2013-12-17 07:57:58 +01:00

377 lines
16 KiB

* This file is part of the Froxlor project.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 the SysCP Team (see authors).
* Copyright (c) 2010 the Froxlor Team (see authors).
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
* file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the
* COPYING file online at
* @copyright (c) the authors
* @author Florian Lippert <> (2003-2009)
* @author Froxlor team <> (2010-)
* @license GPLv2
* @package Panel
define('AREA', 'customer');
require './lib/init.php';
if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
$id = intval($_POST['id']);
//Check if the current user is allowed to see the current ticket.
$stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id` FROM `panel_tickets` WHERE `id` = :id AND `customerid` = :customerid");
$result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("id" => $id, "customerid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
if ($result == null) {
// no rights to see the requested ticket
} elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) {
$id = intval($_GET['id']);
if ($page == 'overview') {
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, "viewed customer_tickets");
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("tickets/ticket") . "\";");
} elseif ($page == 'tickets') {
if ($action == '') {
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, "viewed customer_tickets::tickets");
$fields = array(
'status' => $lng['ticket']['status'],
'lastchange' => $lng['ticket']['lastchange'],
'subject' => $lng['ticket']['subject'],
'lastreplier' => $lng['ticket']['lastreplier']
$paging = new paging($userinfo, TABLE_PANEL_TICKETS, $fields);
$stmt = Database::prepare('SELECT `main`.`id`, (SELECT COUNT(`sub`.`id`) FROM `' . TABLE_PANEL_TICKETS . '` `sub`
WHERE `sub`.`answerto` = `main`.`id`) AS `ticket_answers`, `main`.`lastchange`, `main`.`subject`, `main`.`status`, `main`.`lastreplier`, `main`.`priority`
FROM `' . TABLE_PANEL_TICKETS . '` as `main`
WHERE `main`.`answerto` = "0"
AND `archived` = "0"
AND `customerid`= :customerid ' . $paging->getSqlWhere(true) . " " . $paging->getSqlOrderBy() . " " . $paging->getSqlLimit()
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$sortcode = $paging->getHtmlSortCode($lng);
$arrowcode = $paging->getHtmlArrowCode($filename . '?page=' . $page . '&s=' . $s);
$searchcode = $paging->getHtmlSearchCode($lng);
$pagingcode = $paging->getHtmlPagingCode($filename . '?page=' . $page . '&s=' . $s);
$i = 0;
$count = 0;
$tickets = '';
$tickets_count = 0;
while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if ($paging->checkDisplay($i)) {
$row = htmlentities_array($row);
$row['lastchange'] = date("d.m.y H:i", $row['lastchange']);
if ($row['status'] >= 0 && $row['status'] <= 2) {
$reopen = 0;
} else {
$reopen = 1;
$row['status'] = ticket::getStatusText($lng, $row['status']);
$row['priority'] = ticket::getPriorityText($lng, $row['priority']);
if ($row['lastreplier'] == '1') {
$row['lastreplier'] = $lng['ticket']['staff'];
$cananswer = 1;
} else {
$row['lastreplier'] = $lng['ticket']['customer'];
$cananswer = 0;
$row['subject'] = html_entity_decode($row['subject']);
if (strlen($row['subject']) > 20) {
$row['subject'] = substr($row['subject'], 0, 17) . '...';
eval("\$tickets.=\"" . getTemplate("tickets/tickets_tickets") . "\";");
$supportavailable = 0;
$time = date("Hi", time());
$day = date("w", time());
$start = substr(Settings::Get('ticket.worktime_begin'), 0, 2) . substr(Settings::Get('ticket.worktime_begin'), 3, 2);
$end = substr(Settings::Get('ticket.worktime_end'), 0, 2) . substr(Settings::Get('ticket.worktime_end'), 3, 2);
if ($time >= $start && $time <= $end) {
$supportavailable = 1;
if (Settings::Get('ticket.worktime_sat') == "0" && $day == "6") {
$supportavailable = 0;
if (Settings::Get('ticket.worktime_sun') == "0" && $day == "0") {
$supportavailable = 0;
if (Settings::Get('ticket.worktime_all') == "1") {
$supportavailable = 1;
$ticketsopen = 0;
$stmt = Database::prepare('SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `' . TABLE_PANEL_TICKETS . '`
WHERE `customerid` = :customerid
AND `answerto` = "0"
AND (`status` = "0" OR `status` = "1" OR `status` = "2")'
$opentickets = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
if (Settings::Get('ticket.concurrently_open') != - 1 && Settings::Get('ticket.concurrently_open') != '') {
$notmorethanxopentickets = strtr($lng['ticket']['notmorethanxopentickets'], array('%s' => Settings::Get('ticket.concurrently_open')));
} else {
$notmorethanxopentickets = '';
$ticketsopen = (int)$opentickets['count'];
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("tickets/tickets") . "\";");
} elseif ($action == 'new') {
if ($userinfo['tickets_used'] < $userinfo['tickets'] || $userinfo['tickets'] == '-1') {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$newticket = ticket::getInstanceOf($userinfo, -1);
$newticket->Set('subject', validate($_POST['subject'], 'subject'), true, false);
