add some words (written by rsc) about the state of typed constants.

DELTA=31  (31 added, 0 deleted, 0 changed)
This commit is contained in:
Rob Pike 2009-03-24 19:16:42 -07:00
parent fcd536d801
commit 21d03496e7

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@ -2950,6 +2950,37 @@ floating point variable, while <code>-1e12</code> can be assigned to a
but not <code>uint64</code> or <code>string</code>.
If a typed constant expression evaluates to a value that is not
representable by that type, the compiler reports an error.
uint8(-1) // error, out of range
uint8(100) * 100 // error, out of range
The size of the mask used by the unary bitwise complement
operator in a typed constant expression is equal to the size of the
expression's type. In an ideal constant expression, the bitwise
complement operator inverts all the bits, producing a negative value.
^1 // ideal constant, equal to -2
uint8(^1) // error, same as uint8(-2), out of range
^uint8(1) // typed uint8 constant, same as 0xFF ^ uint8(1) = uint8(0xFE)
int8(^1) // same as int8(-2)
^int8(1) // error, same as 0xFF ^ int8(1) = int8(0xFE), out of range
TODO: perhaps ^ should be disallowed on non-uints instead of assuming twos complement.
Also it may be possible to make typed constants more like variables, at the cost of fewer
overflow etc. errors being caught.