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* Copyright (C) 2014 <>
* Modified and Relicensed by <> under the expressed
* permission by the Copyright-Holder <>.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* */
namespace LibreNMS;
use App\Models\Device;
use App\Models\Eventlog;
use App\Models\Port;
use App\Models\Service;
use App\Models\User;
use LibreNMS\DB\Eloquent;
use LibreNMS\Enum\AlertState;
use LibreNMS\Util\Mail;
use LibreNMS\Util\Number;
use LibreNMS\Util\Time;
use LibreNMS\Util\Version;
class IRCBot
private $config;
private $user;
private $last_activity = 0;
private $data = '';
private $authd = [];
private $debug = false;
private $server = '';
private $port = '';
private $ssl = false;
private $pass = '';
private $nick = 'LibreNMS';
private $tempnick = null;
private $chan = [];
private $commands = [
private $command = '';
private $external = [];
private $tick = 62500;
private $j = 0;
private $socket = [];
private $floodcount = 0;
private $max_retry = 5;
private $nickwait;
private $buff;
private $tokens;
public function __construct()
$this->log('Setting up IRC-Bot..');
$this->config = Config::getAll();
$this->debug = $this->config['irc_debug'];
$this->config['irc_authtime'] = $this->config['irc_authtime'] ? $this->config['irc_authtime'] : 3;
$this->max_retry = $this->config['irc_maxretry'];
$this->server = $this->config['irc_host'];
if ($this->config['irc_port'][0] == '+') {
$this->ssl = true;
$this->port = substr($this->config['irc_port'], 1);
} else {
$this->port = $this->config['irc_port'];
if ($this->config['irc_nick']) {
$this->nick = $this->config['irc_nick'];
if ($this->config['irc_alert_chan']) {
if (strstr($this->config['irc_alert_chan'], ',')) {
$this->config['irc_alert_chan'] = explode(',', $this->config['irc_alert_chan']);
} elseif (! is_array($this->config['irc_alert_chan'])) {
$this->config['irc_alert_chan'] = [$this->config['irc_alert_chan']];
$this->chan = $this->config['irc_alert_chan'];
if ($this->config['irc_pass']) {
$this->pass = $this->config['irc_pass'];
$this->log('Starting IRC-Bot..');
//end __construct()
private function loadExternal()
if (! $this->config['irc_external']) {
return true;
$this->log('Caching external commands...');
if (! is_array($this->config['irc_external'])) {
$this->config['irc_external'] = explode(',', $this->config['irc_external']);
foreach ($this->config['irc_external'] as $ext) {
$this->log("Command $ext...");
if (($this->external[$ext] = file_get_contents('includes/ircbot/' . $ext . '.inc.php')) == '') {
return $this->log('Cached ' . count($this->external) . ' commands.');
//end load_external()
private function init()
if ($this->config['irc_alert']) {
if (! $this->connectAlert()) {
return false;
$this->last_activity = time();
$this->j = 2;
if ($this->pass) {
fwrite($this->socket['irc'], 'PASS ' . $this->pass . "\n\r");
$this->nickwait = 0;
while (true) {
foreach ($this->socket as $n => $socket) {
if (! is_resource($socket) || feof($socket)) {
$this->log("Socket '$n' closed. Restarting.");
break 2;
if (isset($this->tempnick)) {
if ($this->nickwait > 100) {
$this->ircRaw('NICK ' . $this->nick);
$this->nickwait = 0;
$this->nickwait += 1;
if ($this->config['irc_alert']) {
if ($this->config['irc_conn_timeout']) {
$inactive_seconds = time() - $this->last_activity;
$max_inactive = $this->config['irc_conn_timeout'];
if ($inactive_seconds > $max_inactive) {
$this->log('No data from server since ' . $max_inactive . ' seconds. Restarting.');
return $this->init();
//end init()
private function connectAlert()
$container_dir = '/data';
if (file_exists($container_dir) and posix_getpwuid(fileowner($container_dir))['name'] == 'librenms') {
