', {}, '');
shouldCompileTo('{{"foo"}}', { foo: 'bar' }, 'bar');
shouldCompileTo('{{#"foo"}}{{.}}{{/"foo"}}', { foo: ['bar', 'baz'] }, 'barbaz');
it('pass number literals', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{12}}', {}, '');
shouldCompileTo('{{12}}', { '12': 'bar' }, 'bar');
shouldCompileTo('{{12.34}}', {}, '');
shouldCompileTo('{{12.34}}', { '12.34': 'bar' }, 'bar');
shouldCompileTo('{{12.34 1}}', { '12.34': function(arg) { return 'bar' + arg; } }, 'bar1');
it('pass boolean literals', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{true}}', {}, '');
shouldCompileTo('{{true}}', { '': 'foo' }, '');
shouldCompileTo('{{false}}', { 'false': 'foo' }, 'foo');
it('should handle literals in subexpression', function() {
var helpers = {
foo: function(arg) {
return arg;
shouldCompileTo('{{foo (false)}}', [{ 'false': function() { return 'bar'; } }, helpers], 'bar');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
describe('blocks', function() {
it('array', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{text}}! {{/goodbyes}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'goodbye! Goodbye! GOODBYE! cruel world!',
'Arrays iterate over the contents when not empty');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbyes: [], world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'Arrays ignore the contents when empty');
it('array without data', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{text}}{{/goodbyes}} {{#goodbyes}}{{text}}{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash,,, false], 'goodbyeGoodbyeGOODBYE goodbyeGoodbyeGOODBYE');
it('array with @index', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{@index}}. {{text}}! {{/goodbyes}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, '0. goodbye! 1. Goodbye! 2. GOODBYE! cruel world!', 'The @index variable is used');
it('empty block', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{/goodbyes}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'cruel world!',
'Arrays iterate over the contents when not empty');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbyes: [], world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'Arrays ignore the contents when empty');
it('block with complex lookup', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{text}} cruel {{../name}}! {{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {name: 'Alan', goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}]};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'goodbye cruel Alan! Goodbye cruel Alan! GOODBYE cruel Alan! ',
'Templates can access variables in contexts up the stack with relative path syntax');
it('multiple blocks with complex lookup', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{../name}}{{../name}}{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {name: 'Alan', goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}]};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'AlanAlanAlanAlanAlanAlan');
it('block with complex lookup using nested context', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{text}} cruel {{foo/../name}}! {{/goodbyes}}';
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error);
it('block with deep nested complex lookup', function() {
var string = '{{#outer}}Goodbye {{#inner}}cruel {{../sibling}} {{../../omg}}{{/inner}}{{/outer}}';
var hash = {omg: 'OMG!', outer: [{ sibling: 'sad', inner: [{ text: 'goodbye' }] }] };
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'Goodbye cruel sad OMG!');
describe('inverted sections', function() {
it('inverted sections with unset value', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{this}}{{/goodbyes}}{{^goodbyes}}Right On!{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'Right On!', "Inverted section rendered when value isn't set.");
it('inverted section with false value', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{this}}{{/goodbyes}}{{^goodbyes}}Right On!{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {goodbyes: false};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'Right On!', 'Inverted section rendered when value is false.');
it('inverted section with empty set', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{this}}{{/goodbyes}}{{^goodbyes}}Right On!{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {goodbyes: []};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'Right On!', 'Inverted section rendered when value is empty set.');
it('block inverted sections', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#people}}{{name}}{{^}}{{none}}{{/people}}', {none: 'No people'},
'No people');
it('chained inverted sections', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#people}}{{name}}{{else if none}}{{none}}{{/people}}', {none: 'No people'},
'No people');
shouldCompileTo('{{#people}}{{name}}{{else if nothere}}fail{{else unless nothere}}{{none}}{{/people}}', {none: 'No people'},
'No people');
shouldCompileTo('{{#people}}{{name}}{{else if none}}{{none}}{{else}}fail{{/people}}', {none: 'No people'},
'No people');
it('chained inverted sections with mismatch', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#people}}{{name}}{{else if none}}{{none}}{{/if}}', {none: 'No people'},
'No people');
}, Error);
it('block inverted sections with empty arrays', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#people}}{{name}}{{^}}{{none}}{{/people}}', {none: 'No people', people: []},
'No people');
describe('standalone sections', function() {
it('block standalone else sections', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#people}}\n{{name}}\n{{^}}\n{{none}}\n{{/people}}\n', {none: 'No people'},
'No people\n');
shouldCompileTo('{{#none}}\n{{.}}\n{{^}}\n{{none}}\n{{/none}}\n', {none: 'No people'},
'No people\n');
shouldCompileTo('{{#people}}\n{{name}}\n{{^}}\n{{none}}\n{{/people}}\n', {none: 'No people'},
'No people\n');
it('block standalone chained else sections', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#people}}\n{{name}}\n{{else if none}}\n{{none}}\n{{/people}}\n', {none: 'No people'},
'No people\n');
shouldCompileTo('{{#people}}\n{{name}}\n{{else if none}}\n{{none}}\n{{^}}\n{{/people}}\n', {none: 'No people'},
'No people\n');
it('should handle nesting', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#data}}\n{{#if true}}\n{{.}}\n{{/if}}\n{{/data}}\nOK.', {data: [1, 3, 5]}, '1\n3\n5\nOK.');
describe('compat mode', function() {
it('block with deep recursive lookup lookup', function() {
var string = '{{#outer}}Goodbye {{#inner}}cruel {{omg}}{{/inner}}{{/outer}}';
var hash = {omg: 'OMG!', outer: [{ inner: [{ text: 'goodbye' }] }] };
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, undefined, undefined, true], 'Goodbye cruel OMG!');
it('block with deep recursive pathed lookup', function() {
var string = '{{#outer}}Goodbye {{#inner}}cruel {{omg.yes}}{{/inner}}{{/outer}}';
var hash = {omg: {yes: 'OMG!'}, outer: [{ inner: [{ yes: 'no', text: 'goodbye' }] }] };
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, undefined, undefined, true], 'Goodbye cruel OMG!');
it('block with missed recursive lookup', function() {
var string = '{{#outer}}Goodbye {{#inner}}cruel {{omg.yes}}{{/inner}}{{/outer}}';
var hash = {omg: {no: 'OMG!'}, outer: [{ inner: [{ yes: 'no', text: 'goodbye' }] }] };
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, undefined, undefined, true], 'Goodbye cruel ');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
describe('builtin helpers', function() {
describe('#if', function() {
it('if', function() {
var string = '{{#if goodbye}}GOODBYE {{/if}}cruel {{world}}!';
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: true, world: 'world'}, 'GOODBYE cruel world!',
'if with boolean argument shows the contents when true');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: 'dummy', world: 'world'}, 'GOODBYE cruel world!',
'if with string argument shows the contents');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: false, world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'if with boolean argument does not show the contents when false');
shouldCompileTo(string, {world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'if with undefined does not show the contents');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: ['foo'], world: 'world'}, 'GOODBYE cruel world!',
'if with non-empty array shows the contents');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: [], world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'if with empty array does not show the contents');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: 0, world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'if with zero does not show the contents');
shouldCompileTo('{{#if goodbye includeZero=true}}GOODBYE {{/if}}cruel {{world}}!',
{goodbye: 0, world: 'world'}, 'GOODBYE cruel world!',
'if with zero does not show the contents');
it('if with function argument', function() {
var string = '{{#if goodbye}}GOODBYE {{/if}}cruel {{world}}!';
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: function() {return true; }, world: 'world'}, 'GOODBYE cruel world!',
'if with function shows the contents when function returns true');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: function() {return; }, world: 'world'}, 'GOODBYE cruel world!',
'if with function shows the contents when function returns string');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: function() {return false; }, world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'if with function does not show the contents when returns false');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbye: function() {return; }, world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'if with function does not show the contents when returns undefined');
describe('#with', function() {
it('with', function() {
var string = '{{#with person}}{{first}} {{last}}{{/with}}';
shouldCompileTo(string, {person: {first: 'Alan', last: 'Johnson'}}, 'Alan Johnson');
it('with with function argument', function() {
var string = '{{#with person}}{{first}} {{last}}{{/with}}';
shouldCompileTo(string, {person: function() { return {first: 'Alan', last: 'Johnson'}; }}, 'Alan Johnson');
it('with with else', function() {
var string = '{{#with person}}Person is present{{else}}Person is not present{{/with}}';
shouldCompileTo(string, {}, 'Person is not present');
describe('#each', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
handlebarsEnv.registerHelper('detectDataInsideEach', function(options) {
return &&;
it('each', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{text}}! {{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'goodbye! Goodbye! GOODBYE! cruel world!',
'each with array argument iterates over the contents when not empty');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbyes: [], world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'each with array argument ignores the contents when empty');
it('each without data', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{text}}! {{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash,,,, false], 'goodbye! Goodbye! GOODBYE! cruel world!');
hash = {goodbyes: 'cruel', world: 'world'};
shouldCompileTo('{{#each .}}{{.}}{{/each}}', [hash,,,, false], 'cruelworld');
it('each without context', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{text}}! {{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
shouldCompileTo(string, [,,,, ], 'cruel !');
it('each with an object and @key', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{@key}}. {{text}}! {{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
function Clazz() {
this['<b>#1</b>'] = {text: 'goodbye'};
this[2] = {text: 'GOODBYE'};
} = 'fail';
var hash = {goodbyes: new Clazz(), world: 'world'};
// Object property iteration order is undefined according to ECMA spec,
// so we need to check both possible orders
// @see
var actual = compileWithPartials(string, hash);
var expected1 = '&lt;b&gt;#1&lt;/b&gt;. goodbye! 2. GOODBYE! cruel world!';
var expected2 = '2. GOODBYE! &lt;b&gt;#1&lt;/b&gt;. goodbye! cruel world!';
equals(actual === expected1 || actual === expected2, true, 'each with object argument iterates over the contents when not empty');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbyes: {}, world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!');
it('each with @index', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{@index}}. {{text}}! {{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, '0. goodbye! 1. Goodbye! 2. GOODBYE! cruel world!', 'The @index variable is used');
it('each with nested @index', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{@index}}. {{text}}! {{#each ../goodbyes}}{{@index}} {{/each}}After {{@index}} {{/each}}{{@index}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, '0. goodbye! 0 1 2 After 0 1. Goodbye! 0 1 2 After 1 2. GOODBYE! 0 1 2 After 2 cruel world!', 'The @index variable is used');
it('each with block params', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes as |value index|}}{{index}}. {{value.text}}! {{#each ../goodbyes as |childValue childIndex|}} {{index}} {{childIndex}}{{/each}} After {{index}} {{/each}}{{index}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}], world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, '0. goodbye! 0 0 0 1 After 0 1. Goodbye! 1 0 1 1 After 1 cruel world!');
it('each object with @index', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{@index}}. {{text}}! {{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: {'a': {text: 'goodbye'}, b: {text: 'Goodbye'}, c: {text: 'GOODBYE'}}, world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, '0. goodbye! 1. Goodbye! 2. GOODBYE! cruel world!', 'The @index variable is used');
it('each with @first', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{#if @first}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, 'goodbye! cruel world!', 'The @first variable is used');
it('each with nested @first', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}({{#if @first}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{#each ../goodbyes}}{{#if @first}}{{text}}!{{/if}}{{/each}}{{#if @first}} {{text}}!{{/if}}) {{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, '(goodbye! goodbye! goodbye!) (goodbye!) (goodbye!) cruel world!', 'The @first variable is used');
it('each object with @first', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{#if @first}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: {'foo': {text: 'goodbye'}, bar: {text: 'Goodbye'}}, world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, 'goodbye! cruel world!', 'The @first variable is used');
it('each with @last', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{#if @last}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, 'GOODBYE! cruel world!', 'The @last variable is used');
it('each object with @last', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{#if @last}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: {'foo': {text: 'goodbye'}, bar: {text: 'Goodbye'}}, world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, 'Goodbye! cruel world!', 'The @last variable is used');
it('each with nested @last', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}({{#if @last}}{{text}}! {{/if}}{{#each ../goodbyes}}{{#if @last}}{{text}}!{{/if}}{{/each}}{{#if @last}} {{text}}!{{/if}}) {{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}], world: 'world'};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, '(GOODBYE!) (GOODBYE!) (GOODBYE! GOODBYE! GOODBYE!) cruel world!', 'The @last variable is used');
it('each with function argument', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{text}}! {{/each}}cruel {{world}}!';
var hash = {goodbyes: function() { return [{text: 'goodbye'}, {text: 'Goodbye'}, {text: 'GOODBYE'}]; }, world: 'world'};
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, 'goodbye! Goodbye! GOODBYE! cruel world!',
'each with array function argument iterates over the contents when not empty');
shouldCompileTo(string, {goodbyes: [], world: 'world'}, 'cruel world!',
'each with array function argument ignores the contents when empty');
it('data passed to helpers', function() {
var string = '{{#each letters}}{{this}}{{detectDataInsideEach}}{{/each}}';
var hash = {letters: ['a', 'b', 'c']};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash, {
data: {
exclaim: '!'
equal(result, 'a!b!c!', 'should output data');
it('each on implicit context', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#each}}{{text}}! {{/each}}cruel world!');
}, handlebarsEnv.Exception, 'Must pass iterator to #each');
describe('#log', function() {
/*eslint-disable no-console */
if (typeof console === 'undefined') {
var $log,
beforeEach(function() {
$log = console.log;
$info =;
$error = console.error;
afterEach(function() {
console.log = $log; = $info;
console.error = $error;
it('should call logger at default level', function() {
var string = '{{log blah}}';
var hash = { blah: 'whee' };
var levelArg, logArg;
handlebarsEnv.log = function(level, arg) {
levelArg = level;
logArg = arg;
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, '', 'log should not display');
equals(1, levelArg, 'should call log with 1');
equals('whee', logArg, "should call log with 'whee'");
it('should call logger at data level', function() {
var string = '{{log blah}}';
var hash = { blah: 'whee' };
var levelArg, logArg;
handlebarsEnv.log = function(level, arg) {
levelArg = level;
logArg = arg;
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash,,,, {level: '03'}], '');
equals(3, levelArg);
equals('whee', logArg);
it('should output to info', function() {
var string = '{{log blah}}';
var hash = { blah: 'whee' };
var called; = function(info) {
equals('whee', info);
called = true;
console.log = function(log) {
equals('whee', log);
called = true;
shouldCompileTo(string, hash, '');
equals(true, called);
it('should log at data level', function() {
var string = '{{log blah}}';
var hash = { blah: 'whee' };
var called;
console.error = function(log) {
equals('whee', log);
called = true;
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash,,,, {level: '03'}], '');
equals(true, called);
it('should handle missing logger', function() {
var string = '{{log blah}}';
var hash = { blah: 'whee' };
console.error = undefined;
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash,,,, {level: '03'}], '');
/*eslint-enable no-console */
describe('#lookup', function() {
it('should lookup arbitrary content', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{lookup ../data .}}{{/each}}',
hash = {goodbyes: [0, 1], data: ['foo', 'bar']};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, 'foobar');
it('should not fail on undefined value', function() {
var string = '{{#each goodbyes}}{{lookup ../bar .}}{{/each}}',
hash = {goodbyes: [0, 1], data: ['foo', 'bar']};
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template(hash);
equal(result, '');

