go/doc: rewrote and completed test framework

Packages to test are kept in ./testdata together
with the corresponding golden (packagename.out)

To update the golden files, run: go test -update

This commit is contained in:
Robert Griesemer 2012-01-18 14:11:31 -08:00
parent 9edabbe038
commit 39bb4bd454
11 changed files with 1143 additions and 110 deletions

View File

@ -6,132 +6,105 @@ package doc
import (
type sources map[string]string // filename -> file contents
var update = flag.Bool("update", false, "update golden (.out) files")
type testCase struct {
name string
importPath string
mode Mode
srcs sources
doc string
const dataDir = "testdata"
var templateTxt = readTemplate("template.txt")
func readTemplate(filename string) *template.Template {
t := template.New(filename)
"node": nodeFmt,
"synopsis": synopsisFmt,
return template.Must(t.ParseFiles(filepath.Join(dataDir, filename)))
var tests = make(map[string]*testCase)
// To register a new test case, use the pattern:
// var _ = register(&testCase{ ... })
// (The result value of register is always 0 and only present to enable the pattern.)
func register(test *testCase) int {
if _, found := tests[test.name]; found {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("registration failed: test case %q already exists", test.name))
tests[test.name] = test
return 0
func nodeFmt(node interface{}, fset *token.FileSet) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
printer.Fprint(&buf, fset, node)
return strings.Replace(strings.TrimSpace(buf.String()), "\n", "\n\t", -1)
func runTest(t *testing.T, test *testCase) {
// create AST
fset := token.NewFileSet()
var pkg ast.Package
pkg.Files = make(map[string]*ast.File)
for filename, src := range test.srcs {
file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, src, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("test %s: %v", test.name, err)
func synopsisFmt(s string) string {
const n = 64
if len(s) > n {
// cut off excess text and go back to a word boundary
s = s[0:n]
if i := strings.LastIndexAny(s, "\t\n "); i >= 0 {
s = s[0:i]
switch {
case pkg.Name == "":
pkg.Name = file.Name.Name
case pkg.Name != file.Name.Name:
t.Errorf("test %s: different package names in test files", test.name)
pkg.Files[filename] = file
s = strings.TrimSpace(s) + " ..."
return "// " + strings.Replace(s, "\n", " ", -1)
doc := New(&pkg, test.importPath, test.mode).String()
if doc != test.doc {
//TODO(gri) Enable this once the sorting issue of comments is fixed
//t.Errorf("test %s\n\tgot : %s\n\twant: %s", test.name, doc, test.doc)
func isGoFile(fi os.FileInfo) bool {
name := fi.Name()
return !fi.IsDir() &&
len(name) > 0 && name[0] != '.' && // ignore .files
filepath.Ext(name) == ".go"
type bundle struct {
FSet *token.FileSet
func Test(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range tests {
runTest(t, test)
// get all packages
fset := token.NewFileSet()
pkgs, err := parser.ParseDir(fset, dataDir, isGoFile, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
// test all packages
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
importpath := dataDir + "/" + pkg.Name
doc := New(pkg, importpath, 0)
// print documentation
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := templateTxt.Execute(&buf, bundle{doc, fset}); err != nil {
got := buf.Bytes()
// update golden file if necessary
golden := filepath.Join(dataDir, pkg.Name+".out")
if *update {
err := ioutil.WriteFile(golden, got, 0644)
if err != nil {
// get golden file
want, err := ioutil.ReadFile(golden)
if err != nil {
// compare
if bytes.Compare(got, want) != 0 {
t.Errorf("package %s\n\tgot:\n%s\n\twant:\n%s", pkg.Name, got, want)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Printing support
func (pkg *Package) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
docText.Execute(&buf, pkg) // ignore error - test will fail w/ incorrect output
return buf.String()
// TODO(gri) complete template
var docText = template.Must(template.New("docText").Parse(
PACKAGE {{.Name}}
DOC {{printf "%q" .Doc}}
IMPORTPATH {{.ImportPath}}
FILENAMES {{.Filenames}}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test cases
// Test that all package comments and bugs are collected,
// and that the importPath is correctly set.
var _ = register(&testCase{
name: "p",
importPath: "p",
srcs: sources{
"p1.go": "// comment 1\npackage p\n//BUG(uid): bug1",
"p0.go": "// comment 0\npackage p\n// BUG(uid): bug0",
doc: `
DOC "comment 0\n\ncomment 1\n"
FILENAMES [p0.go p1.go]
// Test basic functionality.
var _ = register(&testCase{
name: "p1",
importPath: "p",
srcs: sources{
"p.go": `
package p
import "a"
const pi = 3.14 // pi
type T struct{} // T
var V T // v
func F(x int) int {} // F
doc: `
DOC ""

