Completed move to use the hex* routines from M6::ARP::Util.

Still some cruft (use clauses, etc.) to remove.
This commit is contained in:
Steven Bakker 2011-03-29 16:21:30 +00:00
parent 444d2bbb45
commit 3075f32097

View File

@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
# A.Vijn, 2003-2004;
# S.Bakker, 2004-2010;
# * IP and MAC addresses are stored as HEX strings, use
# M6::ARP::Util::hex2{ip,mac} to convert to human-readable
# form.
package M6::ARP::Sponge;
@ -27,6 +33,7 @@ use NetPacket::ARP qw( ARP_OPCODE_REQUEST );
use NetPacket::IP;
use Net::ARP;
use Sys::Syslog;
use NetAddr::IP;
use Net::IPv4Addr qw( :all );
use IO::File;
use IO::Select;
@ -63,7 +70,7 @@ my %state_name_map = (
syslog_ident is_verbose is_dummy
queuedepth my_ip my_mac
network netmask loglevel
network prefixlen loglevel
arp_age gratuitous flood_protection
max_rate max_pending
@ -117,6 +124,11 @@ sub phys_device { shift->{'phys_device'} }
sub pending { shift->{'pending'} }
sub is_my_ip { $_[0]->{'ip_all'}->{$_[1]} }
sub is_my_ip_s { $_[0]->{'ip_all'}->{hex2ip($_[1])} }
sub my_ip_s { return hex2ip(shift->my_ip) }
sub network_s { return hex2ip(shift->network) }
sub my_mac_s { return hex2mac(shift->my_mac) }
sub state_atime { $_[0]->{state_atime}->{$_[1]} }
sub set_state_atime { $_[0]->{state_atime}->{$_[1]} = $_[2] }
@ -187,10 +199,10 @@ sub new {
($self->{'phys_device'}) = split(/:/, $self->{'device'});
if ($self->is_verbose) {
$self->verbose(1, "Device: ", $self->device, "\n");
$self->verbose(1, "Device: ", $self->phys_device, "\n");
$self->verbose(1, "MAC: ", $self->my_mac, "\n");
$self->verbose(1, "IP: ", $self->my_ip, "\n");
$self->sverbose(1, "Device: %s\n", $self->device);
$self->sverbose(1, "Device: %s\n", $self->phys_device);
$self->sverbose(1, "MAC: %s\n", hex2mac($self->my_mac));
$self->sverbose(1, "IP: %s\n", hex2ip($self->my_ip));
return $self;
@ -264,7 +276,7 @@ sub get_mac {
my $mac = Net::ARP::get_mac($dev);
#print STDERR "Net::ARP::get_mac($dev) -> \"$mac\"\n";
return mac2mac($mac);
return mac2hex($mac);
@ -281,7 +293,7 @@ sub get_ip_all {
while (<IFCONFIG>) {
if (/^.*inet addr:(\S+)/) {
push @ip, $1;
push @ip, ip2hex($1);
@ -304,7 +316,7 @@ sub get_ip {
if ($ip !~ s/^.*inet addr:(\S+).*$/$1/s) {
$ip = '';
return $ip;
return ip2hex($ip);
@ -316,7 +328,13 @@ sub get_ip {
sub is_my_network {
my ($self, $target_ip) = @_;
return ipv4_in_network($self->network, $self->netmask, $target_ip);
return hex_addr_in_net($target_ip, $self->network, $self->prefixlen);
sub is_my_network_s {
my ($self, $target_ip) = @_;
return hex_addr_in_net(ip2hex($target_ip),
$self->network, $self->prefixlen);
@ -329,7 +347,7 @@ sub is_my_network {
sub set_pending {
my ($self, $target_ip, $n) = @_;
my $state = $self->set_state($target_ip, PENDING($n));
$self->print_log("pending: %s (state %d)", $target_ip, $n);
$self->print_log("pending: %s (state %d)", hex2ip($target_ip), $n);
return $state;
@ -355,7 +373,11 @@ sub incr_pending {
sub send_probe {
my ($self, $target_ip) = @_;
$self->verbose(2, "Probing [dev=", $self->phys_device, "]: $target_ip\n");
if ($self->is_verbose >=2) {
"Probing [dev=%s]: %s\n", $self->phys_device, hex2ip($target_ip)
$self->set_state_atime($target_ip, time);
@ -377,7 +399,10 @@ sub send_probe {
sub gratuitous_arp {
my ($self, $ip) = @_;
$self->verbose(1, "Gratuitous ARP [dev=", $self->phys_device, "]: $ip\n");
if ($self->is_verbose) {
$self->sverbose(1, "Gratuitous ARP [dev=%s]: %s\n",
$self->phys_device, hex2ip($ip));
$self->set_state_atime($ip, time);
@ -402,12 +427,16 @@ sub send_reply {
$self->set_state_atime($src_ip, time);
# Figure out where to send the reply...
my $dst_mac = hex2mac($arp_obj->{sha});
my $dst_ip = hex2ip($arp_obj->{spa});
$self->verbose(1, "$src_ip: sponge reply to $dst_ip\@$dst_mac\n");