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
describe('compiler', function() {
if (!Handlebars.compile) {
describe('#equals', function() {
function compile(string) {
var ast = Handlebars.parse(string);
return new Handlebars.Compiler().compile(ast, {});
it('should treat as equal', function() {
equal(compile('foo').equals(compile('foo')), true);
equal(compile('{{foo}}').equals(compile('{{foo}}')), true);
equal(compile('{{}}').equals(compile('{{}}')), true);
equal(compile('{{ baz "foo" true false bat=1}}').equals(compile('{{ baz "foo" true false bat=1}}')), true);
equal(compile('{{ (baz bat=1)}}').equals(compile('{{ (baz bat=1)}}')), true);
equal(compile('{{#foo}} {{/foo}}').equals(compile('{{#foo}} {{/foo}}')), true);
it('should treat as not equal', function() {
equal(compile('foo').equals(compile('bar')), false);
equal(compile('{{foo}}').equals(compile('{{bar}}')), false);
equal(compile('{{}}').equals(compile('{{}}')), false);
equal(compile('{{ baz bat=1}}').equals(compile('{{ bar bat=1}}')), false);
equal(compile('{{ (baz bat=1)}}').equals(compile('{{ (bar bat=1)}}')), false);
equal(compile('{{#foo}} {{/foo}}').equals(compile('{{#bar}} {{/bar}}')), false);
equal(compile('{{#foo}} {{/foo}}').equals(compile('{{#foo}} {{foo}}{{/foo}}')), false);
describe('#compile', function() {
it('should fail with invalid input', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, 'You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.compile. You passed null');
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, 'You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.compile. You passed [object Object]');
it('can utilize AST instance', function() {
equal(Handlebars.compile(new Handlebars.AST.Program([ new Handlebars.AST.ContentStatement('Hello')], null, {}))(), 'Hello');
it('can pass through an empty string', function() {
equal(Handlebars.compile('')(), '');
describe('#precompile', function() {
it('should fail with invalid input', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, 'You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.precompile. You passed null');
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, 'You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.precompile. You passed [object Object]');
it('can utilize AST instance', function() {
equal(/return "Hello"/.test(Handlebars.precompile(new Handlebars.AST.Program([ new Handlebars.AST.ContentStatement('Hello')]), null, {})), true);
it('can pass through an empty string', function() {
equal(/return ""/.test(Handlebars.precompile('')), true);

lib/handlebars/spec/data.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
describe('data', function() {
it('passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - works with helpers', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{hello}}', {data: true});
var helpers = {
hello: function(options) {
return + ' ' + this.noun;
var result = template({noun: 'cat'}, {helpers: helpers, data: {adjective: 'happy'}});
equals('happy cat', result, 'Data output by helper');
it('data can be looked up via @foo', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{@hello}}');
var result = template({}, { data: { hello: 'hello' } });
equals('hello', result, '@foo retrieves template data');
it('deep @foo triggers automatic top-level data', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#let world="world"}}{{#if foo}}{{#if foo}}Hello {{@world}}{{/if}}{{/if}}{{/let}}');
var helpers = Handlebars.createFrame(handlebarsEnv.helpers);
helpers.let = function(options) {
var frame = Handlebars.createFrame(;
for (var prop in options.hash) {
if (prop in options.hash) {
frame[prop] = options.hash[prop];
return options.fn(this, { data: frame });
var result = template({ foo: true }, { helpers: helpers });
equals('Hello world', result, 'Automatic data was triggered');
it('parameter data can be looked up via @foo', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{hello @world}}');
var helpers = {
hello: function(noun) {
return 'Hello ' + noun;
var result = template({}, { helpers: helpers, data: { world: 'world' } });
equals('Hello world', result, '@foo as a parameter retrieves template data');
it('hash values can be looked up via @foo', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{hello noun=@world}}');
var helpers = {
hello: function(options) {
return 'Hello ' + options.hash.noun;
var result = template({}, { helpers: helpers, data: { world: 'world' } });
equals('Hello world', result, '@foo as a parameter retrieves template data');
it('nested parameter data can be looked up via', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{hello}}');
var helpers = {
hello: function(noun) {
return 'Hello ' + noun;
var result = template({}, { helpers: helpers, data: { world: {bar: 'world' } } });
equals('Hello world', result, '@foo as a parameter retrieves template data');
it('nested parameter data does not fail with', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{hello}}');
var helpers = {
hello: function(noun) {
return 'Hello ' + noun;
var result = template({}, { helpers: helpers, data: { foo: {bar: 'world' } } });
equals('Hello undefined', result, '@foo as a parameter retrieves template data');
it('parameter data throws when using complex scope references', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{text}} cruel {{@foo/../name}}! {{/goodbyes}}';
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error);
it('data can be functions', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{@hello}}');
var result = template({}, { data: { hello: function() { return 'hello'; } } });
equals('hello', result);
it('data can be functions with params', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{@hello "hello"}}');
var result = template({}, { data: { hello: function(arg) { return arg; } } });
equals('hello', result);
it('data is inherited downstream', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#let foo=1 bar=2}}{{#let foo=bar.baz}}{{@bar}}{{@foo}}{{/let}}{{@foo}}{{/let}}', { data: true });
var helpers = {
let: function(options) {
var frame = Handlebars.createFrame(;
for (var prop in options.hash) {
if (prop in options.hash) {
frame[prop] = options.hash[prop];
return options.fn(this, {data: frame});
var result = template({ bar: { baz: 'hello world' } }, { helpers: helpers, data: {} });
equals('2hello world1', result, 'data variables are inherited downstream');
it('passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - works with helpers in partials', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{>myPartial}}', {data: true});
var partials = {
myPartial: CompilerContext.compile('{{hello}}', {data: true})
var helpers = {
hello: function(options) {
return + ' ' + this.noun;
var result = template({noun: 'cat'}, {helpers: helpers, partials: partials, data: {adjective: 'happy'}});
equals('happy cat', result, 'Data output by helper inside partial');
it('passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - works with helpers and parameters', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{hello world}}', {data: true});
var helpers = {
hello: function(noun, options) {
return + ' ' + noun + (this.exclaim ? '!' : '');
var result = template({exclaim: true, world: 'world'}, {helpers: helpers, data: {adjective: 'happy'}});
equals('happy world!', result, 'Data output by helper');
it('passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - works with block helpers', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#hello}}{{world}}{{/hello}}', {data: true});
var helpers = {
hello: function(options) {
return options.fn(this);
world: function(options) {
return + ' world' + (this.exclaim ? '!' : '');
var result = template({exclaim: true}, {helpers: helpers, data: {adjective: 'happy'}});
equals('happy world!', result, 'Data output by helper');
it('passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - works with block helpers that use ..', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#hello}}{{world ../zomg}}{{/hello}}', {data: true});
var helpers = {
hello: function(options) {
return options.fn({exclaim: '?'});
world: function(thing, options) {
return + ' ' + thing + (this.exclaim || '');
var result = template({exclaim: true, zomg: 'world'}, {helpers: helpers, data: {adjective: 'happy'}});
equals('happy world?', result, 'Data output by helper');
it('passing in data to a compiled function that expects data - data is passed to with block helpers where children use ..', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#hello}}{{world ../zomg}}{{/hello}}', {data: true});
var helpers = {
hello: function(options) {
return + ' ' + options.fn({exclaim: '?'});
world: function(thing, options) {
return + ' ' + thing + (this.exclaim || '');
var result = template({exclaim: true, zomg: 'world'}, {helpers: helpers, data: {adjective: 'happy', accessData: '#win'}});
equals('#win happy world?', result, 'Data output by helper');
it('you can override inherited data when invoking a helper', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#hello}}{{world zomg}}{{/hello}}', {data: true});
var helpers = {
hello: function(options) {
return options.fn({exclaim: '?', zomg: 'world'}, { data: {adjective: 'sad'} });
world: function(thing, options) {
return + ' ' + thing + (this.exclaim || '');
var result = template({exclaim: true, zomg: 'planet'}, {helpers: helpers, data: {adjective: 'happy'}});
equals('sad world?', result, 'Overriden data output by helper');
it('you can override inherited data when invoking a helper with depth', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#hello}}{{world ../zomg}}{{/hello}}', {data: true});
var helpers = {
hello: function(options) {
return options.fn({exclaim: '?'}, { data: {adjective: 'sad'} });
world: function(thing, options) {
return + ' ' + thing + (this.exclaim || '');
var result = template({exclaim: true, zomg: 'world'}, {helpers: helpers, data: {adjective: 'happy'}});
equals('sad world?', result, 'Overriden data output by helper');
describe('@root', function() {
it('the root context can be looked up via @root', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{}}');
var result = template({foo: 'hello'}, { data: {} });
equals('hello', result);
result = template({foo: 'hello'}, {});
equals('hello', result);
it('passed root values take priority', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{}}');
var result = template({}, { data: {root: {foo: 'hello'} } });
equals('hello', result);
describe('nesting', function() {
it('the root context can be looked up via @root', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#helper}}{{#helper}}{{@./depth}} {{@../depth}} {{@../../depth}}{{/helper}}{{/helper}}');
var result = template({foo: 'hello'}, {
helpers: {
helper: function(options) {
var frame = Handlebars.createFrame(;
frame.depth = + 1;
return options.fn(this, {data: frame});
data: {
depth: 0
equals('2 1 0', result);

