Robert Griesemer 91238c5bfe - moved functions before types in doc output (per rsc)
- use /src and /doc prefix in URL to distinguish output type (per rsc)
- fixed a bug in an internal string function
- ignore files ending in _test.go (consider them test files)

2009-04-02 21:59:37 -07:00

466 lines
9.5 KiB

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package docPrinter
import (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Elementary support
// TODO this should be an AST method
func isExported(name *ast.Ident) bool {
ch, len := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name.Value, 0);
return unicode.IsUpper(ch);
func hasExportedNames(names []*ast.Ident) bool {
for i, name := range names {
if isExported(name) {
return true;
return false;
func hasExportedSpecs(specs []ast.Spec) bool {
for i, s := range specs {
// only called for []astSpec lists of *ast.ValueSpec
return hasExportedNames(s.(*ast.ValueSpec).Names);
return false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
type valueDoc struct {
decl *ast.GenDecl; // len(decl.Specs) >= 1, and the element type is *ast.ValueSpec
type funcDoc struct {
decl *ast.FuncDecl;
type typeDoc struct {
decl *ast.GenDecl; // len(decl.Specs) == 1, and the element type is *ast.TypeSpec
factories map[string] *funcDoc;
methods map[string] *funcDoc;
type PackageDoc struct {
name string; // package name
doc ast.Comments; // package documentation, if any
consts *vector.Vector; // list of *valueDoc
types map[string] *typeDoc;
vars *vector.Vector; // list of *valueDoc
funcs map[string] *funcDoc;
func (doc *PackageDoc) PackageName() string {
return doc.name;
// PackageDoc initializes a document to collect package documentation.
// The package name is provided as initial argument. Use AddPackage to
// add the AST for each source file belonging to the same package.
func (doc *PackageDoc) Init(name string) {
doc.name = name;
doc.consts = vector.New(0);
doc.types = make(map[string] *typeDoc);
doc.vars = vector.New(0);
doc.funcs = make(map[string] *funcDoc);
func baseTypeName(typ ast.Expr) string {
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
return string(t.Value);
case *ast.StarExpr:
return baseTypeName(t.X);
return "";
func (doc *PackageDoc) lookupTypeDoc(typ ast.Expr) *typeDoc {
tdoc, found := doc.types[baseTypeName(typ)];
if found {
return tdoc;
return nil;
func (doc *PackageDoc) addType(decl *ast.GenDecl) {
typ := decl.Specs[0].(*ast.TypeSpec);
name := typ.Name.Value;
tdoc := &typeDoc{decl, make(map[string] *funcDoc), make(map[string] *funcDoc)};
doc.types[name] = tdoc;
func (doc *PackageDoc) addFunc(fun *ast.FuncDecl) {
name := fun.Name.Value;
fdoc := &funcDoc{fun};
// determine if it should be associated with a type
var typ *typeDoc;
if fun.Recv != nil {
// method
typ = doc.lookupTypeDoc(fun.Recv.Type);
if typ != nil {
typ.methods[name] = fdoc;
} else {
// perhaps a factory function
// determine result type, if any
if len(fun.Type.Results) >= 1 {
res := fun.Type.Results[0];
if len(res.Names) <= 1 {
// exactly one (named or anonymous) result type
typ = doc.lookupTypeDoc(res.Type);
if typ != nil {
typ.factories[name] = fdoc;
// TODO other heuristics (e.g. name is "NewTypename"?)
// ordinary function
doc.funcs[name] = fdoc;
func (doc *PackageDoc) addDecl(decl ast.Decl) {
switch d := decl.(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl:
if len(d.Specs) > 0 {
switch d.Tok {
case token.IMPORT:
// ignore
case token.CONST:
// constants are always handled as a group
if hasExportedSpecs(d.Specs) {
case token.TYPE:
// types are handled individually
for i, spec := range d.Specs {
s := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec);
if isExported(s.Name) {
// make a (fake) GenDecl node for this TypeSpec
// (we need to do this here - as opposed to just
// for printing - so we don't loose the GenDecl
// documentation)
var noPos token.Position;
doc.addType(&ast.GenDecl{d.Doc, d.Pos(), token.TYPE, noPos, []ast.Spec{s}, noPos});
case token.VAR:
// variables are always handled as a group
if hasExportedSpecs(d.Specs) {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
if isExported(d.Name) {
// AddProgram adds the AST of a source file belonging to the same
// package. The package names must match. If the source was added
// before, AddProgram is a no-op.
func (doc *PackageDoc) AddProgram(prog *ast.Program) {
if doc.name != prog.Name.Value {
