feature: Added script (scripts/test-template.php) to test alert templates (#6631)

* feature: Added script (scripts/test-template.php) to test alert templates

* moved remaining functions, fixed php 5.3 and include dir

* added docs on use for test-template script
This commit is contained in:
Neil Lathwood 2017-05-13 12:46:08 +01:00 committed by Tony Murray
parent 2dd44fdfdf
commit 0338734fe7
5 changed files with 618 additions and 567 deletions

View File

@ -61,556 +61,3 @@ if (!defined('TEST') && $config['alert']['disable'] != 'true') {
function ClearStaleAlerts()
$sql = "SELECT `alerts`.`id` AS `alert_id`, `devices`.`hostname` AS `hostname` FROM `alerts` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `alerts`.`device_id`=`devices`.`device_id` RIGHT JOIN `alert_rules` ON `alerts`.`rule_id`=`alert_rules`.`id` WHERE `alerts`.`state`!=0 AND `devices`.`hostname` IS NULL";
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql) as $alert) {
if (empty($alert['hostname']) && isset($alert['alert_id'])) {
dbDelete('alerts', '`id` = ?', array($alert['alert_id']));
echo "Stale-alert: #{$alert['alert_id']}" . PHP_EOL;
* Re-Validate Rule-Mappings
* @param integer $device Device-ID
* @param integer $rule Rule-ID
* @return boolean
function IsRuleValid($device, $rule)
global $rulescache;
if (empty($rulescache[$device]) || !isset($rulescache[$device])) {
foreach (GetRules($device) as $chk) {
$rulescache[$device][$chk['id']] = true;
if ($rulescache[$device][$rule] === true) {
return true;
return false;
}//end IsRuleValid()
* Issue Alert-Object
* @param array $alert
* @return boolean
function IssueAlert($alert)
global $config;
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT attrib_value FROM devices_attribs WHERE attrib_type = "disable_notify" && device_id = ?', array($alert['device_id'])) == '1') {
return true;
if ($config['alert']['fixed-contacts'] == false) {
if (empty($alert['query'])) {
$alert['query'] = GenSQL($alert['rule']);
$sql = $alert['query'];
$qry = dbFetchRows($sql, array($alert['device_id']));
$alert['details']['contacts'] = GetContacts($qry);
$obj = DescribeAlert($alert);
if (is_array($obj)) {
echo 'Issuing Alert-UID #'.$alert['id'].'/'.$alert['state'].': ';
if (!empty($config['alert']['transports'])) {
echo "\r\n";
return true;
}//end IssueAlert()
* Issue ACK notification
* @return void
function RunAcks()
foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT alerts.device_id, alerts.rule_id, alerts.state FROM alerts WHERE alerts.state = 2 && alerts.open = 1') as $alert) {
$tmp = array(
$alert = dbFetchRow('SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.rule_id,alert_log.device_id,alert_log.state,alert_log.details,alert_log.time_logged,alert_rules.rule,alert_rules.severity,alert_rules.extra,alert_rules.name FROM alert_log,alert_rules WHERE alert_log.rule_id = alert_rules.id && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_rules.disabled = 0 ORDER BY alert_log.id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['device_id'], $alert['rule_id']));
if (empty($alert['rule']) || !IsRuleValid($tmp[1], $tmp[0])) {
// Alert-Rule does not exist anymore, let's remove the alert-state.
echo 'Stale-Rule: #'.$tmp[0].'/'.$tmp[1]."\r\n";
dbDelete('alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($tmp[0], $tmp[1]));
$alert['details'] = json_decode(gzuncompress($alert['details']), true);
$alert['state'] = 2;
dbUpdate(array('open' => 0), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
}//end RunAcks()
* Run Follow-Up alerts
* @return void
function RunFollowUp()
global $config;
foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT alerts.device_id, alerts.rule_id, alerts.state FROM alerts WHERE alerts.state != 2 && alerts.state > 0 && alerts.open = 0') as $alert) {
$tmp = array(
$alert = dbFetchRow('SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.rule_id,alert_log.device_id,alert_log.state,alert_log.details,alert_log.time_logged,alert_rules.rule, alert_rules.query,alert_rules.severity,alert_rules.extra,alert_rules.name FROM alert_log,alert_rules WHERE alert_log.rule_id = alert_rules.id && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_rules.disabled = 0 ORDER BY alert_log.id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['device_id'], $alert['rule_id']));
if (empty($alert['rule']) || !IsRuleValid($tmp[1], $tmp[0])) {
// Alert-Rule does not exist anymore, let's remove the alert-state.
