Rob Pike 9d70646fcf allow godoc to match on regular expressions.
if the name contains a metacharacter, use regexp matching;
otherwise require strict equality.

	godoc flag '.*Var'
can give you all the FooVar functions.

DELTA=19  (19 added, 0 deleted, 0 changed)
2009-04-21 22:46:19 -07:00

546 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO: printing is gone; install as "go/doc"
package doc
import (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Elementary support
func hasExportedNames(names []*ast.Ident) bool {
for i, name := range names {
if name.IsExported() {
return true;
return false;
func hasExportedSpecs(specs []ast.Spec) bool {
for i, s := range specs {
// only called for []astSpec lists of *ast.ValueSpec
return hasExportedNames(s.(*ast.ValueSpec).Names);
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type typeDoc struct {
decl *ast.GenDecl; // len(decl.Specs) == 1, and the element type is *ast.TypeSpec
factories map[string] *ast.FuncDecl;
methods map[string] *ast.FuncDecl;
// DocReader accumulates documentation for a single package.
type DocReader struct {
name string; // package name
path string; // import path
doc ast.Comments; // package documentation, if any
consts *vector.Vector; // list of *ast.GenDecl
types map[string] *typeDoc;
vars *vector.Vector; // list of *ast.GenDecl
funcs map[string] *ast.FuncDecl;
// Init initializes a DocReader to collect package documentation
// for the package with the given package name and import path.
func (doc *DocReader) Init(pkg, imp string) {
doc.name = pkg;
doc.path = imp;
doc.consts = vector.New(0);
doc.types = make(map[string] *typeDoc);
doc.vars = vector.New(0);
doc.funcs = make(map[string] *ast.FuncDecl);
func baseTypeName(typ ast.Expr) string {
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
return string(t.Value);
case *ast.StarExpr:
return baseTypeName(t.X);
return "";
func (doc *DocReader) lookupTypeDoc(typ ast.Expr) *typeDoc {
tdoc, found := doc.types[baseTypeName(typ)];
if found {
return tdoc;
return nil;
func (doc *DocReader) addType(decl *ast.GenDecl) {
typ := decl.Specs[0].(*ast.TypeSpec);
name := typ.Name.Value;
tdoc := &typeDoc{decl, make(map[string] *ast.FuncDecl), make(map[string] *ast.FuncDecl)};
doc.types[name] = tdoc;
func (doc *DocReader) addFunc(fun *ast.FuncDecl) {
name := fun.Name.Value;
// determine if it should be associated with a type
var typ *typeDoc;
if fun.Recv != nil {
// method
// (all receiver types must be declared before they are used)
typ = doc.lookupTypeDoc(fun.Recv.Type);
if typ != nil {
// type found (i.e., exported)
typ.methods[name] = fun;
// if the type wasn't found, it wasn't exported
// TODO: a non-exported type may still have exported functions
// determine what to do in that case
// perhaps a factory function
// determine result type, if any
if len(fun.Type.Results) >= 1 {
res := fun.Type.Results[0];
if len(res.Names) <= 1 {
// exactly one (named or anonymous) result type
typ = doc.lookupTypeDoc(res.Type);
if typ != nil {
typ.factories[name] = fun;
// ordinary function
doc.funcs[name] = fun;
func (doc *DocReader) addDecl(decl ast.Decl) {
switch d := decl.(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl:
if len(d.Specs) > 0 {
switch d.Tok {
case token.IMPORT:
// ignore
case token.CONST:
// constants are always handled as a group
if hasExportedSpecs(d.Specs) {
case token.TYPE:
// types are handled individually
for i, spec := range d.Specs {
s := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec);
if s.Name.IsExported() {
// make a (fake) GenDecl node for this TypeSpec
// (we need to do this here - as opposed to just
// for printing - so we don't loose the GenDecl
// documentation)
var noPos token.Position;
doc.addType(&ast.GenDecl{d.Doc, d.Pos(), token.TYPE, noPos, []ast.Spec{s}, noPos});
case token.VAR:
// variables are always handled as a group
if hasExportedSpecs(d.Specs) {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
if d.Name.IsExported() {
// AddProgram adds the AST for a source file to the DocReader.
