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-- *****************************************************************
-- Cisco Interface Threshold MIB
-- May 2001, E. Mickey Spiegel, Sonal Maheshwari
-- Copyright (c) 2001 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- *****************************************************************
Integer32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC
InterfaceIndex, ifIndex FROM IF-MIB;
LAST-UPDATED "200109140000Z"
ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc."
CONTACT-INFO "Cisco Systems
Customer Service
Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Tel: +1 800 553-NETS
"This MIB module defines the managed objects that support
monitoring of thresholds on interfaces. Configuration and
monitoring of the thresholds is done through threshold
templates that can be assigned to any subset of interfaces on
the network element. More than one threshold template can be
assigned to a given interface.
This MIB module should be used when it is desired to apply a
common set of thresholds to a subset of the available
interfaces. If a threshold is to be applied to only one
interface, then the EVENT-MIB or the RMON-MIB may be used as
simpler alternatives. If a threshold is to be applied to all
available interfaces, then the EVENT-MIB may be used as a
simpler alternative."
REVISION "200109140000Z"
"Second version of this MIB module."
REVISION "200106140000Z"
"Initial version of this MIB module."
::= { ciscoMgmt 218 }
-- Textual Conventions
CifthTemplateIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies a threshold
template. The value for each threshold template must remain
constant at least from one re-initialization of the agent's
network management system to the next re-initialization. The
value may change when the agent's network management system is
rebooted or re-initialized."
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1000)
CifthTemplateIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"A value of either '0' or a valid template index. The
distinguished value '0' indicates no template or no unassigned
template index values are available."
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1000)
CifthThresholdIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies a threshold
within a threshold template. The value for each threshold must
remain constant when the agent's network management system is
rebooted or re-initialized."
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63)
CifthThresholdList ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"A list of thresholds defined in a given template, in which
each bit represents one threshold. The bits in the first octet
represent thresholds identified by cifthThresholdIndex values 0
through 7, inclusive. The bits in the second octet represent
thresholds identified by integer values 8 through 15,
inclusive, and so forth. The least significant bit of an octet
represents the threshold identified by the lowest integer
value, and the most significant bit represents the threshold
identified by the highest integer value. The figure shown
below illustrates the format of a threshold list.
Octet 1 Octet 8
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| |...| |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +- Threshold 56
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--- Threshold 57
| | | | | | | | | | | | | +----- Threshold 58
| | | | | | | | | | | | +------- Threshold 59
| | | | | | | | | | | +--------- Threshold 60
| | | | | | | | | | +----------- Threshold 61
| | | | | | | | | +------------- Threshold 62
| | | | | | | | +--------------- Threshold 63
| | | | | | | | :
| | | | | | | | :
| | | | | | | +--------------------- Threshold 0
| | | | | | +----------------------- Threshold 1
| | | | | +------------------------- Threshold 2
| | | | +--------------------------- Threshold 3
| | | +----------------------------- Threshold 4
| | +------------------------------- Threshold 5
| +--------------------------------- Threshold 6
+----------------------------------- Threshold 7
A bit value of '1' indicates that the threshold is being
exceeded in current operation (i.e., the threshold is fired).
A bit value of '0' indicates that the threshold is not being
exceeded in current operation (i.e., the threshold is cleared).
A threshold list of length N, where N < 8, represents a
threshold list for which thresholds N*8 through 63 have the
value of '0'. A special case is a threshold list having a
length of '0', which represents a threshold list of all zeros."
CifthThresholdSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"The severity of the condition when the threshold is fired.
A smaller enumerated integer value indicates that the threshold
exceeded condition is more severe.
The value 'fail' indicates a hard failure condition where
no data can be received, or where the data received has a large
number of errors which makes it impossible to recover most of
the data.
The value 'degrade' indicates a soft failure condition in which
data received on this interface is affected, but a significant
portion of the data can be recovered.