src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/a.out vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// comment 0 comment 1
// bug0
// bug1

src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/a0.go vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// comment 0
package a
//BUG(uid): bug0

src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/a1.go vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// comment 1
package a
//BUG(uid): bug1

src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/b.go vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package b
import "a"
const Pi = 3.14 // Pi
var MaxInt int // MaxInt
type T struct{} // T
var V T // v
func F(x int) int {} // F

src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/b.out vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
const Pi = 3.14 // Pi
var MaxInt int // MaxInt
func F(x int) int
type T struct{} // T
var V T // v

src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/benchmark.go vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package testing
import (
var matchBenchmarks = flag.String("test.bench", "", "regular expression to select benchmarks to run")
var benchTime = flag.Float64("test.benchtime", 1, "approximate run time for each benchmark, in seconds")
// An internal type but exported because it is cross-package; part of the implementation
// of gotest.
type InternalBenchmark struct {
Name string
F func(b *B)
// B is a type passed to Benchmark functions to manage benchmark
// timing and to specify the number of iterations to run.
type B struct {
N int
benchmark InternalBenchmark
bytes int64
timerOn bool
result BenchmarkResult
// StartTimer starts timing a test. This function is called automatically
// before a benchmark starts, but it can also used to resume timing after
// a call to StopTimer.
func (b *B) StartTimer() {
if !b.timerOn {
b.start = time.Now()
b.timerOn = true
// StopTimer stops timing a test. This can be used to pause the timer
// while performing complex initialization that you don't
// want to measure.
func (b *B) StopTimer() {
if b.timerOn {
b.duration += time.Now().Sub(b.start)
b.timerOn = false
// ResetTimer sets the elapsed benchmark time to zero.
// It does not affect whether the timer is running.
func (b *B) ResetTimer() {
if b.timerOn {
b.start = time.Now()
b.duration = 0
// SetBytes records the number of bytes processed in a single operation.
// If this is called, the benchmark will report ns/op and MB/s.
func (b *B) SetBytes(n int64) { b.bytes = n }
func (b *B) nsPerOp() int64 {
if b.N <= 0 {
return 0
return b.duration.Nanoseconds() / int64(b.N)
// runN runs a single benchmark for the specified number of iterations.
func (b *B) runN(n int) {
// Try to get a comparable environment for each run
// by clearing garbage from previous runs.
b.N = n
func min(x, y int) int {
if x > y {
return y
return x
func max(x, y int) int {
if x < y {
return y
return x
// roundDown10 rounds a number down to the nearest power of 10.
func roundDown10(n int) int {
var tens = 0
// tens = floor(log_10(n))
for n > 10 {
n = n / 10
// result = 10^tens
result := 1
for i := 0; i < tens; i++ {
result *= 10
return result
// roundUp rounds x up to a number of the form [1eX, 2eX, 5eX].
func roundUp(n int) int {
base := roundDown10(n)
if n < (2 * base) {
return 2 * base
if n < (5 * base) {
return 5 * base
return 10 * base
// run times the benchmark function in a separate goroutine.
func (b *B) run() BenchmarkResult {
go b.launch()
return b.result
// launch launches the benchmark function. It gradually increases the number
// of benchmark iterations until the benchmark runs for a second in order
// to get a reasonable measurement. It prints timing information in this form
// testing.BenchmarkHello 100000 19 ns/op
// launch is run by the fun function as a separate goroutine.
func (b *B) launch() {
// Run the benchmark for a single iteration in case it's expensive.
n := 1