my $dst_mac_s = hex2mac($arp_obj->{sha});
my $dst_ip_s = hex2ip($arp_obj->{spa});
my $src_ip_s = hex2ip($src_ip);
if ($self->is_verbose) {
$self->sverbose(1, "%s: sponge reply to %s\@%s\n",
$src_ip_s, $dst_ip_s, $dst_mac_s);
return if $self->is_dummy;
Net::ARP::send_packet($self->phys_device, $src_ip, $dst_ip,
$self->my_mac, $dst_mac, 'reply'
Net::ARP::send_packet($self->phys_device, $src_ip_s, $dst_ip_s,
hex2mac($self->my_mac), $dst_mac_s, 'reply'
@ -421,7 +450,7 @@ sub set_dead {
my ($self, $ip) = @_;
my $rate = $self->queue->rate($ip) // 0.0;
$self->print_log("sponging: %s (%0.1f q/min)", $ip, $rate);
$self->print_log("sponging: %s (%0.1f q/min)", hex2ip($ip), $rate);
$self->gratuitous_arp($ip) if $self->gratuitous;
$self->set_state($ip, DEAD);
@ -443,26 +472,31 @@ sub set_alive {
my @arp = $self->arp_table($ip);
$mac //= $arp[0] // hex2mac(0);
$mac //= $arp[0] // '0000000000';
if ($self->get_state($ip) == DEAD) {
$self->print_log("unsponging: %s mac=%s", $ip, $mac);
$self->print_log("unsponging: ip=%s mac=%s", hex2ip($ip), hex2mac($mac));
elsif ($self->get_state($ip) >= PENDING(0)) {
$self->print_log("clearing: %s mac=%s", $ip, $mac);
$self->print_log("clearing: ip=%s mac=%s", hex2ip($ip), hex2mac($mac));
elsif ($self->queue->depth($ip) > 0) {
$self->verbose(1, "Clearing: $ip mac=$mac\n");
elsif ($self->is_verbose && $self->queue->depth($ip) > 0) {
"clearing: ip=%s mac=%s\n", hex2ip($ip), hex2mac($mac));
$self->set_state($ip, ALIVE);
if (!@arp) {
$self->verbose(1, "Learned: $ip new=$mac\n");
elsif ($arp[0] ne $mac) {
$self->verbose(1, "Flip: $ip new=$mac old=$arp[0]\n");
if ($self->is_verbose) {
if (!@arp) {
$self->sverbose(1, "learned: ip=%s mac=%s old=none\n",
hex2ip($ip), hex2mac($mac));
elsif ($arp[0] ne $mac) {
$self->sverbose(1, "learned: ip=%s mac=%s old=%s\n",
hex2ip($ip), hex2mac($mac), hex2mac($arp[0]));
$self->arp_table($ip, $mac, time);
@ -475,46 +509,46 @@ sub set_alive {
sub verbose {
my ($self, $verbose);
my ($self, $level, @args) = @_;
if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'M6::ARP::Sponge')) {
$self = shift;
$verbose = $self->is_verbose;
if ($self->is_verbose >= $level) {
print STDOUT strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", localtime(time)), @args;
$verbose = $::opt_verbose if ! $verbose;
my $level = shift;
if ($verbose >= $level) {
print STDOUT strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", localtime(time)), @_;
# $sponge->sverbose($level, $fmt, $arg, ...);
# Print the arguments to STDOUT if verbosity is at least $level.
# Functions like sprintf();
sub sverbose {
my ($self, $level, $fmt, @args) = @_;
if ($self->is_verbose >= $level) {
print STDOUT strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", localtime(time)),
sprintf($fmt, @args);
# $sponge->print_log_level($level, $format, ...);
# print_log_level($level, $format, ...);
sub print_log_level {
my ($self, $syslog);
if ( eval { $_[0]->isa('M6::ARP::Sponge') } ) {
$self = shift;
$syslog = $self->syslog_ident;
$syslog = $0 if ! length $syslog;
my ($self, $level, $format, @args) = @_;
my $syslog = $self->syslog_ident;
my ($level, $format, @args) = @_;
if ($self->is_dummy || $self->is_verbose > 0) {
print STDOUT strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", localtime(time));
print STDOUT $syslog, "[$$]: ";
chomp(my $msg = sprintf($format, @args));
print STDOUT $msg, "\n";
my $head = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", localtime(time))
. $syslog . "[$$]:";
print STDOUT map { "$head $_\n" } split(/\n/, sprintf($format, @args));
else {
openlog($syslog, 'cons,pid', 'user');
syslog($level, $format, @args);
$self->print_notify("[$$] $format", @args);
$self->print_notify($format, @args);