echo 'Stale-Rule: #'.$tmp[0].'/'.$tmp[1]."\r\n";
dbDelete('alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($tmp[0], $tmp[1]));
$alert['details'] = json_decode(gzuncompress($alert['details']), true);
$rextra = json_decode($alert['extra'], true);
if ($rextra['invert']) {
if (empty($alert['query'])) {
$alert['query'] = GenSQL($alert['rule']);
$chk = dbFetchRows($alert['query'], array($alert['device_id']));
//make sure we can json_encode all the datas later
$cnt = count($chk);
for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
if (isset($chk[$i]['ip'])) {
$chk[$i]['ip'] = inet6_ntop($chk[$i]['ip']);
$o = sizeof($alert['details']['rule']);
$n = sizeof($chk);
$ret = 'Alert #'.$alert['id'];
$state = 0;
if ($n > $o) {
$ret .= ' Worsens';
$state = 3;
$alert['details']['diff'] = array_diff($chk, $alert['details']['rule']);
} elseif ($n < $o) {
$ret .= ' Betters';
$state = 4;
$alert['details']['diff'] = array_diff($alert['details']['rule'], $chk);
if ($state > 0 && $n > 0) {
$alert['details']['rule'] = $chk;
if (dbInsert(array('state' => $state, 'device_id' => $alert['device_id'], 'rule_id' => $alert['rule_id'], 'details' => gzcompress(json_encode($alert['details']), 9)), 'alert_log')) {
dbUpdate(array('state' => $state, 'open' => 1, 'alerted' => 1), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
echo $ret.' ('.$o.'/'.$n.")\r\n";
}//end foreach
}//end RunFollowUp()
* Run all alerts
* @return void
function RunAlerts()
global $config;
foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT alerts.device_id, alerts.rule_id, alerts.state FROM alerts WHERE alerts.state != 2 && alerts.open = 1') as $alert) {
$tmp = array(
$alert = dbFetchRow('SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.rule_id,alert_log.device_id,alert_log.state,alert_log.details,alert_log.time_logged,alert_rules.rule,alert_rules.severity,alert_rules.extra,alert_rules.name FROM alert_log,alert_rules WHERE alert_log.rule_id = alert_rules.id && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_rules.disabled = 0 ORDER BY alert_log.id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['device_id'], $alert['rule_id']));
if (empty($alert['rule_id']) || !IsRuleValid($tmp[1], $tmp[0])) {
echo 'Stale-Rule: #'.$tmp[0].'/'.$tmp[1]."\r\n";
// Alert-Rule does not exist anymore, let's remove the alert-state.
dbDelete('alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($tmp[0], $tmp[1]));
$alert['details'] = json_decode(gzuncompress($alert['details']), true);
$noiss = false;
$noacc = false;
$updet = false;
$rextra = json_decode($alert['extra'], true);
$chk = dbFetchRow('SELECT alerts.alerted,devices.ignore,devices.disabled FROM alerts,devices WHERE alerts.device_id = ? && devices.device_id = alerts.device_id && alerts.rule_id = ?', array($alert['device_id'], $alert['rule_id']));
if ($chk['alerted'] == $alert['state']) {
$noiss = true;
if (!empty($rextra['count']) && empty($rextra['interval'])) {
// This check below is for compat-reasons
if (!empty($rextra['delay'])) {
if ((time() - strtotime($alert['time_logged']) + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['delay'] || (!empty($alert['details']['delay']) && (time() - $alert['details']['delay'] + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['delay'])) {
} else {
$alert['details']['delay'] = time();
$updet = true;
if ($alert['state'] == 1 && !empty($rextra['count']) && ($rextra['count'] == -1 || $alert['details']['count']++ < $rextra['count'])) {
if ($alert['details']['count'] < $rextra['count']) {
$noacc = true;
$updet = true;
$noiss = false;
} else {
// This is the new way
if (!empty($rextra['delay']) && (time() - strtotime($alert['time_logged']) + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['delay']) {
if (!empty($rextra['interval'])) {
if (!empty($alert['details']['interval']) && (time() - $alert['details']['interval'] + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['interval']) {
} else {
$alert['details']['interval'] = time();
$updet = true;
if ($alert['state'] == 1 && !empty($rextra['count']) && ($rextra['count'] == -1 || $alert['details']['count']++ < $rextra['count'])) {
if ($alert['details']['count'] < $rextra['count']) {
$noacc = true;
$updet = true;
$noiss = false;
}//end if
if ($chk['ignore'] == 1 || $chk['disabled'] == 1) {
$noiss = true;
$updet = false;
$noacc = false;
if (IsMaintenance($alert['device_id']) > 0) {
$noiss = true;
$noacc = true;
if ($updet) {
dbUpdate(array('details' => gzcompress(json_encode($alert['details']), 9)), 'alert_log', 'id = ?', array($alert['id']));
if (!empty($rextra['mute'])) {
echo 'Muted Alert-UID #'.$alert['id']."\r\n";
$noiss = true;
if (!$noiss) {
dbUpdate(array('alerted' => $alert['state']), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
if (!$noacc) {
dbUpdate(array('open' => 0), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
}//end foreach
}//end RunAlerts()
* Run external transports
* @param array $obj Alert-Array
* @return void
function ExtTransports($obj)
global $config;
$tmp = false;