$f = $container_dir . '/.ircbot.alert';
} else {
$f = $this->config['install_dir'] . '/.ircbot.alert';
if ((file_exists($f) && filetype($f) != 'fifo' && ! unlink($f)) || (! file_exists($f) && ! shell_exec("mkfifo $f && echo 1"))) {
$this->log('Error - Cannot create Alert-File');
return false;
if ($this->socket['alert'] = fopen($f, 'r+')) {
$this->log('Opened Alert-File');
stream_set_blocking($this->socket['alert'], false);
return true;
$this->log('Error - Cannot open Alert-File');
return false;
//end connect_alert()
private function read($buff)
$r = fread($this->socket[$buff], 8192);
$this->buff[$buff] .= $r;
$r = strlen($r);
if (strstr($this->buff[$buff], "\n")) {
$tmp = explode("\n", $this->buff[$buff], 2);
$this->buff[$buff] = substr($this->buff[$buff], strlen($tmp[0]) + 1);
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log("Returning buffer '$buff': '" . trim($tmp[0]) . "'");
return $tmp[0];
if ($this->debug && $r > 0) {
$this->log("Expanding buffer '$buff' = '" . trim($this->buff[$buff]) . "'");
return false;
//end read()
private function alertData()
if (($alert = $this->read('alert')) !== false) {
$alert = json_decode($alert, true);
if (! is_array($alert)) {
return false;
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log('Alert received ' . $alert['title']);
$this->log('Alert state ' . $alert['state']);
$this->log('Alert severity ' . $alert['severity']);
$this->log('Alert channels ' . print_r($this->config['irc_alert_chan'], true));
switch ($alert['state']) {
case AlertState::WORSE:
$severity_extended = '+';
case AlertState::BETTER:
$severity_extended = '-';
$severity_extended = '';
$severity = '';
if (isset($alert['severity'])) {
$severity = str_replace(['warning', 'critical', 'normal'], [$this->_color('Warning', 'yellow'), $this->_color('Critical', 'red'), $this->_color('Info', 'lightblue')], $alert['severity']) . $severity_extended . ' ';
if ($alert['state'] == AlertState::RECOVERED and $this->config['irc_alert_utf8']) {
$severity = str_replace(['Warning', 'Critical'], ['̶W̶a̶r̶n̶i̶n̶g', '̶C̶r̶i̶t̶i̶c̶a̶l'], $severity);
if ($this->config['irc_alert_chan']) {
foreach ($this->config['irc_alert_chan'] as $chan) {
$this->sendAlert($chan, $severity, $alert);
} else {
foreach ($this->authd as $nick => $data) {
if ($data['expire'] >= time()) {
$this->sendAlert($nick, $severity, $alert);
//end alertData()
private function sendAlert($sendto, $severity, $alert)
$sendto = explode(' ', $sendto)[0];
$this->ircRaw('PRIVMSG ' . $sendto . ' :' . $severity . trim($alert['title']));
if ($this->config['irc_alert_short']) {
// Only send the title if set to short
foreach (explode("\n", $alert['msg']) as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
if (strlen($line) < 1) {
$line = $this->_html2irc($line);
$line = strip_tags($line);
// We don't need to repeat the title
if (trim($line) != trim($alert['title'])) {
$this->log("Sending alert $line");
if ($this->config['irc_floodlimit'] > 100) {
$this->floodcount += strlen($line);
} elseif ($this->config['irc_floodlimit'] > 1) {
$this->floodcount += 1;
if (($this->config['irc_floodlimit'] > 0) && ($this->floodcount > $this->config['irc_floodlimit'])) {
$this->log('Reached floodlimit ' . $this->floodcount);
$this->floodcount = 0;
$this->ircRaw('PRIVMSG ' . $sendto . ' :' . $line);
//end sendAlert()
private function getData()
if (($data = $this->read('irc')) !== false) {
$this->last_activity = time();
$this->data = $data;
$ex = explode(' ', $this->data);
if ($ex[0] == 'PING') {
return $this->ircRaw('PONG ' . $ex[1]);
if ($ex[1] == 376 || $ex[1] == 422 || ($ex[1] == 'MODE' && $ex[2] == $this->nick)) {