// Signal that we're done whether we return normally
// or by FailNow's runtime.Goexit.
defer func() {
b.signal <- b
// Run the benchmark for at least the specified amount of time.
d := time.Duration(*benchTime * float64(time.Second))
for !b.failed && b.duration < d && n < 1e9 {
last := n
// Predict iterations/sec.
if b.nsPerOp() == 0 {
n = 1e9
} else {
n = int(d.Nanoseconds() / b.nsPerOp())
// Run more iterations than we think we'll need for a second (1.5x).
// Don't grow too fast in case we had timing errors previously.
// Be sure to run at least one more than last time.
n = max(min(n+n/2, 100*last), last+1)
// Round up to something easy to read.
n = roundUp(n)
b.result = BenchmarkResult{b.N, b.duration, b.bytes}
// The results of a benchmark run.
type BenchmarkResult struct {
N int // The number of iterations.
T time.Duration // The total time taken.
Bytes int64 // Bytes processed in one iteration.
func (r BenchmarkResult) NsPerOp() int64 {
if r.N <= 0 {
return 0
return r.T.Nanoseconds() / int64(r.N)
func (r BenchmarkResult) mbPerSec() float64 {
if r.Bytes <= 0 || r.T <= 0 || r.N <= 0 {
return 0
return (float64(r.Bytes) * float64(r.N) / 1e6) / r.T.Seconds()
func (r BenchmarkResult) String() string {
mbs := r.mbPerSec()
mb := ""
if mbs != 0 {
mb = fmt.Sprintf("\t%7.2f MB/s", mbs)
nsop := r.NsPerOp()
ns := fmt.Sprintf("%10d ns/op", nsop)
if r.N > 0 && nsop < 100 {
// The format specifiers here make sure that
// the ones digits line up for all three possible formats.
if nsop < 10 {
ns = fmt.Sprintf("%13.2f ns/op", float64(r.T.Nanoseconds())/float64(r.N))
} else {
ns = fmt.Sprintf("%12.1f ns/op", float64(r.T.Nanoseconds())/float64(r.N))
return fmt.Sprintf("%8d\t%s%s", r.N, ns, mb)
// An internal function but exported because it is cross-package; part of the implementation
// of gotest.
func RunBenchmarks(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), benchmarks []InternalBenchmark) {
// If no flag was specified, don't run benchmarks.
if len(*matchBenchmarks) == 0 {
for _, Benchmark := range benchmarks {
matched, err := matchString(*matchBenchmarks, Benchmark.Name)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: invalid regexp for -test.bench: %s\n", err)
if !matched {
for _, procs := range cpuList {
b := &B{
common: common{
signal: make(chan interface{}),
benchmark: Benchmark,
benchName := Benchmark.Name
if procs != 1 {
benchName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", Benchmark.Name, procs)
fmt.Printf("%s\t", benchName)
r := b.run()
if b.failed {
// The output could be very long here, but probably isn't.
// We print it all, regardless, because we don't want to trim the reason
// the benchmark failed.
fmt.Printf("--- FAIL: %s\n%s", benchName, b.output)
fmt.Printf("%v\n", r)
// Unlike with tests, we ignore the -chatty flag and always print output for
// benchmarks since the output generation time will skew the results.
if len(b.output) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("--- BENCH: %s\n%s", benchName, b.output)
if p := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1); p != procs {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: %s left GOMAXPROCS set to %d\n", benchName, p)
// trimOutput shortens the output from a benchmark, which can be very long.
func (b *B) trimOutput() {
// The output is likely to appear multiple times because the benchmark
// is run multiple times, but at least it will be seen. This is not a big deal
// because benchmarks rarely print, but just in case, we trim it if it's too long.
const maxNewlines = 10
for nlCount, j := 0, 0; j < len(b.output); j++ {
if b.output[j] == '\n' {
if nlCount >= maxNewlines {
b.output = append(b.output[:j], "\n\t... [output truncated]\n"...)
// Benchmark benchmarks a single function. Useful for creating
// custom benchmarks that do not use gotest.
func Benchmark(f func(b *B)) BenchmarkResult {
b := &B{
common: common{
signal: make(chan interface{}),
benchmark: InternalBenchmark{"", f},
return b.run()

