Robert Griesemer 2a9f1ee215 Daily snapshot.
- godoc now supports the following url prefixes:
  /doc/ for package documentation
  /file/ for files (directories, html, and .go files)
  /spec for the spec
  /mem for the memory model
- formatting of comments has been fixed
- tons of minor cleanups (still more to do)

Still missing:
- pretty printing of source is not as pretty as it used to be
(still a relict from the massive AST cleanup which has't quite made it's way everywhere)
- documentation entries should be sorted
- comments in code is not printed or not properly printed

DELTA=416  (182 added, 100 deleted, 134 changed)
2009-04-03 16:19:22 -07:00

628 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// godoc: Go Documentation Server
package main
import (
"compilation"; // TODO removing this causes link errors - why?
// - uniform use of path, filename, dirname, pakname, etc.
// - fix weirdness with double-/'s in paths
// - cleanup uses of *root, GOROOT, etc. (quite a mess at the moment)
const (
docPrefix = "/doc/";
filePrefix = "/file/";
func getenv(varname string) string {
value, err := os.Getenv(varname);
return value;
var (
GOROOT = getenv("GOROOT");
// server control
verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "verbose mode");
port = flag.String("port", "6060", "server port");
root = flag.String("root", GOROOT, "root directory");
// layout control
tabwidth = flag.Int("tabwidth", 4, "tab width");
usetabs = flag.Bool("usetabs", false, "align with tabs instead of blanks");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Support
func cleanPath(s string) string {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == '/' {
j := i;
for j < len(s) && s[j] == '/' {
if j > i { // more then one '/'
return s[0 : i] + cleanPath(s[j : len(s)]);
return s;
// Reduce sequences of multiple '/'s into a single '/' and
// strip any trailing '/' (may result in the empty string).
func sanitizePath(s string) string {
s = cleanPath(s);
if len(s) > 0 && s[len(s)-1] == '/' { // strip trailing '/'
s = s[0 : len(s)-1];
return s;
func hasPrefix(s, prefix string) bool {
return len(prefix) <= len(s) && s[0 : len(prefix)] == prefix;
func hasSuffix(s, postfix string) bool {
pos := len(s) - len(postfix);
return pos >= 0 && s[pos : len(s)] == postfix;
func isGoFile(dir *os.Dir) bool {
return dir.IsRegular() && hasSuffix(dir.Name, ".go");
func isHTMLFile(dir *os.Dir) bool {
return dir.IsRegular() && hasSuffix(dir.Name, ".html");
func printLink(c *http.Conn, path, name string) {
fmt.Fprintf(c, "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br />\n", filePrefix + path + name, name);
func makeTabwriter(writer io.Write) *tabwriter.Writer {
padchar := byte(' ');
if *usetabs {
padchar = '\t';
return tabwriter.NewWriter(writer, *tabwidth, 1, padchar, tabwriter.FilterHTML);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compilation
type parseError struct {
pos token.Position;
msg string;
type errorList []parseError
func (list errorList) Len() int { return len(list); }
func (list errorList) Less(i, j int) bool { return list[i].pos.Offset < list[j].pos.Offset; }
func (list errorList) Swap(i, j int) { list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i]; }
type errorHandler struct {
lastLine int;
errors *vector.Vector;
func (h *errorHandler) Error(pos token.Position, msg string) {
// only collect errors that are on a new line
// in the hope to avoid most follow-up errors
if pos.Line != h.lastLine {
h.lastLine = pos.Line;
if h.errors == nil {
// lazy initialize - most of the time there are no errors
h.errors = vector.New(0);
h.errors.Push(parseError{pos, msg});
// Compiles a file (path) and returns the corresponding AST and
// a sorted list (by file position) of errors, if any.