lib/handlebars/spec/env/browser.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
var fs = require('fs'),
vm = require('vm');
global.Handlebars = 'no-conflict';
vm.runInThisContext(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../dist/handlebars.js'), 'dist/handlebars.js');
global.CompilerContext = {
browser: true,
compile: function(template, options) {
var templateSpec = handlebarsEnv.precompile(template, options);
return handlebarsEnv.template(safeEval(templateSpec));
compileWithPartial: function(template, options) {
return handlebarsEnv.compile(template, options);
function safeEval(templateSpec) {
/*eslint-disable no-eval, no-console */
try {
return eval('(' + templateSpec + ')');
} catch (err) {
throw err;
/*eslint-enable no-eval, no-console */

lib/handlebars/spec/env/common.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
global.shouldCompileTo = function(string, hashOrArray, expected, message) {
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, hashOrArray, false, expected, message);
global.shouldCompileToWithPartials = function(string, hashOrArray, partials, expected, message) {
var result = compileWithPartials(string, hashOrArray, partials);
if (result !== expected) {
throw new Error("'" + result + "' should === '" + expected + "': " + message);
global.compileWithPartials = function(string, hashOrArray, partials) {
var template,
if ( === '[object Array]') {
ary = [];
ary.push({ helpers: hashOrArray[1], partials: hashOrArray[2] });
options = typeof hashOrArray[3] === 'object' ? hashOrArray[3] : {compat: hashOrArray[3]};
if (hashOrArray[4] != null) { = !!hashOrArray[4];
ary[1].data = hashOrArray[4];
} else {
ary = [hashOrArray];
template = CompilerContext[partials ? 'compileWithPartial' : 'compile'](string, options);
return template.apply(this, ary);
global.equals = global.equal = function(a, b, msg) {
if (a !== b) {
throw new Error("'" + a + "' should === '" + b + "'" + (msg ? ': ' + msg : ''));
global.shouldThrow = function(callback, type, msg) {
var failed;
try {
failed = true;
} catch (err) {
if (type && !(err instanceof type)) {
throw new Error('Type failure: ' + err);
if (msg && !(msg.test ? msg.test(err.message) : msg === err.message)) {
equal(msg, err.message);
if (failed) {
throw new Error('It failed to throw');

lib/handlebars/spec/env/json2.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
Public Domain.
This code should be minified before deployment.
This file creates a global JSON object containing two methods: stringify
and parse.
JSON.stringify(value, replacer, space)
value any JavaScript value, usually an object or array.
replacer an optional parameter that determines how object
values are stringified for objects. It can be a
function or an array of strings.
space an optional parameter that specifies the indentation
of nested structures. If it is omitted, the text will
be packed without extra whitespace. If it is a number,
it will specify the number of spaces to indent at each
level. If it is a string (such as '\t' or '&nbsp;'),
it contains the characters used to indent at each level.
This method produces a JSON text from a JavaScript value.
When an object value is found, if the object contains a toJSON
method, its toJSON method will be called and the result will be
stringified. A toJSON method does not serialize: it returns the
value represented by the name/value pair that should be serialized,
or undefined if nothing should be serialized. The toJSON method
will be passed the key associated with the value, and this will be
bound to the value
For example, this would serialize Dates as ISO strings.
Date.prototype.toJSON = function (key) {
function f(n) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
return this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z';
You can provide an optional replacer method. It will be passed the
key and value of each member, with this bound to the containing
object. The value that is returned from your method will be
serialized. If your method returns undefined, then the member will
be excluded from the serialization.
If the replacer parameter is an array of strings, then it will be
used to select the members to be serialized. It filters the results
such that only members with keys listed in the replacer array are
Values that do not have JSON representations, such as undefined or
functions, will not be serialized. Such values in objects will be
dropped; in arrays they will be replaced with null. You can use
a replacer function to replace those with JSON values.
JSON.stringify(undefined) returns undefined.
The optional space parameter produces a stringification of the
value that is filled with line breaks and indentation to make it
easier to read.
If the space parameter is a non-empty string, then that string will
be used for indentation. If the space parameter is a number, then
the indentation will be that many spaces.
text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}]);
// text is '["e",{"pluribus":"unum"}]'
text = JSON.stringify(['e', {pluribus: 'unum'}], null, '\t');
// text is '[\n\t"e",\n\t{\n\t\t"pluribus": "unum"\n\t}\n]'
text = JSON.stringify([new Date()], function (key, value) {
return this[key] instanceof Date ?
'Date(' + this[key] + ')' : value;
// text is '["Date(---current time---)"]'
JSON.parse(text, reviver)
This method parses a JSON text to produce an object or array.
It can throw a SyntaxError exception.
The optional reviver parameter is a function that can filter and
transform the results. It receives each of the keys and values,
and its return value is used instead of the original value.
If it returns what it received, then the structure is not modified.
If it returns undefined then the member is deleted.
// Parse the text. Values that look like ISO date strings will
// be converted to Date objects.
myData = JSON.parse(text, function (key, value) {
var a;
if (typeof value === 'string') {
a =
if (a) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(+a[1], +a[2] - 1, +a[3], +a[4],
+a[5], +a[6]));
return value;
myData = JSON.parse('["Date(09/09/2001)"]', function (key, value) {
var d;
if (typeof value === 'string' &&
value.slice(0, 5) === 'Date(' &&
value.slice(-1) === ')') {
d = new Date(value.slice(5, -1));
if (d) {
return d;
return value;
This is a reference implementation. You are free to copy, modify, or
/*jslint evil: true, regexp: true */
/*members "", "\b", "\t", "\n", "\f", "\r", "\"", JSON, "\\", apply,
call, charCodeAt, getUTCDate, getUTCFullYear, getUTCHours,
getUTCMinutes, getUTCMonth, getUTCSeconds, hasOwnProperty, join,
lastIndex, length, parse, prototype, push, replace, slice, stringify,
test, toJSON, toString, valueOf
// Create a JSON object only if one does not already exist. We create the
// methods in a closure to avoid creating global variables.
if (typeof JSON !== 'object') {
JSON = {};
(function () {
'use strict';
function f(n) {
// Format integers to have at least two digits.
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
if (typeof Date.prototype.toJSON !== 'function') {
Date.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return isFinite(this.valueOf())
? this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z'
: null;
String.prototype.toJSON =
Number.prototype.toJSON =
Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return this.valueOf();
var cx,
function quote(string) {
// If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no
// backslash characters, then we can safely slap some quotes around it.
// Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe escape
// sequences.
escapable.lastIndex = 0;
return escapable.test(string) ? '"' + string.replace(escapable, function (a) {
var c = meta[a];
return typeof c === 'string'
? c
: '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
}) + '"' : '"' + string + '"';
function str(key, holder) {
// Produce a string from holder[key].
var i, // The loop counter.
k, // The member key.
v, // The member value.
mind = gap,
value = holder[key];
// If the value has a toJSON method, call it to obtain a replacement value.
if (value && typeof value === 'object' &&
typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
value = value.toJSON(key);
// If we were called with a replacer function, then call the replacer to
// obtain a replacement value.
if (typeof rep === 'function') {
value =, key, value);
// What happens next depends on the value's type.
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string':
return quote(value);
case 'number':
// JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null.
return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
case 'boolean':
case 'null':
// If the value is a boolean or null, convert it to a string. Note:
// typeof null does not produce 'null'. The case is included here in
// the remote chance that this gets fixed someday.
return String(value);
// If the type is 'object', we might be dealing with an object or an array or
// null.
case 'object':
// Due to a specification blunder in ECMAScript, typeof null is 'object',
// so watch out for that case.
if (!value) {
return 'null';
// Make an array to hold the partial results of stringifying this object value.
gap += indent;
partial = [];
// Is the value an array?
if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object Array]') {
// The value is an array. Stringify every element. Use null as a placeholder
// for non-JSON values.
length = value.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
partial[i] = str(i, value) || 'null';
// Join all of the elements together, separated with commas, and wrap them in
// brackets.
v = partial.length === 0
? '[]'
: gap
? '[\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + ']'
: '[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
gap = mind;
return v;
// If the replacer is an array, use it to select the members to be stringified.
if (rep && typeof rep === 'object') {
length = rep.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
if (typeof rep[i] === 'string') {
k = rep[i];
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
} else {
// Otherwise, iterate through all of the keys in the object.
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = str(k, value);
if (v) {
partial.push(quote(k) + (gap ? ': ' : ':') + v);
// Join all of the member texts together, separated with commas,
// and wrap them in braces.
v = partial.length === 0
? '{}'
: gap
? '{\n' + gap + partial.join(',\n' + gap) + '\n' + mind + '}'
: '{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
gap = mind;
return v;
// If the JSON object does not yet have a stringify method, give it one.
if (typeof JSON.stringify !== 'function') {
escapable = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;
meta = { // table of character substitutions
'\b': '\\b',
'\t': '\\t',
'\n': '\\n',
'\f': '\\f',
'\r': '\\r',
'"' : '\\"',
'\\': '\\\\'
JSON.stringify = function (value, replacer, space) {
// The stringify method takes a value and an optional replacer, and an optional
// space parameter, and returns a JSON text. The replacer can be a function
// that can replace values, or an array of strings that will select the keys.
// A default replacer method can be provided. Use of the space parameter can
// produce text that is more easily readable.
var i;
gap = '';
indent = '';
// If the space parameter is a number, make an indent string containing that
// many spaces.
if (typeof space === 'number') {
for (i = 0; i < space; i += 1) {
indent += ' ';
// If the space parameter is a string, it will be used as the indent string.
} else if (typeof space === 'string') {
indent = space;
// If there is a replacer, it must be a function or an array.
// Otherwise, throw an error.
rep = replacer;
if (replacer && typeof replacer !== 'function' &&
(typeof replacer !== 'object' ||
typeof replacer.length !== 'number')) {
throw new Error('JSON.stringify');
// Make a fake root object containing our value under the key of ''.
// Return the result of stringifying the value.
return str('', {'': value});
// If the JSON object does not yet have a parse method, give it one.
if (typeof JSON.parse !== 'function') {
cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;
JSON.parse = function (text, reviver) {
// The parse method takes a text and an optional reviver function, and returns
// a JavaScript value if the text is a valid JSON text.
var j;
function walk(holder, key) {
// The walk method is used to recursively walk the resulting structure so
// that modifications can be made.
var k, v, value = holder[key];
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
for (k in value) {
if (, k)) {
v = walk(value, k);
if (v !== undefined) {
value[k] = v;
} else {
delete value[k];
return, key, value);
// Parsing happens in four stages. In the first stage, we replace certain
// Unicode characters with escape sequences. JavaScript handles many characters
// incorrectly, either silently deleting them, or treating them as line endings.
text = String(text);
cx.lastIndex = 0;
if (cx.test(text)) {
text = text.replace(cx, function (a) {
return '\\u' +
('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
// In the second stage, we run the text against regular expressions that look
// for non-JSON patterns. We are especially concerned with '()' and 'new'
// because they can cause invocation, and '=' because it can cause mutation.
// But just to be safe, we want to reject all unexpected forms.
// We split the second stage into 4 regexp operations in order to work around
// crippling inefficiencies in IE's and Safari's regexp engines. First we
// replace the JSON backslash pairs with '@' (a non-JSON character). Second, we
// replace all simple value tokens with ']' characters. Third, we delete all
// open brackets that follow a colon or comma or that begin the text. Finally,
// we look to see that the remaining characters are only whitespace or ']' or
// ',' or ':' or '{' or '}'. If that is so, then the text is safe for eval.
if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/
.test(text.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@')
.replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']')
.replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ''))) {
// In the third stage we use the eval function to compile the text into a
// JavaScript structure. The '{' operator is subject to a syntactic ambiguity
// in JavaScript: it can begin a block or an object literal. We wrap the text
// in parens to eliminate the ambiguity.
j = eval('(' + text + ')');
// In the optional fourth stage, we recursively walk the new structure, passing
// each name/value pair to a reviver function for possible transformation.
return typeof reviver === 'function'
? walk({'': j}, '')
: j;
// If the text is not JSON parseable, then a SyntaxError is thrown.
throw new SyntaxError('JSON.parse');

lib/handlebars/spec/env/node.js vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
global.Handlebars = require('../../lib');
global.CompilerContext = {
compile: function(template, options) {
var templateSpec = handlebarsEnv.precompile(template, options);
return handlebarsEnv.template(safeEval(templateSpec));
compileWithPartial: function(template, options) {
return handlebarsEnv.compile(template, options);
function safeEval(templateSpec) {
/*eslint-disable no-eval, no-console */
try {
return eval('(' + templateSpec + ')');
} catch (err) {
throw err;
/*eslint-enable no-eval, no-console */

