
376 lines
7.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

=========== ./args.go
=========== ./char_lit.go
=========== ./float_lit.go
=========== ./for.go
=========== ./func.go
=========== ./func1.go
func1.go:12: var a redeclared in this block
previous declaration at func1.go:12
=========== ./hashmap.go
=========== ./helloworld.go
hello, world
=========== ./if.go
=========== ./if1.go
=========== ./int_lit.go
=========== ./iota.go
=========== ./literal.go
2008-06-13 16:09:22 +00:00
=========== ./nil.go
=========== ./peano.go
0! = 1
1! = 1
2! = 2
3! = 6
4! = 24
5! = 120
6! = 720
7! = 5040
8! = 40320
9! = 362880
10! = 3628800
=========== ./readfile.go
=========== ./sieve.go
=========== ./simassign.go
=========== ./string_lit.go
=========== ./switch.go
=========== ./switch1.go
=========== ./test0.go
=========== ./turing.go
Hello World!
=========== ./utf.go
=========== ken/for.go
=========== ken/interfun.go
=========== ken/intervar.go
print 1 bio 2 file 3 -- abc
=========== ken/label.go
=========== ken/litfun.go
=========== ken/mfunc.go
=========== ken/ptrfun.go
=========== ken/ptrvar.go
=========== ken/rob1.go
=========== ken/rob2.go
(defn foo (add 12 34))
=========== ken/robfor.go
=========== ken/robfunc.go
=========== ken/robif.go
=========== ken/robiota.go
=========== ken/simparray.go
=========== ken/simpbool.go
=========== ken/simpconv.go
=========== ken/simpfun.go
=========== ken/simpprint.go
hello world
=========== ken/simpswitch.go
=========== ken/simpvar.go
=========== ken/string.go
=========== ken/strvar.go
=========== chan/fifo.go
2008-07-17 18:15:11 +00:00
=========== chan/nonblock.go
=========== chan/powser1.go
=========== chan/sieve.go
=========== bugs/bug010.go
2008-07-07 17:03:10 +00:00
bugs/bug010.go:13: error in shape across CALL
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug015.go
BUG: known to succeed incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug025.go
2008-07-07 17:03:10 +00:00
bugs/bug025.go:7: variable exported but not defined: Foo
BUG: bad exit status - should be 1 - plus extra newline in message
=========== bugs/bug026.go
2008-06-30 23:30:53 +00:00
sys·printstring: main·sigs_I: not defined
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug027.go
2008-06-16 18:36:23 +00:00
bugs/bug027.go:50: illegal types for operand: CONV
bugs/bug027.go:50: illegal types for operand: CONV
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug029.go
BUG: known to succeed incorrectly
2008-06-07 00:02:55 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug032.go
2008-06-07 00:05:53 +00:00
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
2008-06-07 00:02:55 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug033.go
2008-06-07 00:05:53 +00:00
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
2008-06-07 00:02:55 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug034.go
2008-06-07 00:05:53 +00:00
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
2008-06-07 00:02:55 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug041.go
BUG: compilation succeeds incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug042.go
bugs/bug042.go:6: syntax error
2008-06-07 00:50:46 +00:00
BUG: compilation should succeed
2008-06-11 19:07:43 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug046.go
bugs/bug046.go:7: illegal <this> pointer
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
2008-06-16 22:18:10 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug047.go
bugs/bug047.go:13: illegal types for operand: CONV
bugs/bug047.go:16: illegal types for operand: CONV
bugs/bug047.go:13: illegal types for operand: CONV
bugs/bug047.go:16: illegal types for operand: CONV
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug048.go
bugs/bug048.go:7: illegal types for operand: CONV
bugs/bug048.go:8: syntax error
2008-07-04 01:10:54 +00:00
bugs/bug048.go:7: illegal types for operand: CONV
2008-06-16 22:18:10 +00:00
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
2008-06-17 23:04:33 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug052.go
=========== bugs/bug053.go
bugs/bug053.go:6: syntax error
BUG: len should not be a keyword
=========== bugs/bug054.go
2008-07-17 18:15:11 +00:00
. CALL u(100) l(286) <Element>I{}
. . NAME-Vector_At G0 a(1) l(273) 111({},{}){}
. . AS u(1) l(286)
. . . INDREG a(1) l(286) v G0 *<Vector>{}
. . . DOTPTR u(1) l(286) *<Vector>{}
. . . . NAME-s G349 a(1) g(349) l(282) *<TStruct>{}
. . . . NAME-fields G0 a(1) l(279)
. . AS u(1) l(286)
. . . INDREG a(1) l(286) i G350 <int32>INT32
. . . NAME-i G350 a(1) g(350) l(282) <int32>INT32
bugs/bug054.go:25: fatal error: agen_inter i2s
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug057.go
bugs/bug057.go:13: syntax error
BUG: compilation should succeed
2008-06-28 18:38:07 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug060.go
BUG: crashes
=========== bugs/bug061.go
bugs/bug061.go:7: illegal types for operand: SLICE
bugs/bug061.go:7: illegal types for operand: AS
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
2008-07-02 01:06:00 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug062.go