src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/example.go vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package testing
import (
type InternalExample struct {
Name string
F func()
Output string
func RunExamples(examples []InternalExample) (ok bool) {
ok = true
var eg InternalExample
stdout, stderr := os.Stdout, os.Stderr
defer func() {
os.Stdout, os.Stderr = stdout, stderr
if e := recover(); e != nil {
fmt.Printf("--- FAIL: %s\npanic: %v\n", eg.Name, e)
for _, eg = range examples {
if *chatty {
fmt.Printf("=== RUN: %s\n", eg.Name)
// capture stdout and stderr
r, w, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
os.Stdout, os.Stderr = w, w
outC := make(chan string)
go func() {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
_, err := io.Copy(buf, r)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(stderr, "testing: copying pipe: %v\n", err)
outC <- buf.String()
// run example
t0 := time.Now()
dt := time.Now().Sub(t0)
// close pipe, restore stdout/stderr, get output
os.Stdout, os.Stderr = stdout, stderr
out := <-outC
// report any errors
tstr := fmt.Sprintf("(%.2f seconds)", dt.Seconds())
if g, e := strings.TrimSpace(out), strings.TrimSpace(eg.Output); g != e {
fmt.Printf("--- FAIL: %s %s\ngot:\n%s\nwant:\n%s\n",
eg.Name, tstr, g, e)
ok = false
} else if *chatty {
fmt.Printf("--- PASS: %s %s\n", eg.Name, tstr)

src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/template.txt vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
{{synopsis .Doc}}
PACKAGE {{.Name}}
{{with .Imports}}
{{range .}} {{.}}
{{range .Filenames}} {{.}}
*/}}{{with .Consts}}
{{range .}} {{synopsis .Doc}}
{{node .Decl $.FSet}}
*/}}{{with .Vars}}
{{range .}} {{synopsis .Doc}}
{{node .Decl $.FSet}}
*/}}{{with .Funcs}}
{{range .}} {{synopsis .Doc}}
{{node .Decl $.FSet}}
*/}}{{with .Types}}
{{range .}} {{synopsis .Doc}}
{{node .Decl $.FSet}}
{{range .Consts}} {{synopsis .Doc}}
{{node .Decl $.FSet}}
*/}}{{range .Vars}} {{synopsis .Doc}}
{{node .Decl $.FSet}}
*/}}{{range .Funcs}} {{synopsis .Doc}}
{{node .Decl $.FSet}}
*/}}{{range .Methods}} {{synopsis .Doc}}
{{node .Decl $.FSet}}
*/}}{{with .Bugs}}
{{range .}} {{synopsis .}}