lib/handlebars/spec/env/require.js vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

lib/handlebars/spec/env/runner.js vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
/*eslint-disable no-console */
var fs = require('fs'),
Mocha = require('mocha'),
path = require('path');
var errors = 0,
testDir = path.dirname(__dirname),
grep = process.argv[2];
var files = [ testDir + '/basic.js' ];
var files = fs.readdirSync(testDir)
.filter(function(name) { return (/.*\.js$/).test(name); })
.map(function(name) { return testDir + '/' + name; });
run('./node', function() {
run('./browser', function() {
run('./runtime', function() {
/*eslint-disable no-process-exit */
/*eslint-enable no-process-exit */
function run(env, callback) {
var mocha = new Mocha();
mocha.files = files.slice();
if (grep) {
files.forEach(function(name) {
delete require.cache[name];
console.log('Running env: ' + env);
require(env); {
errors += errorCount;

lib/handlebars/spec/env/runtime.js vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
var fs = require('fs'),
vm = require('vm');
global.Handlebars = 'no-conflict';
vm.runInThisContext(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../../dist/handlebars.runtime.js'), 'dist/handlebars.runtime.js');
var parse = require('../../dist/cjs/handlebars/compiler/base').parse;
var compiler = require('../../dist/cjs/handlebars/compiler/compiler');
var JavaScriptCompiler = require('../../dist/cjs/handlebars/compiler/javascript-compiler');
global.CompilerContext = {
browser: true,
compile: function(template, options) {
// Hack the compiler on to the environment for these specific tests
handlebarsEnv.precompile = function(precompileTemplate, precompileOptions) {
return compiler.precompile(precompileTemplate, precompileOptions, handlebarsEnv);
handlebarsEnv.parse = parse;
handlebarsEnv.Compiler = compiler.Compiler;
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler = JavaScriptCompiler;
var templateSpec = handlebarsEnv.precompile(template, options);
return handlebarsEnv.template(safeEval(templateSpec));
compileWithPartial: function(template, options) {
// Hack the compiler on to the environment for these specific tests
handlebarsEnv.compile = function(compileTemplate, compileOptions) {
return compiler.compile(compileTemplate, compileOptions, handlebarsEnv);
handlebarsEnv.parse = parse;
handlebarsEnv.Compiler = compiler.Compiler;
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler = JavaScriptCompiler;
return handlebarsEnv.compile(template, options);
function safeEval(templateSpec) {
/*eslint-disable no-eval, no-console */
try {
return eval('(' + templateSpec + ')');
} catch (err) {
throw err;
/*eslint-enable no-eval, no-console */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
define(['handlebars.runtime'], function(Handlebars) {
Handlebars = Handlebars["default"]; var template = Handlebars.template, templates = Handlebars.templates = Handlebars.templates || {};
return templates['empty'] = template({"compiler":[6,">= 2.0.0-beta.1"],"main":function(depth0,helpers,partials,data) {
return "";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
describe('helpers', function() {
it('helper with complex lookup$', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{{link ../prefix}}}{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {prefix: '/root', goodbyes: [{text: 'Goodbye', url: 'goodbye'}]};
var helpers = {link: function(prefix) {
return '<a href="' + prefix + '/' + this.url + '">' + this.text + '</a>';
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, helpers], '<a href="/root/goodbye">Goodbye</a>');
it('helper for raw block gets raw content', function() {
var string = '{{{{raw}}}} {{test}} {{{{/raw}}}}';
var hash = { test: 'hello' };
var helpers = { raw: function(options) {
return options.fn();
} };
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, helpers], ' {{test}} ',
'raw block helper gets raw content');
it('helper for raw block gets parameters', function() {
var string = '{{{{raw 1 2 3}}}} {{test}} {{{{/raw}}}}';
var hash = { test: 'hello' };
var helpers = { raw: function(a, b, c, options) {
return options.fn() + a + b + c;
} };
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, helpers], ' {{test}} 123',
'raw block helper gets raw content');
it('helper block with complex lookup expression', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{../name}}{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {name: 'Alan'};
var helpers = {goodbyes: function(options) {
var out = '';
var byes = ['Goodbye', 'goodbye', 'GOODBYE'];
for (var i = 0, j = byes.length; i < j; i++) {
out += byes[i] + ' ' + options.fn(this) + '! ';
return out;
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, helpers], 'Goodbye Alan! goodbye Alan! GOODBYE Alan! ');
it('helper with complex lookup and nested template', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{#link ../prefix}}{{text}}{{/link}}{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {prefix: '/root', goodbyes: [{text: 'Goodbye', url: 'goodbye'}]};
var helpers = {link: function(prefix, options) {
return '<a href="' + prefix + '/' + this.url + '">' + options.fn(this) + '</a>';
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, helpers], false, '<a href="/root/goodbye">Goodbye</a>');
it('helper with complex lookup and nested template in VM+Compiler', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{#link ../prefix}}{{text}}{{/link}}{{/goodbyes}}';
var hash = {prefix: '/root', goodbyes: [{text: 'Goodbye', url: 'goodbye'}]};
var helpers = {link: function(prefix, options) {
return '<a href="' + prefix + '/' + this.url + '">' + options.fn(this) + '</a>';
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, helpers], true, '<a href="/root/goodbye">Goodbye</a>');
it('helper returning undefined value', function() {
shouldCompileTo(' {{nothere}}', [{}, {nothere: function() {}}], ' ');
shouldCompileTo(' {{#nothere}}{{/nothere}}', [{}, {nothere: function() {}}], ' ');
it('block helper', function() {
var string = '{{#goodbyes}}{{text}}! {{/goodbyes}}cruel {{world}}!';
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template({world: 'world'}, { helpers: {goodbyes: function(options) { return options.fn({text: 'GOODBYE'}); }}});
equal(result, 'GOODBYE! cruel world!', 'Block helper executed');
it('block helper staying in the same context', function() {
var string = '{{#form}}<p>{{name}}</p>{{/form}}';
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template({name: 'Yehuda'}, {helpers: {form: function(options) { return '<form>' + options.fn(this) + '</form>'; } }});
equal(result, '<form><p>Yehuda</p></form>', 'Block helper executed with current context');
it('block helper should have context in this', function() {
var source = '<ul>{{#people}}<li>{{#link}}{{name}}{{/link}}</li>{{/people}}</ul>';
function link(options) {
return '<a href="/people/' + + '">' + options.fn(this) + '</a>';
var data = { 'people': [
{ 'name': 'Alan', 'id': 1 },
{ 'name': 'Yehuda', 'id': 2 }
shouldCompileTo(source, [data, {link: link}], '<ul><li><a href=\"/people/1\">Alan</a></li><li><a href=\"/people/2\">Yehuda</a></li></ul>');
it('block helper for undefined value', function() {
shouldCompileTo("{{#empty}}shouldn't render{{/empty}}", {}, '');
it('block helper passing a new context', function() {
var string = '{{#form yehuda}}<p>{{name}}</p>{{/form}}';
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template({yehuda: {name: 'Yehuda'}}, { helpers: {form: function(context, options) { return '<form>' + options.fn(context) + '</form>'; }}});
equal(result, '<form><p>Yehuda</p></form>', 'Context variable resolved');
it('block helper passing a complex path context', function() {
var string = '{{#form yehuda/cat}}<p>{{name}}</p>{{/form}}';
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template({yehuda: {name: 'Yehuda', cat: {name: 'Harold'}}}, { helpers: {form: function(context, options) { return '<form>' + options.fn(context) + '</form>'; }}});
equal(result, '<form><p>Harold</p></form>', 'Complex path variable resolved');
it('nested block helpers', function() {
var string = '{{#form yehuda}}<p>{{name}}</p>{{#link}}Hello{{/link}}{{/form}}';
var template = CompilerContext.compile(string);
var result = template({
yehuda: {name: 'Yehuda' }
}, {
helpers: {
link: function(options) { return '<a href="' + + '">' + options.fn(this) + '</a>'; },
form: function(context, options) { return '<form>' + options.fn(context) + '</form>'; }
equal(result, '<form><p>Yehuda</p><a href="Yehuda">Hello</a></form>', 'Both blocks executed');
it('block helper inverted sections', function() {
var string = '{{#list people}}{{name}}{{^}}<em>Nobody\'s here</em>{{/list}}';
function list(context, options) {
if (context.length > 0) {
var out = '<ul>';
for (var i = 0, j = context.length; i < j; i++) {
out += '<li>';
out += options.fn(context[i]);
out += '</li>';
out += '</ul>';
return out;
} else {
return '<p>' + options.inverse(this) + '</p>';
var hash = {people: [{name: 'Alan'}, {name: 'Yehuda'}]};
var empty = {people: []};
var rootMessage = {
people: [],
message: 'Nobody\'s here'
var messageString = '{{#list people}}Hello{{^}}{{message}}{{/list}}';
// the meaning here may be kind of hard to catch, but list.not is always called,
// so we should see the output of both
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, { list: list }], '<ul><li>Alan</li><li>Yehuda</li></ul>', 'an inverse wrapper is passed in as a new context');
shouldCompileTo(string, [empty, { list: list }], '<p><em>Nobody\'s here</em></p>', 'an inverse wrapper can be optionally called');
shouldCompileTo(messageString, [rootMessage, { list: list }], '<p>Nobody&#x27;s here</p>', 'the context of an inverse is the parent of the block');
it('pathed lambas with parameters', function() {
var hash = {
helper: function() {
return 'winning';
hash.hash = hash;
var helpers = {
'./helper': function() {
return 'fail';
shouldCompileTo('{{./helper 1}}', [hash, helpers], 'winning');
shouldCompileTo('{{hash/helper 1}}', [hash, helpers], 'winning');
describe('helpers hash', function() {
it('providing a helpers hash', function() {
shouldCompileTo('Goodbye {{cruel}} {{world}}!', [{cruel: 'cruel'}, {world: function() { return 'world'; }}], 'Goodbye cruel world!',
'helpers hash is available');
shouldCompileTo('Goodbye {{#iter}}{{cruel}} {{world}}{{/iter}}!', [{iter: [{cruel: 'cruel'}]}, {world: function() { return 'world'; }}],
'Goodbye cruel world!', 'helpers hash is available inside other blocks');
it('in cases of conflict, helpers win', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{{lookup}}}', [{lookup: 'Explicit'}, {lookup: function() { return 'helpers'; }}], 'helpers',
'helpers hash has precedence escaped expansion');
shouldCompileTo('{{lookup}}', [{lookup: 'Explicit'}, {lookup: function() { return 'helpers'; }}], 'helpers',
'helpers hash has precedence simple expansion');
it('the helpers hash is available is nested contexts', function() {
{'outer': {'inner': {'unused': []}}},
{'helper': function() { return 'helper'; }}
'helpers hash is available in nested contexts.');
it('the helper hash should augment the global hash', function() {
handlebarsEnv.registerHelper('test_helper', function() { return 'found it!'; });
'{{test_helper}} {{#if cruel}}Goodbye {{cruel}} {{world}}!{{/if}}', [
{cruel: 'cruel'},
{world: function() { return 'world!'; }}
'found it! Goodbye cruel world!!');
describe('registration', function() {
it('unregisters', function() {
handlebarsEnv.helpers = {};
handlebarsEnv.registerHelper('foo', function() {
return 'fail';
equals(, undefined);
it('allows multiple globals', function() {
var helpers = handlebarsEnv.helpers;
handlebarsEnv.helpers = {};
'if': helpers['if'],
world: function() { return 'world!'; },
testHelper: function() { return 'found it!'; }
'{{testHelper}} {{#if cruel}}Goodbye {{cruel}} {{world}}!{{/if}}',
[{cruel: 'cruel'}],
'found it! Goodbye cruel world!!');
it('fails with multiple and args', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
world: function() { return 'world!'; },
testHelper: function() { return 'found it!'; }
}, {});
}, Error, 'Arg not supported with multiple helpers');
it('decimal number literals work', function() {
var string = 'Message: {{hello -1.2 1.2}}';
var helpers = {hello: function(times, times2) {
if (typeof times !== 'number') { times = 'NaN'; }
if (typeof times2 !== 'number') { times2 = 'NaN'; }
return 'Hello ' + times + ' ' + times2 + ' times';
shouldCompileTo(string, [{}, helpers], 'Message: Hello -1.2 1.2 times', 'template with a negative integer literal');
it('negative number literals work', function() {
var string = 'Message: {{hello -12}}';
var helpers = {hello: function(times) {
if (typeof times !== 'number') { times = 'NaN'; }
return 'Hello ' + times + ' times';
shouldCompileTo(string, [{}, helpers], 'Message: Hello -12 times', 'template with a negative integer literal');
describe('String literal parameters', function() {
it('simple literals work', function() {
var string = 'Message: {{hello "world" 12 true false}}';
var helpers = {hello: function(param, times, bool1, bool2) {
if (typeof times !== 'number') { times = 'NaN'; }
if (typeof bool1 !== 'boolean') { bool1 = 'NaB'; }
if (typeof bool2 !== 'boolean') { bool2 = 'NaB'; }
return 'Hello ' + param + ' ' + times + ' times: ' + bool1 + ' ' + bool2;
shouldCompileTo(string, [{}, helpers], 'Message: Hello world 12 times: true false', 'template with a simple String literal');
it('using a quote in the middle of a parameter raises an error', function() {
var string = 'Message: {{hello wo"rld"}}';
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error);
it('escaping a String is possible', function() {
var string = 'Message: {{{hello "\\"world\\""}}}';
var helpers = {hello: function(param) { return 'Hello ' + param; }};
shouldCompileTo(string, [{}, helpers], 'Message: Hello "world"', 'template with an escaped String literal');
it("it works with ' marks", function() {
var string = 'Message: {{{hello "Alan\'s world"}}}';
var helpers = {hello: function(param) { return 'Hello ' + param; }};
shouldCompileTo(string, [{}, helpers], "Message: Hello Alan's world", "template with a ' mark");
it('negative number literals work', function() {
var string = 'Message: {{hello -12}}';
var helpers = {hello: function(times) {
if (typeof times !== 'number') { times = 'NaN'; }
return 'Hello ' + times + ' times';
shouldCompileTo(string, [{}, helpers], 'Message: Hello -12 times', 'template with a negative integer literal');
describe('multiple parameters', function() {
it('simple multi-params work', function() {
var string = 'Message: {{goodbye cruel world}}';
var hash = {cruel: 'cruel', world: 'world'};
var helpers = {goodbye: function(cruel, world) { return 'Goodbye ' + cruel + ' ' + world; }};
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, helpers], 'Message: Goodbye cruel world', 'regular helpers with multiple params');
it('block multi-params work', function() {
var string = 'Message: {{#goodbye cruel world}}{{greeting}} {{adj}} {{noun}}{{/goodbye}}';
var hash = {cruel: 'cruel', world: 'world'};
var helpers = {goodbye: function(cruel, world, options) {
return options.fn({greeting: 'Goodbye', adj: cruel, noun: world});
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, helpers], 'Message: Goodbye cruel world', 'block helpers with multiple params');
describe('hash', function() {
it('helpers can take an optional hash', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{goodbye cruel="CRUEL" world="WORLD" times=12}}');
var helpers = {
goodbye: function(options) {
return 'GOODBYE ' + options.hash.cruel + ' ' + + ' ' + options.hash.times + ' TIMES';
var context = {};
var result = template(context, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD 12 TIMES', 'Helper output hash');