$newticket->Set('priority', validate($_POST['priority'], 'priority'), true, false);
$newticket->Set('category', validate($_POST['category'], 'category'), true, false);
$newticket->Set('customer', (int)$userinfo['customerid'], true, false);
$newticket->Set('admin', (int)$userinfo['adminid'], true, false);
$newticket->Set('message', validate(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $_POST['message']), 'message', '/^[^\0]*$/'), true, false);
if ($newticket->Get('subject') == null) {
standard_error(array('stringisempty', 'mysubject'));
} elseif ($newticket->Get('message') == null) {
standard_error(array('stringisempty', 'mymessage'));
} else {
$now = time();
$newticket->Set('dt', $now, true, true);
$newticket->Set('lastchange', $now, true, true);
$newticket->Set('ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], true, true);
$newticket->Set('status', '0', true, true);
$newticket->Set('lastreplier', '0', true, true);
$newticket->Set('by', '0', true, true);
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, "opened support-ticket '" . $newticket->Get('subject') . "'");
$stmt = Database::prepare('UPDATE `' . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . '`
SET `tickets_used`=`tickets_used` + 1
WHERE `customerid`= :customerid'
Database::pexecute($stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
// Customer mail
$newticket->sendMail((int)$userinfo['customerid'], 'new_ticket_for_customer_subject', $lng['mails']['new_ticket_for_customer']['subject'], 'new_ticket_for_customer_mailbody', $lng['mails']['new_ticket_for_customer']['mailbody']);
// Admin mail
$newticket->sendMail(-1, 'new_ticket_by_customer_subject', $lng['mails']['new_ticket_by_customer']['subject'], 'new_ticket_by_customer_mailbody', $lng['mails']['new_ticket_by_customer']['mailbody']);
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => $page, 's' => $s));
} else {
$categories = '';
$result_stmt = Database::prepare('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `' . TABLE_PANEL_TICKET_CATS . '`
WHERE `adminid` = :adminid
ORDER BY `logicalorder`, `name` ASC'
$result = Database::pexecute_first($result_stmt, array("adminid" => $userinfo['adminid']));
if (isset($result['name']) && $result['name'] != '') {
$result2_stmt = Database::prepare('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `' . TABLE_PANEL_TICKET_CATS . '`
WHERE `adminid` = :adminid
ORDER BY `logicalorder`, `name` ASC'
Database::pexecute($result2_stmt, array("adminid" => $userinfo['adminid']));
while ($row = $result2_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$categories.= makeoption($row['name'], $row['id']);
} else {
$categories = makeoption($lng['ticket']['no_cat'], '0');
$priorities = makeoption($lng['ticket']['high'], '1');
$priorities.= makeoption($lng['ticket']['normal'], '2');
$priorities.= makeoption($lng['ticket']['low'], '3');
$ticketsopen = 0;
$opentickets_stmt = Database::prepare('SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `' . TABLE_PANEL_TICKETS . '`
WHERE `customerid` = :customerid
AND `answerto` = "0"
AND (`status` = "0" OR `status` = "1" OR `status` = "2")'
$opentickets = Database::pexecute_first($opentickets_stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
if (Settings::Get('ticket.concurrently_open') != -1 && Settings::Get('ticket.concurrently_open') != '') {
$notmorethanxopentickets = strtr($lng['ticket']['notmorethanxopentickets'], array('%s' => Settings::Get('ticket.concurrently_open')));
} else {
$notmorethanxopentickets = '';
$ticketsopen = (int)$opentickets['count'];
$ticket_add_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/formfields/customer/tickets/formfield.ticket_add.php';
$ticket_add_form = htmlform::genHTMLForm($ticket_add_data);
$title = $ticket_add_data['ticket_add']['title'];
$image = $ticket_add_data['ticket_add']['image'];
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("tickets/tickets_new") . "\";");
} else {
} elseif ($action == 'answer' && $id != 0) {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$replyticket = ticket::getInstanceOf($userinfo, -1);
$replyticket->Set('subject', validate($_POST['subject'], 'subject'), true, false);
$replyticket->Set('priority', validate($_POST['priority'], 'priority'), true, false);
$replyticket->Set('message', validate(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $_POST['message']), 'message', '/^[^\0]*$/'), true, false);
if ($replyticket->Get('message') == null) {
standard_error(array('stringisempty', 'mymessage'));
} else {
$now = time();
$replyticket->Set('customer', (int)$userinfo['customerid'], true, true);
$replyticket->Set('lastchange', $now, true, true);
$replyticket->Set('ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], true, true);
$replyticket->Set('status', '1', true, true);
$replyticket->Set('answerto', (int)$id, true, false);
$replyticket->Set('by', '0', true, true);
// Update priority if changed
$mainticket = ticket::getInstanceOf($userinfo, (int)$id);
if ($replyticket->Get('priority') != $mainticket->Get('priority')) {
