Added unban logic for new hash based counters

This commit is contained in:
Pavel Odintsov 2023-07-10 18:30:09 +01:00
parent f14b56c8ce
commit 34104f5f76

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@ -650,6 +650,137 @@ void convert_integer_to_conntrack_hash_struct(packed_session* packed_connection_
memcpy(unpacked_data, packed_connection_data, sizeof(uint64_t));
// This function returns true when attack for particular IPv6 or IPv4 address is finished
template <typename T>
requires std::is_same_v<T, subnet_ipv6_cidr_mask_t> ||
std::is_same_v<T, uint32_t> bool
attack_is_finished(const T& current_subnet,
abstract_subnet_counters_t<T, subnet_counter_t>& host_counters) {
std::string client_ip_as_string = convert_any_ip_to_string(current_subnet);
subnet_counter_t average_speed_element;
// Retrieve static counters
bool result = host_counters.get_average_speed(current_subnet, average_speed_element);
// I think it's fine even if we run in flexible counters mode as we must have some traffic tracked by static counters in any case
if (!result) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::INFO << "Could not find traffic speed for " << client_ip_as_string
<< " in traffic structure. But that's fine because it may be removed by cleanup logic. It means that "
"traffic is "
"zero for long time and we can unban host";
return true;
// Lookup network for IP as we need it for hostgorup lookup logic
subnet_cidr_mask_t customer_subnet;
bool lookup_result =
lookup_ip_in_integer_form_inpatricia_and_return_subnet_if_found(lookup_tree_ipv4, current_subnet, customer_subnet);
if (!lookup_result) {
// It's not critical, we can ignore it
logger << log4cpp::Priority::WARN << "Could not get customer's network for IP " << convert_ip_as_uint_to_string(current_subnet);
std::string host_group_name;
ban_settings_t current_ban_settings = get_ban_settings_for_this_subnet(customer_subnet, host_group_name);
attack_detection_threshold_type_t attack_detection_source;
attack_detection_direction_type_t attack_detection_direction;
bool should_block_static_thresholds = we_should_ban_this_entity(average_speed_element, current_ban_settings,
attack_detection_source, attack_detection_direction);
if (should_block_static_thresholds) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG << "Attack to IP " << client_ip_as_string
<< " is still going. We should not unblock this host";
// Well, we still see an attack, skip to next iteration
return false;
return true;
// Unbans host which are ready to it
void execute_unban_operation_ipv4() {
extern abstract_subnet_counters_t<uint32_t, subnet_counter_t> ipv4_host_counters;
extern blackhole_ban_list_t<uint32_t> ban_list_ipv4;
time_t current_time;
std::vector<uint32_t> ban_list_items_for_erase;
std::map<uint32_t, attack_details_t> ban_list_copy;
// Get whole ban list content atomically
for (auto itr = ban_list_copy.begin(); itr != ban_list_copy.end(); ++itr) {
uint32_t client_ip = itr->first;
// This IP should be banned permanently and we skip any processing
if (!itr->second.unban_enabled) {
// This IP banned manually and we should not unban it automatically
if (itr->second.attack_detection_source == attack_detection_source_t::Manual) {
double time_difference = difftime(current_time, itr->second.ban_timestamp);
int current_ban_time = itr->second.ban_time;
// Yes, we reached end of ban time for this customer
bool we_could_unban_this_ip = time_difference > current_ban_time;
// We haven't reached time for unban yet
if (!we_could_unban_this_ip) {
// Check about ongoing attack
if (unban_only_if_attack_finished) {
std::string client_ip_as_string = convert_ip_as_uint_to_string(client_ip);
if (!attack_is_finished(client_ip, ipv4_host_counters)) {
logger << log4cpp::Priority::INFO << "Skip unban operation for " << client_ip_as_string
<< " because attack is still active";
// Add this IP to remove list
// We will remove keys really after this loop
// Call all hooks for unban
subnet_ipv6_cidr_mask_t zero_ipv6_address;
// It's empty for unban
std::string flow_attack_details;
// These are empty too
boost::circular_buffer<simple_packet_t> simple_packets_buffer;
boost::circular_buffer<fixed_size_packet_storage_t> raw_packets_buffer;
call_blackhole_actions_per_host(attack_action_t::unban, itr->first, zero_ipv6_address, false, itr->second,
attack_detection_source_t::Automatic, flow_attack_details,
simple_packets_buffer, raw_packets_buffer);
// Remove all unbanned hosts from the ban list
for (auto ban_element_for_erase : ban_list_items_for_erase) {
// Unbans host which are ready to it
void execute_unban_operation_ipv6() {
time_t current_time;
@ -717,6 +848,8 @@ void execute_unban_operation_ipv6() {
/* Thread for cleaning up ban list */
void cleanup_ban_list() {
extern bool hash_counters;
// If we use very small ban time we should call ban_cleanup thread more often
if (unban_iteration_sleep_time > global_ban_time) {
unban_iteration_sleep_time = int(global_ban_time / 2);
@ -733,6 +866,14 @@ void cleanup_ban_list() {
time_t current_time;
if (hash_counters) {
} else {
std::vector<uint32_t> ban_list_items_for_erase;
for (std::map<uint32_t, banlist_item_t>::iterator itr = ban_list.begin(); itr != ban_list.end(); ++itr) {
@ -821,6 +962,8 @@ void cleanup_ban_list() {
// Unban IPv6 bans