it('helpers can take an optional hash with booleans', function() {
var helpers = {
goodbye: function(options) {
if (options.hash.print === true) {
return 'GOODBYE ' + options.hash.cruel + ' ' +;
} else if (options.hash.print === false) {
return 'NOT PRINTING';
} else {
var context = {};
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{goodbye cruel="CRUEL" world="WORLD" print=true}}');
var result = template(context, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD', 'Helper output hash');
template = CompilerContext.compile('{{goodbye cruel="CRUEL" world="WORLD" print=false}}');
result = template(context, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'NOT PRINTING', 'Boolean helper parameter honored');
it('block helpers can take an optional hash', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" times=12}}world{{/goodbye}}');
var helpers = {
goodbye: function(options) {
return 'GOODBYE ' + options.hash.cruel + ' ' + options.fn(this) + ' ' + options.hash.times + ' TIMES';
var result = template({}, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'GOODBYE CRUEL world 12 TIMES', 'Hash parameters output');
it('block helpers can take an optional hash with single quoted stings', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" times=12}}world{{/goodbye}}');
var helpers = {
goodbye: function(options) {
return 'GOODBYE ' + options.hash.cruel + ' ' + options.fn(this) + ' ' + options.hash.times + ' TIMES';
var result = template({}, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'GOODBYE CRUEL world 12 TIMES', 'Hash parameters output');
it('block helpers can take an optional hash with booleans', function() {
var helpers = {
goodbye: function(options) {
if (options.hash.print === true) {
return 'GOODBYE ' + options.hash.cruel + ' ' + options.fn(this);
} else if (options.hash.print === false) {
return 'NOT PRINTING';
} else {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" print=true}}world{{/goodbye}}');
var result = template({}, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'GOODBYE CRUEL world', 'Boolean hash parameter honored');
template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#goodbye cruel="CRUEL" print=false}}world{{/goodbye}}');
result = template({}, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'NOT PRINTING', 'Boolean hash parameter honored');
describe('helperMissing', function() {
it('if a context is not found, helperMissing is used', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{hello}} {{link_to world}}');
}, undefined, /Missing helper: "link_to"/);
it('if a context is not found, custom helperMissing is used', function() {
var string = '{{hello}} {{link_to world}}';
var context = { hello: 'Hello', world: 'world' };
var helpers = {
helperMissing: function(mesg, options) {
if ( === 'link_to') {
return new Handlebars.SafeString('<a>' + mesg + '</a>');
shouldCompileTo(string, [context, helpers], 'Hello <a>world</a>');
it('if a value is not found, custom helperMissing is used', function() {
var string = '{{hello}} {{link_to}}';
var context = { hello: 'Hello', world: 'world' };
var helpers = {
helperMissing: function(options) {
if ( === 'link_to') {
return new Handlebars.SafeString('<a>winning</a>');
shouldCompileTo(string, [context, helpers], 'Hello <a>winning</a>');
describe('knownHelpers', function() {
it('Known helper should render helper', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{hello}}', {knownHelpers: {hello: true}});
var result = template({}, {helpers: {hello: function() { return 'foo'; }}});
equal(result, 'foo', "'foo' should === '" + result);
it('Unknown helper in knownHelpers only mode should be passed as undefined', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{typeof hello}}', {knownHelpers: {'typeof': true}, knownHelpersOnly: true});
var result = template({}, {helpers: {'typeof': function(arg) { return typeof arg; }, hello: function() { return 'foo'; }}});
equal(result, 'undefined', "'undefined' should === '" + result);
it('Builtin helpers available in knownHelpers only mode', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#unless foo}}bar{{/unless}}', {knownHelpersOnly: true});
var result = template({});
equal(result, 'bar', "'bar' should === '" + result);
it('Field lookup works in knownHelpers only mode', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{foo}}', {knownHelpersOnly: true});
var result = template({foo: 'bar'});
equal(result, 'bar', "'bar' should === '" + result);
it('Conditional blocks work in knownHelpers only mode', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#foo}}bar{{/foo}}', {knownHelpersOnly: true});
var result = template({foo: 'baz'});
equal(result, 'bar', "'bar' should === '" + result);
it('Invert blocks work in knownHelpers only mode', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{^foo}}bar{{/foo}}', {knownHelpersOnly: true});
var result = template({foo: false});
equal(result, 'bar', "'bar' should === '" + result);
it('Functions are bound to the context in knownHelpers only mode', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{foo}}', {knownHelpersOnly: true});
var result = template({foo: function() { return; }, bar: 'bar'});
equal(result, 'bar', "'bar' should === '" + result);
it('Unknown helper call in knownHelpers only mode should throw', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
CompilerContext.compile('{{typeof hello}}', {knownHelpersOnly: true});
}, Error);
describe('blockHelperMissing', function() {
it('lambdas are resolved by blockHelperMissing, not handlebars proper', function() {
var string = '{{#truthy}}yep{{/truthy}}';
var data = { truthy: function() { return true; } };
shouldCompileTo(string, data, 'yep');
it('lambdas resolved by blockHelperMissing are bound to the context', function() {
var string = '{{#truthy}}yep{{/truthy}}';
var boundData = { truthy: function() { return this.truthiness(); }, truthiness: function() { return false; } };
shouldCompileTo(string, boundData, '');
describe('name field', function() {
var context = {};
var helpers = {
blockHelperMissing: function() {
return 'missing: ' + arguments[arguments.length - 1].name;
helperMissing: function() {
return 'helper missing: ' + arguments[arguments.length - 1].name;
helper: function() {
return 'ran: ' + arguments[arguments.length - 1].name;
it('should include in ambiguous mustache calls', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{helper}}', [context, helpers], 'ran: helper');
it('should include in helper mustache calls', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{helper 1}}', [context, helpers], 'ran: helper');
it('should include in ambiguous block calls', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#helper}}{{/helper}}', [context, helpers], 'ran: helper');
it('should include in simple block calls', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#./helper}}{{/./helper}}', [context, helpers], 'missing: ./helper');
it('should include in helper block calls', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#helper 1}}{{/helper}}', [context, helpers], 'ran: helper');
it('should include in known helper calls', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{helper}}', {knownHelpers: {'helper': true}, knownHelpersOnly: true});
equal(template({}, {helpers: helpers}), 'ran: helper');
it('should include full id', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#foo.helper}}{{/foo.helper}}', [{foo: {}}, helpers], 'missing: foo.helper');
it('should include full id if a hash is passed', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#foo.helper bar=baz}}{{/foo.helper}}', [{foo: {}}, helpers], 'helper missing: foo.helper');
describe('name conflicts', function() {
it('helpers take precedence over same-named context properties', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{goodbye}} {{cruel world}}');
var helpers = {
goodbye: function() {
return this.goodbye.toUpperCase();
cruel: function(world) {
return 'cruel ' + world.toUpperCase();
var context = {
goodbye: 'goodbye',
world: 'world'
var result = template(context, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'GOODBYE cruel WORLD', 'Helper executed');
it('helpers take precedence over same-named context properties$', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#goodbye}} {{cruel world}}{{/goodbye}}');
var helpers = {
goodbye: function(options) {
return this.goodbye.toUpperCase() + options.fn(this);
cruel: function(world) {
return 'cruel ' + world.toUpperCase();
var context = {
goodbye: 'goodbye',
world: 'world'
var result = template(context, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'GOODBYE cruel WORLD', 'Helper executed');
it('Scoped names take precedence over helpers', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{this.goodbye}} {{cruel world}} {{cruel this.goodbye}}');
var helpers = {
goodbye: function() {
return this.goodbye.toUpperCase();
cruel: function(world) {
return 'cruel ' + world.toUpperCase();
var context = {
goodbye: 'goodbye',
world: 'world'
var result = template(context, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'goodbye cruel WORLD cruel GOODBYE', 'Helper not executed');
it('Scoped names take precedence over block helpers', function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#goodbye}} {{cruel world}}{{/goodbye}} {{this.goodbye}}');
var helpers = {
goodbye: function(options) {
return this.goodbye.toUpperCase() + options.fn(this);
cruel: function(world) {
return 'cruel ' + world.toUpperCase();
var context = {
goodbye: 'goodbye',
world: 'world'
var result = template(context, {helpers: helpers});
equals(result, 'GOODBYE cruel WORLD goodbye', 'Helper executed');
describe('block params', function() {
it('should take presedence over context values', function() {
var hash = {value: 'foo'};
var helpers = {
goodbyes: function(options) {
equals(options.fn.blockParams, 1);
return options.fn({value: 'bar'}, {blockParams: [1, 2]});
shouldCompileTo('{{#goodbyes as |value|}}{{value}}{{/goodbyes}}{{value}}', [hash, helpers], '1foo');
it('should take presedence over helper values', function() {
var hash = {};
var helpers = {
value: function() {
return 'foo';
goodbyes: function(options) {
equals(options.fn.blockParams, 1);
return options.fn({}, {blockParams: [1, 2]});
shouldCompileTo('{{#goodbyes as |value|}}{{value}}{{/goodbyes}}{{value}}', [hash, helpers], '1foo');
it('should not take presedence over pathed values', function() {
var hash = {value: 'bar'};
var helpers = {
value: function() {
return 'foo';
goodbyes: function(options) {
equals(options.fn.blockParams, 1);
return options.fn(this, {blockParams: [1, 2]});
shouldCompileTo('{{#goodbyes as |value|}}{{./value}}{{/goodbyes}}{{value}}', [hash, helpers], 'barfoo');
it('should take presednece over parent block params', function() {
var hash = {value: 'foo'},
value = 1;
var helpers = {
goodbyes: function(options) {
return options.fn({value: 'bar'}, {blockParams: options.fn.blockParams === 1 ? [value++, value++] : undefined});
shouldCompileTo('{{#goodbyes as |value|}}{{#goodbyes}}{{value}}{{#goodbyes as |value|}}{{value}}{{/goodbyes}}{{/goodbyes}}{{/goodbyes}}{{value}}', [hash, helpers], '13foo');
it('should allow block params on chained helpers', function() {
var hash = {value: 'foo'};
var helpers = {
goodbyes: function(options) {
equals(options.fn.blockParams, 1);
return options.fn({value: 'bar'}, {blockParams: [1, 2]});
shouldCompileTo('{{#if bar}}{{else goodbyes as |value|}}{{value}}{{/if}}{{value}}', [hash, helpers], '1foo');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/node_modules/mocha/mocha.css" />
.headless .suite > h1,
.headless .test.pass {
display: none;
// Show only errors in "headless", non-interactive mode.
if (/headless=true/.test(location.href)) {
document.documentElement.className = 'headless';
<script src="/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js"></script>
<script src="/dist/handlebars.js"></script>
<script src="/spec/env/json2.js"></script>
<script src="/spec/env/common.js"></script>
var CompilerContext = {
compile: function(template, options) {
var templateSpec = handlebarsEnv.precompile(template, options);
return handlebarsEnv.template(safeEval(templateSpec));
compileWithPartial: function(template, options) {
return handlebarsEnv.compile(template, options);
function safeEval(templateSpec) {
try {
var ret;
eval('ret = ' + templateSpec);
return ret;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
<script src="/tmp/tests.js"></script>
onload = function(){
// The test harness leaks under FF. We should have decent global leak coverage from other tests
if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/([\d.]+)/)) {
var runner =;
//Reporting for saucelabs
var failedTests = [];
runner.on('end', function(){
window.mochaResults = runner.stats;
window.mochaResults.reports = failedTests;
runner.on('fail', logFailure);
function logFailure(test, err){
var flattenTitles = function(test){
var titles = [];
while (test.parent.title){
test = test.parent;
return titles.reverse();
name: test.title,
result: false,
message: err.message,
stack: err.stack,
titles: flattenTitles(test)
<div id="mocha"></div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
describe('javascript-compiler api', function() {
if (!Handlebars.JavaScriptCompiler) {
describe('#nameLookup', function() {
var $superName;
beforeEach(function() {
$superName = handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.nameLookup;
afterEach(function() {
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.nameLookup = $superName;
it('should allow override', function() {
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.nameLookup = function(parent, name) {
return parent + '.bar_' + name;
/*eslint-disable camelcase */
shouldCompileTo('{{foo}}', { bar_foo: 'food' }, 'food');
/*eslint-enable camelcase */
// Tests nameLookup dot vs. bracket behavior. Bracket is required in certain cases
// to avoid errors in older browsers.
it('should handle reserved words', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{foo}} {{~null~}}', { foo: 'food' }, 'food');
describe('#compilerInfo', function() {
var $superCheck, $superInfo;
beforeEach(function() {
$superCheck = handlebarsEnv.VM.checkRevision;
$superInfo = handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.compilerInfo;
afterEach(function() {
handlebarsEnv.VM.checkRevision = $superCheck;
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.compilerInfo = $superInfo;
it('should allow compilerInfo override', function() {
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.compilerInfo = function() {
return 'crazy';
handlebarsEnv.VM.checkRevision = function(compilerInfo) {
if (compilerInfo !== 'crazy') {
throw new Error('It didn\'t work');
shouldCompileTo('{{foo}} ', { foo: 'food' }, 'food ');
describe('buffer', function() {
var $superAppend, $superCreate;
beforeEach(function() {
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.forceBuffer = true;
$superAppend = handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.appendToBuffer;
$superCreate = handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.initializeBuffer;
afterEach(function() {
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.forceBuffer = false;
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.appendToBuffer = $superAppend;
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.initializeBuffer = $superCreate;
it('should allow init buffer override', function() {
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.initializeBuffer = function() {
return this.quotedString('foo_');
shouldCompileTo('{{foo}} ', { foo: 'food' }, 'foo_food ');
it('should allow append buffer override', function() {
handlebarsEnv.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.appendToBuffer = function(string) {
return $, [string, ' + "_foo"']);
shouldCompileTo('{{foo}}', { foo: 'food' }, 'food_foo');