src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/testing.go vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package testing provides support for automated testing of Go packages.
// It is intended to be used in concert with the ``gotest'' utility, which automates
// execution of any function of the form
// func TestXxx(*testing.T)
// where Xxx can be any alphanumeric string (but the first letter must not be in
// [a-z]) and serves to identify the test routine.
// These TestXxx routines should be declared within the package they are testing.
// Functions of the form
// func BenchmarkXxx(*testing.B)
// are considered benchmarks, and are executed by gotest when the -test.bench
// flag is provided.
// A sample benchmark function looks like this:
// func BenchmarkHello(b *testing.B) {
// for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// fmt.Sprintf("hello")
// }
// }
// The benchmark package will vary b.N until the benchmark function lasts
// long enough to be timed reliably. The output
// testing.BenchmarkHello 10000000 282 ns/op
// means that the loop ran 10000000 times at a speed of 282 ns per loop.
// If a benchmark needs some expensive setup before running, the timer
// may be stopped:
// func BenchmarkBigLen(b *testing.B) {
// b.StopTimer()
// big := NewBig()
// b.StartTimer()
// for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// big.Len()
// }
// }
package testing
import (
var (
// The short flag requests that tests run more quickly, but its functionality
// is provided by test writers themselves. The testing package is just its
// home. The all.bash installation script sets it to make installation more
// efficient, but by default the flag is off so a plain "gotest" will do a
// full test of the package.
short = flag.Bool("test.short", false, "run smaller test suite to save time")
// Report as tests are run; default is silent for success.
chatty = flag.Bool("test.v", false, "verbose: print additional output")
match = flag.String("test.run", "", "regular expression to select tests to run")
memProfile = flag.String("test.memprofile", "", "write a memory profile to the named file after execution")
memProfileRate = flag.Int("test.memprofilerate", 0, "if >=0, sets runtime.MemProfileRate")
cpuProfile = flag.String("test.cpuprofile", "", "write a cpu profile to the named file during execution")
timeout = flag.Duration("test.timeout", 0, "if positive, sets an aggregate time limit for all tests")
cpuListStr = flag.String("test.cpu", "", "comma-separated list of number of CPUs to use for each test")
parallel = flag.Int("test.parallel", runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0), "maximum test parallelism")
cpuList []int
// common holds the elements common between T and B and
// captures common methods such as Errorf.
type common struct {
output []byte // Output generated by test or benchmark.
failed bool // Test or benchmark has failed.
start time.Time // Time test or benchmark started
duration time.Duration
self interface{} // To be sent on signal channel when done.
signal chan interface{} // Output for serial tests.
// Short reports whether the -test.short flag is set.
func Short() bool {
return *short
// decorate inserts the final newline if needed and indentation tabs for formatting.
// If addFileLine is true, it also prefixes the string with the file and line of the call site.
func decorate(s string, addFileLine bool) string {
if addFileLine {
_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(3) // decorate + log + public function.
if ok {
// Truncate file name at last file name separator.
if index := strings.LastIndex(file, "/"); index >= 0 {
file = file[index+1:]
} else if index = strings.LastIndex(file, "\\"); index >= 0 {
file = file[index+1:]
} else {
file = "???"
line = 1
s = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: %s", file, line, s)
s = "\t" + s // Every line is indented at least one tab.
n := len(s)
if n > 0 && s[n-1] != '\n' {
s += "\n"
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ { // -1 to avoid final newline
if s[i] == '\n' {
// Second and subsequent lines are indented an extra tab.
return s[0:i+1] + "\t" + decorate(s[i+1:n], false)
return s
// T is a type passed to Test functions to manage test state and support formatted test logs.
// Logs are accumulated during execution and dumped to standard error when done.
type T struct {
name string // Name of test.
startParallel chan bool // Parallel tests will wait on this.
// Fail marks the function as having failed but continues execution.
func (c *common) Fail() { c.failed = true }
// Failed returns whether the function has failed.
func (c *common) Failed() bool { return c.failed }
// FailNow marks the function as having failed and stops its execution.
// Execution will continue at the next Test.
func (c *common) FailNow() {
// Calling runtime.Goexit will exit the goroutine, which
// will run the deferred functions in this goroutine,
// which will eventually run the deferred lines in tRunner,
// which will signal to the test loop that this test is done.
// A previous version of this code said:
// c.duration = ...
// c.signal <- c.self
// runtime.Goexit()
// This previous version duplicated code (those lines are in
// tRunner no matter what), but worse the goroutine teardown
// implicit in runtime.Goexit was not guaranteed to complete
// before the test exited. If a test deferred an important cleanup
// function (like removing temporary files), there was no guarantee
// it would run on a test failure. Because we send on c.signal during
