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###Dec 2014
####Bug fixes
- Fixed Global Search box bootstrap ([PR357](
- Fixed display issues when calculating CDR in billing system ([PR359](
- Fixed API route order to resolve get_port_graphs working ([PR364](
- Added new API route to retrieve list of graphs for a device ([PR355](
- Added new API route to retrieve list of port for a device ([PR356](
- Added new API route to retrieve billing info ([PR360](
- Added alerting system ([PR370](, [PR369](, [PR367](
- Added dbSchema version to about page ([PR377](
- Added git log link to about page ([PR378](
- Added Two factor authentication ([PR383](
###Nov 2014
####Bug fixes
- Updated Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch detection ([PR340](
- Added fix for DLink port detection ([PR347](
- Fixed BGP session count ([PR334](
- Fixed errors with BGP polling and storing data in RRD ([PR346](
- Added option to clean old perf_times table entries ([PR343](
- Added nginx+php-fpm instructions ([PR345](
- Added BGP route to API ([PR335](
- Updated check_mk to new version + removed Observium branding ([PR311](
- Updated Edit SNMP settings page for device to only show relevant SNMP options ([PR317](
- Eventlog page now uses paged results ([PR336](
- Added new API route to show peering, transit and core graphs ([PR349](
- Added VyOS and EdgeOS detection ([PR351]( / [PR352](
- Documentation style and markdown updates ([PR353](
###Oct 2014
####Bug fixes
- Fixed displaying device image in device list ([PR296](
- Fixed placement of popups ([PR297](
- Updated authToken response code in API to 401 ([PR310](
- Removed trailing / from v0 part of API url ([PR312](
- Added correct response code for API call get_vlans ([PR313](
- Updated yearly graphs to fix year variable being passed ([PR316](
- Updated transport list to be generated from $config ([PR318](
- Moved addhost button on add host page as it was hidden ([PR319](
- Added stripslashes to hrdevice page ([PR321](
- Fixed web installer issue due to variable name change ([PR325](
- Updated disabled field in api tokens ([PR327](
- Fixed not running from outside install directory (cron) ([PR328](
- Removed --no-edit from daily.php git pull ([PR309](
- Added ability to create api tokens ([PR294](
- Added icmp and poller graphs for devices ([PR295](
- Added urldecode/urlencode support for interface names in API ([PR298](
- Added new library to support on screen notifications ([PR300](
- Added authlog purge function and improved efficiency in clearing syslog table ([PR301](
- Updated addhost page to show relevant snmp options ([PR303](
- Added limit $config for front page boxes ([PR305](
- Updated http-auth adding user to check if user already exists ([PR307](
- Added names to all API routes ([PR314](
- Added route to call list of API endpoints ([PR315](
- Added options to $config to specify fping retry and timeout ([PR323](
- Added icmp / snmp to device down alerts for debugging ([PR324](
- Added function to page results for large result pages ([PR333](
###Sep 2014
####Bug fixes
- Updated vtpversion check to fix vlan discovery issues ([PR289](
- Fixed mac address change false positives ([PR292](
- Hide snmp passwords on edit snmp form ([PR290](
- Updates to API ([PR291](
###Aug 2014
####Bug fixes
- Disk % not showing in health view ([PR284](
- Fixed layout issue for ports list ([PR286](
- Removed session regeneration ([PR287](
- Updated edit button on edit user screen ([PR288](
- Added email field for add user form ([PR278](
- V0 of API release ([PR282](
###Jul 2014
####Bug fixes
- Fixed RRD creation using MAX twice ([PR266](
- Fixed variables leaking in poller run ([PR267](
- Fixed links to health graphs ([PR271](
- Fixed install docs to remove duplicate snmpd on install ([PR276](
- Added support for Cisco ASA connection graphs ([PR268](
