Michael Kaufmann (d00p) dd3e5e9c6b fix wrong variable name typo, fixes #484
Signed-off-by: Michael Kaufmann (d00p) <>
2017-11-06 07:36:51 +01:00

908 lines
37 KiB

* This file is part of the Froxlor project.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 the SysCP Team (see authors).
* Copyright (c) 2010 the Froxlor Team (see authors).
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
* file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the
* COPYING file online at
* @copyright (c) the authors
* @author Florian Lippert <> (2003-2009)
* @author Froxlor team <> (2010-)
* @license GPLv2
* @package Panel
define('AREA', 'customer');
require './lib/init.php';
// redirect if this customer page is hidden via settings
if (Settings::IsInList('panel.customer_hide_options','email')) {
if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
$id = intval($_POST['id']);
} elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
if ($page == 'overview') {
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, "viewed customer_email");
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("email/email") . "\";");
} elseif ($page == 'emails') {
if ($action == '') {
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, "viewed customer_email::emails");
$fields = array(
'd.domain' => $lng['domains']['domainname'],
'm.email_full' => $lng['emails']['emailaddress'],
'm.destination' => $lng['emails']['forwarders']
$paging = new paging($userinfo, TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL, $fields);
$result_stmt = Database::prepare('SELECT `m`.`id`, `m`.`domainid`, `m`.`email`, `m`.`email_full`, `m`.`iscatchall`, `u`.`quota`, `m`.`destination`, `m`.`popaccountid`, `d`.`domain`, `u`.`mboxsize` FROM `' . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . '` `m`
LEFT JOIN `' . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . '` `d` ON (`m`.`domainid` = `d`.`id`)
LEFT JOIN `' . TABLE_MAIL_USERS . '` `u` ON (`m`.`popaccountid` = `u`.`id`)
WHERE `m`.`customerid`= :customerid ' . $paging->getSqlWhere(true) . " " . $paging->getSqlOrderBy() . " " . $paging->getSqlLimit()
Database::pexecute($result_stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$emailscount = Database::num_rows();
$sortcode = $paging->getHtmlSortCode($lng);
$arrowcode = $paging->getHtmlArrowCode($filename . '?page=' . $page . '&s=' . $s);
$searchcode = $paging->getHtmlSearchCode($lng);
$pagingcode = $paging->getHtmlPagingCode($filename . '?page=' . $page . '&s=' . $s);
$emails = array();
while ($row = $result_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if (!isset($emails[$row['domain']]) || !is_array($emails[$row['domain']])) {
$emails[$row['domain']] = array();
$emails[$row['domain']][$row['email_full']] = $row;
if ($paging->sortfield == 'd.domain' && $paging->sortorder == 'desc') {
} else {
$i = 0;
$count = 0;
$accounts = '';
$emails_count = 0;
$domainname = '';
foreach ($emails as $domainid => $emailaddresses) {
if ($paging->sortfield == 'm.email_full' && $paging->sortorder == 'desc') {
} else {
foreach ($emailaddresses as $row) {
if ($paging->checkDisplay($i)) {
if ($domainname != $idna_convert->decode($row['domain'])) {
$domainname = $idna_convert->decode($row['domain']);
eval("\$accounts.=\"" . getTemplate("email/emails_domain") . "\";");
$row['email'] = $idna_convert->decode($row['email']);
$row['email_full'] = $idna_convert->decode($row['email_full']);
$row['destination'] = explode(' ', $row['destination']);
uasort($row['destination'], 'strcasecmp');
$dest_list = $row['destination'];
foreach ($dest_list as $dest_id => $destination) {
$row['destination'][$dest_id] = $idna_convert->decode($row['destination'][$dest_id]);
if ($row['destination'][$dest_id] == $row['email_full']) {
$destinations_count = count($row['destination']);
$row['destination'] = implode(', ', $row['destination']);
if (strlen($row['destination']) > 35) {
$row['destination'] = substr($row['destination'], 0, 32) . '... (' . $destinations_count . ')';
$row['mboxsize'] = size_readable($row['mboxsize'], 'GiB', 'bi', '%01.' . (int)Settings::Get('panel.decimal_places') . 'f %s');
$row = htmlentities_array($row);
eval("\$accounts.=\"" . getTemplate("email/emails_email") . "\";");
$emaildomains_count_stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `count` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "`
WHERE `customerid`= :customerid
AND `isemaildomain`='1' ORDER BY `domain` ASC"
Database::pexecute($emaildomains_count_stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$emaildomains_count = $emaildomains_count_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$emaildomains_count = $emaildomains_count['count'];
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("email/emails") . "\";");
} elseif ($action == 'delete' && $id != 0) {