if ($this->j == 2) {
$this->j = 0;
if ($this->config['irc_ctcp'] && preg_match('/^:' . chr(1) . '.*/', $ex[3])) {
// Handle CTCP
$ctcp = trim(preg_replace('/[^A-Z]/', '', $ex[3]));
$ctcp_reply = null;
$this->log('Received irc CTCP: ' . $ctcp . ' from ' . $this->getUser($this->data));
switch ($ctcp) {
case 'VERSION':
$ctcp_reply = chr(1) . "$ctcp " . $this->config['irc_ctcp_version'] . chr(1);
case 'PING':
$ctcp_reply = chr(1) . "$ctcp " . $ex[4] . ' ' . $ex[5] . chr(1);
case 'TIME':
$ctcp_reply = chr(1) . "$ctcp " . date('c') . chr(1);
if ($ctcp_reply !== null) {
$this->log('Sending irc CTCP: ' . 'NOTICE ' . $this->getUser($this->data) . ' :' . $ctcp_reply);
return $this->ircRaw('NOTICE ' . $this->getUser($this->data) . ' :' . $ctcp_reply);
if (($ex[1] == 'NICK') && (preg_replace('/^:/', '', $ex[2]) == $this->nick)) {
// Nickname changed successfully
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log('Regained our real nick');
if (($ex[1] == 433) || ($ex[1] == 437)) {
// Nickname already in use / temp unavailable
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log('Nickname already in use...');
if ($ex[2] != '*') {
$this->tempnick = $ex[2];
if (! isset($this->tempnick)) {
$this->tempnick = $this->nick . rand(0, 99);
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log('Using temp nick ' . $this->tempnick);
return $this->ircRaw('NICK ' . $this->tempnick);
if ($ex[1] == 421) {
// Unknown command
if ($ex[3] == 'BOTFLOODCHECK') {
$this->floodcount = 0;
$this->command = str_replace([chr(10), chr(13)], '', $ex[3]);
if (strstr($this->command, ':.')) {
//end getData()
private function joinChan($chan = false)
if ($chan) {
$this->chan[] = $chan;
foreach ($this->chan as $chan) {
$this->ircRaw('JOIN ' . $chan);
return true;
//end joinChan()
private function handleCommand()
$this->command = str_replace(':.', '', $this->command);
$tmp = explode(':.' . $this->command . ' ', $this->data);
$this->user = $this->getAuthdUser();
$this->log('isAuthd-1? ' . $this->isAuthd());
if (! $this->isAuthd() && (isset($this->config['irc_auth']))) {
$this->log('isAuthd-2? ' . $this->isAuthd());
if ($this->isAuthd() || trim($this->command) == 'auth') {
$this->proceedCommand(str_replace("\n", '', trim($this->command)), trim($tmp[1]));
$this->authd[$this->getUser($this->data)] = $this->user;
return false;
//end handleCommand()
private function proceedCommand($command, $params)
$command = strtolower($command);
if (in_array($command, $this->commands)) {
$this->log($command . " ( '" . $params . "' )");
return $this->{'_' . $command}($params);
} elseif ($this->external[$command]) {
$this->log($command . " ( '" . $params . "' ) [Ext]");
return eval($this->external[$command]);
return false;
//end proceedCommand()
private function respond($msg)
$chan = $this->getChan($this->data);
return $this->sendMessage($msg, strstr($chan, '#') ? $chan : $this->getUser($this->data));
//end respond()
private function getChan($param)
$data = explode('PRIVMSG ', $this->data, 3);
$data = explode(' ', $data[1], 2);
return $data[0];
//end getChan()
private function getUser($param)
$arrData = explode('!', $param, 2);
return str_replace(':', '', $arrData[0]);
//end getUser()
private function getUserHost($param)
$arrData = explode(' ', $param, 2);
return str_replace(':', '', $arrData[0]);
//end getUserHost()
private function connect($try = 0)
if ($try > $this->max_retry) {
$this->log('Failed too many connection attempts, aborting');
return exit;
$this->log('Trying to connect (' . ($try + 1) . ') to ' . $this->server . ':' . $this->port . ($this->ssl ? ' (SSL)' : ''));
