mime: RFC 2231 continuation / non-ASCII support

Fixes #1119.

R=rsc, r
This commit is contained in:
Brad Fitzpatrick 2011-04-18 10:59:39 -07:00
parent 23fc9c84bd
commit 98176b7760
2 changed files with 203 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ package mime
import (
@ -46,11 +48,16 @@ func ParseMediaType(v string) (mediatype string, params map[string]string) {
params = make(map[string]string)
// Map of base parameter name -> parameter name -> value
// for parameters containing a '*' character.
// Lazily initialized.
var continuation map[string]map[string]string
v = v[i:]
for len(v) > 0 {
v = strings.TrimLeftFunc(v, unicode.IsSpace)
if len(v) == 0 {
key, value, rest := consumeMediaParam(v)
if key == "" {
@ -62,12 +69,83 @@ func ParseMediaType(v string) (mediatype string, params map[string]string) {
// Parse error.
return "", nil
params[key] = value
pmap := params
if idx := strings.Index(key, "*"); idx != -1 {
baseName := key[:idx]
if continuation == nil {
continuation = make(map[string]map[string]string)
var ok bool
if pmap, ok = continuation[baseName]; !ok {
continuation[baseName] = make(map[string]string)
pmap = continuation[baseName]
if _, exists := pmap[key]; exists {
// Duplicate parameter name is bogus.
return "", nil
pmap[key] = value
v = rest
// Stitch together any continuations or things with stars
// (i.e. RFC 2231 things with stars: "foo*0" or "foo*")
var buf bytes.Buffer
for key, pieceMap := range continuation {
singlePartKey := key + "*"
if v, ok := pieceMap[singlePartKey]; ok {
decv := decode2231Enc(v)
params[key] = decv
valid := false
for n := 0; ; n++ {
simplePart := fmt.Sprintf("%s*%d", key, n)
if v, ok := pieceMap[simplePart]; ok {
valid = true
encodedPart := simplePart + "*"
if v, ok := pieceMap[encodedPart]; ok {
valid = true
if n == 0 {
} else {
decv, _ := percentHexUnescape(v)
} else {
if valid {
params[key] = buf.String()
func decode2231Enc(v string) string {
sv := strings.Split(v, "'", 3)
if len(sv) != 3 {
return ""
// Ignoring lang in sv[1] for now.
charset := strings.ToLower(sv[0])
if charset != "us-ascii" && charset != "utf-8" {
// TODO: unsupported encoding
return ""
encv, _ := percentHexUnescape(sv[2])
return encv
func isNotTokenChar(rune int) bool {
return !IsTokenChar(rune)
@ -107,17 +185,14 @@ func consumeValue(v string) (value, rest string) {
for idx, rune = range rest {
switch {
case nextIsLiteral:
if rune >= 0x80 {
return "", v
nextIsLiteral = false
case rune == leadQuote:
return buffer.String(), rest[idx+1:]
case IsQText(rune):
case rune == '\\':
nextIsLiteral = true
case rune != '\r' && rune != '\n':
return "", v
@ -137,6 +212,7 @@ func consumeMediaParam(v string) (param, value, rest string) {
if param == "" {
return "", "", v
rest = strings.TrimLeftFunc(rest, unicode.IsSpace)
if !strings.HasPrefix(rest, "=") {
return "", "", v
@ -149,3 +225,66 @@ func consumeMediaParam(v string) (param, value, rest string) {
return param, value, rest
func percentHexUnescape(s string) (string, os.Error) {
// Count %, check that they're well-formed.
percents := 0
for i := 0; i < len(s); {
if s[i] != '%' {
if i+2 >= len(s) || !ishex(s[i+1]) || !ishex(s[i+2]) {
s = s[i:]
if len(s) > 3 {
s = s[0:3]
return "", fmt.Errorf("Bogus characters after %: %q", s)
i += 3
if percents == 0 {
return s, nil
t := make([]byte, len(s)-2*percents)
j := 0
for i := 0; i < len(s); {
switch s[i] {
case '%':
t[j] = unhex(s[i+1])<<4 | unhex(s[i+2])
i += 3
t[j] = s[i]
return string(t), nil
func ishex(c byte) bool {
switch {
case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
return true
case 'a' <= c && c <= 'f':
return true
case 'A' <= c && c <= 'F':
return true
return false
func unhex(c byte) byte {
switch {
case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
return c - '0'
case 'a' <= c && c <= 'f':
return c - 'a' + 10
case 'A' <= c && c <= 'F':
return c - 'A' + 10
return 0

View File

@ -114,6 +114,28 @@ func TestParseMediaType(t *testing.T) {
m("key", "value", "blah", "value", "name", "foo")},
{`foo; key=val1; key=the-key-appears-again-which-is-bogus`,
"", m()},
// From RFC 2231:
{`application/x-stuff; title*=us-ascii'en-us'This%20is%20%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A`,
m("title", "This is ***fun***")},
{`message/external-body; access-type=URL; ` +
`URL*0="ftp://";` +
m("access-type", "URL",
"URL", "ftp://cs.utk.edu/pub/moore/bulk-mailer/bulk-mailer.tar")},
{`application/x-stuff; ` +
`title*0*=us-ascii'en'This%20is%20even%20more%20; ` +
`title*1*=%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A%20; ` +
`title*2="isn't it!"`,
m("title", "This is even more ***fun*** isn't it!")},
// Tests from http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc2231/
// TODO(bradfitz): add the rest of the tests from that site.
{`attachment; filename="f\oo.html"`,
@ -159,8 +181,41 @@ func TestParseMediaType(t *testing.T) {
m("creation-date", "Wed, 12 Feb 1997 16:29:51 -0500")},
{`foobar`, "foobar", m()},
// TODO(bradfitz): rest of them, including RFC2231 encoded UTF-8 and
// other charsets.
{`attachment; filename* =UTF-8''foo-%c3%a4.html`,
m("filename", "foo-ä.html")},
{`attachment; filename*=UTF-8''A-%2541.html`,
m("filename", "A-%41.html")},
{`attachment; filename*0="foo."; filename*1="html"`,
m("filename", "foo.html")},
{`attachment; filename*0*=UTF-8''foo-%c3%a4; filename*1=".html"`,
m("filename", "foo-ä.html")},
{`attachment; filename*0="foo"; filename*01="bar"`,
m("filename", "foo")},
{`attachment; filename*0="foo"; filename*2="bar"`,
m("filename", "foo")},
{`attachment; filename*1="foo"; filename*2="bar"`,
"attachment", m()},
{`attachment; filename*1="bar"; filename*0="foo"`,
m("filename", "foobar")},
{`attachment; filename="foo-ae.html"; filename*=UTF-8''foo-%c3%a4.html`,
m("filename", "foo-ä.html")},
{`attachment; filename*=UTF-8''foo-%c3%a4.html; filename="foo-ae.html"`,
m("filename", "foo-ä.html")},
// Browsers also just send UTF-8 directly without RFC 2231,
// at least when the source page is served with UTF-8.
{`form-data; firstname="Брэд"; lastname="Фицпатрик"`,
m("firstname", "Брэд", "lastname", "Фицпатрик")},
for _, test := range tests {
mt, params := ParseMediaType(test.in)