Michael Kaufmann (d00p) 8431a82f2c check for correct extension for auto-update feature, fixes #1648
Signed-off-by: Michael Kaufmann (d00p) <>
2016-08-20 09:16:33 +02:00

1365 lines
44 KiB

* This file is part of the Froxlor project.
* Copyright (c) 2010 the Froxlor Team (see authors).
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
* file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the
* COPYING file online at
* @copyright (c) the authors
* @author Michael Kaufmann <>
* @author Froxlor team <> (2010-)
* @license GPLv2
* @package Classes
* @since
* Class FroxlorInstall
* Does the dirty work
* @copyright (c) the authors
* @author Michael Kaufmann <>
* @author Froxlor team <> (2010-)
* @license GPLv2
* @package Install
class FroxlorInstall
* define froxlor basepath e.g.
* /var/www/froxlor
* @var string
private $_basepath = null;
* theme to use for the installation process
* @var string
private $_theme = 'Sparkle';
* language array
* @var array
private $_lng = null;
* install data
* @var array
private $_data = null;
* supported languages for install
private $_languages = array(
'german' => 'Deutsch',
'english' => 'English',
'french' => 'Français'
* currently used language
* @var unknown
private $_activelng = 'english';
* Class constructor
public function __construct()
$this->_basepath = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
$this->_data = array();
* FC
public function run()
// send headers
// check if we have a valid installation already
// include the functions
require $this->_basepath . '/lib/functions.php';
// include the MySQL-Table-Definitions
require $this->_basepath . '/lib/';
// include language
// show the action
* build up and show the install-process-pages
private function _showPage()
// set theme for templates
$theme = $this->_theme;
eval("echo \"" . $this->_getTemplate("header") . "\";");
// check install-state
if ((isset($_POST['installstep']) && $_POST['installstep'] == '1') || (isset($_GET['check']) && $_GET['check'] == '1')) {
$pagetitle = $this->_lng['install']['title'];
if ($this->_checkPostData()) {
// ceck data and create userdata etc.etc.etc.
$result = $this->_doInstall();
} elseif (isset($_GET['check']) && $_GET['check'] == '1') {
// gather data
$result = $this->_showDataForm();
} else {
// this should not happen
$result = array(
'pagecontent' => "How did you manage to get here? Well, you shouldn't be here. Go back!",
'pagenavigation' => ''
} else {
// check for system-requirements first
$pagetitle = $this->_lng['requirements']['title'];
$result = $this->_requirementCheck();
// output everything
$pagecontent = $result['pagecontent'];
$pagenavigation = $result['pagenavigation'];
eval("echo \"" . $this->_getTemplate("page") . "\";");
$current_year = date('Y', time());
eval("echo \"" . $this->_getTemplate("footer") . "\";");
* gather data from $_POST if set; return true if all is set,
* false otherwise
* @return boolean
private function _checkPostData()
$this->_getPostField('mysql_host', '');
$this->_getPostField('mysql_database', 'froxlor');
$this->_getPostField('mysql_unpriv_user', 'froxlor');
$this->_getPostField('mysql_root_user', 'root');
$this->_getPostField('admin_user', 'admin');
$this->_getPostField('activate_newsfeed', 1);
$posixusername = posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid());
$this->_getPostField('httpuser', $posixusername['name']);
$posixgroup = posix_getgrgid(posix_getgid());
$this->_getPostField('httpgroup', $posixgroup['name']);
if ($this->_data['mysql_host'] == 'localhost' || $this->_data['mysql_host'] == '') {
$this->_data['mysql_access_host'] = $this->_data['mysql_host'];
} else {
$this->_data['mysql_access_host'] = $this->_data['serverip'];
// check system-hostname to be a FQDN
if ($this->_validate_ip($this->_data['servername'], true) !== false) {
$this->_data['servername'] = '';
if (isset($_POST['installstep']) && $_POST['installstep'] == '1' && $this->_data['admin_pass1'] == $this->_data['admin_pass2'] && $this->_data['admin_pass1'] != '' && $this->_data['admin_pass2'] != '' && $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_pass'] != '' && $this->_data['mysql_root_pass'] != '' && $this->_data['servername'] != '' && $this->_data['serverip'] != '' && $this->_data['httpuser'] != '' && $this->_data['httpgroup'] != '' && $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'] != $this->_data['mysql_root_user']) {
return true;
return false;
* no missing fields or data -> perform actual install
* @return array
private function _doInstall()
$content = "<table class=\"noborder\">";
// check for mysql-root-connection
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['install']['testing_mysql']);
$options = array(
'PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND' => 'set names utf8'
$dsn = "mysql:host=" . $this->_data['mysql_host'] . ";";
$fatal_fail = false;
try {
$db_root = new PDO($dsn, $this->_data['mysql_root_user'], $this->_data['mysql_root_pass'], $options);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
// possibly without passwd?