// a top-of-stack deferred function now, we know that the send
// only happens after any other stacked defers have completed.
// log generates the output. It's always at the same stack depth.
func (c *common) log(s string) {
c.output = append(c.output, decorate(s, true)...)
// Log formats its arguments using default formatting, analogous to Println(),
// and records the text in the error log.
func (c *common) Log(args ...interface{}) { c.log(fmt.Sprintln(args...)) }
// Logf formats its arguments according to the format, analogous to Printf(),
// and records the text in the error log.
func (c *common) Logf(format string, args ...interface{}) { c.log(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)) }
// Error is equivalent to Log() followed by Fail().
func (c *common) Error(args ...interface{}) {
// Errorf is equivalent to Logf() followed by Fail().
func (c *common) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.log(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// Fatal is equivalent to Log() followed by FailNow().
func (c *common) Fatal(args ...interface{}) {
// Fatalf is equivalent to Logf() followed by FailNow().
func (c *common) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
c.log(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
// Parallel signals that this test is to be run in parallel with (and only with)
// other parallel tests in this CPU group.
func (t *T) Parallel() {
t.signal <- (*T)(nil) // Release main testing loop
<-t.startParallel // Wait for serial tests to finish
// An internal type but exported because it is cross-package; part of the implementation
// of gotest.
type InternalTest struct {
Name string
F func(*T)
func tRunner(t *T, test *InternalTest) {
t.start = time.Now()
// When this goroutine is done, either because test.F(t)
// returned normally or because a test failure triggered
// a call to runtime.Goexit, record the duration and send
// a signal saying that the test is done.
defer func() {
t.duration = time.Now().Sub(t.start)
t.signal <- t
// An internal function but exported because it is cross-package; part of the implementation
// of gotest.
func Main(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest, benchmarks []InternalBenchmark, examples []InternalExample) {
testOk := RunTests(matchString, tests)
exampleOk := RunExamples(examples)
if !testOk || !exampleOk {
RunBenchmarks(matchString, benchmarks)
func (t *T) report() {
tstr := fmt.Sprintf("(%.2f seconds)", t.duration.Seconds())
format := "--- %s: %s %s\n%s"
if t.failed {
fmt.Printf(format, "FAIL", t.name, tstr, t.output)
} else if *chatty {
fmt.Printf(format, "PASS", t.name, tstr, t.output)
func RunTests(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest) (ok bool) {
ok = true
if len(tests) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "testing: warning: no tests to run")
for _, procs := range cpuList {
// We build a new channel tree for each run of the loop.
// collector merges in one channel all the upstream signals from parallel tests.
// If all tests pump to the same channel, a bug can occur where a test
// kicks off a goroutine that Fails, yet the test still delivers a completion signal,
// which skews the counting.
var collector = make(chan interface{})
numParallel := 0
startParallel := make(chan bool)
for i := 0; i < len(tests); i++ {
matched, err := matchString(*match, tests[i].Name)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: invalid regexp for -test.run: %s\n", err)
if !matched {
testName := tests[i].Name
if procs != 1 {
testName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", tests[i].Name, procs)
t := &T{
common: common{
signal: make(chan interface{}),
name: testName,
startParallel: startParallel,
t.self = t
if *chatty {
fmt.Printf("=== RUN %s\n", t.name)
go tRunner(t, &tests[i])
out := (<-t.signal).(*T)
if out == nil { // Parallel run.
go func() {
collector <- <-t.signal
ok = ok && !out.failed
running := 0
for numParallel+running > 0 {
if running < *parallel && numParallel > 0 {
startParallel <- true
t := (<-collector).(*T)
ok = ok && !t.failed
// before runs before all testing.
func before() {
if *memProfileRate > 0 {
runtime.MemProfileRate = *memProfileRate
if *cpuProfile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuProfile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: %s", err)
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: can't start cpu profile: %s", err)
// Could save f so after can call f.Close; not worth the effort.
// after runs after all testing.
func after() {
if *cpuProfile != "" {
pprof.StopCPUProfile() // flushes profile to disk
if *memProfile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*memProfile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: %s", err)
if err = pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: can't write %s: %s", *memProfile, err)
var timer *time.Timer
// startAlarm starts an alarm if requested.
func startAlarm() {
if *timeout > 0 {
timer = time.AfterFunc(*timeout, alarm)
// stopAlarm turns off the alarm.
func stopAlarm() {
if *timeout > 0 {
// alarm is called if the timeout expires.
func alarm() {
panic("test timed out")
func parseCpuList() {
if len(*cpuListStr) == 0 {
cpuList = append(cpuList, runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1))
} else {
for _, val := range strings.Split(*cpuListStr, ",") {
cpu, err := strconv.Atoi(val)
if err != nil || cpu <= 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "testing: invalid value %q for -test.cpu", val)
cpuList = append(cpuList, cpu)