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 72233f3ffda9e33915fd3022d0a9ebbcce265acd

View File

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
describe('parser', function() {
if (!Handlebars.print) {
function astFor(template) {
var ast = Handlebars.parse(template);
return Handlebars.print(ast);
it('parses simple mustaches', function() {
equals(astFor('{{123}}'), '{{ NUMBER{123} [] }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{"foo"}}'), '{{ "foo" [] }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{false}}'), '{{ BOOLEAN{false} [] }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{true}}'), '{{ BOOLEAN{true} [] }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [] }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo?}}'), '{{ PATH:foo? [] }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo_}}'), '{{ PATH:foo_ [] }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo-}}'), '{{ PATH:foo- [] }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo:}}'), '{{ PATH:foo: [] }}\n');
it('parses simple mustaches with data', function() {
equals(astFor('{{@foo}}'), '{{ @PATH:foo [] }}\n');
it('parses simple mustaches with data paths', function() {
equals(astFor('{{@../foo}}'), '{{ @PATH:foo [] }}\n');
it('parses mustaches with paths', function() {
equals(astFor('{{foo/bar}}'), '{{ PATH:foo/bar [] }}\n');
it('parses mustaches with this/foo', function() {
equals(astFor('{{this/foo}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [] }}\n');
it('parses mustaches with - in a path', function() {
equals(astFor('{{foo-bar}}'), '{{ PATH:foo-bar [] }}\n');
it('parses mustaches with parameters', function() {
equals(astFor('{{foo bar}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [PATH:bar] }}\n');
it('parses mustaches with string parameters', function() {
equals(astFor('{{foo bar \"baz\" }}'), '{{ PATH:foo [PATH:bar, "baz"] }}\n');
it('parses mustaches with NUMBER parameters', function() {
equals(astFor('{{foo 1}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [NUMBER{1}] }}\n');
it('parses mustaches with BOOLEAN parameters', function() {
equals(astFor('{{foo true}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [BOOLEAN{true}] }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo false}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [BOOLEAN{false}] }}\n');
it('parses mustaches with undefined and null paths', function() {
equals(astFor('{{undefined}}'), '{{ UNDEFINED [] }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{null}}'), '{{ NULL [] }}\n');
it('parses mustaches with undefined and null parameters', function() {
equals(astFor('{{foo undefined null}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [UNDEFINED, NULL] }}\n');
it('parses mutaches with DATA parameters', function() {
equals(astFor('{{foo @bar}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [@PATH:bar] }}\n');
it('parses mustaches with hash arguments', function() {
equals(astFor('{{foo bar=baz}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [] HASH{bar=PATH:baz} }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo bar=1}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [] HASH{bar=NUMBER{1}} }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo bar=true}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [] HASH{bar=BOOLEAN{true}} }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo bar=false}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [] HASH{bar=BOOLEAN{false}} }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo bar=@baz}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [] HASH{bar=@PATH:baz} }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo bar=baz bat=bam}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [] HASH{bar=PATH:baz, bat=PATH:bam} }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo bar=baz bat="bam"}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [] HASH{bar=PATH:baz, bat="bam"} }}\n');
equals(astFor("{{foo bat='bam'}}"), '{{ PATH:foo [] HASH{bat="bam"} }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo omg bar=baz bat=\"bam\"}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [PATH:omg] HASH{bar=PATH:baz, bat="bam"} }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo omg bar=baz bat=\"bam\" baz=1}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [PATH:omg] HASH{bar=PATH:baz, bat="bam", baz=NUMBER{1}} }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo omg bar=baz bat=\"bam\" baz=true}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [PATH:omg] HASH{bar=PATH:baz, bat="bam", baz=BOOLEAN{true}} }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{foo omg bar=baz bat=\"bam\" baz=false}}'), '{{ PATH:foo [PATH:omg] HASH{bar=PATH:baz, bat="bam", baz=BOOLEAN{false}} }}\n');
it('parses contents followed by a mustache', function() {
equals(astFor('foo bar {{baz}}'), 'CONTENT[ \'foo bar \' ]\n{{ PATH:baz [] }}\n');
it('parses a partial', function() {
equals(astFor('{{> foo }}'), '{{> PARTIAL:foo }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{> "foo" }}'), '{{> PARTIAL:foo }}\n');
equals(astFor('{{> 1 }}'), '{{> PARTIAL:1 }}\n');
it('parses a partial with context', function() {
equals(astFor('{{> foo bar}}'), '{{> PARTIAL:foo PATH:bar }}\n');
it('parses a partial with hash', function() {
equals(astFor('{{> foo bar=bat}}'), '{{> PARTIAL:foo HASH{bar=PATH:bat} }}\n');
it('parses a partial with context and hash', function() {
equals(astFor('{{> foo bar bat=baz}}'), '{{> PARTIAL:foo PATH:bar HASH{bat=PATH:baz} }}\n');
it('parses a partial with a complex name', function() {
equals(astFor('{{> shared/partial?.bar}}'), '{{> PARTIAL:shared/partial?.bar }}\n');
it('parses a comment', function() {
equals(astFor('{{! this is a comment }}'), "{{! ' this is a comment ' }}\n");
it('parses a multi-line comment', function() {
equals(astFor('{{!\nthis is a multi-line comment\n}}'), "{{! \'\nthis is a multi-line comment\n\' }}\n");
it('parses an inverse section', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}} bar {{^}} baz {{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n CONTENT[ ' bar ' ]\n {{^}}\n CONTENT[ ' baz ' ]\n");
it('parses an inverse (else-style) section', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}} bar {{else}} baz {{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n CONTENT[ ' bar ' ]\n {{^}}\n CONTENT[ ' baz ' ]\n");
it('parses multiple inverse sections', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}} bar {{else if bar}}{{else}} baz {{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n CONTENT[ ' bar ' ]\n {{^}}\n BLOCK:\n PATH:if [PATH:bar]\n PROGRAM:\n {{^}}\n CONTENT[ ' baz ' ]\n");
it('parses empty blocks', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}}{{/foo}}'), 'BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n');
it('parses empty blocks with empty inverse section', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}}{{^}}{{/foo}}'), 'BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n {{^}}\n');
it('parses empty blocks with empty inverse (else-style) section', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}}{{else}}{{/foo}}'), 'BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n {{^}}\n');
it('parses non-empty blocks with empty inverse section', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}} bar {{^}}{{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n CONTENT[ ' bar ' ]\n {{^}}\n");
it('parses non-empty blocks with empty inverse (else-style) section', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}} bar {{else}}{{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n CONTENT[ ' bar ' ]\n {{^}}\n");
it('parses empty blocks with non-empty inverse section', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}}{{^}} bar {{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n {{^}}\n CONTENT[ ' bar ' ]\n");
it('parses empty blocks with non-empty inverse (else-style) section', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}}{{else}} bar {{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n {{^}}\n CONTENT[ ' bar ' ]\n");
it('parses a standalone inverse section', function() {
equals(astFor('{{^foo}}bar{{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n {{^}}\n CONTENT[ 'bar' ]\n");
it('throws on old inverse section', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
astFor('{{else foo}}bar{{/foo}}');
}, Error);
it('parses block with block params', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo as |bar baz|}}content{{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n BLOCK PARAMS: [ bar baz ]\n CONTENT[ 'content' ]\n");
it('parses inverse block with block params', function() {
equals(astFor('{{^foo as |bar baz|}}content{{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n {{^}}\n BLOCK PARAMS: [ bar baz ]\n CONTENT[ 'content' ]\n");
it('parses chained inverse block with block params', function() {
equals(astFor('{{#foo}}{{else foo as |bar baz|}}content{{/foo}}'), "BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n {{^}}\n BLOCK:\n PATH:foo []\n PROGRAM:\n BLOCK PARAMS: [ bar baz ]\n CONTENT[ 'content' ]\n");
it('raises if there\'s a Parse error', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, /Parse error on line 1/);
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, /Parse error on line 1/);
shouldThrow(function() {
astFor('{{foo &}}');
}, Error, /Parse error on line 1/);
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, /goodbyes doesn't match hellos/);
shouldThrow(function() {
astFor('{{{{goodbyes}}}} {{{{/hellos}}}}');
}, Error, /goodbyes doesn't match hellos/);
it('should handle invalid paths', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, /Invalid path: foo\/\.\. - 1:2/);
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, /Invalid path: foo\/\. - 1:2/);
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, /Invalid path: foo\/this - 1:2/);
it('knows how to report the correct line number in errors', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, /Parse error on line 3/);
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, /Parse error on line 5/);
it('knows how to report the correct line number in errors when the first character is a newline', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, /Parse error on line 7/);
describe('externally compiled AST', function() {
it('can pass through an already-compiled AST', function() {
equals(astFor(new Handlebars.AST.Program([new Handlebars.AST.ContentStatement('Hello')], null)), 'CONTENT[ \'Hello\' ]\n');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
describe('partials', function() {
it('basic partials', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{> dude}}{{/dudes}}';
var partial = '{{name}} ({{url}}) ';
var hash = {dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}], true, 'Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) Alan (http://alan) ');
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial},, false], true, 'Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) Alan (http://alan) ');
it('dynamic partials', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{> (partial)}}{{/dudes}}';
var partial = '{{name}} ({{url}}) ';
var hash = {dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
var helpers = {
partial: function() {
return 'dude';
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, helpers, {dude: partial}], true, 'Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) Alan (http://alan) ');
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, helpers, {dude: partial},, false], true, 'Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) Alan (http://alan) ');
it('failing dynamic partials', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{> (partial)}}{{/dudes}}';
var partial = '{{name}} ({{url}}) ';
var hash = {dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
var helpers = {
partial: function() {
return 'missing';
shouldThrow(function() {
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, helpers, {dude: partial}], true, 'Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) Alan (http://alan) ');
}, Handlebars.Exception, 'The partial missing could not be found');
it('partials with context', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{>dude dudes}}';
var partial = '{{#this}}{{name}} ({{url}}) {{/this}}';
var hash = {dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}], true, 'Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) Alan (http://alan) ',
'Partials can be passed a context');
it('partials with undefined context', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{>dude dudes}}';
var partial = '{{foo}} Empty';
var hash = {};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}], true, 'Dudes: Empty');
it('partials with duplicate parameters', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
CompilerContext.compile('Dudes: {{>dude dudes foo bar=baz}}');
}, Error, 'Unsupported number of partial arguments: 2 - 1:7');
it('partials with parameters', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{> dude others=..}}{{/dudes}}';
var partial = '{{}}{{name}} ({{url}}) ';
var hash = {foo: 'bar', dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}], true, 'Dudes: barYehuda (http://yehuda) barAlan (http://alan) ',
'Basic partials output based on current context.');
it('partial in a partial', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{>dude}}{{/dudes}}';
var dude = '{{name}} {{> url}} ';
var url = '<a href="{{url}}">{{url}}</a>';
var hash = {dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: dude, url: url}], true, 'Dudes: Yehuda <a href="http://yehuda">http://yehuda</a> Alan <a href="http://alan">http://alan</a> ', 'Partials are rendered inside of other partials');
it('rendering undefined partial throws an exception', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{> whatever}}');
}, Handlebars.Exception, 'The partial whatever could not be found');
it('registering undefined partial throws an exception', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
var undef;
handlebarsEnv.registerPartial('undefined_test', undef);
}, Handlebars.Exception, 'Attempting to register a partial as undefined');
it('rendering template partial in vm mode throws an exception', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{> whatever}}');
}, Handlebars.Exception, 'The partial whatever could not be found');
it('rendering function partial in vm mode', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{> dude}}{{/dudes}}';
function partial(context) {
return + ' (' + context.url + ') ';
var hash = {dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileTo(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}], 'Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) Alan (http://alan) ',
'Function partials output based in VM.');
it('GH-14: a partial preceding a selector', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{>dude}} {{anotherDude}}';
var dude = '{{name}}';
var hash = {name: 'Jeepers', anotherDude: 'Creepers'};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: dude}], true, 'Dudes: Jeepers Creepers', 'Regular selectors can follow a partial');
it('Partials with slash paths', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{> shared/dude}}';
var dude = '{{name}}';
var hash = {name: 'Jeepers', anotherDude: 'Creepers'};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {'shared/dude': dude}], true, 'Dudes: Jeepers', 'Partials can use literal paths');
it('Partials with slash and point paths', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{> shared/dude.thing}}';
var dude = '{{name}}';
var hash = {name: 'Jeepers', anotherDude: 'Creepers'};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {'shared/dude.thing': dude}], true, 'Dudes: Jeepers', 'Partials can use literal with points in paths');
it('Global Partials', function() {
handlebarsEnv.registerPartial('globalTest', '{{anotherDude}}');
var string = 'Dudes: {{> shared/dude}} {{> globalTest}}';
var dude = '{{name}}';
var hash = {name: 'Jeepers', anotherDude: 'Creepers'};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {'shared/dude': dude}], true, 'Dudes: Jeepers Creepers', 'Partials can use globals or passed');
equals(handlebarsEnv.partials.globalTest, undefined);
it('Multiple partial registration', function() {
'shared/dude': '{{name}}',
globalTest: '{{anotherDude}}'
var string = 'Dudes: {{> shared/dude}} {{> globalTest}}';
var hash = {name: 'Jeepers', anotherDude: 'Creepers'};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash], true, 'Dudes: Jeepers Creepers', 'Partials can use globals or passed');
it('Partials with integer path', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{> 404}}';
var dude = '{{name}}';
var hash = {name: 'Jeepers', anotherDude: 'Creepers'};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {404: dude}], true, 'Dudes: Jeepers', 'Partials can use literal paths');
it('Partials with complex path', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{> 404/asdf?.bar}}';
var dude = '{{name}}';
var hash = {name: 'Jeepers', anotherDude: 'Creepers'};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {'404/asdf?.bar': dude}], true, 'Dudes: Jeepers', 'Partials can use literal paths');
it('Partials with escaped', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{> [+404/asdf?.bar]}}';
var dude = '{{name}}';
var hash = {name: 'Jeepers', anotherDude: 'Creepers'};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {'+404/asdf?.bar': dude}], true, 'Dudes: Jeepers', 'Partials can use literal paths');