The value 'info' is used to raise attention to a condition that
could possibly be an impending problem or to notify the
customer of an event that improves operation."
CifthThresholdSeverityOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"A value of either '0' or a valid threshold severity."
-- MIB Object Definitions
cIfThresholdMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoIfThresholdMIB 1 }
cifthTemplateGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cIfThresholdMIBObjects 1 }
cifthTemplateIfAssignGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { cIfThresholdMIBObjects 2 }
cifthIfThresholdFiredGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { cIfThresholdMIBObjects 3 }
-- Template Table
cifthTemplateIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthTemplateIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object contains an appropriate value to be used for
cifthTemplateIndex when creating entries in the
cifthTemplateTable. The distinguished value 0 indicates that
no unassigned entries are available.
To obtain a suggested cifthTemplateIndex value for a new entry,
the manager issues a management protocol retrieval operation to
obtain the current value of this object. The manager may
ignore this object and use alternative mechanisms for choosing
an unused value of cifthTemplateIndex for a new entry.
The agent will modify the value to the next unassigned index,
when a new entry is created in cifthTemplateTable with the
current value of this object. After deletion of an entry in
cifthTemplateTable the agent will determine through its local
policy when its index value will be made available for reuse."
::= { cifthTemplateGroup 1 }
cifthTemplateLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object specifies the value of sysUpTime at the last time
there was either a change to any object in any entry in
cifthTemplateTable, or an entry was created or destroyed in
cifthTemplateTable. If no change to cifthTemplateTable has
occurred since the last re-initialization of the local network
management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
::= { cifthTemplateGroup 2 }
cifthTemplateTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table is used to create threshold templates.
Each template includes one or more thresholds (defined in the
cifthThresholdTable), and can be assigned to multiple
interfaces. An interface may be associated with more than one
template. The assignment of templates to interfaces is done in
the cifthTemplateIfAssignTable."
::= { cifthTemplateGroup 3 }
cifthTemplateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthTemplateEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry describing the general properties of a threshold
The template is created using the cifthTemplateRowStatus
object. Prior to creating an entry in the table, the manager
should obtain a unique value of cifthTemplateIndex by reading
the cifthTemplateIndexNext object. The values of
cifthTemplateName and cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType must be
provided before activating the entry.
After creating an entry, thresholds can be defined for the
template by creating entries with the same value of
cifthTemplateIndex in the cifthThresholdTable. The template
can then be assigned to one or more interfaces using the
Once an entry has been activated, the value of
cifthTemplateName cannot be modified. In order to use a new
value of cifthTemplateName, a new template must be defined.
The values of cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType and
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownTime may be modified when the entry
is active. See the description clause of
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType for further caveats on
modification of that object."
INDEX { cifthTemplateIndex }
::= { cifthTemplateTable 1 }
CifthTemplateEntry ::=
cifthTemplateIndex CifthTemplateIndex,
cifthTemplateName SnmpAdminString,
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType INTEGER,
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownTime Unsigned32,
cifthTemplateRowStatus RowStatus
cifthTemplateIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthTemplateIndex
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies a threshold
template. The value for each threshold template must remain
constant at least from one re-initialization of the agent's
network management system to the next re-initialization. The
value may change when the agent's network management system is
rebooted or re-initialized."
::= { cifthTemplateEntry 1 }
cifthTemplateName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object specifies a unique name associated with the
threshold template by the management client, and provides a
non-volatile 'handle' for the template. The name must not
include whitespace characters.
After this value has been written to the startup configuration,
the agent must retain the value until a management client
deletes it. The level of retention must span reboots and
re-initializations of the agent, including those that result in
different assignments to the value of cifthTemplateIndex
associated with this template.
Once an entry has been activated, this value cannot be
modified. In order to use a new value of cifthTemplateName, a
new template must be defined."