// To keep scrutinizer from naging because it doesnt understand eval
foreach ($config['alert']['transports'] as $transport => $opts) {
if (is_array($opts)) {
$opts = array_filter($opts);
if (($opts === true || !empty($opts)) && $opts != false && file_exists($config['install_dir'].'/includes/alerts/transport.'.$transport.'.php')) {
$obj['transport'] = $transport;
$msg = FormatAlertTpl($obj);
$obj['msg'] = $msg;
echo $transport.' => ';
eval('$tmp = function($obj,$opts) { global $config; '.file_get_contents($config['install_dir'].'/includes/alerts/transport.'.$transport.'.php').' return false; };');
$tmp = $tmp($obj,$opts);
$prefix = array( 0=>"recovery", 1=>$obj['severity']." alert", 2=>"acknowledgment" );
$prefix[3] = &$prefix[0];
$prefix[4] = &$prefix[0];
if ($tmp === true) {
echo 'OK';
log_event('Issued ' . $prefix[$obj['state']] . " for rule '" . $obj['name'] . "' to transport '" . $transport . "'", $obj['device_id'], null, 1);
} elseif ($tmp === false) {
echo 'ERROR';
log_event('Could not issue ' . $prefix[$obj['state']] . " for rule '" . $obj['name'] . "' to transport '" . $transport . "'", $obj['device_id'], null, 5);
} else {
echo 'ERROR: '.$tmp."\r\n";
log_event('Could not issue ' . $prefix[$obj['state']] . " for rule '" . $obj['name'] . "' to transport '" . $transport . "' Error: " . $tmp, $obj['device_id'], null, 5);
echo '; ';
}//end ExtTransports()
* Format Alert
* @param array $obj Alert-Array
* @return string
function FormatAlertTpl($obj)
$tpl = $obj["template"];
$msg = '$ret .= "'.str_replace(array('{else}', '{/if}', '{/foreach}'), array('"; } else { $ret .= "', '"; } $ret .= "', '"; } $ret .= "'), addslashes($tpl)).'";';
$parsed = $msg;
$s = strlen($msg);
$x = $pos = -1;
$buff = '';
$if = $for = $calc = false;
while (++$x < $s) {
if ($msg[$x] == '{' && $buff == '') {
$buff .= $msg[$x];
} elseif ($buff == '{ ') {
$buff = '';
} elseif ($buff != '') {
$buff .= $msg[$x];
if ($buff == '{if') {
$pos = $x;
$if = true;
} elseif ($buff == '{foreach') {
$pos = $x;
$for = true;
} elseif ($buff == '{calc') {
$pos = $x;
$calc = true;
if ($pos != -1 && $msg[$x] == '}') {
$orig = $buff;
$buff = '';
$pos = -1;
if ($if) {
$if = false;
$o = 3;
$native = array(
'"; if( ',
' ) { $ret .= "',
} elseif ($for) {
$for = false;
$o = 8;
$native = array(
'"; foreach( ',
' as $key=>$value) { $ret .= "',
} elseif ($calc) {
$calc = false;
$o = 5;
$native = array(
'"; $ret .= (float) (0+(',
')); $ret .= "',
} else {
$cond = trim(populate(substr($orig, $o, -1), false));
$native = $native[0].$cond.$native[1];
$parsed = str_replace($orig, $native, $parsed);
unset($cond, $o, $orig, $native);
}//end if
}//end while
$parsed = populate($parsed);
return RunJail($parsed, $obj);
}//end FormatAlertTpl()
* Describe Alert
* @param array $alert Alert-Result from DB
* @return array
function DescribeAlert($alert)
$obj = array();
$i = 0;
$device = dbFetchRow('SELECT hostname, sysName, location, purpose, notes, uptime FROM devices WHERE device_id = ?', array($alert['device_id']));
$tpl = dbFetchRow('SELECT `template`,`title`,`title_rec` FROM `alert_templates` JOIN `alert_template_map` ON `alert_template_map`.`alert_templates_id`=`alert_templates`.`id` WHERE `alert_template_map`.`alert_rule_id`=?', array($alert['rule_id']));
$default_tpl = "%title\r\nSeverity: %severity\r\n{if %state == 0}Time elapsed: %elapsed\r\n{/if}Timestamp: %timestamp\r\nUnique-ID: %uid\r\nRule: {if %name}%name{else}%rule{/if}\r\n{if %faults}Faults:\r\n{foreach %faults} #%key: %value.string\r\n{/foreach}{/if}Alert sent to: {foreach %contacts}%value <%key> {/foreach}";
$obj['hostname'] = $device['hostname'];
$obj['sysName'] = $device['sysName'];
$obj['location'] = $device['location'];
$obj['uptime'] = $device['uptime'];
$obj['uptime_short'] = formatUptime($device['uptime'], 'short');
$obj['uptime_long'] = formatUptime($device['uptime']);
$obj['description'] = $device['purpose'];
$obj['notes'] = $device['notes'];
$obj['device_id'] = $alert['device_id'];
$extra = $alert['details'];
if (!isset($tpl['template'])) {
$obj['template'] = $default_tpl;
} else {
$obj['template'] = $tpl['template'];
if ($alert['state'] >= 1) {
if (!empty($tpl['title'])) {
$obj['title'] = $tpl['title'];
} else {
$obj['title'] = 'Alert for device '.$device['hostname'].' - '.($alert['name'] ? $alert['name'] : $alert['rule']);
if ($alert['state'] == 2) {
$obj['title'] .= ' got acknowledged';
} elseif ($alert['state'] == 3) {
$obj['title'] .= ' got worse';
} elseif ($alert['state'] == 4) {
$obj['title'] .= ' got better';
foreach ($extra['rule'] as $incident) {
$obj['faults'][$i] = $incident;
foreach ($incident as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v) && $k != 'device_id' && (stristr($k, 'id') || stristr($k, 'desc') || stristr($k, 'msg')) && substr_count($k, '_') <= 1) {
$obj['faults'][$i]['string'] .= $k.' => '.$v.'; ';
$obj['elapsed'] = TimeFormat(time() - strtotime($alert['time_logged']));
if (!empty($extra['diff'])) {
$obj['diff'] = $extra['diff'];
} elseif ($alert['state'] == 0) {