if ($this->socket['irc']) {
$this->ircRaw('QUIT :Reloading');
if ($this->ssl) {
$server = 'ssl://' . $this->server;
} else {
$server = $this->server;
if ($this->ssl && $this->config['irc_disable_ssl_check']) {
$ssl_context_params = ['ssl' => ['allow_self_signed' => true, 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false]];
$ssl_context = stream_context_create($ssl_context_params);
$this->socket['irc'] = stream_socket_client($server . ':' . $this->port, $errno, $errstr, 30, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $ssl_context);
} else {
$this->socket['irc'] = fsockopen($server, $this->port);
if (! is_resource($this->socket['irc'])) {
if ($try < 5) {
} elseif ($try < 10) {
} else {
return $this->connect($try + 1);
} else {
stream_set_blocking($this->socket['irc'], false);
return true;
//end connect()
private function doAuth()
if ($this->ircRaw('USER ' . $this->nick . ' 0 ' . $this->nick . ' :' . $this->nick) && $this->ircRaw('NICK ' . $this->nick)) {
return true;
return false;
//end doAuth()
private function sendMessage($message, $chan)
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log("Sending 'PRIVMSG " . trim($chan) . ' :' . trim($message) . "'");
return $this->ircRaw('PRIVMSG ' . trim($chan) . ' :' . trim($message));
//end sendMessage()
private function log($msg)
$log = '[' . date('r') . '] IRCbot ' . trim($msg) . "\n";
echo $log;
file_put_contents($this->config['log_dir'] . '/irc.log', $log, FILE_APPEND);
return true;
//end log()
private function chkdb()
if (! Eloquent::isConnected()) {
try {
Eloquent::DB()->statement('SELECT VERSION()');
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
$this->log('Cannot connect to MySQL: ' . $e->getMessage());
return exit;
return true;
//end chkdb()
private function isAuthd()
if ($this->user['expire'] >= time()) {
$this->user['expire'] = (time() + ($this->config['irc_authtime'] * 3600));
return true;
} else {
return false;
//end isAuthd()
private function getAuthdUser()
return $this->authd[$this->getUser($this->data)];
//end getAuthUser()
private function hostAuth()
global $authorizer;
foreach ($this->config['irc_auth'] as $nms_user => $hosts) {
foreach ($hosts as $host) {
$host = preg_replace("/\*/", '.*', $host);
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log("HostAuth on irc matching $host to " . $this->getUserHost($this->data));
if (preg_match("/$host/", $this->getUserHost($this->data))) {
$user = User::firstWhere('username', $nms_user);
$this->user['user'] = $user;
$this->user['expire'] = (time() + ($this->config['irc_authtime'] * 3600));
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log("HostAuth on irc for '" . $user->username . "', ID: '" . $user->user_id . "', Host: '" . $host);
return true;
return false;
//end hostAuth
private function ircRaw($params)
return fwrite($this->socket['irc'], $params . "\r\n");
//end irc_raw()
private function _auth($params)
global $authorizer;
$params = explode(' ', $params, 2);
if (strlen($params[0]) == 64) {
if ($this->tokens[$this->getUser($this->data)] == $params[0]) {
$this->user['expire'] = (time() + ($this->config['irc_authtime'] * 3600));
return $this->respond('Authenticated.');
} else {
return $this->respond('Nope.');
} else {
$user = User::firstWhere('username', $params[0]);
if ($user->email && $user->username == $params[0]) {
$token = hash('gost', openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(1024));
$this->tokens[$this->getUser($this->data)] = $token;
$this->user['user'] = $user;
if ($this->debug) {
$this->log("Auth for '" . $params[0] . "', ID: '" . $user->user_id . "', Token: '" . $token . "', Mail: '" . $user->email . "'");
