Russ Cox 304cf4dc9b reflect: disallow Interface method on Value obtained via unexported name
Had been allowing it for use by fmt, but it is too hard to lock down.
Fix other packages not to depend on it.

R=r, r
2011-10-17 18:48:45 -04:00

98 lines
1.8 KiB

// $G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Interface comparisons using types hidden
// inside reflected-on structs.
package main
import "reflect"
type T struct {
F float32
G float32
S string
T string
U uint32
V uint32
W uint32
X uint32
Y uint32
Z uint32
func add(s, t string) string {
return s + t
func assert(b bool) {
if !b {
func main() {
var x T
x.F = 1.0
x.G = x.F
x.S = add("abc", "def")
x.T = add("abc", "def")
x.U = 1
x.V = 2
x.W = 1 << 28
x.X = 2 << 28
x.Y = 0x12345678
x.Z = x.Y
// check mem and string
v := reflect.ValueOf(x)
i := v.Field(0)
j := v.Field(1)
assert(i.Interface() == j.Interface())
s := v.Field(2)
t := v.Field(3)
assert(s.Interface() == t.Interface())
// make sure different values are different.
// make sure whole word is being compared,
// not just a single byte.
i = v.Field(4)
j = v.Field(5)
assert(i.Interface() != j.Interface())
i = v.Field(6)
j = v.Field(7)
assert(i.Interface() != j.Interface())
i = v.Field(8)
j = v.Field(9)
assert(i.Interface() == j.Interface())
comparing uncomparable type float32
throw: interface compare
panic PC=0x28ceb8 [1]
throw+0x41 /Users/rsc/goX/src/runtime/runtime.c:54
throw(0x3014a, 0x0)
ifaceeq+0x15c /Users/rsc/goX/src/runtime/iface.c:501
ifaceeq(0x2aa7c0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2aa7c0, ...)
sys·ifaceeq+0x48 /Users/rsc/goX/src/runtime/iface.c:527
sys·ifaceeq(0x2aa7c0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2aa7c0, ...)
main·main+0x190 /Users/rsc/goX/src/cmd/gc/x.go:10
mainstart+0xf /Users/rsc/goX/src/runtime/amd64/asm.s:53
sys·Goexit /Users/rsc/goX/src/runtime/proc.c:124