::= { cifthTemplateEntry 2 }
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType OBJECT-TYPE
fireAndClearThresholds(3) -- hysteresis
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object specifies the method used to prevent an excess of
notifications from being generated when operation fluctuates
around a threshold level.
The value 'holdDownTimer' indicates that notifications for a
given threshold and interface are suppressed for a short amount
of time after each notification. The time value is specified
in cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownTime, which is instantiated only
when this object is set to 'holdDownTimer'. After a
notification is received for a given threshold and interface,
the next notification for that threshold and interface will be
generated after at least cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownTime amount
of time has passed, only when the threshold is next fired or
The value 'fireAndClearThresholds' indicates that hysteresis
is used. The management client configures two values for each
threshold: one for asserting that the threshold has been
exceeded (see cifthThresholdFiredValue), and a second value for
asserting that the threshold is no longer being exceeded (see
cifthThresholdClearedValue, which is instantiated only when
this object is set to 'fireAndClearThresholds').
When this entry in cifthTemplateTable is active, this object
may only be modified if there are no active entries in
cifthThresholdTable with the same value of cifthTemplateIndex."
::= { cifthTemplateEntry 3 }
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The minimum amount of time between successive
cifthIfThresholdFired or cifthIfThresholdCleared notifications
for a given interface and template.
This object is instantiated only when
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType is set to 'holdDownTimer'."
DEFVAL { 5 }
::= { cifthTemplateEntry 4 }
cifthTemplateRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object is used to create and delete threshold templates.
The values of cifthTemplateName and
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType must be provided before
activating the entry.
An entry can only be deleted when there are no active entries
in the cifthTemplateIfAssignTable with the same value of
When an entry is deleted, all associated entries in the
cifthThresholdTable are also deleted.
After the entry has been activated, this object cannot be set
to any value other than 'destroy'. The row status never
changes to 'notInService' after reaching the value 'active'."
::= { cifthTemplateEntry 5 }
-- Threshold Table
cifthThresholdLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object specifies the value of sysUpTime at the last time
there was either a change to any object in any entry in
cifthThresholdTable, or an entry was created or destroyed in
cifthThresholdTable. If no change to cifthThresholdTable has
occurred since the last re-initialization of the local network
management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
::= { cifthTemplateGroup 4 }
cifthThresholdTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CifthThresholdEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table specifies the interface thresholds used in each
::= { cifthTemplateGroup 5 }
cifthThresholdEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthThresholdEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry specifying an interface threshold used in a threshold
The entry is created using the cifthThresholdRowStatus object.
The values of cifthThresholdObject, cifthThresholdSeverity,
cifthThresholdType, and cifthThresholdFiredValue must be
provided before activating the entry. If the value of
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType in the cifthTemplateEntry with
the same value of cifthTemplateIndex is
'fireAndClearThresholds', then the value of
cifthThresholdClearedValue must also be provided before
activating the entry. If the value of cifthThresholdType is
other than 'rateOfIncreaseExponentXIfSpeed', then the value of
cifthThresholdSampleInterval must also be provided before
activating the entry.
The agent should not allow creation of two entries in the table
with the same values of cifthTemplateIndex,
cifthThresholdObject, cifthThresholdSeverity, and
Once an entry has been activated, the values of
cifthThresholdObject, cifthThresholdSeverity,
cifthThresholdType, and cifthThresholdDirection cannot be
modified. In order to use new values of these objects, a new
threshold must be defined. The values of cifthThresholdDescr,
cifthThresholdFiredValue, cifthThresholdClearedValue,
cifthThresholdSampleInterval, and cifthThresholdApsSwitchover
may be modified when the entry is active."
