A bit of work on the html report template

This commit is contained in:
Tim Hughes 2018-11-30 13:06:49 +00:00
parent 3894c0be25
commit 69d4e2fbea
2 changed files with 117 additions and 147 deletions

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@ -6211,26 +6211,33 @@ sub dump_result {
if ( $opt{'reportfile'} ne 0 ) {
eval { require Text::Template };
eval { require JSON };
if ($@) {
badprint "Text::Template Module is needed.";
die "Text::Template Module is needed.";
my $vars = { 'data' => Dumper( \%result ) };
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
my $json_text = $json->pretty->encode( \%result );
my %vars = (
'data' => \%result,
'debug' => $json_text,
my $template;
no warnings 'once';
$template = Text::Template->new(
PREPEND => q{;},
SOURCE => $templateModel
SOURCE => $templateModel,
DELIMITERS => [ '[%', '%]' ]
) or die "Couldn't construct template: $Text::Template::ERROR";
open my $fh, q(>), $opt{'reportfile'}
or die
"Unable to open $opt{'reportfile'} in write mode. please check permissions for this file or directory";
$template->fill_in( HASH => $vars, OUTPUT => $fh );
$template->fill_in( HASH => \%vars, OUTPUT => $fh );
close $fh;
@ -6382,7 +6389,6 @@ You must provide the remote server's total memory when connecting to other serve
--pfstat Print Performance schema
--nopfstat Don't Print Performance schema
--verbose Prints out all options (default: no verbose, dbstat, idxstat, sysstat, tbstat, pfstat)
--bannedports Ports banned separated by comma(,)
--maxportallowed Number of ports opened allowed on this hosts
--cvefile <path> CVE File for vulnerability checks

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@ -1,153 +1,117 @@
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<h5>Report date: </h5>
<h5>Report host: </h5>
<h5>Server version: </h5>
<h5>Report date: [% localtime %]</h5>
<h5>Report host: [% $data{'Variables'}{'hostname'} %]</h5>
<h5>Report OS: [% $data{'OS'}{'OS Type'} %], Architecture:[% $data{'OS'}{'Architecture'} %], Ram: [% $data{'OS'}{'Physical Memory'}{'pretty'} %]</h5>
<h5>Server version: [% $data{'Variables'}{'version'} %], [% $data{'Variables'}{'version_compile_machine'} %], [% $data{'Status'}{'version_comment'} %]</h5>
foreach $i ( @{$data{'Recommendations'}} ) {
$OUT .= "<li>$i</li>";
<h3>Adjust variables</h3>
foreach $i ( @{$data{'Adjust variables'}} ) {
$OUT .= "<li>$i</li>";
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<h3>Raw Result Data Structure</h3>
<h5>Report date: </h5>
<h5>Report host: </h5>
<h5>Server version: </h5>
<pre class="code-pre"><code class="language-json" data-lang="json">[% $debug %]</code></pre>
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<span class="text-muted">MySQL Tuner 1.7.13</span>
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