$id = dbFetchRow('SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.time_logged,alert_log.details FROM alert_log WHERE alert_log.state != 2 && alert_log.state != 0 && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.id < ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id'], $alert['id']));
if (empty($id['id'])) {
return false;
$extra = json_decode(gzuncompress($id['details']), true);
if (!empty($tpl['title_rec'])) {
$obj['title'] = $tpl['title_rec'];
} else {
$obj['title'] = 'Device '.$device['hostname'].' recovered from '.($alert['name'] ? $alert['name'] : $alert['rule']);
$obj['elapsed'] = TimeFormat(strtotime($alert['time_logged']) - strtotime($id['time_logged']));
$obj['id'] = $id['id'];
foreach ($extra['rule'] as $incident) {
$obj['faults'][$i] = $incident;
foreach ($incident as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v) && $k != 'device_id' && (stristr($k, 'id') || stristr($k, 'desc') || stristr($k, 'msg')) && substr_count($k, '_') <= 1) {
$obj['faults'][$i]['string'] .= $k.' => '.$v.'; ';
} else {
return 'Unknown State';
}//end if
$obj['uid'] = $alert['id'];
$obj['severity'] = $alert['severity'];
$obj['rule'] = $alert['rule'];
$obj['name'] = $alert['name'];
$obj['timestamp'] = $alert['time_logged'];
$obj['contacts'] = $extra['contacts'];
$obj['state'] = $alert['state'];
if (strstr($obj['title'], '%')) {
$obj['title'] = RunJail('$ret = "'.populate(addslashes($obj['title'])).'";', $obj);
return $obj;
}//end DescribeAlert()
* Format Elapsed Time
* @param integer $secs Seconds elapsed
* @return string
function TimeFormat($secs)
$bit = array(
'y' => $secs / 31556926 % 12,
'w' => $secs / 604800 % 52,
'd' => $secs / 86400 % 7,
'h' => $secs / 3600 % 24,
'm' => $secs / 60 % 60,
's' => $secs % 60,
$ret = array();
foreach ($bit as $k => $v) {
if ($v > 0) {
$ret[] = $v.$k;
if (empty($ret)) {
return 'none';
return join(' ', $ret);
}//end TimeFormat()
* "Safely" run eval
* @param string $code Code to run
* @param array $obj Object with variables
* @return string|mixed
function RunJail($code, $obj)
$ret = '';
return $ret;
}//end RunJail()
* Populate variables
* @param string $txt Text with variables
* @param boolean $wrap Wrap variable for text-usage (default: true)
* @return string
function populate($txt, $wrap = true)
preg_match_all('/%([\w\.]+)/', $txt, $m);
foreach ($m[1] as $tmp) {
$orig = $tmp;
$rep = false;
if ($tmp == 'key' || $tmp == 'value') {
$rep = '$'.$tmp;
} else {
if (strstr($tmp, '.')) {
$tmp = explode('.', $tmp, 2);
$pre = '$'.$tmp[0];
$tmp = $tmp[1];
} else {
$pre = '$obj';
$rep = $pre."['".str_replace('.', "']['", $tmp)."']";
if ($wrap) {
$rep = '{'.$rep.'}';
$txt = str_replace('%'.$orig, $rep, $txt);
}//end foreach
return $txt;
}//end populate()

View File

@ -4,10 +4,12 @@ Table of Content:
- [About](#about)
- [Rules](#rules)
- [Syntax](#rules-syntax)
- [Options](#extra)
- [Examples](#rules-examples)
- [Procedure](#rules-procedure)
- [Templates](#templates)
- [Syntax](#templates-syntax)
- [Testing](#templates-testing)
- [Examples](#templates-examples)
- [Included](#templates-included)
- [Transports](#transports)
@ -46,7 +48,6 @@ Table of Content:
- [Time](#macros-time)
- [Sensors](#macros-sensors)
- [Misc](#macros-misc)
- [Additional Options](#extra)
# <a name="about">About</a>
@ -86,6 +87,18 @@ __Glues__ can be either `&&` for `AND` or `||` for `OR`.
__Note__: The difference between `Equals` and `Like` (and its negation) is that `Equals` does a strict comparison and `Like` allows the usage of RegExp.
Arithmetics are allowed as well.
# <a name="extra">Options</a>
Here are some of the other options available when adding an alerting rule:
- Rule name: The name associated with the rule.
- Severity: How "important" the rule is.
- Max alerts: The maximum number of alerts sent for the event. `-1` means unlimited.
- Delay: The amount of time in seconds to wait after a rule is matched before sending an alert.
- Interval: The interval of time in seconds between alerts for an event until Max is reached.
- Mute alerts: Disable sending alerts for this rule.
- Invert match: Invert the matching rule (ie. alert on items that _don't_ match the rule).
## <a name="rules-examples">Examples</a>
Alert when:
@ -159,6 +172,18 @@ Limit: %value.sensor_limit_low / %value.sensor_limit
The Default Template is a 'one-size-fit-all'. We highly recommend defining own templates for your rules to include more specific information.
Templates can be matched against several rules.
## <a name="templates-testing">Testing</a>
It's possible to test your new template before assigning it to a rule. To do so you can run `./scripts/est-template.php`. The script will provide the help
info when ran without any paramaters.
As an example, if you wanted to test template ID 10 against localhost running rule ID 2 then you would run:
`./scripts/test-template.php -t 10 -d localhost -r 2`
If the rule is currently alerting for localhost then you will get the full template as expected to see on email, if it's not then you will just see the
template without any fault information.
