Twitter Bootstrap

Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions.

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Designed for everyone, everywhere.

Built for and by nerds

We love building awesome products on the web just like you, so we made Bootstrap. No matter your skill level, use it as a complete kit or use to start something more complex.


Originally built with only modern browsers in mind, Bootstrap has evolved to include support for all major browsers (even IE7!) and, with Bootstrap 2, tablets and smartphones, too.

12-column grid

Grid systems aren't everything, but having a durable and flexible one at the core of your work can make development much simpler. Use our built-in grid classes or roll your own.

Responsive design

As of Bootstrap 2, our components are scaled according to a range of resolutions and devices to provide a consistent experience, no matter what.

Styleguide docs

Unlike other front-end toolkits, Bootstrap was designed first and foremost as a styleguide to document not only our features, but best practices and living, coded examples.

Growing library

Despite being only 10kb (gzipped), Bootstrap is one of the most complete front-end toolkits out there with dozens of fully functional components ready to be put to use.

Custom jQuery plugins

Easy-to-use, proper, and extensible interactions for many common components with custom-built jQuery plugins to bring your projects to life.

Built on LESS

Where vanilla CSS falters, LESS excels. Variables, nesting, operations, and mixins in LESS makes coding CSS faster and more efficient with minimal overhead.

Built with Bootstrap.