We've moved to new unified intallation tool: https://fastnetmon.com/install/

This commit is contained in:
Pavel Odintsov 2022-04-03 15:34:39 +01:00
parent 2283d81979
commit 6625db4bc0

View File

@ -3,569 +3,16 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
print "Hello!\n\n";
print "Thank you for interest in FastNetMon Community\n";
print "We've moved to new installer tool documented here: https://fastnetmon.com/install/\n";
my $have_ansi_color = '';
print "\n";
# We should handle cases when customer does not have perl modules package installed
unless (eval "use Term::ANSIColor") {
# warn "Cannot load module Term::ANSIColor";
} else {
$have_ansi_color = 1;
print "To start installation procedure please do following: \n\n";
print "wget https://install.fastnetmon.com/installer -Oinstaller\n";
print "sudo chmod +x installer\n";
print "sudo ./installer -install_community_edition\n";
my $os_type = '';
my $distro_type = '';
my $distro_version = '';
my $distro_architecture = '';
# Used for VyOS and different appliances based on rpm/deb
my $appliance_name = '';
my $user_email = '';
my $install_log_path = "/tmp/fastnetmon_install_$$.log";
if (defined($ENV{'CI'}) && $ENV{'CI'}) {
$install_log_path = "/tmp/fastnetmon_install.log";
# So, you could disable this option but without this feature we could not improve FastNetMon for your distribution
my $do_not_track_me = '';
sub send_tracking_information {
my $step = shift;
unless ($do_not_track_me) {
my $stats_url = "";
my $post_data = "distro_type=$distro_type&os_type=$os_type&distro_version=$distro_version&distro_architecture=$distro_architecture&step=$step&user_email=$user_email";
my $user_agent = 'FastNetMon install tracker v1';
`wget --post-data="$post_data" --user-agent="$user_agent" -q '$stats_url' -O /dev/null`;
sub send_ga_event {
my $step = shift;
unless ($do_not_track_me) {
`wget "https://www.google-analytics.com/collect?tid=UA-83642378-1&t=event&ec=fastnetmon_community&ea=$step&v=1&cid=0" -q -O /dev/null`;
# die wrapper to send message to tracking server
sub fast_die {
my $message = shift;
print "$message Please share $install_log_path with FastNetMon team at GitHub to get help: https://github.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon/issues/new\n";
# Report failed installs
# Send detailed report about issue to Sentry
unless ($do_not_track_me) {
system("SENTRY_DSN=https://121eca215532431cb7521eafdbca23d3:292cfd7ac2af46a7bc32356141e62592\@sentry.io/1504559 /opt/sentry-cli " .
" send-event -m \"$message\" --logfile $install_log_path");
my $show_help = '';
my $install_ci_packages = '';
# Get options from command line
'do-not-track-me' => \$do_not_track_me,
'install-ci-packages' => \$install_ci_packages,
'help' => \$show_help,
# Export all meaningful customer facing flags to Sentry for better failure tracking
$ENV{'do-not-track-me'} = $do_not_track_me;
if ($show_help) {
print "Available options:\n\n--do-not-track-me\tDisables anonymous installation tracking\n--install-ci-packages\tInstalls packages directly from CI\n--help\n\n If you're looking for more options, please use fastnetmon_build.pl instead\n";
exit (0);
if (defined($ENV{'CI'}) && $ENV{'CI'}) {
$do_not_track_me = 1;
# Applies colors to terminal if we have this module
sub fast_color {
if ($have_ansi_color) {
sub welcome_message {
# Clear screen
print "\033[2J";
# Jump to 0.0 position
print "\033[0;0H";
print fast_color('bold green');
print "Hi there!\n\n";
print fast_color('reset');
print "We need few minutes of your time for installing FastNetMon Community\n\n";
print "Also, we have ";
print fast_color('bold cyan');
print "FastNetMon Advanced";
print fast_color('reset');
print " version with big number of improvements: ";
print fast_color('bold cyan');
print "https://fastnetmon.com/fastnetmon-advanced/?utm_source=community_install_script&utm_medium=email\n\n";
print fast_color('reset');
print "You could order free one-month trial for Advanced version here ";
print fast_color('bold cyan');
print "https://fastnetmon.com/trial/?utm_source=community_install_script&utm_medium=email\n\n";
print fast_color('reset');
print "In case of any issues with install script please use ";
print fast_color('bold cyan');
print "https://fastnetmon.com/contact/?utm_source=community_install_script&utm_medium=email";
print fast_color('reset');
print " to report them\n\n";
sub get_user_email {
# http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/#Default-Environment-Variables
if (defined($ENV{'TRAVIS'}) && $ENV{'TRAVIS'}) {
# https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/env-vars/
if (defined($ENV{'CI'}) && $ENV{'CI'}) {
my $user_entered_valid_email = 0;
do {
print "\n";