## <a name="templates-examples">Examples</a>
Default Template:
@ -919,15 +944,3 @@ Entity: `%sensors.sensor_class = "current" && %sensors.sensor_descr = "Bank Tota
Description: APC PDU over amperage
Example: `%macros.pdu_over_amperage_apc = "1"`
# <a name="extra">Additional Options</a>
Here are some of the other options available when adding an alerting rule:
- Rule name: The name associated with the rule.
- Severity: How "important" the rule is.
- Max alerts: The maximum number of alerts sent for the event. `-1` means unlimited.
- Delay: The amount of time in seconds to wait after a rule is matched before sending an alert.
- Interval: The interval of time in seconds between alerts for an event until Max is reached.
- Mute alerts: Disable sending alerts for this rule.
- Invert match: Invert the matching rule (ie. alert on items that _don't_ match the rule).

View File

@ -26,11 +26,12 @@ if (isset($_POST['results_amount']) && $_POST['results_amount'] > 0) {
echo '<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-hover table-condensed" width="100%">
<td colspan="2">';
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '10') {
echo '<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#alert-template" data-template_id="">Create new alert template</button>';
@ -76,6 +77,7 @@ $full_query = $full_query.$query." LIMIT $start,$results";
foreach (dbFetchRows($full_query, $param) as $template) {
echo '<tr id="row_'.$template['id'].'">
<td>#' . $template['id'] . '</td>
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '10') {

View File

@ -312,3 +312,551 @@ function GetContacts($results)
return $tmp_contacts;
* Format Alert
* @param array $obj Alert-Array
* @return string
function FormatAlertTpl($obj)
$tpl = $obj["template"];
$msg = '$ret .= "'.str_replace(array('{else}', '{/if}', '{/foreach}'), array('"; } else { $ret .= "', '"; } $ret .= "', '"; } $ret .= "'), str_replace("'", "\'", $tpl)).'";';
$parsed = $msg;
$s = strlen($msg);
$x = $pos = -1;
$buff = '';
$if = $for = $calc = false;
while (++$x < $s) {
if ($msg[$x] == '{' && $buff == '') {
$buff .= $msg[$x];
} elseif ($buff == '{ ') {
$buff = '';
} elseif ($buff != '') {
$buff .= $msg[$x];
if ($buff == '{if') {
$pos = $x;
$if = true;
} elseif ($buff == '{foreach') {
$pos = $x;
$for = true;
} elseif ($buff == '{calc') {
$pos = $x;
$calc = true;
if ($pos != -1 && $msg[$x] == '}') {
$orig = $buff;
$buff = '';
$pos = -1;
if ($if) {
$if = false;
$o = 3;
$native = array(
'"; if( ',
' ) { $ret .= "',
} elseif ($for) {
$for = false;
$o = 8;
$native = array(
'"; foreach( ',
' as $key=>$value) { $ret .= "',
} elseif ($calc) {
$calc = false;
$o = 5;
$native = array(
'"; $ret .= (float) (0+(',
')); $ret .= "',
} else {
$cond = trim(populate(substr($orig, $o, -1), false));
$native = $native[0].$cond.$native[1];
$parsed = str_replace($orig, $native, $parsed);
unset($cond, $o, $orig, $native);
}//end if
}//end while
$parsed = populate($parsed);
return RunJail($parsed, $obj);
}//end FormatAlertTpl()
* Populate variables
* @param string $txt Text with variables
* @param boolean $wrap Wrap variable for text-usage (default: true)
* @return string
function populate($txt, $wrap = true)
preg_match_all('/%([\w\.]+)/', $txt, $m);
foreach ($m[1] as $tmp) {
$orig = $tmp;
$rep = false;
if ($tmp == 'key' || $tmp == 'value') {
$rep = '$'.$tmp;
} else {
if (strstr($tmp, '.')) {
$tmp = explode('.', $tmp, 2);
$pre = '$'.$tmp[0];
$tmp = $tmp[1];
} else {
$pre = '$obj';
$rep = $pre."['".str_replace('.', "']['", $tmp)."']";
if ($wrap) {
$rep = '{'.$rep.'}';
$txt = str_replace('%'.$orig, $rep, $txt);
}//end foreach
return $txt;
}//end populate()
* "Safely" run eval
* @param string $code Code to run
* @param array $obj Object with variables
* @return string|mixed
function RunJail($code, $obj)
$ret = '';
return $ret;
}//end RunJail()
* Describe Alert
* @param array $alert Alert-Result from DB
* @return array|boolean
function DescribeAlert($alert)
$obj = array();
$i = 0;
$device = dbFetchRow('SELECT hostname, sysName, location, purpose, notes, uptime FROM devices WHERE device_id = ?', array($alert['device_id']));
$tpl = dbFetchRow('SELECT `template`,`title`,`title_rec` FROM `alert_templates` JOIN `alert_template_map` ON `alert_template_map`.`alert_templates_id`=`alert_templates`.`id` WHERE `alert_template_map`.`alert_rule_id`=?', array($alert['rule_id']));
$default_tpl = "%title\r\nSeverity: %severity\r\n{if %state == 0}Time elapsed: %elapsed\r\n{/if}Timestamp: %timestamp\r\nUnique-ID: %uid\r\nRule: {if %name}%name{else}%rule{/if}\r\n{if %faults}Faults:\r\n{foreach %faults} #%key: %value.string\r\n{/foreach}{/if}Alert sent to: {foreach %contacts}%value <%key> {/foreach}";
$obj['hostname'] = $device['hostname'];
$obj['sysName'] = $device['sysName'];
$obj['location'] = $device['location'];
$obj['uptime'] = $device['uptime'];
$obj['uptime_short'] = formatUptime($device['uptime'], 'short');
$obj['uptime_long'] = formatUptime($device['uptime']);
$obj['description'] = $device['purpose'];
$obj['notes'] = $device['notes'];
$obj['device_id'] = $alert['device_id'];
$extra = $alert['details'];
if (!isset($tpl['template'])) {
$obj['template'] = $default_tpl;
} else {
$obj['template'] = $tpl['template'];
if ($alert['state'] >= 1) {
if (!empty($tpl['title'])) {
$obj['title'] = $tpl['title'];