- Updated delete device page ([PR270](
###Jun 2014
####Bug fixes
- Fixed a couple of DB queries ([PR222](
- Fixes to make interface more mobile friendly ([PR227](
- Fixed link to device on overview apps page ([PR228](
- Fixed missing backticks on SQL queries ([PR253]( / [PR254](
- Fixed user permissions page ([PR265](
- Updated index page ([PR224](
- Updated global search visually ([PR223](
- Added contributors agreement ([PR225](
- Added ability to update health values ([PR226](
- Tidied up search box on devices list page ([PR229](
- Updated port search box and port table list ([PR230](
- Removed some unused javascript libraries ([PR231](
- Updated year and column for vertical status summary ([PR232](
- Tidied up the delete user page ([PR235](
- Added snmp port to $config ([PR237](
- Added documentation for lighttpd ([PR238](
- Updated all device edit pages ([PR239](
- Added IPv6 only host support ([PR241](
- Added public status page ([PR246](
- Added validate_device_id function ([PR257](
- Added auto detect of install location ([PR259](
###Mar 2014
####Bug fixes
- Removed link to pdf in billing history ([PR146](
- librenms logs now saved in correct location ([PR163](
- Updated pfsense detection ([PR182](
- Fixed health page mini cpu ([PR195](
- Updated install docs to include php5-json ([PR196](
- Fixed Dlink interface names ([PR200]( / [PR203](
- Stop shortening IP in shorthost function ([PR210](
- Fixed status box overlapping ([PR211](
- Fixed top port overlay issue ([PR212](
- Updated docs and to update DB schemas ([PR215](
- Updated hardware detection for RouterOS ([PR217](
- Restore _GET variables for logging in ([PR218](
- Updated inventory page to use bootstrap ([PR141](
- Updated mac / arp pages to use bootstrap ([PR147](
- Updated devices page to use bootstrap ([PR149](
- Updated delete host page to use bootstrap ([PR151](
- Updated print_error function to use bootstrap ([PR153](
- Updated install docs for Apache 2.3 > ([PR161](
- Upgraded PHPMailer ([PR169](
- Added send_mail function using PHPMailer ([PR170](
- Added new and awesome IRC Bot ([PR171](
- Added Gentoo detection and logo ([PR174]( / [PR179](
- Added Engenius detection ([PR186](
- Updated edit user to enable editing ([PR187](
- Added EAP600 engenius support ([PR188](
- Added Plugin system ([PR189](
- MySQL calls updated to use dbFacile ([PR190](
- Added support for Dlink devices ([PR193](
- Added Windows 2012 polling support ([PR201](
- Added purge options for syslog / eventlog ([PR204](
- Added BGP to global search box ([PR205](
###Feb 2014
####Bug fixes
- Set to be executable ([PR89](
- Fix device/port down boxes ([PR99](
- Ports set to be ignored honoured for threshold alerts ([PR104](
- Added PasswordHash.php to adduser.php ([PR119](
- build-base.php update to run DB updates ([PR128](
- Added web based installer ([PR75](
- Updated login page design ([PR78](
- Ability to enable / disable topX boxes ([PR100](
- Added PHPPass support for MySQL auth logins ([PR101](
- Updated to Bootstrap 3.1 ([PR106](
- index.php tidied up ([PR107](
- Updated device overview page design ([PR113](
- Updated print_optionbar* to use bootstrap ([PR115](
- Updated device/port/services box to use bootstrap ([PR117](
- Updated eventlog / syslog to use bootstrap ([PR132]( / [PR134](
###Jan 2014
####Bug fixes
- Moved location redirect for logout ([PR55](
- Remove debug statements from process_syslog ([PR57](
- Stop from shortening hostnames ([PR62](
- Moved some variables from to ([PR66](
- Fixed title being set correctly ([PR73](
- Added documentation to enable billing module ([PR74](
- Deleting devices now asks for confirmation ([PR53](
- Added ARP discovered device name and IP to eventlog ([PR54](
- Initial updated design release ([PR59](
- Added ifAlias script ([PR70](
- Added console ui ([PR72](