Migrated IPv6 announces to use our logic to craft BGP IPv6 Unicast announces

This commit is contained in:
Pavel Odintsov 2024-07-14 19:13:50 +03:00
parent 742cbcae50
commit af49358307
2 changed files with 207 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -124,4 +124,202 @@ bool GrpcClient::AnnounceUnicastPrefixIPv4(std::string announced_address,
return true;
// Announce unicast or flow spec
bool GrpcClient::AnnounceCommonPrefix(dynamic_binary_buffer_t binary_nlri,
std::vector<dynamic_binary_buffer_t> bgp_attributes,
bool is_withdrawal,
unsigned int afi,
unsigned int safi) {
// We're not going to free this memory and we delegate it to gRPC
// but we need to tell about it to PVS
//+V773:SUPPRESS, class:Path, namespace:apipb
apipb::Path* current_path = new apipb::Path;
if (is_withdrawal) {
// We're not going to free this memory and we delegate it to gRPC
// but we need to tell about it to PVS
//+V773:SUPPRESS, class:Family, namespace:apipb
auto route_family = new apipb::Family;
if (afi == AFI_IP) {
} else if (afi == AFI_IP6) {
} else {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::ERROR << "Unknown AFI";
return false;
if (safi == SAFI_UNICAST) {
} else if (safi == SAFI_FLOW_SPEC_UNICAST) {
} else {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::ERROR << "Unknown SAFI";
return false;
current_path->set_nlri_binary(binary_nlri.get_pointer(), binary_nlri.get_used_size());
for (auto bgp_attribute : bgp_attributes) {
current_path->add_pattrs_binary(bgp_attribute.get_pointer(), bgp_attribute.get_used_size());
apipb::AddPathRequest request;
grpc::ClientContext context;
// Set timeout for API
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point deadline =
std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(gobgp_client_connection_timeout);
apipb::AddPathResponse response;
// Don't be confused by name, it also can withdraw announces
auto status = stub_->AddPath(&context, request, &response);
if (!status.ok()) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::ERROR << "AddPath request to BGP daemon failed with code: " << status.error_code()
<< " message " << status.error_message();
return false;
return true;
bool GrpcClient::AnnounceUnicastPrefixLowLevelIPv6(const IPv6UnicastAnnounce& unicast_ipv6_announce, bool is_withdrawal) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::INFO << "Send IPv6 " << (is_withdrawal ? "withdrawal " : "")
<< "unicast announce to BGP daemon: " << unicast_ipv6_announce.print();
// We need to prepare very fancy NLRI first: https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/issues/2673
// To be more specific:
// https://github.com/fujita/gobgp/blob/7e4d9a0e89b1fc5e4fc9865b7b6431a00dcb60e2/pkg/server/grpc_server_test.go#L48
// And implementation details:
// https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/pkg/packet/bgp/bgp.go#L1501
// https://github.com/osrg/gobgp/blob/master/pkg/packet/bgp/bgp.go#L1440
dynamic_binary_buffer_t ipv6_nlri{};
if (!encode_ipv6_prefix(unicast_ipv6_announce.get_prefix(), ipv6_nlri)) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::ERROR << "Cannot encode prefix for IPv6 NLRI";
return false;
// Normally, vector should be ordered in ascending order of attribute types
// with the only exception for bgp_mp_reach_ipv6_attribute
std::vector<dynamic_binary_buffer_t> bgp_attributes;
dynamic_binary_buffer_t bgp_mp_reach_ipv6_attribute;
bool craft_ipv6_mpreach_nlri_result =
encode_ipv6_announces_into_bgp_mp_reach_attribute(unicast_ipv6_announce, bgp_mp_reach_ipv6_attribute);
if (!craft_ipv6_mpreach_nlri_result) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::ERROR << "Can't encode MP reach NLRI for IPv6 announce";
return false;
logger << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "IPv6 MP reach NLRI attribute size is: " << bgp_mp_reach_ipv6_attribute.get_used_size();
bgp_attribute_origin origin_attr;
dynamic_binary_buffer_t origin_as_binary_array;
// It has attribute #1 and will be first in all the cases
// TODO: this logic is copied as is from get_attributes() of IPv4 announces
// We need to try ways to unify logic to craft such announces
// AS Path should be here and it's #2
if (unicast_ipv6_announce.as_path_asns.size() > 0) {
// We have ASNs for AS_PATH attribute
bgp_attribute_as_path_t bgp_attribute_as_path;
// Populate attribute length
bgp_attribute_as_path.attribute_length =
sizeof(bgp_as_path_segment_element_t) + unicast_ipv6_announce.as_path_asns.size() * sizeof(uint32_t);
logger << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "AS_PATH attribute length: " << uint32_t(bgp_attribute_as_path.attribute_length);
uint32_t as_path_attribute_full_length = sizeof(bgp_attribute_as_path_t) + bgp_attribute_as_path.attribute_length;
logger << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "AS_PATH attribute full length: " << as_path_attribute_full_length;
dynamic_binary_buffer_t as_path_as_binary_array;
// Append attribute header
bgp_as_path_segment_element_t bgp_as_path_segment_element;
// Numbers of ASNs in list
bgp_as_path_segment_element.path_segment_length = unicast_ipv6_announce.as_path_asns.size();
logger << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG
<< "AS_PATH segments number: " << uint32_t(bgp_as_path_segment_element.path_segment_length);
// Append segment header
logger << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "AS_PATH ASN numner: " << unicast_ipv6_announce.as_path_asns.size();
for (auto asn : unicast_ipv6_announce.as_path_asns) {
// Append all ASNs in big endian encoding
uint32_t asn_big_endian = fast_hton(asn);
if (as_path_as_binary_array.is_failed()) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::ERROR << "Issue with storing AS_PATH";
auto community_list = unicast_ipv6_announce.get_communities();
if (!community_list.empty()) {
// TODO: I copied this code from bgp_protocol.cpp from get_attributes() function. I think we can unify it
// We have communities
bgp_attribute_community_t bgp_attribute_community;
// Each record has this of 4 bytes
bgp_attribute_community.attribute_length = community_list.size() * sizeof(bgp_community_attribute_element_t);
uint32_t community_attribute_full_length = sizeof(bgp_attribute_community_t) + bgp_attribute_community.attribute_length;
dynamic_binary_buffer_t communities_list_as_binary_array;
for (auto bgp_community_element : community_list) {
// Encode they in network byte order
// Community is attribute #8
// Normally NLRI is empty for IPv6 announces but GoBGP uses pretty unusual approach to encode it described on top of this function
return AnnounceCommonPrefix(ipv6_nlri, bgp_attributes, is_withdrawal, AFI_IP6, SAFI_UNICAST);

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include <grpc/grpc.h>
#include <grpc++/channel.h>
#include "../bgp_protocol.hpp"
#include "../fastnetmon_networks.hpp"
@ -45,11 +47,18 @@ class GrpcClient {
GrpcClient(std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> channel);
// Announce unicast or flow spec
bool AnnounceCommonPrefix(dynamic_binary_buffer_t binary_nlri,
std::vector<dynamic_binary_buffer_t> bgp_attributes,
bool is_withdrawal,
unsigned int afi,
unsigned int safi);
bool AnnounceUnicastPrefixIPv4(std::string announced_address,
std::string announced_prefix_nexthop,
bool is_withdrawal,
unsigned int cidr_mask,
uint32_t community_as_32bit_int);
bool AnnounceUnicastPrefixLowLevelIPv6(const IPv6UnicastAnnounce& unicast_ipv6_announce, bool is_withdrawal);
std::unique_ptr<apipb::GobgpApi::Stub> stub_;