print "Please provide your business email address to receive important information about security updates\n";
print "In addition, we can send promotional messages to this email (very rare)\n";
print "You can find our privacy policy here https://fastnetmon.com/privacy-policy/\n";
print "We will provide an option to disable any email from us\n";
print "We will not share your email with any third party companies.\n\n";
print "If you continue install process you accept our subscription rules automatically\n\n";
print "Email: ";
my $raw_email = <STDIN>;
chomp $raw_email;
if ($raw_email =~ /\@/ && length $raw_email > 3) {
$user_entered_valid_email = 1;
$user_email = $raw_email;
} else {
print "Sorry you have entered invalid email, please try again!\n";
} while !$user_entered_valid_email;
print "\nThank you so much!\n\n";
# Installs Sentry for error tracking
sub install_sentry {
my $machine_arch = `uname -m`;
chomp $machine_arch;
my $download_res = system("wget --quiet 'https://downloads.sentry-cdn.com/sentry-cli/1.46.0/sentry-cli-Linux-$machine_arch' -O/opt/sentry-cli");
if ($download_res != 0) {
warn "Cannot download Sentry";
system("chmod +x /opt/sentry-cli");
### Functions start here
sub main {
# Open log file
open my $global_log, ">", $install_log_path or warn "Cannot open log file: $! $install_log_path";
print {$global_log} "Install started";
# Set environment variables to collect more information about installation failures
$ENV{'FASTNETMON_DISTRO_TYPE'} = $distro_type;
$ENV{'FASTNETMON_DISTRO_VERSION'} = $distro_version;
$ENV{'FASTNETMON_USER'} = $user_email;
my $stable_release_version = '1.2.0';
my $development_release_version = '1.2.1';
my $download_path = "https://community-downloads.fastnetmon.com/releases/$stable_release_version";
if ($install_ci_packages) {
# Dev version has release version incremented by one
$stable_release_version = $development_release_version;
$download_path = "https://storage.googleapis.com/fastnetmon_community_packages/$stable_release_version";
print "We will install FastNetMon $stable_release_version using binary packages built from master branch via CI\n";
} else {
print "We will install FastNetMon $stable_release_version using official binary packages for stable release\n";
if ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
fast_die("I'm sorry but we do not support FreeBSD in official builds but we offer official FreeBSD port, please check it instead");
} elsif ($os_type eq 'macosx') {
fast_die("I'm sorry but we do not support macos in current version, please raise GitHub issue if you want support for it: https://github.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon");
} elsif ($os_type eq 'linux') {
if ($distro_type eq 'ubuntu') {
my $ubuntu_package_name = "fastnetmon_${stable_release_version}_amd64.deb";
if ($distro_version =~ m/^14\.04/) {
print "Install dependencies\n";
exec_command("LANG=C apt-get update");
exec_command("LANG=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" libpcap0.8 libatomic1");
print "Download FastNetMon\n";
my $curl_res = system("LANG=C wget -q $download_path/ubuntu/14.04/$ubuntu_package_name -O$ubuntu_package_name");
if ($curl_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot download FastNetMon package");
print "Install FastNetMon\n";
my $res = system("LANG=C dpkg -i $ubuntu_package_name >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
if ($res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot install FastNetMon package with error code $res");
} elsif ($distro_version =~ m/^16\.04/) {
print "Refresh repositories\n";
exec_command("LANG=C apt-get update");
print "Download FastNetMon\n";
my $curl_res = system("LANG=C wget -q $download_path/ubuntu/16.04/$ubuntu_package_name -O$ubuntu_package_name");
if ($curl_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot download FastNetMon package");
print "Install FastNetMon\n";
my $install_res = system("LANG=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" ./$ubuntu_package_name >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
if ($install_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot install FastNetMon package with error code $install_res");
} elsif ($distro_version =~ m/^18\.04/) {
print "Refresh repositories\n";
exec_command("LANG=C apt-get update");
print "Download FastNetMon\n";
my $curl_res = system("LANG=C wget -q $download_path/ubuntu/18.04/$ubuntu_package_name -O$ubuntu_package_name");
if ($curl_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot download FastNetMon package");
print "Install FastNetMon\n";
my $install_res = system("LANG=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" ./$ubuntu_package_name >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