try {
$db_root = new PDO($dsn, $this->_data['mysql_root_user'], '', $options);
// set the given password
$passwd_stmt = $db_root->prepare("
'passwd' => $this->_data['mysql_root_pass']
} catch (PDOException $e) {
// nope
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $e->getMessage());
$fatal_fail = true;
if (! $fatal_fail) {
// ok, if we are here, the database connection is up and running
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', "OK");
// check for existing db and create backup if so
$content .= $this->_backupExistingDatabase($db_root);
// create unprivileged user and the database itself
$content .= $this->_createDatabaseAndUser($db_root);
// importing data to new database
$content .= $this->_importDatabaseData();
// create DB object for new database
$options = array(
'PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND' => 'set names utf8'
$dsn = "mysql:host=" . $this->_data['mysql_host'] . ";dbname=" . $this->_data['mysql_database'] . ";";
$another_fail = false;
try {
$db = new PDO($dsn, $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'], $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_pass'], $options);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
// dafuq? this should have happened in _importDatabaseData()
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $e->getMessage());
$another_fail = true;
if (! $another_fail) {
// change settings accordingly
$content .= $this->_doSettings($db);
// create entries
$content .= $this->_doDataEntries($db);
$db = null;
// create config-file
$content .= $this->_createUserdataConf();
$content .= "</table>";
// check if we have unrecoverable errors
if ($fatal_fail || $another_fail) {
// D'oh
$navigation = '';
$msgcolor = 'red';
$message = $this->_lng['install']['testing_mysql_fail'];
$link = 'install.php?check=1';
$linktext = $this->_lng['click_here_to_goback'];
} else {
// all good
$navigation = '';
$msgcolor = 'green';
$message = $this->_lng['install']['froxlor_succ_installed'];
$link = '../index.php';
$linktext = $this->_lng['click_here_to_login'];
eval("\$navigation .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("pagebottom") . "\";");
return array(
'pagecontent' => $content,
'pagenavigation' => $navigation
* Create file
private function _createUserdataConf()
$content = "";
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['install']['creating_configfile']);
$userdata = "<?php\n";
$userdata .= "// automatically generated for Froxlor\n";
$userdata .= "\$sql['host']='" . addcslashes($this->_data['mysql_host'], "'\\") . "';\n";
$userdata .= "\$sql['user']='" . addcslashes($this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'], "'\\") . "';\n";
$userdata .= "\$sql['password']='" . addcslashes($this->_data['mysql_unpriv_pass'], "'\\") . "';\n";
$userdata .= "\$sql['db']='" . addcslashes($this->_data['mysql_database'], "'\\") . "';\n";
$userdata .= "\$sql_root[0]['caption']='Default';\n";
$userdata .= "\$sql_root[0]['host']='" . addcslashes($this->_data['mysql_host'], "'\\") . "';\n";
$userdata .= "\$sql_root[0]['user']='" . addcslashes($this->_data['mysql_root_user'], "'\\") . "';\n";
$userdata .= "\$sql_root[0]['password']='" . addcslashes($this->_data['mysql_root_pass'], "'\\") . "';\n";
$userdata .= "// enable debugging to browser in case of SQL errors\n";
$userdata .= "\$sql['debug'] = false;\n";
$userdata .= "?>";
// test if we can store the in ../lib
if ($fp = @fopen(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/lib/', 'w')) {
$result = @fputs($fp, $userdata, strlen($userdata));
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'OK');
chmod('../lib/', 0440);
} elseif ($fp = @fopen('/tmp/', 'w')) {
$result = @fputs($fp, $userdata, strlen($userdata));
$content .= $this->_status_message('orange', $this->_lng['install']['creating_configfile_temp']);
chmod('/tmp/', 0440);
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $this->_lng['install']['creating_configfile_failed']);
$escpduserdata = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($userdata));
eval("\$content .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("textarea") . "\";");
return $content;
* create corresponding entries in froxlor database
* @param object $db
* @return string status messages
private function _doDataEntries(&$db)
$content = "";
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['install']['creating_entries']);
// and lets insert the default ip and port
$stmt = $db->prepare("
`ip`= :serverip,
`port` = '80',
`namevirtualhost_statement` = '1',
`vhostcontainer` = '1',
`vhostcontainer_servername_statement` = '1'
'serverip' => $this->_data['serverip']
$defaultip = $db->lastInsertId();
// insert the defaultip
$upd_stmt = $db->prepare("