if (Mail::send($user->email, 'LibreNMS IRC-Bot Authtoken', "Your Authtoken for the IRC-Bot:\r\n\r\n" . $token . "\r\n\r\n", false) === true) {
return $this->respond('Token sent!');
} else {
return $this->respond('Sorry, seems like mail doesnt like us.');
} else {
return $this->respond('Who are you again?');
}//end if
//end _auth()
private function _reload($params)
if ($this->user['user']->can('irc.reload')) {
if ($params == 'external') {
$this->respond('Reloading external scripts.');
2020-09-22 12:48:51 +00:00
return $this->loadExternal();
$new_config = Config::load();
$this->respond('Reloading configuration & defaults');
if ($new_config != $this->config) {
2021-03-29 22:43:05 +00:00
} else {
return $this->respond('Permission denied.');
//end _reload()
private function _join($params)
if ($this->user['user']->can('irc.join')) {
return $this->joinChan($params);
} else {
return $this->respond('Permission denied.');
//end _join()
private function _quit($params)
if ($this->user['user']->can('irc.quit')) {
$this->ircRaw('QUIT :Requested');
return exit;
} else {
return $this->respond('Permission denied.');
//end _quit()
private function _help($params)
$msg = implode(', ', $this->commands);
if (count($this->external) > 0) {
$msg .= ', ' . implode(', ', array_keys($this->external));
return $this->respond("Available commands: $msg");
//end _help()
private function _version($params)
$version = Version::get();
$msg = $this->config['project_name'] . ', Version: ' . $version->name() . ', DB schema: ' . $version->databaseMigrationCount() . ', PHP: ' . PHP_VERSION;
return $this->respond($msg);
//end _version()
private function _log($params)
$num = 1;
$hostname = '';
$params = explode(' ', $params);
if ($params[0] > 1) {
$num = $params[0];
if (strlen($params[1]) > 0) {
$hostname = preg_replace("/[^A-z0-9\.\-]/", '', $params[1]);
$tmp = Eventlog::with('device')->hasAccess($this->user['user'])->whereIn('device_id', function ($query) use ($hostname) {
return $query->where('hostname', 'like', $hostname . '%')->select('device_id');
})->select(['event_id', 'datetime', 'type', 'message'])->orderBy('event_id')->limit((int) $num)->get();
/** @var Eventlog $logline */
foreach ($tmp as $logline) {
$response = $logline->datetime . ' ';
$response .= $this->_color($logline->device->displayName(), null, null, 'bold') . ' ';
if ($this->config['irc_alert_utf8']) {
if (preg_match('/critical alert/', $logline->message)) {
$response .= preg_replace('/critical alert/', $this->_color('critical alert', 'red'), $logline->message) . ' ';
} elseif (preg_match('/warning alert/', $logline->message)) {
$response .= preg_replace('/warning alert/', $this->_color('warning alert', 'yellow'), $logline->message) . ' ';
} elseif (preg_match('/recovery/', $logline->message)) {
$response .= preg_replace('/recovery/', $this->_color('recovery', 'green'), $logline->message) . ' ';
} else {
$response .= $logline->message . ' ';
} else {
$response .= $logline->message . ' ';
if ($logline->type != 'NULL') {
$response .= $logline->type . ' ';
if ($this->config['irc_floodlimit'] > 100) {
$this->floodcount += strlen($response);
} elseif ($this->config['irc_floodlimit'] > 1) {
$this->floodcount += 1;
if (($this->config['irc_floodlimit'] > 0) && ($this->floodcount > $this->config['irc_floodlimit'])) {
$this->floodcount = 0;
if (! $tmp) {
$this->respond('Nothing to see, maybe a bug?');
return true;
//end _log()
private function _down($params)
$devices = Device::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isDown()
->select(['device_id', 'hostname', 'sysName', 'display', 'ip'])->get();