it('Partials with string', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{> \'+404/asdf?.bar\'}}';
var dude = '{{name}}';
var hash = {name: 'Jeepers', anotherDude: 'Creepers'};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {'+404/asdf?.bar': dude}], true, 'Dudes: Jeepers', 'Partials can use literal paths');
it('should handle empty partial', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{> dude}}{{/dudes}}';
var partial = '';
var hash = {dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}], true, 'Dudes: ');
it('throw on missing partial', function() {
var compile = handlebarsEnv.compile;
handlebarsEnv.compile = undefined;
shouldThrow(function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{> dude}}', [{}, {}, {dude: 'fail'}], '');
}, Error, /The partial dude could not be compiled/);
handlebarsEnv.compile = compile;
it('should pass compiler flags', function() {
if (Handlebars.compile) {
var env = Handlebars.create();
env.registerPartial('partial', '{{foo}}');
var template = env.compile('{{foo}} {{> partial}}', {noEscape: true});
equal(template({foo: '<'}), '< <');
describe('standalone partials', function() {
it('indented partials', function() {
var string = 'Dudes:\n{{#dudes}}\n {{>dude}}\n{{/dudes}}';
var dude = '{{name}}\n';
var hash = {dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: dude}], true,
'Dudes:\n Yehuda\n Alan\n');
it('nested indented partials', function() {
var string = 'Dudes:\n{{#dudes}}\n {{>dude}}\n{{/dudes}}';
var dude = '{{name}}\n {{> url}}';
var url = '{{url}}!\n';
var hash = {dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: dude, url: url}], true,
'Dudes:\n Yehuda\n http://yehuda!\n Alan\n http://alan!\n');
it('prevent nested indented partials', function() {
var string = 'Dudes:\n{{#dudes}}\n {{>dude}}\n{{/dudes}}';
var dude = '{{name}}\n {{> url}}';
var url = '{{url}}!\n';
var hash = {dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: dude, url: url}, {preventIndent: true}], true,
'Dudes:\n Yehuda\n http://yehuda!\n Alan\n http://alan!\n');
describe('compat mode', function() {
it('partials can access parents', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{> dude}}{{/dudes}}';
var partial = '{{name}} ({{url}}) {{root}} ';
var hash = {root: 'yes', dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}, true], true, 'Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) yes Alan (http://alan) yes ');
it('partials can access parents without data', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{#dudes}}{{> dude}}{{/dudes}}';
var partial = '{{name}} ({{url}}) {{root}} ';
var hash = {root: 'yes', dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}, true, false], true, 'Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) yes Alan (http://alan) yes ');
it('partials inherit compat', function() {
var string = 'Dudes: {{> dude}}';
var partial = '{{#dudes}}{{name}} ({{url}}) {{root}} {{/dudes}}';
var hash = {root: 'yes', dudes: [{name: 'Yehuda', url: 'http://yehuda'}, {name: 'Alan', url: 'http://alan'}]};
shouldCompileToWithPartials(string, [hash, {}, {dude: partial}, true], true, 'Dudes: Yehuda (http://yehuda) yes Alan (http://alan) yes ');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
/*eslint-disable no-console */
describe('precompiler', function() {
// NOP Under non-node environments
if (typeof process === 'undefined') {
var Handlebars = require('../lib'),
Precompiler = require('../dist/cjs/precompiler'),
fs = require('fs'),
uglify = require('uglify-js');
var log,
beforeEach(function() {
precompile = Handlebars.precompile;
minify = uglify.minify;
writeFileSync = fs.writeFileSync;
logFunction = console.log;
log = '';
console.log = function() {
log +=, '');
fs.writeFileSync = function(_file, _content) {
file = _file;
content = _content;
afterEach(function() {
Handlebars.precompile = precompile;
uglify.minify = minify;
fs.writeFileSync = writeFileSync;
console.log = logFunction;
it('should output version', function() {
Precompiler.cli({templates: [], version: true});
equals(log, Handlebars.VERSION);
it('should throw if lacking templates', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
Precompiler.cli({templates: []});
}, Handlebars.Exception, 'Must define at least one template or directory.');
it('should throw on missing template', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
Precompiler.cli({templates: ['foo']});
}, Handlebars.Exception, 'Unable to open template file "foo"');
it('should throw when combining simple and minimized', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname], simple: true, min: true});
}, Handlebars.Exception, 'Unable to minimize simple output');
it('should throw when combining simple and multiple templates', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars', __dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], simple: true});
}, Handlebars.Exception, 'Unable to output multiple templates in simple mode');
it('should throw when combining simple and directories', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname], simple: true});
}, Handlebars.Exception, 'Unable to output multiple templates in simple mode');
it('should enumerate directories by extension', function() {
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts'], extension: 'hbs'});
equal(/'example_2'/.test(log), true);
log = '';
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts'], extension: 'handlebars'});
equal(/'empty'/.test(log), true);
equal(/'example_1'/.test(log), true);
it('should protect from regexp patterns', function() {
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts'], extension: 'hb(s'});
// Success is not throwing
it('should output simple templates', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function() { return 'simple'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], simple: true, extension: 'handlebars'});
equal(log, 'simple\n');
it('should output amd templates', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function() { return 'amd'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], amd: true, extension: 'handlebars'});
equal(/template\(amd\)/.test(log), true);
it('should output multiple amd', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function() { return 'amd'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts'], amd: true, extension: 'handlebars', namespace: 'foo'});
equal(/templates = foo = foo \|\|/.test(log), true);
equal(/return templates/.test(log), true);
equal(/template\(amd\)/.test(log), true);
it('should output amd partials', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function() { return 'amd'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], amd: true, partial: true, extension: 'handlebars'});
equal(/return Handlebars\.partials\['empty'\]/.test(log), true);
equal(/template\(amd\)/.test(log), true);
it('should output multiple amd partials', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function() { return 'amd'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts'], amd: true, partial: true, extension: 'handlebars'});
equal(/return Handlebars\.partials\[/.test(log), false);
equal(/template\(amd\)/.test(log), true);
it('should output commonjs templates', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function() { return 'commonjs'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], commonjs: true, extension: 'handlebars'});
equal(/template\(commonjs\)/.test(log), true);
it('should set data flag', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function(data, options) { equal(, true); return 'simple'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], simple: true, extension: 'handlebars', data: true});
equal(log, 'simple\n');
it('should set known helpers', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function(data, options) { equal(, true); return 'simple'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], simple: true, extension: 'handlebars', known: 'foo'});
equal(log, 'simple\n');
it('should handle different root', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function() { return 'simple'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], simple: true, extension: 'handlebars', root: 'foo/'});
equal(log, 'simple\n');
it('should output to file system', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function() { return 'simple'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], simple: true, extension: 'handlebars', output: 'file!'});
equal(file, 'file!');
equal(content, 'simple\n');
equal(log, '');
it('should handle BOM', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function(template) { return template === 'a' ? 'simple' : 'fail'; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/bom.handlebars'], simple: true, extension: 'handlebars', bom: true});
equal(log, 'simple\n');
it('should output minimized templates', function() {
Handlebars.precompile = function() { return 'amd'; };
uglify.minify = function() { return {code: 'min'}; };
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], min: true, extension: 'handlebars'});
equal(log, 'min');
it('should output map', function() {
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], map: '', extension: 'handlebars'});
equal(file, '');
equal(/sourceMappingURL=/.test(log), true);
it('should output map', function() {
Precompiler.cli({templates: [__dirname + '/artifacts/empty.handlebars'], min: true, map: '', extension: 'handlebars'});
equal(file, '');
equal(/sourceMappingURL=/.test(log), true);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
describe('Regressions', function() {
it('GH-94: Cannot read property of undefined', function() {
var data = {
'books': [{
'title': 'The origin of species',
'author': {
'name': 'Charles Darwin'
}, {
'title': 'Lazarillo de Tormes'
var string = '{{#books}}{{title}}{{}}{{/books}}';
shouldCompileTo(string, data, 'The origin of speciesCharles DarwinLazarillo de Tormes',
'Renders without an undefined property error');
it("GH-150: Inverted sections print when they shouldn't", function() {
var string = '{{^set}}not set{{/set}} :: {{#set}}set{{/set}}';
shouldCompileTo(string, {}, 'not set :: ', "inverted sections run when property isn't present in context");
shouldCompileTo(string, {set: undefined}, 'not set :: ', 'inverted sections run when property is undefined');
shouldCompileTo(string, {set: false}, 'not set :: ', 'inverted sections run when property is false');
shouldCompileTo(string, {set: true}, ' :: set', "inverted sections don't run when property is true");
it('GH-158: Using array index twice, breaks the template', function() {
var string = '{{arr.[0]}}, {{arr.[1]}}';
var data = { 'arr': [1, 2] };
shouldCompileTo(string, data, '1, 2', 'it works as expected');
it("bug reported by @fat where lambdas weren't being properly resolved", function() {
var string = '<strong>This is a slightly more complicated {{thing}}.</strong>.\n'
+ '{{! Just ignore this business. }}\n'
+ 'Check this out:\n'
+ '{{#hasThings}}\n'
+ '<ul>\n'
+ '{{#things}}\n'
+ '<li class={{className}}>{{word}}</li>\n'
+ '{{/things}}</ul>.\n'
+ '{{/hasThings}}\n'
+ '{{^hasThings}}\n'
+ '\n'
+ '<small>Nothing to check out...</small>\n'
+ '{{/hasThings}}';
var data = {
thing: function() {
return 'blah';
things: [
{className: 'one', word: '@fat'},
{className: 'two', word: '@dhg'},
{className: 'three', word: '@sayrer'}
hasThings: function() {
return true;
var output = '<strong>This is a slightly more complicated blah.</strong>.\n'
+ 'Check this out:\n'
+ '<ul>\n'
+ '<li class=one>@fat</li>\n'
+ '<li class=two>@dhg</li>\n'
+ '<li class=three>@sayrer</li>\n'
+ '</ul>.\n';
shouldCompileTo(string, data, output);
it('GH-408: Multiple loops fail', function() {
var context = [
{ name: 'John Doe', location: { city: 'Chicago' } },
{ name: 'Jane Doe', location: { city: 'New York'} }
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#.}}{{name}}{{/.}}{{#.}}{{name}}{{/.}}{{#.}}{{name}}{{/.}}');
var result = template(context);
equals(result, 'John DoeJane DoeJohn DoeJane DoeJohn DoeJane Doe', 'It should output multiple times');
it('GS-428: Nested if else rendering', function() {
var succeedingTemplate = '{{#inverse}} {{#blk}} Unexpected {{/blk}} {{else}} {{#blk}} Expected {{/blk}} {{/inverse}}';
var failingTemplate = '{{#inverse}} {{#blk}} Unexpected {{/blk}} {{else}} {{#blk}} Expected {{/blk}} {{/inverse}}';
var helpers = {
blk: function(block) { return block.fn(''); },
inverse: function(block) { return block.inverse(''); }
shouldCompileTo(succeedingTemplate, [{}, helpers], ' Expected ');
shouldCompileTo(failingTemplate, [{}, helpers], ' Expected ');
it('GH-458: Scoped this identifier', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{./foo}}', {foo: 'bar'}, 'bar');
it('GH-375: Unicode line terminators', function() {
shouldCompileTo('\u2028', {}, '\u2028');
it('GH-534: Object prototype aliases', function() {
/*eslint-disable no-extend-native */
Object.prototype[0xD834] = true;
shouldCompileTo('{{foo}}', { foo: 'bar' }, 'bar');
delete Object.prototype[0xD834];
/*eslint-enable no-extend-native */
it('GH-437: Matching escaping', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error);
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error);
it('GH-676: Using array in escaping mustache fails', function() {
var string = '{{arr}}';
var data = { 'arr': [1, 2] };
shouldCompileTo(string, data, data.arr.toString(), 'it works as expected');
it('Mustache man page', function() {
var string = 'Hello {{name}}. You have just won ${{value}}!{{#in_ca}} Well, ${{taxed_value}}, after taxes.{{/in_ca}}';
var data = {
'name': 'Chris',
'value': 10000,
'taxed_value': 10000 - (10000 * 0.4),
'in_ca': true
shouldCompileTo(string, data, 'Hello Chris. You have just won $10000! Well, $6000, after taxes.', 'the hello world mustache example works');
it('GH-731: zero context rendering', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{#foo}} This is {{bar}} ~ {{/foo}}', {foo: 0, bar: 'OK'}, ' This is ~ ');
it('GH-820: zero pathed rendering', function() {
shouldCompileTo('{{}}', {foo: 0}, '');
it('GH-837: undefined values for helpers', function() {
var helpers = {
str: function(value) { return value + ''; }
shouldCompileTo('{{str bar.baz}}', [{}, helpers], 'undefined');
it('GH-926: Depths and de-dupe', function() {
var context = {
name: 'foo',
data: [
notData: [
var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#if dater}}{{#each data}}{{../name}}{{/each}}{{else}}{{#each notData}}{{../name}}{{/each}}{{/if}}');
var result = template(context);
equals(result, 'foo');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && require.extensions['.handlebars']) {
describe('Require', function() {
it('Load .handlebars files with require()', function() {
var template = require('./artifacts/example_1');
equal(template, require('./artifacts/example_1.handlebars'));
var expected = 'foo\n';
var result = template({foo: 'foo'});
equal(result, expected);
it('Load .hbs files with require()', function() {
var template = require('./artifacts/example_2');
equal(template, require('./artifacts/example_2.hbs'));
var expected = 'Hello, World!\n';
var result = template({name: 'World'});
equal(result, expected);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
describe('runtime', function() {
describe('#template', function() {
it('should throw on invalid templates', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, 'Unknown template object: object');
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, 'Unknown template object: undefined');
shouldThrow(function() {
}, Error, 'Unknown template object: string');
it('should throw on version mismatch', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
main: true,
compiler: [Handlebars.COMPILER_REVISION + 1]
}, Error, /Template was precompiled with a newer version of Handlebars than the current runtime/);
shouldThrow(function() {
main: true,
compiler: [Handlebars.COMPILER_REVISION - 1]
}, Error, /Template was precompiled with an older version of Handlebars than the current runtime/);
shouldThrow(function() {
main: true
}, Error, /Template was precompiled with an older version of Handlebars than the current runtime/);
describe('#child', function() {
if (!Handlebars.compile) {
it('should throw for depthed methods without depths', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
var template = Handlebars.compile('{{#foo}}{{../bar}}{{/foo}}');
// Calling twice to hit the non-compiled case.
}, Error, 'must pass parent depths');
it('should throw for block param methods without params', function() {
shouldThrow(function() {
var template = Handlebars.compile('{{#foo as |foo|}}{{foo}}{{/foo}}');
// Calling twice to hit the non-compiled case.
}, Error, 'must pass block params');
it('should expose child template', function() {
var template = Handlebars.compile('{{#foo}}bar{{/foo}}');
// Calling twice to hit the non-compiled case.
equal(template._child(1)(), 'bar');
equal(template._child(1)(), 'bar');
it('should render depthed content', function() {
var template = Handlebars.compile('{{#foo}}{{../bar}}{{/foo}}');
// Calling twice to hit the non-compiled case.
equal(template._child(1, undefined, [], [{bar: 'baz'}])(), 'baz');
describe('#noConflict', function() {
if (!CompilerContext.browser) {
it('should reset on no conflict', function() {
var reset = Handlebars;
equal(Handlebars, 'no-conflict');
Handlebars = 'really, none';
equal(Handlebars, 'really, none');
Handlebars = reset;