src/pkg/go/doc/testdata/testing.out vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
// Package testing provides support for automated testing of Go ...
PACKAGE testing
// An internal function but exported because it is cross-package; ...
func Main(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest, benchmarks []InternalBenchmark, examples []InternalExample)
// An internal function but exported because it is cross-package; ...
func RunBenchmarks(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), benchmarks []InternalBenchmark)
func RunExamples(examples []InternalExample) (ok bool)
func RunTests(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest) (ok bool)
// Short reports whether the -test.short flag is set.
func Short() bool
// B is a type passed to Benchmark functions to manage benchmark ...
type B struct {
N int
// contains filtered or unexported fields
// Error is equivalent to Log() followed by Fail().
func (c *B) Error(args ...interface{})
// Errorf is equivalent to Logf() followed by Fail().
func (c *B) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
// Fail marks the function as having failed but continues ...
func (c *B) Fail()
// FailNow marks the function as having failed and stops its ...
func (c *B) FailNow()
// Failed returns whether the function has failed.
func (c *B) Failed() bool
// Fatal is equivalent to Log() followed by FailNow().
func (c *B) Fatal(args ...interface{})
// Fatalf is equivalent to Logf() followed by FailNow().
func (c *B) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
// Log formats its arguments using default formatting, analogous ...
func (c *B) Log(args ...interface{})
// Logf formats its arguments according to the format, analogous ...
func (c *B) Logf(format string, args ...interface{})
// ResetTimer sets the elapsed benchmark time to zero. It does not ...
func (b *B) ResetTimer()
// SetBytes records the number of bytes processed in a single ...
func (b *B) SetBytes(n int64)
// StartTimer starts timing a test. This function is called ...
func (b *B) StartTimer()
// StopTimer stops timing a test. This can be used to pause the ...
func (b *B) StopTimer()
// The results of a benchmark run.
type BenchmarkResult struct {
N int // The number of iterations.
T time.Duration // The total time taken.
Bytes int64 // Bytes processed in one iteration.
// Benchmark benchmarks a single function. Useful for creating ...
func Benchmark(f func(b *B)) BenchmarkResult
func (r BenchmarkResult) NsPerOp() int64
func (r BenchmarkResult) String() string
// An internal type but exported because it is cross-package; part ...
type InternalBenchmark struct {
Name string
F func(b *B)
type InternalExample struct {
Name string
F func()
Output string
// An internal type but exported because it is cross-package; part ...
type InternalTest struct {
Name string
F func(*T)
// T is a type passed to Test functions to manage test state and ...
type T struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
// Error is equivalent to Log() followed by Fail().
func (c *T) Error(args ...interface{})
// Errorf is equivalent to Logf() followed by Fail().
func (c *T) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
// Fail marks the function as having failed but continues ...
func (c *T) Fail()
// FailNow marks the function as having failed and stops its ...
func (c *T) FailNow()
// Failed returns whether the function has failed.
func (c *T) Failed() bool
// Fatal is equivalent to Log() followed by FailNow().
func (c *T) Fatal(args ...interface{})
// Fatalf is equivalent to Logf() followed by FailNow().
func (c *T) Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})
// Log formats its arguments using default formatting, analogous ...
func (c *T) Log(args ...interface{})
// Logf formats its arguments according to the format, analogous ...
func (c *T) Logf(format string, args ...interface{})
// Parallel signals that this test is to be run in parallel with ...
func (t *T) Parallel()