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id`, `email`, `email_full`, `iscatchall`, `destination`, `customerid`, `popaccountid` FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
WHERE `customerid`= :customerid
AND `id`= :id"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $id));
if (isset($result['email']) && $result['email'] != '') {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$update_users_query_addon = '';
if ($result['destination'] != '') {
$result['destination'] = explode(' ', $result['destination']);
$number_forwarders = count($result['destination']);
if ($result['popaccountid'] != 0) {
// Free the Quota used by the email account
if (Settings::Get('system.mail_quota_enabled') == 1) {
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `quota` FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_USERS . "`
WHERE `customerid`= :customerid
AND `id`= :id"
$res_quota = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $result['popaccountid']));
$update_users_query_addon.= " , `email_quota_used` = `email_quota_used` - " . (int)$res_quota['quota'] . " ";
$stmt = Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_USERS . "`
WHERE `customerid`= :customerid
AND `id`= :id"
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $result['popaccountid']));
$update_users_query_addon .= " , `email_accounts_used` = `email_accounts_used` - 1 ";
$number_forwarders-= 1;
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "deleted forwarder for email address '" . $result['email'] . "'");
} else {
$number_forwarders = 0;
if (isset($_POST['delete_userfiles'])
&& (int)$_POST['delete_userfiles'] == 1
) {
inserttask('7', $userinfo['loginname'], $result['email_full']);
$stmt = Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
WHERE `customerid`= :customerid
AND `id`= :id"
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $id));
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "`
SET `emails_used`=`emails_used` - 1 ,
`email_forwarders_used` = `email_forwarders_used` - :nforwarders
WHERE `customerid`= :customerid"
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("nforwarders" => $number_forwarders, "customerid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "deleted email address '" . $result['email'] . "'");
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => $page, 's' => $s));
} else {
if ($result['popaccountid'] != '0') {
$show_checkbox = true;
} else {
$show_checkbox = false;
ask_yesno_withcheckbox('email_reallydelete', 'admin_customer_alsoremovemail', $filename, array('id' => $id, 'page' => $page, 'action' => $action), $idna_convert->decode($result['email_full']), $show_checkbox);
} elseif ($action == 'add') {
if ($userinfo['emails_used'] < $userinfo['emails'] || $userinfo['emails'] == '-1') {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$email_part = $_POST['email_part'];
// domain does not need idna encoding as the value of the select-box is already Punycode
$domain = validate($_POST['domain'], 'domain');
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id`, `domain`, `customerid` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "`
WHERE `domain`= :domain
AND `customerid`= :customerid
AND `isemaildomain`='1' "
$domain_check = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("domain" => $domain, "customerid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
if (isset($_POST['iscatchall']) && $_POST['iscatchall'] == '1') {
$iscatchall = '1';
$email = '@' . $domain;
} else {
$iscatchall = '0';
$email = $email_part . '@' . $domain;
$email_full = $email_part . '@' . $domain;
if (!validateEmail($email_full)) {
standard_error('emailiswrong', $email_full);
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id`, `email`, `email_full`, `iscatchall`, `destination`, `customerid` FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
WHERE (`email` = :email
OR `email_full` = :emailfull )
AND `customerid`= :cid"
$params = array(
"email" => $email,
"emailfull" => $email_full,
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid']
$email_check = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, $params);
if ($email == '' || $email_full == '' || $email_part == '') {
standard_error(array('stringisempty', 'emailadd'));
} elseif ($domain == '') {
} elseif ($domain_check['domain'] != $domain) {
standard_error('maindomainnonexist', $domain);
} elseif (strtolower($email_check['email_full']) == strtolower($email_full)) {
standard_error('emailexistalready', $email_full);
} elseif ($email_check['email'] == $email) {
} else {
$stmt = Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
(`customerid`, `email`, `email_full`, `iscatchall`, `domainid`)
VALUES (:cid, :email, :email_full, :iscatchall, :domainid)"
$params = array(
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid'],
"email" => $email,
"email_full" => $email_full,
"iscatchall" => $iscatchall,