`value` = :defaultip
WHERE `settinggroup` = 'system' AND `varname` = 'defaultip'
'defaultip' => $defaultip
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'OK');
// last but not least create the main admin
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['install']['adding_admin_user']);
$ins_data = array(
'loginname' => $this->_data['admin_user'],
/* use SHA256 default crypt */
'password' => crypt($this->_data['admin_pass1'], '$5$' . md5(uniqid(microtime(), 1)) . md5(uniqid(microtime(), 1))),
'email' => 'admin@' . $this->_data['servername'],
'deflang' => $this->_languages[$this->_activelng]
$ins_stmt = $db->prepare("
`loginname` = :loginname,
`password` = :password,
`name` = 'Froxlor-Administrator',
`email` = :email,
`def_language` = :deflang,
`customers` = -1,
`customers_see_all` = 1,
`caneditphpsettings` = 1,
`domains` = -1,
`domains_see_all` = 1,
`change_serversettings` = 1,
`diskspace` = -1024,
`mysqls` = -1,
`emails` = -1,
`email_accounts` = -1,
`email_forwarders` = -1,
`email_quota` = -1,
`ftps` = -1,
`tickets` = -1,
`tickets_see_all` = 1,
`subdomains` = -1,
`traffic` = -1048576
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'OK');
return $content;
* execute prepared statement to update settings
* @param PDOStatement $stmt
* @param string $group
* @param string $varname
* @param string $value
private function _updateSetting(&$stmt = null, $value = null, $group = null, $varname = null)
'group' => $group,
'varname' => $varname,
'value' => $value
* change settings according to users input
* @param object $db
* @return string status messages
private function _doSettings(&$db)
$content = "";
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['install']['changing_data']);
$upd_stmt = $db->prepare("
`value` = :value
WHERE `settinggroup` = :group AND `varname` = :varname
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, 'admin@' . $this->_data['servername'], 'panel', 'adminmail');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, $this->_data['serverip'], 'system', 'ipaddress');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, $this->_data['servername'], 'system', 'hostname');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, $this->_languages[$this->_activelng], 'panel', 'standardlanguage');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, $this->_data['mysql_access_host'], 'system', 'mysql_access_host');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, $this->_data['webserver'], 'system', 'webserver');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, $this->_data['httpuser'], 'system', 'httpuser');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, $this->_data['httpgroup'], 'system', 'httpgroup');
// necessary changes for webservers != apache2
if ($this->_data['webserver'] == "apache24") {
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, 'apache2', 'system', 'webserver');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '1', 'system', 'apache24');
} elseif ($this->_data['webserver'] == "lighttpd") {
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/', 'system', 'apacheconf_vhost');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/etc/lighttpd/froxlor-diroptions/', 'system', 'apacheconf_diroptions');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/etc/lighttpd/froxlor-htpasswd/', 'system', 'apacheconf_htpasswddir');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/etc/init.d/lighttpd reload', 'system', 'apachereload_command');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.pem', 'system', 'ssl_cert_file');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/var/run/lighttpd/', 'phpfpm', 'fastcgi_ipcdir');
} elseif ($this->_data['webserver'] == "nginx") {
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/', 'system', 'apacheconf_vhost');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/', 'system', 'apacheconf_diroptions');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/etc/nginx/froxlor-htpasswd/', 'system', 'apacheconf_htpasswddir');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/etc/init.d/nginx reload', 'system', 'apachereload_command');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/etc/nginx/nginx.pem', 'system', 'ssl_cert_file');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, '/var/run/', 'phpfpm', 'fastcgi_ipcdir');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, $this->_data['activate_newsfeed'], 'admin', 'show_news_feed');
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))), 'system', 'letsencryptchallengepath');
// insert the lastcronrun to be the installation date
$this->_updateSetting($upd_stmt, time(), 'system', 'lastcronrun');
// set specific times for some crons (traffic only at night, etc.)
$ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', time()), date('d', time()), date('Y', time()));
$db->query("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_CRONRUNS . "` SET `lastrun` = '" . $ts . "' WHERE `cronfile` ='cron_traffic.php';");
$ts = mktime(1, 0, 0, date('m', time()), date('d', time()), date('Y', time()));
$db->query("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_CRONRUNS . "` SET `lastrun` = '" . $ts . "' WHERE `cronfile` ='cron_used_tickets_reset.php';");
$db->query("UPDATE `" . TABLE_PANEL_CRONRUNS . "` SET `lastrun` = '" . $ts . "' WHERE `cronfile` ='cron_ticketarchive.php';");
// insert task 99 to generate a correct cron.d-file automatically
$db->query("INSERT INTO `" . TABLE_PANEL_TASKS . "` SET `type` = '99';");
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'OK');
return $content;
* Import froxlor.sql into database
* @param object $db_root
* @return string status messages
private function _importDatabaseData()
$content = "";
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['install']['testing_new_db']);
$options = array(
'PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND' => 'set names utf8'
$dsn = "mysql:host=" . $this->_data['mysql_host'] . ";dbname=" . $this->_data['mysql_database'] . ";";
$fatal_fail = false;
try {
$db = new PDO($dsn, $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'], $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_pass'], $options);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $e->getMessage());
$fatal_fail = true;
if (! $fatal_fail) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'OK');
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['install']['importing_data']);
$db_schema = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/froxlor.sql';
$sql_query = @file_get_contents($db_schema);
$sql_query = $this->_remove_remarks($sql_query);
$sql_query = $this->_split_sql_file($sql_query, ';');
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sql_query); $i ++) {
if (trim($sql_query[$i]) != '') {
$result = $db->query($sql_query[$i]);
$db = null;
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'OK');
return $content;
* Create database and database-user
* @param object $db_root
* @return string status messages
private function _createDatabaseAndUser(&$db_root)
$content = "";
// so first we have to delete the database and
// the user given for the unpriv-user if they exit
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['install']['prepare_db']);
$del_stmt = $db_root->prepare("DELETE FROM `mysql`.`user` WHERE `User` = :user AND `Host` = :accesshost");
'user' => $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'],
'accesshost' => $this->_data['mysql_access_host']
$del_stmt = $db_root->prepare("DELETE FROM `mysql`.`db` WHERE `User` = :user AND `Host` = :accesshost");
'user' => $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'],
'accesshost' => $this->_data['mysql_access_host']
$del_stmt = $db_root->prepare("DELETE FROM `mysql`.`tables_priv` WHERE `User` = :user AND `Host` =:accesshost");
'user' => $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'],
'accesshost' => $this->_data['mysql_access_host']
$del_stmt = $db_root->prepare("DELETE FROM `mysql`.`columns_priv` WHERE `User` = :user AND `Host` = :accesshost");
'user' => $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'],
'accesshost' => $this->_data['mysql_access_host']
$del_stmt = $db_root->prepare("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `" . str_replace('`', '', $this->_data['mysql_database']) . "`;");
$db_root->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;");
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'OK');
// we have to create a new user and database for the froxlor unprivileged mysql access
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['install']['create_mysqluser_and_db']);
$ins_stmt = $db_root->prepare("CREATE DATABASE `" . str_replace('`', '', $this->_data['mysql_database']) . "` CHARACTER SET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci");
$mysql_access_host_array = array_map('trim', explode(',', $this->_data['mysql_access_host']));
if (in_array('', $mysql_access_host_array) && ! in_array('localhost', $mysql_access_host_array)) {
$mysql_access_host_array[] = 'localhost';
if (! in_array('', $mysql_access_host_array) && in_array('localhost', $mysql_access_host_array)) {
$mysql_access_host_array[] = '';
$mysql_access_host_array[] = $this->_data['serverip'];
foreach ($mysql_access_host_array as $mysql_access_host) {
$_db = str_replace('`', '', $this->_data['mysql_database']);
$stmt = $db_root->prepare("
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `" . $_db . "`.*
TO :username@:host
IDENTIFIED BY 'password'");
"username" => $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'],
"host" => $mysql_access_host
$stmt = $db_root->prepare("SET PASSWORD FOR :username@:host = PASSWORD(:password)");
