Adding new control for Galera cluster #150

This commit is contained in:
Jean-Marie 2016-04-05 05:16:52 -04:00
parent 2d483e6b75
commit 974bd03ddf

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@ -3030,7 +3030,7 @@ sub mariadb_galera {
infoprint "\t".trim($gvar). " = ".$myvar{$gvar};
infoprint "Galera Options:";
infoprint "Galera wsrep provider Options:";
my @galera_options=split /;/,$myvar{'wsrep_provider_options'} ;
remove_cr @galera_options;
@galera_options=remove_empty @galera_options;
@ -3054,13 +3054,46 @@ sub mariadb_galera {
my @nonInnoDbTables=select_array("select CONCAT(table_schema,CONCAT('.', table_name)) from information_schema.tables where ENGINE <> 'InnoDb' and table_schema not in ('mysql', 'performance_schema', 'information_schema')");
if (scalar (@nonInnoDbTables) > 0 ) {
badprint "Following table(s) are not InnoDB table:";
push @generalrec, "Ensure that all table(s) are InnoDB tabls for Galera replication";
foreach my $badtable( @nonInnoDbTables ) {
badprint "\t$badtable";
} else {
goodprint "All tables are InnoDB tables";
if ($myvar{'binlog_format'} ne 'ROW') {
badprint "Binlog format should be in ROW mode.";
push @adjvars, "binlog_format = ROW";
} else {
goodprint "Binlog format is in ROW mode.";
if ($myvar{'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit'} != 0 ) {
badprint "Innodb flush log at each commit should be disabled.";
push @adjvars, "innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0";
} else {
goodprint "Innodb flush log at each commit is disabled for Galera.";
infoprint "Read consistency mode :". $myvar{'wsrep_causal_reads'};
if ( defined($myvar{'wsrep_cluster_name'}) and $myvar{'wsrep_on'} eq "ON" ) {
goodprint "Galera WsREP is enabled.";
} else {
badprint "Galera Wsesp is disabled";
if ( defined($myvar{'wsrep_cluster_address'}) and trim("$myvar{'wsrep_cluster_address'}") ne "") {
goodprint "Galera Cluster address is defined: ".$myvar{'wsrep_cluster_address'};
} else {
badprint "Galera Cluster address is undefined";
push @adjvars, "set up wsrep_cluster_address variable for Galera replication";
if ( defined($myvar{'wsrep_cluster_name'}) and trim($myvar{'wsrep_cluster_name'}) ne "") {
goodprint "Galera Cluster name is defined: ".$myvar{'wsrep_cluster_name'};
} else {
badprint "Galera Cluster name is undefined";
push @adjvars, "set up wsrep_cluster_name variable for Galera replication";
# Recommendations for InnoDB