$msg = $devices->map->displayName()->implode(', ');
return $this->respond($msg ?: 'Nothing to show :)');
//end _down()
private function _device($params)
$params = explode(' ', $params);
$hostname = $params[0];
$device = Device::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->firstWhere('hostname', $hostname);
if (! $device) {
return $this->respond('Error: Bad or Missing hostname, use .listdevices to show all devices.');
$status = $device->status ? 'Up ' . Time::formatInterval($device->uptime) : 'Down';
$status .= $device->ignore ? '*Ignored*' : '';
$status .= $device->disabled ? '*Disabled*' : '';
return $this->respond($device->displayName() . ': ' . $device->os . ' ' . $device->version . ' ' . $device->features . ' ' . $status);
//end _device()
private function _port($params)
$params = explode(' ', $params);
$hostname = $params[0];
$ifname = $params[1];
if (! $hostname || ! $ifname) {
return $this->respond('Error: Missing hostname or ifname.');
$device = Device::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->firstWhere('hostname', $hostname);
if (! $device) {
return $this->respond('Error: Bad or Missing hostname, use .listdevices to show all devices.');
$port = $device->ports()->hasAccess($this->user['user'])->where('ifName', $ifname)->orWhere('ifDescr', $ifname);
if (! $port) {
return $this->respond('Error: Port not found or you do not have access.');
$bps_in = Number::formatSi($port['ifInOctets_rate'] * 8, 2, 3, 'bps');
$bps_out = Number::formatSi($port['ifOutOctets_rate'] * 8, 2, 3, 'bps');
$pps_in = Number::formatBi($port['ifInUcastPkts_rate'], 2, 3, 'pps');
$pps_out = Number::formatBi($port['ifOutUcastPkts_rate'], 2, 3, 'pps');
return $this->respond($port['ifAdminStatus'] . '/' . $port['ifOperStatus'] . ' ' . $bps_in . ' > bps > ' . $bps_out . ' | ' . $pps_in . ' > PPS > ' . $pps_out);
//end _port()
private function _listdevices($params)
$devices = Device::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->pluck('hostname');
$msg = $devices->implode(', ');
return $this->respond($msg ?: 'Nothing to show..?');
//end _listdevices()
private function _status($params)
$params = explode(' ', $params);
$statustype = $params[0];
2021-03-29 22:43:05 +00:00
switch ($statustype) {
case 'devices':
case 'device':
case 'dev':
$devcount = Device::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->count();
$devup = Device::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isUp()->count();
$devdown = Device::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isDown()->count();
$devign = Device::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isIgnored()->count();
$devdis = Device::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isDisabled()->count();
if ($devup > 0) {
$devup = $this->_color($devup, 'green');
if ($devdown > 0) {
$devdown = $this->_color($devdown, 'red');
$devcount = $this->_color($devcount, 'yellow', null, 'bold');
} else {
$devcount = $this->_color($devcount, 'green', null, 'bold');
$msg = 'Devices: ' . $devcount . ' (' . $devup . ' up, ' . $devdown . ' down, ' . $devign . ' ignored, ' . $devdis . ' disabled' . ')';
case 'ports':
case 'port':
case 'prt':
$prtcount = Port::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->count();
$prtup = Port::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isUp()->count();
$prtdown = Port::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isDown()->whereHas('device', fn ($q) => $q->where('ignore', 0))->count();
$prtsht = Port::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isShutdown()->whereHas('device', fn ($q) => $q->where('ignore', 0))->count();
