Ian Lance Taylor 8d4059f9b3 test: Make gccgo believe that the variables can change.
This test is supposed to test runtime behaviour.  However,
gccgo is smart enough to see that the variables are local to
the package and that they never change.  Add a function so
that gccgo thinks that the variables can in fact vary, so that
the test works at runtime as expected.

2010-09-11 22:51:05 -07:00

209 lines
5.4 KiB

// $G $F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
type Error interface {
String() string
type ErrorTest struct {
name string
fn func()
err string
var (
i, j, k int = 0, 0, 1
i8, j8, k8 int8 = 0, 0, 1
i16, j16, k16 int16 = 0, 0, 1
i32, j32, k32 int32 = 0, 0, 1
i64, j64, k64 int64 = 0, 0, 1
u, v, w uint = 0, 0, 1
u8, v8, w8 uint8 = 0, 0, 1
u16, v16, w16 uint16 = 0, 0, 1
u32, v32, w32 uint32 = 0, 0, 1
u64, v64, w64 uint64 = 0, 0, 1
up, vp, wp uintptr = 0, 0, 1
f, g, h float = 0, 0, 1
f32, g32, h32 float32 = 0, 0, 1
f64, g64, h64, inf, negInf, nan float64 = 0, 0, 1, math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1), math.NaN()
c, d, e complex = 0+0i, 0+0i, 1+1i
c64, d64, e64 complex64 = 0+0i, 0+0i, 1+1i
c128, d128, e128 complex128 = 0+0i, 0+0i, 1+1i
// Fool gccgo into thinking that these variables can change.
func NotCalled() {
i++; j++; k++
i8++; j8++; k8++
i16++; j16++; k16++
i32++; j32++; k32++
i64++; j64++; k64++
u++; v++; w++
u8++; v8++; w8++
u16++; v16++; w16++
u32++; v32++; w32++
u64++; v64++; w64++
up++; vp++; wp++
f += 1; g += 1; h += 1
f32 += 1; g32 += 1; h32 += 1
f64 += 1; g64 += 1; h64 += 1
c += 1+1i; d += 1+1i; e += 1+1i
c64 += 1+1i; d64 += 1+1i; e64 += 1+1i
c128 += 1+1i; d128 += 1+1i; e128 += 1+1i
var tmp interface{}
// We could assign to _ but the compiler optimizes it too easily.
func use(v interface{}) {
tmp = v
// Verify error/no error for all types.
var errorTests = []ErrorTest{
// All integer divide by zero should error.
ErrorTest{ "int 0/0", func() { use(i/j) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "int8 0/0", func() { use(i8/j8) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "int16 0/0", func() { use(i16/j16) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "int32 0/0", func() { use(i32/j32) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "int64 0/0", func() { use(i64/j64) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "int 1/0", func() { use(k/j) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "int8 1/0", func() { use(k8/j8) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "int16 1/0", func() { use(k16/j16) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "int32 1/0", func() { use(k32/j32) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "int64 1/0", func() { use(k64/j64) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uint 0/0", func() { use(u/v) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uint8 0/0", func() { use(u8/v8) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uint16 0/0", func() { use(u16/v16) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uint32 0/0", func() { use(u32/v32) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uint64 0/0", func() { use(u64/v64) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uintptr 0/0", func() { use(up/vp) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uint 1/0", func() { use(w/v) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uint8 1/0", func() { use(w8/v8) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uint16 1/0", func() { use(w16/v16) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uint32 1/0", func() { use(w32/v32) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uint64 1/0", func() { use(w64/v64) }, "divide", },
ErrorTest{ "uintptr 1/0", func() { use(wp/vp) }, "divide", },
// All floating divide by zero should not error.
ErrorTest{ "float 0/0", func() { use(f/g) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "float32 0/0", func() { use(f32/g32) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "float64 0/0", func() { use(f64/g64) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "float 1/0", func() { use(h/g) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "float32 1/0", func() { use(h32/g32) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "float64 1/0", func() { use(h64/g64) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "float64 inf/0", func() { use(inf/g64) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "float64 -inf/0", func() { use(negInf/g64) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "float64 nan/0", func() { use(nan/g64) }, "", },
// All complex divide by zero should not error.
ErrorTest{ "complex 0/0", func() { use(c/d) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "complex64 0/0", func() { use(c64/d64) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "complex128 0/0", func() { use(c128/d128) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "complex 1/0", func() { use(e/d) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "complex64 1/0", func() { use(e64/d64) }, "", },
ErrorTest{ "complex128 1/0", func() { use(e128/d128) }, "", },
func error(fn func()) (error string) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
error = e.(Error).String()
return ""
type FloatTest struct{
f, g float64
out float64
var floatTests = []FloatTest{
FloatTest{0, 0, nan},
FloatTest{nan, 0, nan},
FloatTest{inf, 0, inf},
FloatTest{negInf, 0, negInf},
func alike(a, b float64) bool {
switch {
case math.IsNaN(a) && math.IsNaN(b):
return true
case a == b:
return math.Signbit(a) == math.Signbit(b)
return false
func main() {
bad := false
for _, t := range errorTests {
if t.err != "" && syscall.OS == "nacl" {
err := error(t.fn)
switch {
case t.err == "" && err == "":
// fine
case t.err != "" && err == "":
if !bad {
bad = true
fmt.Printf("%s: expected %q; got no error\n", t.name, t.err)
case t.err == "" && err != "":
if !bad {
bad = true
fmt.Printf("%s: expected no error; got %q\n", t.name, err)
case t.err != "" && err != "":
if strings.Index(err, t.err) < 0 {
if !bad {
bad = true
fmt.Printf("%s: expected %q; got %q\n", t.name, t.err, err)
// At this point we know we don't error on the values we're testing
for _, t := range floatTests {
x := t.f/t.g
if !alike(x, t.out) {
if !bad {
bad = true
fmt.Printf("%v/%v: expected %g error; got %g\n", t.f, t.g, t.out, x)