"username" => $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'],
"host" => $mysql_access_host,
"password" => $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_pass']
$db_root->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;");
$this->_data['mysql_access_host'] = implode(',', $mysql_access_host_array);
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'OK');
return $content;
* Check if an old database exists and back it up if necessary
* @param object $db_root
* @return string status messages
private function _backupExistingDatabase(&$db_root)
$content = "";
// check for existing of former database
$tables_exist = false;
$result_stmt = $db_root->prepare($sql);
'database' => $this->_data['mysql_database']
$rows = $db_root->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()")->fetchColumn();
// check result
if ($result_stmt !== false && $rows > 0) {
$tables_exist = true;
if ($tables_exist) {
// tell whats going on
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['install']['backup_old_db']);
// create temporary backup-filename
$filename = "/tmp/froxlor_backup_" . date('YmdHi') . ".sql";
// look for mysqldump
$do_backup = false;
if (file_exists("/usr/bin/mysqldump")) {
$do_backup = true;
$mysql_dump = '/usr/bin/mysqldump';
} elseif (file_exists("/usr/local/bin/mysqldump")) {
$do_backup = true;
$mysql_dump = '/usr/local/bin/mysqldump';
if ($do_backup) {
$command = $mysql_dump . " " . $this->_data['mysql_database'] . " -u " . $this->_data['mysql_root_user'] . " --password='" . $this->_data['mysql_root_pass'] . "' --result-file=" . $filename;
$output = exec($command);
if (stristr($output, "error")) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $this->_lng['install']['backup_failed']);
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'OK (' . $filename . ')');
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $this->_lng['install']['backup_binary_missing']);
return $content;
* show form to collect all needed data for the install
private function _showDataForm()
$content = "";
// form action
$formaction = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if (isset($_GET['check'])) {
$formaction .= '?check=' . (int) $_GET['check'];
// language selection
$language_options = '';
while (list ($language_file, $language_name) = each($this->_languages)) {
$language_options .= makeoption($language_name, $language_file, $this->_activelng, true, true);
// get language-form-template
eval("\$content .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("lngform") . "\";");
// form-data
$formdata = "";
* Database
$section = $this->_lng['install']['database'];
eval("\$formdata .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("datasection") . "\";");
// host
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('mysql_host', true);
// database
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('mysql_database', true);
// unpriv-user has to be different from root
if ($this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'] == $this->_data['mysql_root_user']) {
$style = 'blue';
} else {
$style = '';
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('mysql_unpriv_user', true, $style);
// is we posted and no password was given -> red
if (! empty($_POST['installstep']) && $this->_data['mysql_unpriv_pass'] == '') {
$style = 'red';
} else {
$style = '';
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('mysql_unpriv_pass', true, $style, 'password');
// unpriv-user has to be different from root
if ($this->_data['mysql_unpriv_user'] == $this->_data['mysql_root_user']) {
$style = 'blue';
} else {
$style = '';
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('mysql_root_user', true, $style);
// is we posted and no password was given -> red
if (! empty($_POST['installstep']) && $this->_data['mysql_root_pass'] == '') {
$style = 'red';
} else {
$style = '';
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('mysql_root_pass', true, $style, 'password');
* admin data
$section = $this->_lng['install']['admin_account'];
eval("\$formdata .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("datasection") . "\";");
// user
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('admin_user', true);
// check for admin passwords to be equal
if (! empty($_POST['installstep']) && ($this->_data['admin_pass1'] == '' || $this->_data['admin_pass1'] != $this->_data['admin_pass2'])) {
$style = 'color:red;';
} else {
$style = '';
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('admin_pass1', true, $style, 'password');
// check for admin passwords to be equal
if (! empty($_POST['installstep']) && ($this->_data['admin_pass2'] == '' || $this->_data['admin_pass1'] != $this->_data['admin_pass2'])) {
$style = 'color:red;';
} else {
$style = '';
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('admin_pass2', true, $style, 'password');
// activate newsfeed?