INDEX { cifthTemplateIndex, cifthThresholdIndex }
::= { cifthThresholdTable 1 }
CifthThresholdEntry ::=
cifthThresholdIndex CifthThresholdIndex,
cifthThresholdDescr SnmpAdminString,
cifthThresholdObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
cifthThresholdSeverity CifthThresholdSeverity,
cifthThresholdType INTEGER,
cifthThresholdDirection INTEGER,
cifthThresholdFiredValue Integer32,
cifthThresholdClearedValue Integer32,
cifthThresholdSampleInterval Unsigned32,
cifthThresholdApsSwitchover TruthValue,
cifthThresholdRowStatus RowStatus
cifthThresholdIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthThresholdIndex
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An arbitrary integer that uniquely identifies a threshold in
a threshold template. The value for each threshold must remain
constant when the agent's network management system is rebooted
or re-initialized."
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 1 }
cifthThresholdDescr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"A description of the threshold's function and use. The
description must not include carriage returns."
DEFVAL { "" }
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 2 }
cifthThresholdObject OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The object to be compared against the threshold values.
The object must be defined in a table indexed only by ifIndex.
All of the instance portion of the object identifier is
truncated, since the instance(s) to be compared against
the threshold are identified using the
If the object has syntax 'Integer32', 'Unsigned32', or
'Gauge32', then cifthThresholdType should be set to
'absoluteValue'. If the object has syntax 'Counter32' or
'Counter64', then cifthThresholdType should be set to
'deltaValue' or 'rateOfIncreaseExponentXIfSpeed'."
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 3 }
cifthThresholdSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthThresholdSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object specifies the severity associated with the
condition when the threshold is exceeded."
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 4 }
cifthThresholdType OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The manner in which to compare cifthThresholdObject to
cifthThresholdFiredValue and cifthThresholdClearedValue.
The value 'absoluteValue' indicates that the value of
cifthThresholdObject is to be compared directly to
cifthThresholdFiredValue or cifthThresholdClearedValue.
The value 'deltaValue' indicates that the difference between
two successive samples of cifthThresholdObject is to be
compared to cifthThresholdFiredValue or
cifthThresholdClearedValue. The polling interval between
successive samples is defined in cifthThresholdSampleInterval.
The value 'rateOfIncreaseExponentXIfSpeed' indicates that the
rate of increase of cifthThresholdObject is to be compared to
the negated value of cifthThresholdFiredValue used as the
exponent of 10, times the value of ifSpeed (if the value of
ifSpeed is less than the maximum value) or ifHighSpeed
(otherwise). For example, a value of cifthThresholdFiredValue
of 5 on a gigabit ethernet interface indicates a threshold of
10^-5 times the interface speed, which is equal to 10,000 per
second. When the value of this object is
'rateOfIncreaseExponentXIfSpeed', the polling interval between
successive samples is determined automatically by the agent.
When the object identified by cifthThresholdObject is a
counter, a threshold type of 'deltaValue' or
'rateOfIncreaseExponentXIfSpeed' should be used. When the
object identified by cifthThresholdObject is not a counter, a
threshold type of 'absoluteValue' should be used."
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 5 }
cifthThresholdDirection OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object indicates which direction of movement causes the
threshold to fire.
The value 'rising' indicates that the threshold is fired when
the current sampled value is numerically greater than or equal
to the value of cifthThresholdFiredValue, and the threshold was
considered to be cleared at the last sampling interval. If the
value of the corresponding cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType
object is 'fireAndClearThresholds', the threshold is cleared
when the current sampled value is less than the value of
cifthThresholdClearedValue, and the threshold was considered to
be fired at the last sampling interval. If the value of the
corresponding cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType object is other
than 'fireAndClearThresholds', the threshold is cleared when
the current sampled value is less than the value of
cifthThresholdFiredValue, and the threshold was considered to
be fired at the last sampling interval.
The value 'falling' indicates that the threshold is fired when
the current sampled value is numerically less than or equal to
the value of cifthThresholdFiredValue, and the threshold was
considered to be cleared at the last sampling interval. If the
value of the corresponding cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType
object is 'fireAndClearThresholds', the threshold is cleared
when the current sampled value is greater than the value of
cifthThresholdClearedValue, and the threshold was considered to
be fired at the last sampling interval. If the value of the
corresponding cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType object is other
than 'fireAndClearThresholds', the threshold is cleared when
the current sampled value is greater than the value of
cifthThresholdFiredValue, and the threshold was considered to
be fired at the last sampling interval."