"domainid" => $domain_check['id']
Database::pexecute($stmt, $params);
$address_id = Database::lastInsertId();
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE " . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "
SET `emails_used` = `emails_used` + 1
WHERE `customerid`= :cid"
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "added email address '" . $email_full . "'");
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => $page, 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $address_id, 's' => $s));
} else {
$result_stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id`, `domain`, `customerid` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "`
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `isemaildomain`='1'
ORDER BY `domain` ASC"
Database::pexecute($result_stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$domains = '';
while ($row = $result_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$domains.= makeoption($idna_convert->decode($row['domain']), $row['domain']);
//$iscatchall = makeyesno('iscatchall', '1', '0', '0');
$email_add_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/formfields/customer/email/formfield.emails_add.php';
if (Settings::Get('catchall.catchall_enabled') != '1') {
$email_add_form = htmlform::genHTMLForm($email_add_data);
$title = $email_add_data['emails_add']['title'];
$image = $email_add_data['emails_add']['image'];
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("email/emails_add") . "\";");
} else {
} elseif ($action == 'edit' && $id != 0) {
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `v`.`id`, `v`.`email`, `v`.`email_full`, `v`.`iscatchall`, `v`.`destination`, `v`.`customerid`, `v`.`popaccountid`, `u`.`quota`
ON(`v`.`popaccountid` = `u`.`id`)
WHERE `v`.`customerid`= :cid
AND `v`.`id`= :id"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $id));
if (isset($result['email']) && $result['email'] != '') {
$result['email'] = $idna_convert->decode($result['email']);
$result['email_full'] = $idna_convert->decode($result['email_full']);
$result['destination'] = explode(' ', $result['destination']);
uasort($result['destination'], 'strcasecmp');
$forwarders = '';
$forwarders_count = 0;
foreach ($result['destination'] as $dest_id => $destination) {
$destination = $idna_convert->decode($destination);
if ($destination != $result['email_full'] && $destination != '') {
eval("\$forwarders.=\"" . getTemplate("email/emails_edit_forwarder") . "\";");
$result['destination'][$dest_id] = $destination;
$destinations_count = count($result['destination']);
$result = htmlentities_array($result);
$email_edit_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/formfields/customer/email/formfield.emails_edit.php';
if (Settings::Get('catchall.catchall_enabled') != '1') {
$email_edit_form = htmlform::genHTMLForm($email_edit_data);
$title = $email_edit_data['emails_edit']['title'];
$image = $email_edit_data['emails_edit']['image'];
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("email/emails_edit") . "\";");
} elseif ($action == 'togglecatchall' && $id != 0) {
if (Settings::Get('catchall.catchall_enabled') == '1') {
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id`, `email`, `email_full`, `iscatchall`, `destination`, `customerid`, `popaccountid` FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $id));
if (isset($result['email']) && $result['email'] != '') {
if ($result['iscatchall'] == '1') {
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
SET `email` = :email, `iscatchall` = '0'
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
$params = array(
"email" => $result['email_full'],
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid'],
"id" => $id
Database::pexecute($stmt, $params);
} else {
$email_parts = explode('@', $result['email_full']);
$email = '@' . $email_parts[1];
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id`, `email`, `email_full`, `iscatchall`, `destination`, `customerid` FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
WHERE `email`= :email
AND `customerid`= :cid"
$email_check = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("email" => $email, "cid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
if ($email_check['email'] == $email) {
} else {
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
SET `email` = :email , `iscatchall` = '1'
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
$params = array(
"email" => $email,
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid'],
"id" => $id
Database::pexecute($stmt, $params);
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "edited email address '" . $email . "'");
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => $page, 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $id, 's' => $s));
} else {
standard_error(array('operationnotpermitted', 'featureisdisabled'), 'Catchall');