// Adding the same AST multiple times is a no-op.
func (doc *DocReader) AddProgram(prog *ast.Program) {
if doc.name != prog.Name.Value {
panic("package names don't match");
// add package documentation
// TODO what to do if there are multiple files?
if prog.Doc != nil {
doc.doc = prog.Doc
// add all exported declarations
for i, decl := range prog.Decls {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conversion to external representation
func Regexp(s string) *regexp.Regexp {
re, err := regexp.Compile(s);
if err != nil {
panic("MakeRegexp ", s, " ", err.String());
return re;
var (
comment_markers *regexp.Regexp;
trailing_whitespace *regexp.Regexp;
comment_junk *regexp.Regexp;
// TODO(rsc): Cannot use var initialization for regexps,
// because Regexp constructor needs threads.
func SetupRegexps() {
comment_markers = Regexp("^[ \t]*(// ?| ?\\* ?)");
trailing_whitespace = Regexp("[ \t\r]+$");
comment_junk = Regexp("^[ \t]*(/\\*|\\*/)[ \t]*$");
// Aggregate comment text, without comment markers.
func comment(comments ast.Comments) string {
lines := make([]string, 0, 20);
for i, c := range comments {
// split on newlines
cl := strings.Split(string(c.Text), "\n");
// walk lines, stripping comment markers
w := 0;
for j, l := range cl {
// remove /* and */ lines
if comment_junk.Match(l) {
// strip trailing white space
m := trailing_whitespace.Execute(l);
if len(m) > 0 {
l = l[0 : m[1]];
// strip leading comment markers
m = comment_markers.Execute(l);
if len(m) > 0 {
l = l[m[1] : len(l)];
// throw away leading blank lines
if w == 0 && l == "" {
cl[w] = l;
// throw away trailing blank lines
for w > 0 && cl[w-1] == "" {
cl = cl[0 : w];
// add this comment to total list
// TODO: maybe separate with a single blank line
// if there is already a comment and len(cl) > 0?
for j, l := range cl {
n := len(lines);
if n+1 >= cap(lines) {
newlines := make([]string, n, 2*cap(lines));
for k := range newlines {
newlines[k] = lines[k];
lines = newlines;
lines = lines[0 : n+1];
lines[n] = l;
// add final "" entry to get trailing newline.
// loop always leaves room for one more.
n := len(lines);
lines = lines[0 : n+1];
return strings.Join(lines, "\n");
// ValueDoc is the documentation for a group of declared
// values, either vars or consts.
type ValueDoc struct {
Doc string;
Decl *ast.GenDecl;
order int;
type sortValueDoc []*ValueDoc
func (p sortValueDoc) Len() int { return len(p); }
func (p sortValueDoc) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]; }
func declName(d *ast.GenDecl) string {
if len(d.Specs) != 1 {
return ""
switch v := d.Specs[0].(type) {
case *ast.ValueSpec:
return v.Names[0].Value;
case *ast.TypeSpec:
return v.Name.Value;
return "";
func (p sortValueDoc) Less(i, j int) bool {
// sort by name
// pull blocks (name = "") up to top
// in original order
if ni, nj := declName(p[i].Decl), declName(p[j].Decl); ni != nj {
return ni < nj;
return p[i].order < p[j].order;
func makeValueDocs(v *vector.Vector) []*ValueDoc {
d := make([]*ValueDoc, v.Len());
for i := range d {
decl := v.At(i).(*ast.GenDecl);
d[i] = &ValueDoc{comment(decl.Doc), decl, i};
return d;
// FuncDoc is the documentation for a func declaration,
// either a top-level function or a method function.
type FuncDoc struct {
Doc string;
Recv ast.Expr; // TODO(rsc): Would like string here
Name string;
Decl *ast.FuncDecl;
type sortFuncDoc []*FuncDoc
func (p sortFuncDoc) Len() int { return len(p); }
func (p sortFuncDoc) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]; }
func (p sortFuncDoc) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Name < p[j].Name; }
func makeFuncDocs(m map[string] *ast.FuncDecl) []*FuncDoc {
d := make([]*FuncDoc, len(m));
i := 0;
for name, f := range m {
doc := new(FuncDoc);
doc.Doc = comment(f.Doc);
if f.Recv != nil {
doc.Recv = f.Recv.Type;
doc.Name = f.Name.Value;
doc.Decl = f;
d[i] = doc;
return d;
// TypeDoc is the documentation for a declared type.