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
try {
if (typeof define !== 'function' || !define.amd) {
var SourceMap = require('source-map'),
SourceMapConsumer = SourceMap.SourceMapConsumer;
} catch (err) {
/* NOP for in browser */
describe('source-map', function() {
if (!Handlebars.precompile || !SourceMap) {
it('should safely include source map info', function() {
var template = Handlebars.precompile('{{hello}}', {destName: 'dest.js', srcName: 'src.hbs'});
equal(!!template.code, true);
equal(!!, !CompilerContext.browser);
it('should map source properly', function() {
var templateSource = ' b{{hello}} \n {{bar}}a {{#block arg hash=(subex 1 subval)}}{{/block}}',
template = Handlebars.precompile(templateSource, {destName: 'dest.js', srcName: 'src.hbs'});
if ( {
var consumer = new SourceMapConsumer(,
lines = template.code.split('\n'),
srcLines = templateSource.split('\n'),
generated = grepLine('" b"', lines),
source = grepLine(' b', srcLines);
var mapped = consumer.originalPositionFor(generated);
equal(mapped.line, source.line);
equal(mapped.column, source.column);
function grepLine(token, lines) {
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var column = lines[i].indexOf(token);
if (column >= 0) {
return {
line: i + 1,
column: column

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
describe('spec', function() {
// NOP Under non-node environments
if (typeof process === 'undefined') {
var _ = require('underscore'),
fs = require('fs');
var specDir = __dirname + '/mustache/specs/';
var specs = _.filter(fs.readdirSync(specDir), function(name) {
return (/.*\.json$/).test(name);
_.each(specs, function(name) {
var spec = require(specDir + name);
_.each(spec.tests, function(test) {
// Our lambda implementation knowingly deviates from the optional Mustace lambda spec
// We also do not support alternative delimeters
if (name === '~lambdas.json'
// We also choose to throw if paritals are not found
|| (name === 'partials.json' && === 'Failed Lookup')
// We nest the entire response from partials, not just the literals
|| (name === 'partials.json' && === 'Standalone Indentation')
|| (/\{\{\=/).test(test.template)
|| _.any(test.partials, function(partial) { return (/\{\{\=/).test(partial); })) {
it.skip(name + ' - ' +;
var data = _.clone(;
if (data.lambda) {
// Blergh
/*eslint-disable no-eval */
data.lambda = eval('(' + data.lambda.js + ')');
/*eslint-enable no-eval */
it(name + ' - ' +, function() {
if (test.partials) {
shouldCompileToWithPartials(test.template, [data, {}, test.partials, true], true, test.expected, test.desc + ' "' + test.template + '"');
} else {
shouldCompileTo(test.template, [data, {}, {}, true], test.expected, test.desc + ' "' + test.template + '"');

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More