} elseif ($page == 'accounts') {
if ($action == 'add' && $id != 0) {
// ensure the int is a positive one
if (isset($_POST['email_quota'])) {
$quota = validate($_POST['email_quota'], 'email_quota', '/^\d+$/', 'vmailquotawrong');
if ($userinfo['email_accounts'] == '-1' || ($userinfo['email_accounts_used'] < $userinfo['email_accounts'])) {
// check for imap||pop3 == 1, see #1298
if ($userinfo['imap'] != '1' && $userinfo['pop3'] != '1') {
$stmt = Database::prepare("
SELECT `id`, `email`, `email_full`, `iscatchall`, `destination`, `customerid`, `popaccountid`, `domainid`
WHERE `customerid`= :cid AND `id`= :id
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $id));
if (isset($result['email']) && $result['email'] != '' && $result['popaccountid'] == '0') {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$email_full = $result['email_full'];
$username = $idna_convert->decode($email_full);
$password = validate($_POST['email_password'], 'password');
$password = validatePassword($password);
if (Settings::Get('panel.sendalternativemail') == 1) {
$alternative_email = $idna_convert->encode(validate($_POST['alternative_email'], 'alternative_email'));
} else {
$alternative_email = '';
if (Settings::Get('system.mail_quota_enabled') == 1) {
if ($userinfo['email_quota'] != '-1' && ($quota == 0 || ($quota + $userinfo['email_quota_used']) > $userinfo['email_quota'])) {
standard_error('allocatetoomuchquota', $quota);
} else {
$quota = 0;
if ($email_full == '') {
standard_error(array('stringisempty', 'emailadd'));
elseif ($password == '' && !(Settings::Get('panel.sendalternativemail') == 1 && validateEmail($alternative_email))) {
standard_error(array('stringisempty', 'mypassword'));
elseif ($password == $email_full) {
} else {
if ($password == '') {
$password = generatePassword();
$cryptPassword = makeCryptPassword($password);
// Add trailing slash to Maildir if needed
if (!empty($maildirname) && substr($maildirname,-1) != "/") {
$stmt = Database::prepare("INSERT INTO `" . TABLE_MAIL_USERS . "`
(`customerid`, `email`, `username`, " . (Settings::Get('system.mailpwcleartext') == '1' ? '`password`, ' : '') . " `password_enc`, `homedir`, `maildir`, `uid`, `gid`, `domainid`, `postfix`, `quota`, `imap`, `pop3`) ".
"VALUES (:cid, :email, :username, " . (Settings::Get('system.mailpwcleartext') == '1' ? ":password, " : '') . ":password_enc, :homedir, :maildir, :uid, :gid, :domainid, 'y', :quota, :imap, :pop3)"
$params = array(
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid'],
"email" => $email_full,
"username" => $username,
"password_enc" => $cryptPassword,
"homedir" => Settings::Get('system.vmail_homedir'),
"maildir" => $userinfo['loginname'] . '/' . $email_domain . "/" . $email_user . "/" . $maildirpath,
"uid" => Settings::Get('system.vmail_uid'),
"gid" => Settings::Get('system.vmail_gid'),
"domainid" => $result['domainid'],
"quota" => $quota,
"imap" => $userinfo['imap'],
"pop3" => $userinfo['pop3']
if (Settings::Get('system.mailpwcleartext') == '1') { $params["password"] = $password; }
Database::pexecute($stmt, $params);
$popaccountid = Database::lastInsertId();
$result['destination'].= ' ' . $email_full;
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
SET `destination` = :destination,
`popaccountid` = :popaccountid
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
$params = array(
"destination" => makeCorrectDestination($result['destination']),
"popaccountid" => $popaccountid,
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid'],
"id" => $id
Database::pexecute($stmt, $params);
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "`
SET `email_accounts_used`=`email_accounts_used`+1,
`email_quota_used`=`email_quota_used`+ :quota
WHERE `customerid`= :cid"
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("quota" => $quota, "cid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "added email account for '" . $email_full . "'");
$replace_arr = array(
'EMAIL' => $email_full,
'USERNAME' => $username,
'PASSWORD' => $password
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `name`, `email` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_ADMINS . "` WHERE `adminid`= :adminid");
$admin = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("adminid" => $userinfo['adminid']));
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `value` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_TEMPLATES . "`
WHERE `adminid`= :adminid
AND `language`= :lang
AND `templategroup`= 'mails'
AND `varname`= 'pop_success_subject'"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("adminid" => $userinfo['adminid'], "lang" => $userinfo['def_language']));
$mail_subject = html_entity_decode(replace_variables((($result['value'] != '') ? $result['value'] : $lng['mails']['pop_success']['subject']), $replace_arr));