} else {
$obj['title'] = 'Alert for device '.$device['hostname'].' - '.($alert['name'] ? $alert['name'] : $alert['rule']);
if ($alert['state'] == 2) {
$obj['title'] .= ' got acknowledged';
} elseif ($alert['state'] == 3) {
$obj['title'] .= ' got worse';
} elseif ($alert['state'] == 4) {
$obj['title'] .= ' got better';
foreach ($extra['rule'] as $incident) {
$obj['faults'][$i] = $incident;
foreach ($incident as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v) && $k != 'device_id' && (stristr($k, 'id') || stristr($k, 'desc') || stristr($k, 'msg')) && substr_count($k, '_') <= 1) {
$obj['faults'][$i]['string'] .= $k.' => '.$v.'; ';
$obj['elapsed'] = TimeFormat(time() - strtotime($alert['time_logged']));
if (!empty($extra['diff'])) {
$obj['diff'] = $extra['diff'];
} elseif ($alert['state'] == 0) {
$id = dbFetchRow('SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.time_logged,alert_log.details FROM alert_log WHERE alert_log.state != 2 && alert_log.state != 0 && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.id < ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id'], $alert['id']));
if (empty($id['id'])) {
return false;
$extra = json_decode(gzuncompress($id['details']), true);
if (!empty($tpl['title_rec'])) {
$obj['title'] = $tpl['title_rec'];
} else {
$obj['title'] = 'Device '.$device['hostname'].' recovered from '.($alert['name'] ? $alert['name'] : $alert['rule']);
$obj['elapsed'] = TimeFormat(strtotime($alert['time_logged']) - strtotime($id['time_logged']));
$obj['id'] = $id['id'];
foreach ($extra['rule'] as $incident) {
$obj['faults'][$i] = $incident;
foreach ($incident as $k => $v) {
if (!empty($v) && $k != 'device_id' && (stristr($k, 'id') || stristr($k, 'desc') || stristr($k, 'msg')) && substr_count($k, '_') <= 1) {
$obj['faults'][$i]['string'] .= $k.' => '.$v.'; ';
} else {
return 'Unknown State';
}//end if
$obj['uid'] = $alert['id'];
$obj['severity'] = $alert['severity'];
$obj['rule'] = $alert['rule'];
$obj['name'] = $alert['name'];
$obj['timestamp'] = $alert['time_logged'];
$obj['contacts'] = $extra['contacts'];
$obj['state'] = $alert['state'];
if (strstr($obj['title'], '%')) {
$obj['title'] = RunJail('$ret = "'.populate(addslashes($obj['title'])).'";', $obj);
return $obj;
}//end DescribeAlert()
* Format Elapsed Time
* @param integer $secs Seconds elapsed
* @return string
function TimeFormat($secs)
$bit = array(
'y' => $secs / 31556926 % 12,
'w' => $secs / 604800 % 52,
'd' => $secs / 86400 % 7,
'h' => $secs / 3600 % 24,
'm' => $secs / 60 % 60,
's' => $secs % 60,
$ret = array();
foreach ($bit as $k => $v) {
if ($v > 0) {
$ret[] = $v.$k;
if (empty($ret)) {
return 'none';
return join(' ', $ret);
}//end TimeFormat()
function ClearStaleAlerts()
$sql = "SELECT `alerts`.`id` AS `alert_id`, `devices`.`hostname` AS `hostname` FROM `alerts` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `alerts`.`device_id`=`devices`.`device_id` RIGHT JOIN `alert_rules` ON `alerts`.`rule_id`=`alert_rules`.`id` WHERE `alerts`.`state`!=0 AND `devices`.`hostname` IS NULL";
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql) as $alert) {
if (empty($alert['hostname']) && isset($alert['alert_id'])) {
dbDelete('alerts', '`id` = ?', array($alert['alert_id']));
echo "Stale-alert: #{$alert['alert_id']}" . PHP_EOL;
* Re-Validate Rule-Mappings
* @param integer $device Device-ID
* @param integer $rule Rule-ID
* @return boolean
function IsRuleValid($device, $rule)
global $rulescache;
if (empty($rulescache[$device]) || !isset($rulescache[$device])) {
foreach (GetRules($device) as $chk) {
$rulescache[$device][$chk['id']] = true;
if ($rulescache[$device][$rule] === true) {
return true;
return false;
}//end IsRuleValid()
* Issue Alert-Object
* @param array $alert
* @return boolean
function IssueAlert($alert)
global $config;
if (dbFetchCell('SELECT attrib_value FROM devices_attribs WHERE attrib_type = "disable_notify" && device_id = ?', array($alert['device_id'])) == '1') {
return true;
if ($config['alert']['fixed-contacts'] == false) {
if (empty($alert['query'])) {
$alert['query'] = GenSQL($alert['rule']);
$sql = $alert['query'];
$qry = dbFetchRows($sql, array($alert['device_id']));
$alert['details']['contacts'] = GetContacts($qry);
$obj = DescribeAlert($alert);
if (is_array($obj)) {
echo 'Issuing Alert-UID #'.$alert['id'].'/'.$alert['state'].': ';
if (!empty($config['alert']['transports'])) {
echo "\r\n";
return true;
}//end IssueAlert()
* Issue ACK notification
* @return void
function RunAcks()
foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT alerts.device_id, alerts.rule_id, alerts.state FROM alerts WHERE alerts.state = 2 && alerts.open = 1') as $alert) {
$tmp = array(
$alert = dbFetchRow('SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.rule_id,alert_log.device_id,alert_log.state,alert_log.details,alert_log.time_logged,alert_rules.rule,alert_rules.severity,alert_rules.extra,alert_rules.name FROM alert_log,alert_rules WHERE alert_log.rule_id = alert_rules.id && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_rules.disabled = 0 ORDER BY alert_log.id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['device_id'], $alert['rule_id']));
if (empty($alert['rule']) || !IsRuleValid($tmp[1], $tmp[0])) {
// Alert-Rule does not exist anymore, let's remove the alert-state.
