2013-04-27 10:10:48 +03:00

174 lines
7.9 KiB

* This file is part of the Froxlor project.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 the SysCP Team (see authors).
* Copyright (c) 2010 the Froxlor Team (see authors).
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
* file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the
* COPYING file online at
* @copyright (c) the authors
* @author Florian Lippert <> (2003-2009)
* @author Froxlor team <> (2010-)
* @license GPLv2
* @package Panel
define('AREA', 'customer');
* Include our init.php, which manages Sessions, Language etc.
$intrafficpage = 1;
$traffic = '';
$month = null;
$year = null;
if (isset($_POST['month'])
&& isset($_POST['year'])
) {
$month = intval($_POST['month']);
$year = intval($_POST['year']);
} elseif (isset($_GET['month'])
&& isset($_GET['year'])
) {
$month = intval($_GET['month']);
$year = intval($_GET['year']);
//BAM! $_GET???
elseif (isset($_GET['page'])
&& $_GET['page'] == 'current'
) {
if (date('d') != '01') {
$month = date('m');
$year = date('Y');
} else {
if (date('m') == '01') {
$month = 12;
$year = date('Y') - 1;
} else {
$month = date('m') - 1;
$year = date('Y');
if (!is_null($month)
&& !is_null($year)) {
$traf['byte'] = 0;
$result = $db->query("SELECT
SUM(`http`) as 'http', SUM(`ftp_up`) AS 'ftp_up', SUM(`ftp_down`) as 'ftp_down', SUM(`mail`) as 'mail',
`day`, `month`, `year`
WHERE `customerid`='" . $userinfo['customerid'] . "'
AND `month` = '" . $month . "' AND `year` = '" . $year . "'
GROUP BY `day` ORDER BY `day` ASC");
$traffic_complete['http'] = 0;
$traffic_complete['ftp'] = 0;
$traffic_complete['mail'] = 0;
$show = '';
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$http = $row['http'];
$ftp = $row['ftp_up'] + $row['ftp_down'];
$mail = $row['mail'];
$traf['byte'] = $http + $ftp + $mail;
$traffic_complete['http'] += $http;
$traffic_complete['ftp'] += $ftp;
$traffic_complete['mail'] += $mail;
$traf['day'] = $row['day'] . '.';
if (extension_loaded('bcmath')) {
$traf['ftptext'] = bcdiv($row['ftp_up'], 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB up/ " . bcdiv($row['ftp_down'], 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB down (FTP)";
$traf['httptext'] = bcdiv($http, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB (HTTP)";
$traf['mailtext'] = bcdiv($mail, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB (Mail)";
$traf['ftp'] = bcdiv($ftp, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['http'] = bcdiv($http, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['mail'] = bcdiv($mail, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['byte'] = bcdiv($traf['byte'], 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
} else {
$traf['ftptext'] = round($row['ftp_up'] / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB up/ " . round($row['ftp_down'] / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB down (FTP)";
$traf['httptext'] = round($http / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB (HTTP)";
$traf['mailtext'] = round($mail / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB (Mail)";
$traf['http'] = round($http, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['ftp'] = round($ftp, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['mail'] = round($mail, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['byte'] = round($traf['byte'] / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
eval("\$traffic.=\"" . getTemplate('traffic/traffic_month') . "\";");
$show = $lng['traffic']['months'][intval($row['month'])] . ' ' . $row['year'];
if (extension_loaded('bcmath')) {
$traffic_complete['http'] = bcdiv($traffic_complete['http'], 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traffic_complete['ftp'] = bcdiv($traffic_complete['ftp'], 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traffic_complete['mail'] = bcdiv($traffic_complete['mail'], 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
} else {
$traffic_complete['http'] = round($traffic_complete['http'] / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traffic_complete['ftp'] = round($traffic_complete['ftp'] / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traffic_complete['mail'] = round($traffic_complete['mail'] / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate('traffic/traffic_details') . "\";");
} else {
$result = $db->query("SELECT `month`, `year`, SUM(`http`) AS http, SUM(`ftp_up`) AS ftp_up, SUM(`ftp_down`) AS ftp_down, SUM(`mail`) AS mail
FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_TRAFFIC . "` WHERE `customerid` = '" . $userinfo['customerid'] . "'
GROUP BY CONCAT(`year`,`month`) ORDER BY CONCAT(`year`,`month`) DESC LIMIT 12");
$traffic_complete['http'] = 0;
$traffic_complete['ftp'] = 0;
$traffic_complete['mail'] = 0;
while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
$http = $row['http'];
$ftp_up = $row['ftp_up'];
$ftp_down = $row['ftp_down'];
$mail = $row['mail'];
$traffic_complete['http'] += $http;
$traffic_complete['ftp'] += $ftp_up + $ftp_down;
$traffic_complete['mail'] += $mail;
$traf['month'] = $row['month'];
$traf['year'] = $row['year'];
$traf['monthname'] = $lng['traffic']['months'][intval($row['month'])] . " " . $row['year'];
$traf['byte'] = $http + $ftp_up + $ftp_down + $mail;
if (extension_loaded('bcmath')) {
$traf['ftptext'] = bcdiv($ftp_up, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB up/ " . bcdiv($ftp_down, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB down (FTP)";
$traf['httptext'] = bcdiv($http, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB (HTTP)";
$traf['mailtext'] = bcdiv($mail, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB (Mail)";
$traf['ftp'] = bcdiv(($ftp_up + $ftp_down), 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['http'] = bcdiv($http, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['mail'] = bcdiv($mail, 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['byte'] = bcdiv($traf['byte'], 1024 * 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
} else {
$traf['ftptext'] = round($ftp_up / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB up/ " . round($ftp_down / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB down (FTP)";
$traf['httptext'] = round($http / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB (HTTP)";
$traf['mailtext'] = round($mail / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']) . " MB (Mail)";
$traf['ftp'] = round(($ftp_up + $ftp_down) / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['http'] = round($http / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['mail'] = round($mail / 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traf['byte'] = round($traf['byte'] / (1024 * 1024), $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
eval("\$traffic.=\"" . getTemplate('traffic/traffic_traffic') . "\";");
if (extension_loaded('bcmath')) {
$traffic_complete['http'] = bcdiv($traffic_complete['http'], 1024 * 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traffic_complete['ftp'] = bcdiv($traffic_complete['ftp'], 1024 * 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traffic_complete['mail'] = bcdiv($traffic_complete['mail'], 1024 * 1024, $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
} else {
$traffic_complete['http'] = round($traffic_complete['http'] / (1024 * 1024), $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traffic_complete['ftp'] = round($traffic_complete['ftp'] / (1024 * 1024), $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
$traffic_complete['mail'] = round($traffic_complete['mail'] / (1024 * 1024), $settings['panel']['decimal_places']);
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate('traffic/traffic') . "\";");