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `value` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_TEMPLATES . "`
WHERE `adminid`= :adminid
AND `language`= :lang
AND `templategroup`= 'mails'
AND `varname`= 'pop_success_mailbody'"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("adminid" => $userinfo['adminid'], "lang" => $userinfo['def_language']));
$mail_body = html_entity_decode(replace_variables((($result['value'] != '') ? $result['value'] : $lng['mails']['pop_success']['mailbody']), $replace_arr));
$_mailerror = false;
try {
$mail->SetFrom($admin['email'], getCorrectUserSalutation($admin));
$mail->Subject = $mail_subject;
$mail->AltBody = $mail_body;
$mail->MsgHTML(str_replace("\n", "<br />", $mail_body));
} catch(phpmailerException $e) {
$mailerr_msg = $e->errorMessage();
$_mailerror = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$mailerr_msg = $e->getMessage();
$_mailerror = true;
if ($_mailerror) {
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_ERR, "Error sending mail: " . $mailerr_msg);
standard_error('errorsendingmail', $email_full);
if (validateEmail($alternative_email) && Settings::Get('panel.sendalternativemail') == 1) {
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `value` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_TEMPLATES . "`
WHERE `adminid`= :adminid
AND `language`= :lang
AND `templategroup`= 'mails'
AND `varname`= 'pop_success_alternative_subject'"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("adminid" => $userinfo['adminid'], "lang" => $userinfo['def_language']));
$mail_subject = replace_variables((($result['value'] != '') ? $result['value'] : $lng['mails']['pop_success_alternative']['subject']), $replace_arr);
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `value` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_TEMPLATES . "`
WHERE `adminid`= :adminid
AND `language`= :lang
AND `templategroup`= 'mails'
AND `varname`= 'pop_success_alternative_mailbody'"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("adminid" => $userinfo['adminid'], "lang" => $userinfo['def_language']));
$mail_body = replace_variables((($result['value'] != '') ? $result['value'] : $lng['mails']['pop_success_alternative']['mailbody']), $replace_arr);
$_mailerror = false;
try {
$mail->SetFrom($admin['email'], getCorrectUserSalutation($admin));
$mail->Subject = $mail_subject;
$mail->AltBody = $mail_body;
$mail->MsgHTML(str_replace("\n", "<br />", $mail_body));
$mail->AddAddress($idna_convert->encode($alternative_email), getCorrectUserSalutation($userinfo));
} catch(phpmailerException $e) {
$mailerr_msg = $e->errorMessage();
$_mailerror = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$mailerr_msg = $e->getMessage();
$_mailerror = true;
if ($_mailerror) {
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_ERR, "Error sending mail: " . $mailerr_msg);
standard_error(array('errorsendingmail'), $alternative_email);
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => 'emails', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $id, 's' => $s));
} else {
if (checkMailAccDeletionState($result['email_full'])) {
standard_error(array('mailaccistobedeleted'), $result['email_full']);
$result['email_full'] = $idna_convert->decode($result['email_full']);
$result = htmlentities_array($result);
$quota = Settings::Get('system.mail_quota');
$account_add_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/formfields/customer/email/formfield.emails_addaccount.php';
$account_add_form = htmlform::genHTMLForm($account_add_data);
$title = $account_add_data['emails_addaccount']['title'];
$image = $account_add_data['emails_addaccount']['image'];
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("email/account_add") . "\";");
} else {
standard_error(array('allresourcesused', 'allocatetoomuchquota'), $quota);
} elseif ($action == 'changepw' && $id != 0) {
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id`, `email`, `email_full`, `iscatchall`, `destination`, `customerid`, `popaccountid` FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $id));
if (isset($result['popaccountid']) && $result['popaccountid'] != '') {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$password = validate($_POST['email_password'], 'password');
if ($password == '') {
standard_error(array('stringisempty', 'mypassword'));
elseif ($password == $result['email_full']) {
$password = validatePassword($password);
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "changed email password for '" . $result['email_full'] . "'");
$cryptPassword = makeCryptPassword($password);
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_MAIL_USERS . "`
SET " . (Settings::Get('system.mailpwcleartext') == '1' ? "`password` = :password, " : '') . "
`password_enc`= :password_enc
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
$params = array(