// Factories is a sorted list of factory functions that return that type.
// Methods is a sorted list of method functions on that type.
type TypeDoc struct {
Doc string;
Type *ast.TypeSpec;
Factories []*FuncDoc;
Methods []*FuncDoc;
Decl *ast.GenDecl;
order int;
type sortTypeDoc []*TypeDoc
func (p sortTypeDoc) Len() int { return len(p); }
func (p sortTypeDoc) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]; }
func (p sortTypeDoc) Less(i, j int) bool {
// sort by name
// pull blocks (name = "") up to top
// in original order
if ni, nj := p[i].Type.Name.Value, p[j].Type.Name.Value; ni != nj {
return ni < nj;
return p[i].order < p[j].order;
// NOTE(rsc): This would appear not to be correct for type ( )
// blocks, but the doc extractor above has split them into
// individual statements.
func makeTypeDocs(m map[string] *typeDoc) []*TypeDoc {
d := make([]*TypeDoc, len(m));
i := 0;
for name, old := range m {
typespec := old.decl.Specs[0].(*ast.TypeSpec);
t := new(TypeDoc);
t.Doc = comment(typespec.Doc);
t.Type = typespec;
t.Factories = makeFuncDocs(old.factories);
t.Methods = makeFuncDocs(old.methods);
t.Decl = old.decl;
t.order = i;
d[i] = t;
return d;
// PackageDoc is the documentation for an entire package.
type PackageDoc struct {
PackageName string;
ImportPath string;
Doc string;
Consts []*ValueDoc;
Types []*TypeDoc;
Vars []*ValueDoc;
Funcs []*FuncDoc;
// Doc returns the accumulated documentation for the package.
func (doc *DocReader) Doc() *PackageDoc {
p := new(PackageDoc);
p.PackageName = doc.name;
p.ImportPath = doc.path;
p.Doc = comment(doc.doc);
p.Consts = makeValueDocs(doc.consts);
p.Vars = makeValueDocs(doc.vars);
p.Types = makeTypeDocs(doc.types);
p.Funcs = makeFuncDocs(doc.funcs);
return p;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Filtering by name
// Does s look like a regular expression?
func isRegexp(s string) bool {
metachars := ".(|)*+?^$[]";
for i, c := range s {
for j, m := range metachars {
if c == m {
return true
return false
func match(s string, a []string) bool {
for i, t := range a {
if isRegexp(t) {
if matched, err := regexp.Match(t, s); matched {
return true;
if s == t {
return true;
return false;
func matchDecl(d *ast.GenDecl, names []string) bool {
for i, d := range d.Specs {
switch v := d.(type) {
case *ast.ValueSpec:
for j, name := range v.Names {
if match(name.Value, names) {
return true;
case *ast.TypeSpec:
if match(v.Name.Value, names) {
return true;
return false;
func filterValueDocs(a []*ValueDoc, names []string) []*ValueDoc {
w := 0;
for i, vd := range a {
if matchDecl(vd.Decl, names) {
a[w] = vd;
return a[0 : w];
func filterTypeDocs(a []*TypeDoc, names []string) []*TypeDoc {
w := 0;
for i, td := range a {
if matchDecl(td.Decl, names) {
a[w] = td;
return a[0 : w];
func filterFuncDocs(a []*FuncDoc, names []string) []*FuncDoc {
w := 0;
for i, fd := range a {
if match(fd.Name, names) {
a[w] = fd;
return a[0 : w];
// Filter eliminates information from d that is not
// about one of the given names.
// TODO: Recognize "Type.Method" as a name.
// TODO(r): maybe precompile the regexps.
func (p *PackageDoc) Filter(names []string) {
p.Consts = filterValueDocs(p.Consts, names);
p.Vars = filterValueDocs(p.Vars, names);
p.Types = filterTypeDocs(p.Types, names);
p.Funcs = filterFuncDocs(p.Funcs, names);
p.Doc = ""; // don't show top-level package doc