echo 'Stale-Rule: #'.$tmp[0].'/'.$tmp[1]."\r\n";
dbDelete('alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($tmp[0], $tmp[1]));
$alert['details'] = json_decode(gzuncompress($alert['details']), true);
$alert['state'] = 2;
dbUpdate(array('open' => 0), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
}//end RunAcks()
* Run Follow-Up alerts
* @return void
function RunFollowUp()
global $config;
foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT alerts.device_id, alerts.rule_id, alerts.state FROM alerts WHERE alerts.state != 2 && alerts.state > 0 && alerts.open = 0') as $alert) {
$tmp = array(
$alert = dbFetchRow('SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.rule_id,alert_log.device_id,alert_log.state,alert_log.details,alert_log.time_logged,alert_rules.rule, alert_rules.query,alert_rules.severity,alert_rules.extra,alert_rules.name FROM alert_log,alert_rules WHERE alert_log.rule_id = alert_rules.id && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_rules.disabled = 0 ORDER BY alert_log.id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['device_id'], $alert['rule_id']));
if (empty($alert['rule']) || !IsRuleValid($tmp[1], $tmp[0])) {
// Alert-Rule does not exist anymore, let's remove the alert-state.
echo 'Stale-Rule: #'.$tmp[0].'/'.$tmp[1]."\r\n";
dbDelete('alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($tmp[0], $tmp[1]));
$alert['details'] = json_decode(gzuncompress($alert['details']), true);
$rextra = json_decode($alert['extra'], true);
if ($rextra['invert']) {
if (empty($alert['query'])) {
$alert['query'] = GenSQL($alert['rule']);
$chk = dbFetchRows($alert['query'], array($alert['device_id']));
//make sure we can json_encode all the datas later
$cnt = count($chk);
for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
if (isset($chk[$i]['ip'])) {
$chk[$i]['ip'] = inet6_ntop($chk[$i]['ip']);
$o = sizeof($alert['details']['rule']);
$n = sizeof($chk);
$ret = 'Alert #'.$alert['id'];
$state = 0;
if ($n > $o) {
$ret .= ' Worsens';
$state = 3;
$alert['details']['diff'] = array_diff($chk, $alert['details']['rule']);
} elseif ($n < $o) {
$ret .= ' Betters';
$state = 4;
$alert['details']['diff'] = array_diff($alert['details']['rule'], $chk);
if ($state > 0 && $n > 0) {
$alert['details']['rule'] = $chk;
if (dbInsert(array('state' => $state, 'device_id' => $alert['device_id'], 'rule_id' => $alert['rule_id'], 'details' => gzcompress(json_encode($alert['details']), 9)), 'alert_log')) {
dbUpdate(array('state' => $state, 'open' => 1, 'alerted' => 1), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
echo $ret.' ('.$o.'/'.$n.")\r\n";
}//end foreach
}//end RunFollowUp()
* Run all alerts
* @return void
function RunAlerts()
global $config;
foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT alerts.device_id, alerts.rule_id, alerts.state FROM alerts WHERE alerts.state != 2 && alerts.open = 1') as $alert) {
$tmp = array(
$alert = dbFetchRow('SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.rule_id,alert_log.device_id,alert_log.state,alert_log.details,alert_log.time_logged,alert_rules.rule,alert_rules.severity,alert_rules.extra,alert_rules.name FROM alert_log,alert_rules WHERE alert_log.rule_id = alert_rules.id && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_rules.disabled = 0 ORDER BY alert_log.id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['device_id'], $alert['rule_id']));
if (empty($alert['rule_id']) || !IsRuleValid($tmp[1], $tmp[0])) {
echo 'Stale-Rule: #'.$tmp[0].'/'.$tmp[1]."\r\n";
// Alert-Rule does not exist anymore, let's remove the alert-state.