BUG: known to succeed incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug063.go
2008-07-03 23:48:59 +00:00
bugs/bug063.go:5: illegal combination of literals XOR 7
bugs/bug063.go:5: expression must be a constant
BUG: should compile without problems
2008-07-03 23:48:59 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug064.go
bugs/bug064.go:15: illegal types for operand: CALL
BUG: compilation should succeed
2008-07-15 17:49:26 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug068.go
bugs/bug068.go:6: unknown escape sequence: '
BUG: compilation should succeed
=========== bugs/bug070.go
outer loop top k 0
inner loop top i 0
do break
outer loop top k 1
k not zero
2008-07-17 18:15:11 +00:00
panic on line 271 PC=0x1362
2008-07-15 17:49:26 +00:00
2008-07-18 19:26:48 +00:00
main·main(1, 0, 1606416424, ...)
main·main(0x1, 0x7fff5fbff828, 0x0, ...)
2008-07-15 17:49:26 +00:00
BUG: crashes
2008-07-18 19:26:48 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug072.go
=========== bugs/bug073.go
BUG: should not compile
2008-07-17 18:15:11 +00:00
2008-07-25 19:20:14 +00:00
=========== bugs/bug074.go
=========== bugs/bug075.go
bugs/bug075.go:11: bad shape across assignment - cr=1 cl=2
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug076.go
bugs/bug076.go:11: label redeclared: exit
BUG: known to fail incorrectly
=========== bugs/bug077.go
BUG: known to succeed incorrectly
=========== fixedbugs/bug000.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug001.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug002.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug003.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug004.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug005.go
2008-07-07 17:03:10 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug006.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug007.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug008.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug009.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug011.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug012.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug013.go
2008-06-24 00:13:33 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug014.go
2008-06-09 02:21:16 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug016.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug017.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug020.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug021.go
2008-07-07 17:03:10 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug022.go
2008-07-07 17:17:52 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug023.go
2008-06-09 00:19:11 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug024.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug028.go
2008-06-24 00:13:33 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug030.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug031.go
2008-07-07 17:03:10 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug035.go
fixedbugs/bug035.go:6: var i redeclared in this block
previous declaration at fixedbugs/bug035.go:5
fixedbugs/bug035.go:7: var f redeclared in this block
previous declaration at fixedbugs/bug035.go:5
2008-06-24 00:13:33 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug036.go
2008-07-07 17:03:10 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug037.go
fixedbugs/bug037.go:6: vlong: undefined
2008-07-17 18:15:11 +00:00
fixedbugs/bug037.go:6: fatal error: addvar: n=NAME-s G0 a(1) l(267) t=<T> nil
2008-07-07 17:03:10 +00:00
2008-06-24 00:13:33 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug038.go
2008-07-07 17:03:10 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug039.go
fixedbugs/bug039.go:6: var x redeclared in this block
previous declaration at fixedbugs/bug039.go:5
2008-06-24 00:13:33 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug040.go
2008-07-07 17:03:10 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug043.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug044.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug045.go
2008-07-25 19:20:14 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug049.go
2008-07-07 17:17:52 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug050.go
fixedbugs/bug050.go:3: package statement must be first
sys.6:1 fixedbugs/bug050.go:3: syntax error
2008-07-07 17:03:10 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug051.go
fixedbugs/bug051.go:10: expression must be a constant
2008-07-17 18:15:11 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug055.go
2008-07-04 01:10:54 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug056.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug058.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug059.go
2008-07-08 01:07:31 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug065.go
2008-07-17 18:15:11 +00:00
2008-07-19 22:08:56 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug066.go
=========== fixedbugs/bug067.go
2008-07-17 18:15:11 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug069.go
2008-07-18 19:26:48 +00:00
=========== fixedbugs/bug071.go