// run // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Test the 'for range' construct. package main // test range over channels func gen(c chan int, lo, hi int) { for i := lo; i <= hi; i++ { c <- i } close(c) } func seq(lo, hi int) chan int { c := make(chan int) go gen(c, lo, hi) return c } func testchan() { s := "" for i := range seq('a', 'z') { s += string(i) } if s != "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" { println("Wanted lowercase alphabet; got", s) panic("fail") } } // test that range over slice only evaluates // the expression after "range" once. var nmake = 0 func makeslice() []int { nmake++ return []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} } func testslice() { s := 0 nmake = 0 for _, v := range makeslice() { s += v } if nmake != 1 { println("range called makeslice", nmake, "times") panic("fail") } if s != 15 { println("wrong sum ranging over makeslice") panic("fail") } } func testslice1() { s := 0 nmake = 0 for i := range makeslice() { s += i } if nmake != 1 { println("range called makeslice", nmake, "times") panic("fail") } if s != 10 { println("wrong sum ranging over makeslice") panic("fail") } } // test that range over array only evaluates // the expression after "range" once. func makearray() [5]int { nmake++ return [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} } func testarray() { s := 0 nmake = 0 for _, v := range makearray() { s += v } if nmake != 1 { println("range called makearray", nmake, "times") panic("fail") } if s != 15 { println("wrong sum ranging over makearray") panic("fail") } } func testarray1() { s := 0 nmake = 0 for i := range makearray() { s += i } if nmake != 1 { println("range called makearray", nmake, "times") panic("fail") } if s != 10 { println("wrong sum ranging over makearray") panic("fail") } } func makearrayptr() *[5]int { nmake++ return &[5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} } func testarrayptr() { nmake = 0 x := len(makearrayptr()) if x != 5 || nmake != 1 { println("len called makearrayptr", nmake, "times and got len", x) panic("fail") } nmake = 0 x = cap(makearrayptr()) if x != 5 || nmake != 1 { println("cap called makearrayptr", nmake, "times and got len", x) panic("fail") } s := 0 nmake = 0 for _, v := range makearrayptr() { s += v } if nmake != 1 { println("range called makearrayptr", nmake, "times") panic("fail") } if s != 15 { println("wrong sum ranging over makearrayptr") panic("fail") } } func testarrayptr1() { s := 0 nmake = 0 for i := range makearrayptr() { s += i } if nmake != 1 { println("range called makearrayptr", nmake, "times") panic("fail") } if s != 10 { println("wrong sum ranging over makearrayptr") panic("fail") } } // test that range over string only evaluates // the expression after "range" once. func makestring() string { nmake++ return "abcd☺" } func teststring() { var s rune nmake = 0 for _, v := range makestring() { s += v } if nmake != 1 { println("range called makestring", nmake, "times") panic("fail") } if s != 'a'+'b'+'c'+'d'+'☺' { println("wrong sum ranging over makestring") panic("fail") } } func teststring1() { s := 0 nmake = 0 for i := range makestring() { s += i } if nmake != 1 { println("range called makestring", nmake, "times") panic("fail") } if s != 10 { println("wrong sum ranging over makestring") panic("fail") } } // test that range over map only evaluates // the expression after "range" once. func makemap() map[int]int { nmake++ return map[int]int{0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: '☺'} } func testmap() { s := 0 nmake = 0 for _, v := range makemap() { s += v } if nmake != 1 { println("range called makemap", nmake, "times") panic("fail") } if s != 'a'+'b'+'c'+'d'+'☺' { println("wrong sum ranging over makemap") panic("fail") } } func testmap1() { s := 0 nmake = 0 for i := range makemap() { s += i } if nmake != 1 { println("range called makemap", nmake, "times") panic("fail") } if s != 10 { println("wrong sum ranging over makemap") panic("fail") } } // test that range evaluates the index and value expressions // exactly once per iteration. var ncalls = 0 func getvar(p *int) *int { ncalls++ return p } func testcalls() { var i, v int si := 0 sv := 0 for *getvar(&i), *getvar(&v) = range [2]int{1, 2} { si += i sv += v } if ncalls != 4 { println("wrong number of calls:", ncalls, "!= 4") panic("fail") } if si != 1 || sv != 3 { println("wrong sum in testcalls", si, sv) panic("fail") } ncalls = 0 for *getvar(&i), *getvar(&v) = range [0]int{} { println("loop ran on empty array") panic("fail") } if ncalls != 0 { println("wrong number of calls:", ncalls, "!= 0") panic("fail") } } func main() { testchan() testarray() testarray1() testarrayptr() testarrayptr1() testslice() testslice1() teststring() teststring1() testmap() testmap1() testcalls() }