dbDelete('alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($tmp[0], $tmp[1]));
$alert['details'] = json_decode(gzuncompress($alert['details']), true);
$noiss = false;
$noacc = false;
$updet = false;
$rextra = json_decode($alert['extra'], true);
$chk = dbFetchRow('SELECT alerts.alerted,devices.ignore,devices.disabled FROM alerts,devices WHERE alerts.device_id = ? && devices.device_id = alerts.device_id && alerts.rule_id = ?', array($alert['device_id'], $alert['rule_id']));
if ($chk['alerted'] == $alert['state']) {
$noiss = true;
if (!empty($rextra['count']) && empty($rextra['interval'])) {
// This check below is for compat-reasons
if (!empty($rextra['delay'])) {
if ((time() - strtotime($alert['time_logged']) + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['delay'] || (!empty($alert['details']['delay']) && (time() - $alert['details']['delay'] + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['delay'])) {
} else {
$alert['details']['delay'] = time();
$updet = true;
if ($alert['state'] == 1 && !empty($rextra['count']) && ($rextra['count'] == -1 || $alert['details']['count']++ < $rextra['count'])) {
if ($alert['details']['count'] < $rextra['count']) {
$noacc = true;
$updet = true;
$noiss = false;
} else {
// This is the new way
if (!empty($rextra['delay']) && (time() - strtotime($alert['time_logged']) + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['delay']) {
if (!empty($rextra['interval'])) {
if (!empty($alert['details']['interval']) && (time() - $alert['details']['interval'] + $config['alert']['tolerance_window']) < $rextra['interval']) {
} else {
$alert['details']['interval'] = time();
$updet = true;
if ($alert['state'] == 1 && !empty($rextra['count']) && ($rextra['count'] == -1 || $alert['details']['count']++ < $rextra['count'])) {
if ($alert['details']['count'] < $rextra['count']) {
$noacc = true;
$updet = true;
$noiss = false;
}//end if
if ($chk['ignore'] == 1 || $chk['disabled'] == 1) {
$noiss = true;
$updet = false;
$noacc = false;
if (IsMaintenance($alert['device_id']) > 0) {
$noiss = true;
$noacc = true;
if ($updet) {
dbUpdate(array('details' => gzcompress(json_encode($alert['details']), 9)), 'alert_log', 'id = ?', array($alert['id']));
if (!empty($rextra['mute'])) {
echo 'Muted Alert-UID #'.$alert['id']."\r\n";
$noiss = true;
if (!$noiss) {
dbUpdate(array('alerted' => $alert['state']), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
if (!$noacc) {
dbUpdate(array('open' => 0), 'alerts', 'rule_id = ? && device_id = ?', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id']));
}//end foreach
}//end RunAlerts()
* Run external transports
* @param array $obj Alert-Array
* @return void
function ExtTransports($obj)
global $config;
$tmp = false;
// To keep scrutinizer from naging because it doesnt understand eval
foreach ($config['alert']['transports'] as $transport => $opts) {
if (is_array($opts)) {
$opts = array_filter($opts);
if (($opts === true || !empty($opts)) && $opts != false && file_exists($config['install_dir'].'/includes/alerts/transport.'.$transport.'.php')) {
$obj['transport'] = $transport;
$msg = FormatAlertTpl($obj);
$obj['msg'] = $msg;
echo $transport.' => ';
eval('$tmp = function($obj,$opts) { global $config; '.file_get_contents($config['install_dir'].'/includes/alerts/transport.'.$transport.'.php').' return false; };');
$tmp = $tmp($obj,$opts);
$prefix = array( 0=>"recovery", 1=>$obj['severity']." alert", 2=>"acknowledgment" );
$prefix[3] = &$prefix[0];
$prefix[4] = &$prefix[0];
if ($tmp === true) {
echo 'OK';
log_event('Issued ' . $prefix[$obj['state']] . " for rule '" . $obj['name'] . "' to transport '" . $transport . "'", $obj['device_id'], null, 1);
} elseif ($tmp === false) {
echo 'ERROR';
log_event('Could not issue ' . $prefix[$obj['state']] . " for rule '" . $obj['name'] . "' to transport '" . $transport . "'", $obj['device_id'], null, 5);
} else {
echo "ERROR: $tmp\r\n";
log_event('Could not issue ' . $prefix[$obj['state']] . " for rule '" . $obj['name'] . "' to transport '" . $transport . "' Error: " . $tmp, $obj['device_id'], null, 5);
echo '; ';
}//end ExtTransports()

scripts/test-template.php Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php
$init_modules = array('alerts');
require __DIR__ . '/../includes/init.php';
$options = getopt('t:h:r:d::');
if ($options['t'] && $options['h'] && $options['r']) {
if (isset($options['d'])) {
$debug = true;
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
ini_set('log_errors', 1);
ini_set('error_reporting', 1);
$template_id = $options['t'];
$device_id = ctype_digit($options['h']) ? $options['h'] : getidbyname($options['h']);
$rule_id = $options['r'];
$alert = dbFetchRow('SELECT alert_log.id,alert_log.rule_id,alert_log.device_id,alert_log.state,alert_log.details,alert_log.time_logged,alert_rules.rule,alert_rules.severity,alert_rules.extra,alert_rules.name FROM alert_log,alert_rules WHERE alert_log.rule_id = alert_rules.id && alert_log.device_id = ? && alert_log.rule_id = ? && alert_rules.disabled = 0 ORDER BY alert_log.id DESC LIMIT 1', array($device_id, $rule_id));
$alert['details'] = json_decode(gzuncompress($alert['details']), true);
$obj = DescribeAlert($alert);
$obj['template'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT `template` FROM `alert_templates` WHERE `id`=?', array($template_id));
$ack = FormatAlertTpl($obj);
} else {
-t Is the template ID.
-h Is the device ID or hostname
-r Is the rule ID
-d Debug
./scripts/test-template.php -t 10 -d localhost -r 2