"password_enc" => $cryptPassword,
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid'],
"id" => $result['popaccountid']
if (Settings::Get('system.mailpwcleartext') == '1') { $params["password"] = $password; }
Database::pexecute($stmt, $params);
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => 'emails', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $id, 's' => $s));
} else {
$result['email_full'] = $idna_convert->decode($result['email_full']);
$result = htmlentities_array($result);
$account_changepw_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/formfields/customer/email/formfield.emails_accountchangepasswd.php';
$account_changepw_form = htmlform::genHTMLForm($account_changepw_data);
$title = $account_changepw_data['emails_accountchangepasswd']['title'];
$image = $account_changepw_data['emails_accountchangepasswd']['image'];
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("email/account_changepw") . "\";");
} elseif ($action == 'changequota' && Settings::Get('system.mail_quota_enabled') == '1' && $id != 0) {
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `v`.`id`, `v`.`email`, `v`.`email_full`, `v`.`iscatchall`, `v`.`destination`, `v`.`customerid`, `v`.`popaccountid`, `u`.`quota`
ON(`v`.`popaccountid` = `u`.`id`)
WHERE `v`.`customerid`= :cid
AND `v`.`id`= :id"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $id));
if (isset($result['popaccountid']) && $result['popaccountid'] != '') {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$quota = (int)validate($_POST['email_quota'], 'email_quota', '/^\d+$/', 'vmailquotawrong');
if ($userinfo['email_quota'] != '-1' && ($quota == 0 || ($quota + $userinfo['email_quota_used'] - $result['quota']) > $userinfo['email_quota'])) {
standard_error('allocatetoomuchquota', $quota);
} else {
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "updated quota for email address '" . $result['email'] . "' to " . $quota . " MB");
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_MAIL_USERS . "`
SET `quota` = :quota
WHERE `id` = :id
AND `customerid`= :cid"
$params = array(
"quota" => $quota,
"id" => $result['popaccountid'],
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid']
Database::pexecute($stmt, $params);
if ($userinfo['email_quota'] != '-1') {
$new_used_quota = $userinfo['email_quota_used'] + ($quota - $result['quota']);
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "`
SET `email_quota_used` = :used
WHERE `customerid` = :cid"
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("used" => $new_used_quota, "cid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => 'emails', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $id, 's' => $s));
} else {
$result['email_full'] = $idna_convert->decode($result['email_full']);
$result = htmlentities_array($result);
$quota_edit_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/formfields/customer/email/formfield.emails_accountchangequota.php';
$quota_edit_form = htmlform::genHTMLForm($quota_edit_data);
$title = $quota_edit_data['emails_accountchangequota']['title'];
$image = $quota_edit_data['emails_accountchangequota']['image'];
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("email/account_changequota") . "\";");
} elseif ($action == 'delete' && $id != 0) {
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `v`.`id`, `v`.`email`, `v`.`email_full`, `v`.`iscatchall`, `v`.`destination`, `v`.`customerid`, `v`.`popaccountid`, `u`.`quota`
ON(`v`.`popaccountid` = `u`.`id`)
WHERE `v`.`customerid`='" . (int)$userinfo['customerid'] . "'
AND `v`.`id`='" . (int)$id . "'"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $id));
if (isset($result['popaccountid']) && $result['popaccountid'] != '') {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$stmt = Database::prepare("DELETE FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_USERS . "`
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $result['popaccountid']));
$result['destination'] = str_replace($result['email_full'], '', $result['destination']);
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
SET `destination` = :dest,
`popaccountid` = '0'
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
$params = array(
"dest" => makeCorrectDestination($result['destination']),
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid'],
"id" => $id
Database::pexecute($stmt, $params);
if (Settings::Get('system.mail_quota_enabled') == '1' && $userinfo['email_quota'] != '-1') {
$quota = (int)$result['quota'];
} else {
$quota = 0;
if (isset($_POST['delete_userfiles']) && (int)$_POST['delete_userfiles'] == 1) {
inserttask('7', $userinfo['loginname'], $result['email_full']);
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "`
SET `email_accounts_used` = `email_accounts_used` - 1,
`email_quota_used` = `email_quota_used` - :quota
WHERE `customerid`= :cid"