DEFVAL { rising }
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 6 }
cifthThresholdFiredValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (-2147483648..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"A threshold value to check against the object identified in
cifthThresholdObject. If the value of cifthThresholdDirection
is 'rising', then the threshold is fired when the current
sampled value (absolute, delta, or rate of increase, depending
on the value of cifthThresholdType) of the object identified in
cifthThresholdObject is greater than or equal to this value.
If the value of cifthThresholdDirection is 'falling', then the
threshold is fired when the current sampled value (absolute,
delta, or rate of increase, depending on the value of
cifthThresholdType) of the object identified in
cifthThresholdObject is less than or equal to this value."
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 7 }
cifthThresholdClearedValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (-2147483648..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"A threshold value to check against the object identified in
cifthThresholdObject. If the value of cifthThresholdDirection
is 'rising', then the threshold is cleared when the current
sampled value (absolute, delta, or rate of increase, depending
on the value of cifthThresholdType) of the object identified in
cifthThresholdObject is less than this value. If the value of
cifthThresholdDirection is 'falling', then the threshold is
cleared when the current sampled value (absolute, delta, or
rate of increase, depending on the value of cifthThresholdType)
of the object identified in cifthThresholdObject is greater
than this value.
This object is instantiated only when the value of
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType in the cifthTemplateEntry with
the same value of cifthTemplateIndex is
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 8 }
cifthThresholdSampleInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (5..900000)
UNITS "milliseconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The number of milliseconds to wait between samples of the
object identified in cifthThresholdObject. To encourage
consistency in sampling, the interval is measured from the
beginning of one check to the beginning of the next and the
timer is restarted immediately when it expires, not when the
check completes.
This object is not instantiated when the value of
cifthThresholdType is 'rateOfIncreaseExponentXIfSpeed'."
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 9 }
cifthThresholdApsSwitchover OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object indicates whether automatic protection switching
(APS) switchover should be triggered, if applicable, when the
threshold is fired. The value of this object takes effect when
the template identified by cifthTemplateIndex is assigned to an
interface that is part of an APS group. One way to configure
an interface in an APS group is using the cApsChanConfigTable
in the CISCO-APS-MIB."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 10 }
cifthThresholdRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object is used to create and delete thresholds in
A new entry can only be created when there is an active entry
in the cifthTemplateTable with the same value of
cifthTemplateIndex. The values of cifthThresholdObject,
cifthThresholdSeverity, cifthThresholdType, and
cifthThresholdFiredValue must be provided before activating the
entry. If the value of cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType in the
cifthTemplateEntry with the same value of cifthTemplateIndex is
'fireAndClearThresholds', then the value of
cifthThresholdClearedValue must also be provided before
activating the entry. If the value of cifthThresholdType is
other than 'rateOfIncreaseExponentXIfSpeed', then the value of
cifthThresholdSampleInterval must also be provided before
activating the entry.
When an entry is activated, if there are any entries in
cifthTemplateIfAssignTable with the same value of
cifthTemplateIndex, then the threshold is activated on all
interfaces identified in those entries that have instances of
the object identified by cifthThresholdObject.
When an entry is destroyed, if there are any entries in
cifthTemplateIfAssignTable with the same value of
cifthTemplateIndex, then the threshold is de-activated on the
interfaces identified in those entries. If there are any
entries in cifthIfThresholdFiredTable with
cifthIfThresholdFiredTemplate value equal to this value of
cifthTemplateIndex, then the bit in cifthIfThresholdsFired
corresponding to this threshold is cleared in all such entries.