if ($install_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot install FastNetMon package with error code $install_res");
} elsif ($distro_version =~ m/^20\.04/) {
print "Refresh repositories\n";
exec_command("LANG=C apt-get update");
print "Download FastNetMon\n";
my $curl_res = system("LANG=C wget -q $download_path/ubuntu/20.04/$ubuntu_package_name -O$ubuntu_package_name");
if ($curl_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot download FastNetMon package");
print "Install FastNetMon\n";
my $install_res = system("LANG=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" ./$ubuntu_package_name >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
if ($install_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot install FastNetMon package with error code $install_res");
} else {
fast_die("I'm sorry but we do not support Ubuntu $distro_version in current version, please check that you use LTS and stable distribution");
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'debian') {
my $debian_package_name = "fastnetmon_${stable_release_version}_amd64.deb";
if ($distro_version =~ m/^8\.?/) {
print "Install dependencies\n";
exec_command("LANG=C apt-get update");
exec_command("LANG=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" libpcap0.8 libatomic1");
print "Download FastNetMon\n";
my $curl_res = system("LANG=C wget -q $download_path/debian/8/$debian_package_name -O$debian_package_name");
if ($curl_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot download FastNetMon package");
print "Install FastNetMon\n";
my $res = system("LANG=C dpkg -i $debian_package_name >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
if ($res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot install FastNetMon package with error code $res");
} elsif ($distro_version =~ m/^9\.?/) {
print "Refresh repositories\n";
exec_command("LANG=C apt-get update");
print "Download FastNetMon\n";
my $curl_res = system("LANG=C wget -q $download_path/debian/9/$debian_package_name -O$debian_package_name");
if ($curl_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot download FastNetMon package");
print "Install FastNetMon\n";
my $install_res = system("LANG=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" ./$debian_package_name >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
if ($install_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot install FastNetMon package with error code $install_res");
} elsif ($distro_version =~ m/^10\.?/) {
print "Refresh repositories\n";
exec_command("LANG=C apt-get update");
print "Download FastNetMon\n";
my $curl_res = system("LANG=C wget -q $download_path/debian/10/$debian_package_name -O$debian_package_name");
if ($curl_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot download FastNetMon package");
print "Install FastNetMon\n";
my $install_res = system("LANG=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\" ./$debian_package_name >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
if ($install_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot install FastNetMon package with error code $install_res");
} else {
fast_die("I'm sorry but we do not support Debian $distro_version in current version, please check that you use stable version");
} elsif ($distro_type eq 'centos') {
if (int($distro_version) == 6) {
print "Download and install FastNetMon\n";
my $yum_install_res = system("LANG=C yum install -y $download_path/centos/6/fastnetmon-${stable_release_version}-1.el6.x86_64.rpm >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
if ($yum_install_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot install FastNetmon via yum with error code: $yum_install_res");
} elsif (int($distro_version) == 7) {
print "Download and install FastNetMon\n";
my $yum_install_res = system("LANG=C yum install -y $download_path/centos/7/fastnetmon-${stable_release_version}-1.el7.x86_64.rpm >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
if ($yum_install_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot install FastNetmon via yum with error code: $yum_install_res");
} elsif (int($distro_version) == 8) {
print "Download and install FastNetMon\n";
my $yum_install_res = system("LANG=C yum install -y $download_path/centos/8/fastnetmon-${stable_release_version}-1.el8.x86_64.rpm >> $install_log_path 2>&1");
if ($yum_install_res != 0) {
fast_die("Cannot install FastNetmon via yum with error code: $yum_install_res");
} else {
fast_die("I'm sorry but we do not support CentOS $distro_version in current version, please check that you use stable version");
} else {