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("quota" => $quota, "cid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "deleted email account for '" . $result['email_full'] . "'");
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => 'emails', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $id, 's' => $s));
} else {
ask_yesno_withcheckbox('email_reallydelete_account', 'admin_customer_alsoremovemail', $filename, array('id' => $id, 'page' => $page, 'action' => $action), $idna_convert->decode($result['email_full']));
} elseif ($page == 'forwarders') {
if ($action == 'add' && $id != 0) {
if ($userinfo['email_forwarders_used'] < $userinfo['email_forwarders'] || $userinfo['email_forwarders'] == '-1') {
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id`, `email`, `email_full`, `iscatchall`, `destination`, `customerid`, `popaccountid`, `domainid` FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid'], "id" => $id));
if (isset($result['email']) && $result['email'] != '') {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$destination = $idna_convert->encode($_POST['destination']);
$result['destination_array'] = explode(' ', $result['destination']);
if ($destination == '') {
} elseif (!validateEmail($destination)) {
standard_error('destinationiswrong', $destination);
} elseif ($destination == $result['email']) {
standard_error('destinationalreadyexistasmail', $destination);
} elseif (in_array($destination, $result['destination_array'])) {
standard_error('destinationalreadyexist', $destination);
} else {
$result['destination'].= ' ' . $destination;
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
SET `destination` = :dest
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
$params = array(
"dest" => makeCorrectDestination($result['destination']),
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid'],
"id" => $id
Database::pexecute($stmt, $params);
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "`
SET `email_forwarders_used` = `email_forwarders_used` + 1
WHERE `customerid`= :cid"
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "added email forwarder for '" . $result['email_full'] . "'");
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => 'emails', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $id, 's' => $s));
} else {
$result['email_full'] = $idna_convert->decode($result['email_full']);
$result = htmlentities_array($result);
$forwarder_add_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/formfields/customer/email/formfield.emails_addforwarder.php';
$forwarder_add_form = htmlform::genHTMLForm($forwarder_add_data);
$title = $forwarder_add_data['emails_addforwarder']['title'];
$image = $forwarder_add_data['emails_addforwarder']['image'];
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("email/forwarder_add") . "\";");
} else {
} elseif ($action == 'delete' && $id != 0) {
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id`, `email`, `email_full`, `iscatchall`, `destination`, `customerid`, `popaccountid` FROM `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
WHERE `customerid`='" . (int)$userinfo['customerid'] . "'
AND `id`='" . (int)$id . "'"
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
if (isset($result['destination']) && $result['destination'] != '') {
if (isset($_POST['forwarderid'])) {
$forwarderid = intval($_POST['forwarderid']);
} elseif (isset($_GET['forwarderid'])) {
$forwarderid = intval($_GET['forwarderid']);
} else {
$forwarderid = 0;
$result['destination'] = explode(' ', $result['destination']);
if (isset($result['destination'][$forwarderid]) && $result['email'] != $result['destination'][$forwarderid]) {
$forwarder = $result['destination'][$forwarderid];
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$result['destination'] = implode(' ', $result['destination']);
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_MAIL_VIRTUAL . "`
SET `destination` = :dest
WHERE `customerid`= :cid
AND `id`= :id"
$params = array(
"dest" => makeCorrectDestination($result['destination']),
"cid" => $userinfo['customerid'],
"id" => $id
Database::pexecute($stmt, $params);
$stmt = Database::prepare("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "`
SET `email_forwarders_used` = `email_forwarders_used` - 1
WHERE `customerid`= :cid"
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("cid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_INFO, "deleted email forwarder for '" . $result['email_full'] . "'");
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => 'emails', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $id, 's' => $s));
} else {
ask_yesno('email_reallydelete_forwarder', $filename, array('id' => $id, 'forwarderid' => $forwarderid, 'page' => $page, 'action' => $action), $idna_convert->decode($result['email_full']) . ' -> ' . $idna_convert->decode($forwarder));