$mainticket->Set('priority', $replyticket->Get('priority'), true);
$mainticket->Set('lastchange', $now);
$mainticket->Set('lastreplier', '0');
$mainticket->Set('status', '1');
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, "answered support-ticket '" . $mainticket->Get('subject') . "'");
$mainticket->sendMail(-1, 'new_reply_ticket_by_customer_subject', $lng['mails']['new_reply_ticket_by_customer']['subject'], 'new_reply_ticket_by_customer_mailbody', $lng['mails']['new_reply_ticket_by_customer']['mailbody']);
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => $page, 's' => $s));
} else {
$ticket_replies = '';
$mainticket = ticket::getInstanceOf($userinfo, (int)$id);
$dt = date("d.m.Y H:i\h", $mainticket->Get('dt'));
$status = ticket::getStatusText($lng, $mainticket->Get('status'));
if ($mainticket->Get('status') >= 0 && $mainticket->Get('status') <= 2) {
$isclosed = 0;
} else {
$isclosed = 1;
if ($mainticket->Get('by') == '1') {
$by = $lng['ticket']['staff'];
} else {
$cid = $mainticket->Get('customer');
$usr_stmt = Database::prepare('SELECT `customerid`, `firstname`, `name`, `company`, `loginname`
WHERE `customerid` = :customerid '
$usr = Database::pexecute_first($usr_stmt, array("customerid" => $cid));
$by = getCorrectFullUserDetails($usr);
$subject = $mainticket->Get('subject');
$message = $mainticket->Get('message');
eval("\$ticket_replies.=\"" . getTemplate("tickets/tickets_tickets_main") . "\";");
$result_stmt = Database::prepare('SELECT `name` FROM `' . TABLE_PANEL_TICKET_CATS . '`
WHERE `id`= :id '
$row = Database::pexecute_first($result_stmt, array("id" => $mainticket->Get('category')));
$andere_stmt = Database::prepare('SELECT * FROM `' . TABLE_PANEL_TICKETS . '`
WHERE `answerto`= :answerto
ORDER BY `lastchange` ASC'
Database::pexecute($andere_stmt, array("answerto" => $id));
$numrows_andere = Database::num_rows();
while ($row2 = $andere_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$subticket = ticket::getInstanceOf($userinfo, (int)$row2['id']);
$lastchange = date("d.m.Y H:i\h", $subticket->Get('lastchange'));
if ($subticket->Get('by') == '1') {
$by = $lng['ticket']['staff'];
} else {
$by = getCorrectFullUserDetails($usr);
$subject = $subticket->Get('subject');
$message = $subticket->Get('message');
eval("\$ticket_replies.=\"" . getTemplate("tickets/tickets_tickets_list") . "\";");
$priorities = makeoption($lng['ticket']['high'], '1', $mainticket->Get('priority'), true, true);
$priorities.= makeoption($lng['ticket']['normal'], '2', $mainticket->Get('priority'), true, true);
$priorities.= makeoption($lng['ticket']['low'], '3', $mainticket->Get('priority'), true, true);
$subject = htmlentities($mainticket->Get('subject'));
$ticket_replies_count = $numrows_andere + 1;
// don't forget the main-ticket!
$ticket_reply_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/formfields/customer/tickets/formfield.ticket_reply.php';
$ticket_reply_form = htmlform::genHTMLForm($ticket_reply_data);
$title = $ticket_reply_data['ticket_reply']['title'];
$image = $ticket_reply_data['ticket_reply']['image'];
eval("echo \"" . getTemplate("tickets/tickets_reply") . "\";");
} elseif ($action == 'close' && $id != 0) {
if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') {
$now = time();
$mainticket = ticket::getInstanceOf($userinfo, (int)$id);
$mainticket->Set('lastchange', $now, true, true);
$mainticket->Set('lastreplier', '0', true, true);
$mainticket->Set('status', '3', true, true);
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, "closed support-ticket '" . $mainticket->Get('subject') . "'");
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => $page, 's' => $s));
} else {
$mainticket = ticket::getInstanceOf($userinfo, (int)$id);
ask_yesno('ticket_reallyclose', $filename, array('id' => $id, 'page' => $page, 'action' => $action), $mainticket->Get('subject'));
} elseif ($action == 'reopen' && $id != 0) {
$ticketsopen = 0;
$opentickets_stmt = Database::prepare('SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `' . TABLE_PANEL_TICKETS . '`
WHERE `customerid` = :customerid
AND `answerto` = "0"
AND (`status` = "0" OR `status` = "1" OR `status` = "2")'
$opentickets = Database::pexecute_first($opentickets_stmt, array("customerid" => $userinfo['customerid']));
$ticketsopen = (int)$opentickets['count'];
if ($ticketsopen > Settings::Get('ticket.concurrently_open') && Settings::Get('ticket.concurrently_open') != - 1 && Settings::Get('ticket.concurrently_open') != '') {
standard_error('notmorethanxopentickets', Settings::Get('ticket.concurrently_open'));
$now = time();
$mainticket = ticket::getInstanceOf($userinfo, (int)$id);
$mainticket->Set('lastchange', $now, true, true);
$mainticket->Set('lastreplier', '0', true, true);
$mainticket->Set('status', '0', true, true);
$log->logAction(USR_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, "reopened support-ticket '" . $mainticket->Get('subject') . "'");
redirectTo($filename, array('page' => $page, 's' => $s));