// $G $D/$F.go || echo BUG: should compile // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Some indirect uses of types crashed gccgo, because it assumed that // the size of the type was known before it had been computed. package p type S1 struct { p *[1]S3 s [][1]S3 m map[int][1]S3 c chan [1]S3 i interface { f([1]S3) [1]S3 } f func([1]S3) [1]S3 } type S2 struct { p *struct { F S3 } s []struct { F S3 } m map[int]struct { F S3 } c chan struct { F S3 } i interface { f(struct { F S3 }) struct { F S3 } } f func(struct { F S3 } ) struct { F S3 } } type S3 struct { I int }