panic("package names don't match");
// add package documentation
// TODO what to do if there are multiple files?
if prog.Doc != nil {
doc.doc = prog.Doc
// add all exported declarations
for i, decl := range prog.Decls {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Printing
func htmlEscape(s []byte) []byte {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
i0 := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
var esc string;
switch s[i] {
case '<': esc = "&lt;";
case '&': esc = "&amp;";
default: continue;
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s%s", s[i0 : i], esc);
i0 := i+1; // skip escaped char
// write the rest
if i0 > 0 {
buf.Write(s[i0 : len(s)]);
s = buf.Data();
return s;
// Reduce contiguous sequences of '\t' in a string to a single '\t'.
// This will produce better results when the string is printed via
// a tabwriter.
// TODO make this functionality optional.
func untabify(s []byte) []byte {
var buf io.ByteBuffer;
i0 := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == '\t' {
i++; // include '\t'
buf.Write(s[i0 : i]);
// skip additional tabs
for i < len(s) && s[i] == '\t' {
i0 := i;
} else {
// write the rest
if i0 > 0 {
buf.Write(s[i0 : len(s)]);
s = buf.Data();
return s;
func stripWhiteSpace(s []byte) []byte {
i, j := 0, len(s);
for i < len(s) && s[i] <= ' ' {
for j > i && s[j-1] <= ' ' {
return s[i : j];
func stripCommentDelimiters(s []byte) []byte {
switch s[1] {
case '/': return s[2 : len(s)-1];
case '*': return s[2 : len(s)-2];
return nil;
const /* formatting mode */ (
in_gap = iota;
func printLine(p *astPrinter.Printer, line []byte, mode int) int {
indented := len(line) > 0 && line[0] == '\t';
line = stripWhiteSpace(line);
if len(line) == 0 {
// empty line
switch mode {
case in_paragraph:
mode = in_gap;
case in_preformatted:
// remain in preformatted
} else {
// non-empty line
if indented {
switch mode {
case in_gap:
case in_paragraph:
mode = in_preformatted;
} else {
switch mode {
case in_gap:
case in_preformatted:
mode = in_paragraph;
// print line
p.Printf("%s\n", untabify(htmlEscape(line)));
return mode;
func closeMode(p *astPrinter.Printer, mode int) {
switch mode {
case in_paragraph:
case in_preformatted:
func printComments(p *astPrinter.Printer, comment ast.Comments) {
mode := in_gap;
for i, c := range comment {
s := stripCommentDelimiters(c.Text);
// split comment into lines and print the lines
i0 := 0; // beginning of current line
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == '\n' {
// reached line end - print current line
mode = printLine(p, s[i0 : i], mode);
i0 = i + 1; // beginning of next line; skip '\n'
// print last line
mode = printLine(p, s[i0 : len(s)], mode);
closeMode(p, mode);
func (c *valueDoc) print(p *astPrinter.Printer) {
printComments(p, c.decl.Doc);
func (f *funcDoc) print(p *astPrinter.Printer, hsize int) {
d := f.decl;
if d.Recv != nil {
p.Printf("<h%d>func (", hsize);
p.Printf(") %s</h%d>\n", d.Name.Value, hsize);
} else {
p.Printf("<h%d>func %s</h%d>\n", hsize, d.Name.Value, hsize);
printComments(p, d.Doc);
func (t *typeDoc) print(p *astPrinter.Printer) {
d := t.decl;
s := d.Specs[0].(*ast.TypeSpec);
p.Printf("<h2>type %s</h2>\n", s.Name.Value);
printComments(p, s.Doc);
// print associated methods, if any
for name, m := range t.factories {
m.print(p, 3);
for name, m := range t.methods {
m.print(p, 3);
func (doc *PackageDoc) Print(writer io.Write) {
var p astPrinter.Printer;
p.Init(writer, nil, true);
// program header
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "<h1>package %s</h1>\n", doc.name);
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "<p><code>import \"%s\"</code></p>\n", doc.name);
printComments(&p, doc.doc);
// constants
if doc.consts.Len() > 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "<hr />");
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "<h2>Constants</h2>");
for i := 0; i < doc.consts.Len(); i++ {
// variables
if doc.vars.Len() > 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "<hr />");
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "<h2>Variables</h2>");
for i := 0; i < doc.vars.Len(); i++ {
// functions
if len(doc.funcs) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "<hr />");
for name, f := range doc.funcs {
f.print(&p, 2);
// types
for name, t := range doc.types {
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "<hr />");