After the entry has been activated, this object cannot be set
to any value other than 'destroy'. The row status never
changes to 'notInService' after reaching the value 'active'."
::= { cifthThresholdEntry 11 }
-- Interface Assignment Table
cifthTemplateIfLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object specifies the value of sysUpTime at the last time
there was either a change to any object in any entry in
cifthTemplateIfAssignTable, or an entry was created or
destroyed in cifthTemplateIfAssignTable. If no change to
cifthTemplateIfAssignTable has occurred since the last
re-initialization of the local network management subsystem,
then this object contains a zero value."
::= { cifthTemplateIfAssignGroup 1 }
cifthTemplateIfAssignTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CifthTemplateIfAssignEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table specifies the assignment of threshold templates to
specific interfaces. Each threshold template may be assigned
to multiple interfaces. Each interface may have multiple
threshold templates assigned to it."
::= { cifthTemplateIfAssignGroup 2 }
cifthTemplateIfAssignEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthTemplateIfAssignEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry describing the assignment of a particular threshold
template to a particular interface. The entry is created using
the cifthTemplateIfAssignRowStatus object."
INDEX { cifthTemplateIndex, cifthTemplateIfAssignInterface }
::= { cifthTemplateIfAssignTable 1 }
CifthTemplateIfAssignEntry ::=
cifthTemplateIfAssignInterface InterfaceIndex,
cifthTemplateIfAssignOperStatus INTEGER,
cifthTemplateIfAssignRowStatus RowStatus
cifthTemplateIfAssignInterface OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This object identifies an interface to which the template
is assigned."
::= { cifthTemplateIfAssignEntry 1 }
cifthTemplateIfAssignOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object indicates whether the threshold template
identified by cifthTemplateIndex is operational on the
interface identified by cifthTemplateIfAssignInterface.
When the value of this object is 'up', this indicates that
the thresholds in this template (identified by
cifthTemplateIndex) are activated on this interface, with the
following exception: If a threshold is defined on an object
that does not have an instance for this interface, then the
threshold is not activated on this interface. If any of the
thresholds are being exceeded, then a corresponding entry
exists in the cifthIfThresholdFiredTable.
When the value of this object is 'down', this indicates that
all thresholds in the template are de-activated on this
interface and there is no corresponding entry in the
cifthIfThresholdFiredTable, regardless of whether any of the
thresholds in the template are being exceeded on this
One reason for a template not to be operational on an
interface to which it is assigned is when the interface has two
(or more) templates assigned to it that contain thresholds on
the same object with the same severity and direction, i.e.,
thresholds with the same values of cifthThresholdObject,
cifthThresholdSeverity, and cifthThresholdDirection. This may
occur when a template is assigned to the interface, or when a
threshold is added to a template that is already active on the
interface. When this occurs, the implementation may operate on
both (or all) threshold values, or it may take down one (or
more) of the templates on this interface, which is indicated by
changing the value of this object from 'up' to 'down'."
::= { cifthTemplateIfAssignEntry 2 }
cifthTemplateIfAssignRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object is used to create and delete entries in the table,
assigning templates to interfaces and removing templates from
interfaces, respectively.
A new entry can only be created when there is an active entry
in the cifthTemplateTable with the same value of
When an entry is activated, the thresholds in this template
(identified by cifthTemplateIndex) are activated on this
interface, with the following exception: If a threshold is
defined on an object that does not have an instance for this
interface, then the threshold is not activated on this
When an entry is destroyed, all thresholds in the template are
de-activated on this interface and the corresponding entry in
the cifthIfThresholdFiredTable is deleted, if it exists.
After the entry has been activated, this object cannot be set
to any value other than 'destroy'. The row status never
changes to 'notInService' after reaching the value 'active'."
