Michael Kaufmann 12bf7db481
add language strings for configfiles
Signed-off-by: Michael Kaufmann <>
2022-03-18 10:28:02 +01:00

168 lines
5.1 KiB

* This file is part of the Froxlor project.
* Copyright (c) 2010 the Froxlor Team (see authors).
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
* file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the
* COPYING file online at
* @copyright (c) the authors
* @author Froxlor team <> (2010-)
* @license GPLv2
* @package Panel
* @since 0.9.34
const AREA = 'admin';
require __DIR__ . '/lib/init.php';
use Froxlor\Settings;
use Froxlor\UI\Panel\UI;
use Froxlor\UI\Request;
if ($userinfo['change_serversettings'] == '1') {
if ($action == 'setconfigured') {
Settings::Set('panel.is_configured', '1', true);
// get distro from URL param
$distribution = Request::get('distribution');
$distributions_select = [];
$services = [];
$config_dir = \Froxlor\FileDir::makeCorrectDir(\Froxlor\Froxlor::getInstallDir() . '/lib/configfiles/');
if (!empty($distribution)) {
if (!file_exists($config_dir . '/' . $distribution . ".xml")) {
\Froxlor\UI\Response::dynamic_error("Unknown distribution");
// create configparser object
$configfiles = new \Froxlor\Config\ConfigParser($config_dir . '/' . $distribution . ".xml");
// get distro-info
$dist_display = getCompleteDistroName($configfiles);
// get all the services from the distro
$services = $configfiles->getServices();
} else {
// show list of available distro's
$distros = glob($config_dir . '*.xml');
// read in all the distros
foreach ($distros as $_distribution) {
// get configparser object
$dist = new \Froxlor\Config\ConfigParser($_distribution);
// get distro-info
$dist_display = getCompleteDistroName($dist);
// store in tmp array
$distributions_select[str_replace(".xml", "", strtolower(basename($_distribution)))] = $dist_display;
// sort by distribution name
if ($distribution != "" && isset($_POST['finish'])) {
$params = $_POST;
$params['distro'] = $distribution;
$params['system'] = [];
foreach ($_POST['system'] as $sysdaemon) {
$params['system'][] = $sysdaemon;
$params_content = json_encode($params);
$params_filename = \Froxlor\FileDir::makeCorrectFile(\Froxlor\Froxlor::getInstallDir() . 'install/' . \Froxlor\Froxlor::genSessionId() . '.json');
file_put_contents($params_filename, $params_content);
UI::twigBuffer('settings/configuration-final.html.twig', [
'distribution' => $distribution,
// alert
'type' => 'info',
'alert_msg' => $lng['admin']['configfiles']['finishnote'],
'basedir' => \Froxlor\Froxlor::getInstallDir(),
'params_filename' => $params_filename
} else {
if (!empty($distribution)) {
// show available services to configure
$fields = $services;
$link_params = ['section' => 'configfiles', 'distribution' => $distribution];
UI::twigBuffer('settings/configuration.html.twig', [
'action' => $linker->getLink($link_params),
'fields' => $fields,
'distribution' => $distribution
} else {
// @fixme check set distribution from settings
$cfg_formfield = [
'config' => [
'title' => $lng['admin']['configfiles']['serverconfiguration'],
'image' => 'fa-solid fa-wrench',
'description' => $lng['admin']['configfiles']['description'],
'sections' => [
'section_config' => [
'fields' => [
'distribution' => ['type' => 'select', 'select_var' => $distributions_select, 'label' => $lng['admin']['configfiles']['distribution']]
'buttons' => [
'class' => 'btn-outline-secondary',
'label' => $lng['panel']['cancel'],
'type' => 'reset'
'label' => $lng['update']['proceed']
UI::twigBuffer('user/form-note.html.twig', [
'formaction' => $linker->getLink(array('section' => 'configfiles')),
'formdata' => $cfg_formfield['config'],
'actions_links' => (int) Settings::Get('panel.is_configured') == 0 ? [[
'href' => $linker->getLink(['section' => 'configfiles', 'page' => 'overview', 'action' => 'setconfigured']),
'label' => $lng['panel']['ihave_configured'],
'class' => 'btn-outline-warning',
'icon' => 'fa fa-circle-check'
]] : [],
// alert
'type' => 'warning',
'alert_msg' => $lng['panel']['settings_before_configuration'] . ((int)Settings::Get('panel.is_configured') == 1 ? '<br><br>' . $lng['panel']['system_is_configured'] : '')
} else {
function getCompleteDistroName($cparser)
// get distro-info
$dist_display = $cparser->distributionName;
if ($cparser->distributionCodename != '') {
$dist_display .= " " . $cparser->distributionCodename;
if ($cparser->distributionVersion != '') {
$dist_display .= " (" . $cparser->distributionVersion . ")";
if ($cparser->deprecated) {
$dist_display .= " [deprecated]";
return $dist_display;