func compile(path string, mode uint) (*ast.Program, errorList) {
src, err := os.Open(path, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
defer src.Close();
if err != nil {
log.Stdoutf("%s: %v", path, err);
var noPos token.Position;
return nil, errorList{parseError{noPos, err.String()}};
var handler errorHandler;
prog, ok := parser.Parse(src, &handler, mode);
if !ok {
// convert error list and sort it
errors := make(errorList, handler.errors.Len());
for i := 0; i < handler.errors.Len(); i++ {
errors[i] = handler.errors.At(i).(parseError);
return nil, errors;
return prog, nil;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Templates
// html template
// TODO initialize only if needed (i.e. if run as a server)
var godoc_html = template.NewTemplateOrDie("godoc.html");
func servePage(c *http.Conn, title string, contents func()) {
c.SetHeader("content-type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");
// TODO handle Apply errors
godoc_html.Apply(c, "<!--", template.Substitution {
"TITLE-->" : func() { fmt.Fprint(c, title); },
"HEADER-->" : func() { fmt.Fprint(c, title); },
"TIMESTAMP-->" : func() { fmt.Fprint(c, time.UTC().String()); },
"CONTENTS-->" : contents
func serveError(c *http.Conn, err, arg string) {
servePage(c, "Error", func () {
fmt.Fprintf(c, "%v (%s)\n", err, arg);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Directories
type dirArray []os.Dir
func (p dirArray) Len() int { return len(p); }
func (p dirArray) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Name < p[j].Name; }
func (p dirArray) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]; }
func serveDir(c *http.Conn, dirname string) {
fd, err1 := os.Open(*root + dirname, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err1 != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(c, "Error: %v (%s)\n", err1, dirname);
list, err2 := fd.Readdir(-1);
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(c, "Error: %v (%s)\n", err2, dirname);
path := dirname + "/";
// Print contents in 3 sections: directories, go files, everything else
servePage(c, dirname + " - Contents", func () {
fmt.Fprintln(c, "<h2>Directories</h2>");
for i, entry := range list {
if entry.IsDirectory() {
printLink(c, path, entry.Name);
fmt.Fprintln(c, "<h2>Go files</h2>");
for i, entry := range list {
if isGoFile(&entry) {
printLink(c, path, entry.Name);
fmt.Fprintln(c, "<h2>Other files</h2>");
for i, entry := range list {
if !entry.IsDirectory() && !isGoFile(&entry) {
fmt.Fprintf(c, "%s<br />\n", entry.Name);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Files
func serveCompilationErrors(c *http.Conn, filename string, errors errorList) {
// open file
path := *root + filename;
fd, err1 := os.Open(path, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
defer fd.Close();
if err1 != nil {
serveError(c, err1.String(), path);
// read source
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
n, err2 := io.Copy(fd, &buf);
if err2 != nil {
serveError(c, err2.String(), path);
src := buf.Data();
// TODO handle Apply errors
servePage(c, filename, func () {
// section title
fmt.Fprintf(c, "<h1>Compilation errors in %s</h1>\n", filename);
// handle read errors
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil /* 6g bug139 */ {
fmt.Fprintf(c, "could not read file %s\n", filename);
// write source with error messages interspersed
fmt.Fprintln(c, "<pre>");
offs := 0;
for i, e := range errors {
if 0 <= e.pos.Offset && e.pos.Offset <= len(src) {
// TODO handle Write errors
c.Write(src[offs : e.pos.Offset]);
// TODO this should be done using a .css file
fmt.Fprintf(c, "<b><font color=red>%s >>></font></b>", e.msg);
offs = e.pos.Offset;
} else {
log.Stdoutf("error position %d out of bounds (len = %d)", e.pos.Offset, len(src));
// TODO handle Write errors
c.Write(src[offs : len(src)]);
fmt.Fprintln(c, "</pre>");
func serveGoSource(c *http.Conn, dirname string, filename string) {
path := dirname + "/" + filename;
prog, errors := compile(*root + "/" + path, parser.ParseComments);
if len(errors) > 0 {
serveCompilationErrors(c, filename, errors);
servePage(c, path + " - Go source", func () {
fmt.Fprintln(c, "<pre>");
var p astPrinter.Printer;
writer := makeTabwriter(c); // for nicely formatted output
p.Init(writer, nil, nil, true);
writer.Flush(); // ignore errors
fmt.Fprintln(c, "</pre>");
func serveHTMLFile(c *http.Conn, filename string) {
src, err1 := os.Open(filename, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
defer src.Close();
if err1 != nil {
serveError(c, err1.String(), filename);
written, err2 := io.Copy(src, c);
if err2 != nil {
serveError(c, err2.String(), filename);
func serveFile(c *http.Conn, path string) {
dir, err := os.Stat(*root + path);
if err != nil {
serveError(c, err.String(), path);
switch {
case dir.IsDirectory():
serveDir(c, path);
case isGoFile(dir):
serveGoSource(c, "", path);
case isHTMLFile(dir):
serveHTMLFile(c, *root + path);
serveError(c, "Not a directory or .go file", path);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Packages
type pakDesc struct {
dirname string; // local to *root
pakname string; // local to directory
filenames map[string] bool; // set of file (names) belonging to this package