::= { cifthTemplateIfAssignEntry 3 }
-- Interface Threshold Fired Group
cifthThresholdFiredNotifyEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthThresholdSeverityOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object specifies the minimum severity threshold governing
the generation of cifthIfThresholdFired and
cifthIfThresholdCleared notifications. For example, if the
value of this object is set to 'degrade', then the agent
generates these notifications if and only if the severity of
the threshold being exceeded is 'degrade' or 'fail'. When the
value is other than '0', the generation of
cifthTemplateIfStatusChange notifications is also enabled. The
value of '0' disables the generation of all notifications. By
default, the value of this object is set to '0'."
::= { cifthIfThresholdFiredGroup 1 }
cifthThresholdFiredLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object specifies the value of sysUpTime at the last time
there was either a change to any object in any entry in
cifthIfThresholdFiredTable, or an entry was added or deleted in
cifthIfThresholdFiredTable. If no change to
cifthIfThresholdFiredTable has occurred since the last
re-initialization of the local network management subsystem,
then this object contains a zero value."
::= { cifthIfThresholdFiredGroup 2 }
cifthIfThresholdFiredTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CifthIfThresholdFiredEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table indicates the interfaces that currently have
threshold fired conditions."
::= { cifthIfThresholdFiredGroup 3 }
cifthIfThresholdFiredEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthIfThresholdFiredEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry indicating an interface that currently has one or
more threshold fired conditions based on one template."
INDEX { ifIndex, cifthIfThresholdFiredTemplate }
::= { cifthIfThresholdFiredTable 1 }
CifthIfThresholdFiredEntry ::=
cifthIfThresholdFiredTemplate CifthTemplateIndex,
cifthIfThresholdsFired CifthThresholdList,
cifthIfLastThresholdFired CifthThresholdIndex,
cifthIfThresholdFiredLstChange TimeStamp,
cifthIfThresholdFiredLstSeverity CifthThresholdSeverity,
cifthIfThresholdFiredMaxSeverity CifthThresholdSeverity
cifthIfThresholdFiredTemplate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthTemplateIndex
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This object specifies a template for which one or more of the
thresholds are fired on this interface."
::= { cifthIfThresholdFiredEntry 1 }
cifthIfThresholdsFired OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthThresholdList
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object specifies those thresholds that are currently
being exceeded on this interface.
If a threshold is currently being exceeded (i.e., the threshold
is fired) on the interface, then the corresponding bit in the
threshold list is set to one. Otherwise, the bit will be set
to zero, or the bit will not be present. Only the first N
octets are present in the threshold list, such that the highest
octet present has at least one bit set to '1'. All higher
octets with value '0' are truncated."
::= { cifthIfThresholdFiredEntry 2 }
cifthIfLastThresholdFired OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthThresholdIndex
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object specifies the last threshold fired or cleared on
the interface."
::= { cifthIfThresholdFiredEntry 3 }
cifthIfThresholdFiredLstChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object specifies the value of sysUpTime at the last time
a threshold was fired or cleared on the interface."
::= { cifthIfThresholdFiredEntry 4 }
cifthIfThresholdFiredLstSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthThresholdSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object specifies the severity of the threshold that was
last fired or cleared on the interface."
::= { cifthIfThresholdFiredEntry 5 }
cifthIfThresholdFiredMaxSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CifthThresholdSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object specifies the highest severity among the
thresholds that are currently being exceeded on this
::= { cifthIfThresholdFiredEntry 6 }
-- Notifications
cIfThresholdMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { ciscoIfThresholdMIB 2 }
cifthMIBNotificationsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { cIfThresholdMIBNotifications 0 }
cifthIfThresholdFired NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
"The agent generates this notification when a threshold defined
in a template is asserted on an interface.
If a threshold is asserted for a given interface and template,
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownTime is set to 'holdDownTimer' for
that template, and this notification has recently been sent for
the same threshold on the same interface, then this
notification may be suppressed."
::= { cifthMIBNotificationsPrefix 1 }
cifthIfThresholdCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
"The agent generates this notification when a threshold, that
has previously fired, is cleared on an interface.