fast_die("I'm sorry but we do not support your Linux distribution $distro_type. Please raise GitHub issue if you want support for it: https://github.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon");
} else {
fast_die("I'm sorry but we do not support your operating system $os_type. Please raise GitHub issue if you want support for it: https://github.com/pavel-odintsov/fastnetmon");
print "\n\n";
print "FastNetMon was installed and started successfully\n";
print "Below you can find some useful commands and paths\n\n";
print "Main configuration file: /etc/fastnetmon.conf\n";
print "Daemon restart command: systemctl restart fastnetmon or service restart fastnetmon\n";
print "Client tool: fastnetmon_client\n";
print "API client: fastnetmon_api_client\n";
print "Log file: /var/log/fastnetmon.log\n";
sub exec_command {
my $command = shift;
open my $fl, ">>", $install_log_path;
print {$fl} "We are calling command: $command\n\n";
my $output = `$command >> $install_log_path 2>&1`;
print {$fl} "Command finished with code $?\n\n";
if ($? == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return '';
# Detect operating system of this machine
sub detect_distribution {
# We use following global variables here:
# $os_type, $distro_type, $distro_version, $appliance_name
my $uname_s_output = `uname -s`;
chomp $uname_s_output;
# uname -a output examples:
# FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE FreeBSD 10.1-STABLE #0 r278618: Thu Feb 12 13:55:09 UTC 2015 root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/KERNELWITHNETMAP amd64
# Darwin MacBook-Pro-Pavel.local 14.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:26:53 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.40.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
# Linux ubuntu 3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 15 17:43:14 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
if ($uname_s_output =~ /FreeBSD/) {
$os_type = 'freebsd';
} elsif ($uname_s_output =~ /Darwin/) {
$os_type = 'macosx';
} elsif ($uname_s_output =~ /Linux/) {
$os_type = 'linux';
} else {
warn "Can't detect platform operating system\n";
if ($os_type eq 'linux') {
# x86_64 or i686
$distro_architecture = `uname -m`;
chomp $distro_architecture;
if (-e "/etc/debian_version") {
# Well, on this step it could be Ubuntu or Debian
# We need check issue for more details
my @issue = `cat /etc/issue`;
chomp @issue;
my $issue_first_line = $issue[0];
# Possible /etc/issue contents:
# Debian GNU/Linux 8 \n \l
# Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l
# Welcome to VyOS - \n \l
my $is_proxmox = '';
# Really hard to detect https://github.com/proxmox/pve-manager/blob/master/bin/pvebanner
for my $issue_line (@issue) {
if ($issue_line =~ m/Welcome to the Proxmox Virtual Environment/) {
$is_proxmox = 1;
$appliance_name = 'proxmox';
if ($issue_first_line =~ m/Debian/ or $is_proxmox) {
$distro_type = 'debian';
$distro_version = `cat /etc/debian_version`;
chomp $distro_version;
# Debian 6 example: 6.0.10
# We will try transform it to decimal number
if ($distro_version =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)\.\d+$/) {
$distro_version = $1;
} elsif ($issue_first_line =~ m/Ubuntu (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/) {
$distro_type = 'ubuntu';
$distro_version = $1;
} elsif ($issue_first_line =~ m/VyOS/) {
# Yes, VyOS is a Debian
$distro_type = 'debian';
$appliance_name = 'vyos';
my $vyos_distro_version = `cat /etc/debian_version`;
chomp $vyos_distro_version;
# VyOS have strange version and we should fix it
if ($vyos_distro_version =~ /^(\d+)\.\d+\.\d+$/) {
$distro_version = $1;
if (-e "/etc/redhat-release") {
$distro_type = 'centos';
my $distro_version_raw = `cat /etc/redhat-release`;
chomp $distro_version_raw;
# CentOS 6:
# CentOS release 6.6 (Final)
# CentOS 7:
# CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)
# Fedora release 21 (Twenty One)
if ($distro_version_raw =~ /(\d+)/) {
$distro_version = $1;
if (-e "/etc/gentoo-release") {
$distro_type = 'gentoo';
my $distro_version_raw = `cat /etc/gentoo-release`;
chomp $distro_version_raw;
unless ($distro_type) {
fast_die("This distro is unsupported, please do manual install");
print "We detected your OS as $distro_type Linux $distro_version\n";
} elsif ($os_type eq 'macosx') {
my $mac_os_versions_raw = `sw_vers -productVersion`;
chomp $mac_os_versions_raw;
if ($mac_os_versions_raw =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/) {
$distro_version = $1;
print "We detected your OS as Mac OS X $distro_version\n";
} elsif ($os_type eq 'freebsd') {
my $freebsd_os_version_raw = `uname -r`;
chomp $freebsd_os_version_raw;
if ($freebsd_os_version_raw =~ /^(\d+)\.?/) {
$distro_version = $1;
print "We detected your OS as FreeBSD $distro_version\n";
print "\n";