$prtign = Port::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->where(function ($query) {
$query->isIgnored()->orWhereHas('device', fn ($q) => $q->where('ignore', 1));
// $prterr = dbFetchCell("SELECT count(*) FROM ports AS I, devices AS D WHERE D.device_id = I.device_id AND (I.ignore = '0' OR D.ignore = '0') AND (I.ifInErrors_delta > '0' OR I.ifOutErrors_delta > '0')".$p_a);
if ($prtup > 0) {
$prtup = $this->_color($prtup, 'green');
if ($prtdown > 0) {
$prtdown = $this->_color($prtdown, 'red');
$prtcount = $this->_color($prtcount, 'yellow', null, 'bold');
} else {
$prtcount = $this->_color($prtcount, 'green', null, 'bold');
$msg = 'Ports: ' . $prtcount . ' (' . $prtup . ' up, ' . $prtdown . ' down, ' . $prtign . ' ignored, ' . $prtsht . ' shutdown' . ')';
case 'services':
case 'service':
case 'srv':
$status_counts = [];
$status_colors = [0 => 'green', 3 => 'lightblue', 1 => 'yellow', 2 => 'red'];
$srvcount = Service::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->count();
$srvign = Service::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isIgnored()->count();
$srvdis = Service::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isDisabled()->count();
$service_status = Service::hasAccess($this->user['user'])->isActive()->groupBy('service_status')
->select('service_status', \DB::raw('count(*) as count'))->get()
->pluck('count', 'service_status');
foreach ($status_colors as $status => $color) {
if ($service_status->has($status)) {
$status_counts[$status] = $this->_color($service_status->get($status), $color);
$srvcount = $this->_color($srvcount, $color, null, 'bold'); // upgrade the main count color
} else {
$status_counts[$status] = 0;
$msg = "Services: $srvcount ({$status_counts[0]} up, {$status_counts[2]} down, {$status_counts[1]} warning, {$status_counts[3]} unknown, $srvign ignored, $srvdis disabled)";
$msg = 'Error: STATUS requires one of the following: <devices|device|dev>|<ports|port|prt>|<services|service|src>';
}//end switch
return $this->respond($msg);
//end _status()
private function _color($text, $fg_color, $bg_color = null, $other = null)
$colors = [
'white' => '00',
'black' => '01',
'blue' => '02',
'green' => '03',
'red' => '04',
'brown' => '05',
'purple' => '06',
'orange' => '07',
'yellow' => '08',
'lightgreen' => '09',
'cyan' => '10',
'lightcyan' => '11',
'lightblue' => '12',
'pink' => '13',
'grey' => '14',
'lightgrey' => '15',
$ret = chr(3);
if (array_key_exists($fg_color, $colors)) {
$ret .= $colors[$fg_color];
if (array_key_exists($bg_color, $colors)) {
$ret .= ',' . $colors[$fg_color];
switch ($other) {
case 'bold':
$ret .= chr(2);
case 'underline':
$ret .= chr(31);
case 'italics':
case 'reverse':
$ret .= chr(22);
$ret .= $text;
$ret .= chr(15);
return $ret;
// end _color
private function _html2irc($string)
$string = urldecode($string);
$string = preg_replace('#<b>#i', chr(2), $string);
$string = preg_replace('#</b>#i', chr(2), $string);
$string = preg_replace('#<i>#i', chr(22), $string);
$string = preg_replace('#</i>#i', chr(22), $string);
$string = preg_replace('#<u>#i', chr(31), $string);
$string = preg_replace('#</u>#i', chr(31), $string);
$colors = [
'white' => '00',
'black' => '01',
'blue' => '02',
'green' => '03',
'red' => '04',
'brown' => '05',
'purple' => '06',
'orange' => '07',
'yellow' => '08',
'lightgreen' => '09',
'cyan' => '10',
'lightcyan' => '11',
'lightblue' => '12',
'pink' => '13',
'grey' => '14',
'lightgrey' => '15',
foreach ($colors as $color => $code) {
$string = preg_replace("#<$color>#i", chr(3) . $code, $string);
$string = preg_replace("#</$color>#i", chr(3), $string);
return $string;
// end _html2irc
}//end class