If a threshold is cleared for a given interface and template,
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownTime is set to 'holdDownTimer' for
that template, and this notification has recently been sent for
the same threshold on the same interface, then this
notification may be suppressed."
::= { cifthMIBNotificationsPrefix 2 }
cifthTemplateIfStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
"The agent generates this notification when a template comes up
or goes down on an interface to which it is assigned, i.e.,
when the value of cifthTemplateIfAssignOperStatus changes. If
a template becomes operationally down on an interface upon
activation of a new entry in the cifthTemplateIfAssignTable,
the agent generates this notification. The agent need not
generate this notification when a new entry in the
cifthTemplateIfAssignTable is activated, if the template
becomes operational on the interface. The agent need not
generate this notification when an entry in the
cifthTemplateIfAssignTable is destroyed."
::= { cifthMIBNotificationsPrefix 3 }
-- Conformance Information
cIfThresholdMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { ciscoIfThresholdMIB 3 }
cIfThresholdMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { cIfThresholdMIBConformance 1 }
::= { cIfThresholdMIBConformance 2 }
-- Compliance Statement
STATUS current
"The compliance statement for entities that implement the Cisco
Interface Threshold MIB."
MODULE -- this module
OBJECT cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType
"At least one of the codepoints 'holdDownTimer' and
'fireAndClearThresholds' must be supported."
GROUP cifthHoldDownTimerGroup
"This group is required only for entities that support
suppression of excess notifications in a short time
interval based on a timer, i.e., systems that support the
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType value 'holdDownTimer'. At
least one of this group and
cifthHoldDownHysteresisGroup must be supported."
GROUP cifthHoldDownHysteresisGroup
"This group is required only for entities that prevent
excess notifications in a short time interval by using
hysteresis, i.e., systems that support the
cifthTemplateNotifyHoldDownType value
'fireAndClearThresholds'. At least one of this group and
cifthHoldDownTimerGroup must be supported."
OBJECT cifthThresholdType
"At least one of the codepoints 'deltaValue' and
'rateOfIncreaseExponentXIfSpeed' must be supported."
GROUP cifthApsGroup
"This group is required only for entities that support the
Cisco Interface Threshold MIB and support triggering of
automatic protection switching (APS) based on thresholds of
interface counters."
GROUP cifthTemplateIfNotifsGroup
"This group is required only for entities that do not allow
multiple threshold values (in different threshold
templates) of the same severity and direction on the same
object to be applied on one interface."
::= { cIfThresholdMIBCompliances 1 }
-- Units of Conformance
cIfThresholdTemplateGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
"A collection of mandatory managed objects for configuration of
threshold templates."
::= { cIfThresholdMIBGroups 1 }
cIfThresholdFiredGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
"A collection of mandatory managed objects for monitoring
interfaces where thresholds have been exceeded."
::= { cIfThresholdMIBGroups 2 }
cifthHoldDownTimerGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
"A collection of managed objects for configuration of
a timer-based mechanism for suppression of excess notifications
in a short time interval."
::= { cIfThresholdMIBGroups 3 }
cifthHoldDownHysteresisGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
"A collection of managed objects for configuration of
threshold values used to assert that the threshold is no longer
being exceeded. These objects are part of the hysteresis
mechanism used to prevent excess notifications in a short time
::= { cIfThresholdMIBGroups 4 }
cifthApsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
"A collection of managed objects for configuration of APS
switchover triggers based on interface thresholds."
::= { cIfThresholdMIBGroups 5 }
cIfThresholdNotifsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
STATUS current
"A collection of notifications generated when an interface has
a threshold fired or a threshold cleared condition."
::= { cIfThresholdMIBGroups 6 }
cifthTemplateIfNotifsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
STATUS current
"A collection of notifications related to the assignment of
templates to interfaces."
::= { cIfThresholdMIBGroups 7 }