type pakArray []*pakDesc
func (p pakArray) Len() int { return len(p); }
func (p pakArray) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].pakname < p[j].pakname; }
func (p pakArray) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i]; }
// The global list of packages (sorted)
// TODO should be accessed under a lock
var pakList pakArray;
func addFile(pmap map[string]*pakDesc, dirname string, filename string) {
if hasSuffix(filename, "_test.go") {
// ignore package tests
// determine package name
path := *root + "/" + dirname + "/" + filename;
prog, errors := compile(path, parser.PackageClauseOnly);
if prog == nil {
if prog.Name.Value == "main" {
// ignore main packages for now
pakname := dirname + "/" + prog.Name.Value;
// find package descriptor
pakdesc, found := pmap[pakname];
if !found {
// add a new descriptor
pakdesc = &pakDesc{dirname, prog.Name.Value, make(map[string]bool)};
pmap[pakname] = pakdesc;
//fmt.Printf("pak = %s, file = %s\n", pakname, filename);
// add file to package desc
if tmp, found := pakdesc.filenames[filename]; found {
panic("internal error: same file added more then once: " + filename);
pakdesc.filenames[filename] = true;
func addDirectory(pmap map[string]*pakDesc, dirname string) {
// TODO should properly check device and inode to see if we have
// traversed this directory already
fd, err1 := os.Open(*root + dirname, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err1 != nil {
log.Stdoutf("%s: %v", *root + dirname, err1);
list, err2 := fd.Readdir(-1);
if err2 != nil {
log.Stdoutf("%s: %v", *root + dirname, err2);
for i, entry := range list {
switch {
case entry.IsDirectory():
if entry.Name != "." && entry.Name != ".." {
addDirectory(pmap, dirname + "/" + entry.Name);
case isGoFile(&entry):
//fmt.Printf("found %s/%s\n", dirname, entry.Name);
addFile(pmap, dirname, entry.Name);
func makePackageMap() {
// TODO shold do this under a lock
// populate package map
pmap := make(map[string]*pakDesc);
addDirectory(pmap, "");
// build sorted package list
plist := make(pakArray, len(pmap));
i := 0;
for tmp, pakdesc := range pmap {
plist[i] = pakdesc;
// install package list (TODO should do this under a lock)
pakList = plist;
if *verbose {
log.Stdoutf("%d packages found under %s", i, *root);
func servePackage(c *http.Conn, p *pakDesc) {
// make a filename list
filenames := make([]string, len(p.filenames));
i := 0;
for filename, tmp := range p.filenames {
filenames[i] = filename;
// compute documentation
var doc docPrinter.PackageDoc;
for i, filename := range filenames {
path := *root + "/" + p.dirname + "/" + filename;
prog, errors := compile(path, parser.ParseComments);
if len(errors) > 0 {
serveCompilationErrors(c, filename, errors);
if i == 0 {
// first package - initialize docPrinter
servePage(c, doc.PackageName() + " - Go package documentation", func () {
writer := makeTabwriter(c); // for nicely formatted output
writer.Flush(); // ignore errors
func servePackageList(c *http.Conn, list *vector.Vector) {
servePage(c, "Packages", func () {
for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ {
p := list.At(i).(*pakDesc);
link := p.dirname + "/" + p.pakname;
fmt.Fprintf(c, "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> <font color=grey>(%s)</font><br />\n", docPrefix + link, p.pakname, link);
func serveDoc(c *http.Conn, path string) {
// make regexp for package matching
rex, err := regexp.Compile(path);
if err != nil {
serveError(c, err.String(), path);
// build list of matching packages
list := vector.New(0);
for i, p := range pakList {
if rex.Match(p.dirname + "/" + p.pakname) {
switch list.Len() {
case 0:
serveError(c, "No packages found", path);
case 1:
servePackage(c, list.At(0).(*pakDesc));
servePackageList(c, list);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Server
func makeFixedFileServer(filename string) (func(c *http.Conn, path string)) {
return func(c *http.Conn, path string) {
// ignore path and always serve the same file
// TODO this should be serveFile but there are some issues with *root
serveHTMLFile(c, filename);
func installHandler(prefix string, handler func(c *http.Conn, path string)) {
// create a handler customized with prefix
f := func(c *http.Conn, req *http.Request) {
path := req.Url.Path;
if *verbose {
log.Stdoutf("%s\t%s", req.Host, path);
if hasPrefix(path, prefix) {
path = sanitizePath(path[len(prefix) : len(path)]);
//log.Stdoutf("sanitized path %s", path);
handler(c, path);
} else {
log.Stdoutf("illegal path %s", path);
// install the customized handler
http.Handle(prefix, http.HandlerFunc(f));
func main() {
*root = sanitizePath(*root);
{ dir, err := os.Stat(*root);
if err != nil || !dir.IsDirectory() {
log.Exitf("root not found or not a directory: %s", *root);
if *verbose {
log.Stdoutf("Go Documentation Server\n");
log.Stdoutf("port = %s\n", *port);
log.Stdoutf("root = %s\n", *root);
installHandler("/mem", makeFixedFileServer(GOROOT + "/doc/go_mem.html"));
installHandler("/spec", makeFixedFileServer(GOROOT + "/doc/go_spec.html"));
installHandler(docPrefix, serveDoc);
installHandler(filePrefix, serveFile);
{ err := http.ListenAndServe(":" + *port, nil);
if err != nil {
log.Exitf("ListenAndServe: %v", err)