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemYesNo('activate_newsfeed', true);
* Server data
$section = $this->_lng['install']['serversettings'];
eval("\$formdata .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("datasection") . "\";");
// servername
if (! empty($_POST['installstep']) && $this->_data['servername'] == '') {
$style = 'color:red;';
} else {
$style = '';
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('servername', true, $style);
// serverip
if (! empty($_POST['installstep']) && $this->_data['serverip'] == '') {
$style = 'color:red;';
} else {
$style = '';
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('serverip', true, $style);
// webserver
if (! empty($_POST['installstep']) && $this->_data['webserver'] == '') {
$websrvstyle = 'color:red;';
} else {
$websrvstyle = '';
// apache
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemCheckbox('apache2', ($this->_data['webserver'] == 'apache2'), $websrvstyle);
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemCheckbox('apache24', ($this->_data['webserver'] == 'apache24'), $websrvstyle);
// lighttpd
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemCheckbox('lighttpd', ($this->_data['webserver'] == 'lighttpd'), $websrvstyle);
// nginx
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemCheckbox('nginx', ($this->_data['webserver'] == 'nginx'), $websrvstyle);
// webserver-user
if (! empty($_POST['installstep']) && $this->_data['httpuser'] == '') {
$style = 'color:red;';
} else {
$style = '';
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('httpuser', true, $style);
// webserver-group
if (! empty($_POST['installstep']) && $this->_data['httpgroup'] == '') {
$style = 'color:red;';
} else {
$style = '';
$formdata .= $this->_getSectionItemString('httpgroup', true, $style);
// get data-form-template
$language = htmlspecialchars($this->_activelng);
eval("\$content .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("dataform2") . "\";");
$navigation = '';
return array(
'pagecontent' => $content,
'pagenavigation' => $navigation
* generate form input field
* @param string $fieldname
* @param boolean $required
* @param string $style
* optional css
* @param string $type
* optional type of input-box (default: text)
* @return string
private function _getSectionItemString($fieldname = null, $required = false, $style = "", $type = 'text')
$fieldlabel = $this->_lng['install'][$fieldname];
$fieldvalue = htmlspecialchars($this->_data[$fieldname]);
if ($required) {
$required = ' required="required"';
$sectionitem = "";
eval("\$sectionitem .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("dataitem") . "\";");
return $sectionitem;
* generate form radio field for webserver-selection
* @param string $fieldname
* @param boolean $checked
* @param string $style
* @return string
private function _getSectionItemCheckbox($fieldname = null, $checked = false, $style = "")
$fieldlabel = $this->_lng['install'][$fieldname];
if ($checked) {
$checked = 'checked="checked"';
$sectionitem = "";
eval("\$sectionitem .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("dataitemchk") . "\";");
return $sectionitem;
* generate form checkbox field
* @param string $fieldname
* @param boolean $checked
* @param string $style
* @return string
private function _getSectionItemYesNo($fieldname = null, $checked = false, $style = "")
$fieldlabel = $this->_lng['install'][$fieldname];
if ($checked) {
$checked = 'checked="checked"';
$sectionitem = "";
eval("\$sectionitem .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("dataitemyesno") . "\";");
return $sectionitem;
* check for requirements froxlor needs
private function _requirementCheck()
// indicator whether we need to abort or not
$_die = false;
$content = "<table class=\"noborder\">";
// check for correct php version
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['phpversion']);
if (version_compare("5.3.0", PHP_VERSION, ">=")) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $this->_lng['requirements']['notfound'] . ' (' . PHP_VERSION . ')');
$_die = true;
} else {
if (version_compare("5.6.0", PHP_VERSION, ">=")) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('orange', $this->_lng['requirements']['newerphpprefered'] . ' (' .PHP_VERSION . ')');
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', PHP_VERSION);
// Check if magic_quotes_runtime is active | get_magic_quotes_runtime() is always FALSE since 5.4
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.4.0", "<")) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['phpmagic_quotes_runtime']);
if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {
// deactivate it
$content .= $this->_status_message('orange', $this->_lng['requirements']['not_true'] . "<br />" . $this->_lng['requirements']['phpmagic_quotes_runtime_description']);
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'off');
// check for php_pdo and pdo_mysql
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['phppdo']);
if (! extension_loaded('pdo') || in_array("mysql", PDO::getAvailableDrivers()) == false) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $this->_lng['requirements']['notinstalled']);
$_die = true;
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', $this->_lng['requirements']['installed']);
// check for xml-extension
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['phpxml']);
if (! extension_loaded('xml')) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $this->_lng['requirements']['notinstalled']);
$_die = true;
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', $this->_lng['requirements']['installed']);
// check for filter-extension
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['phpfilter']);
if (! extension_loaded('filter')) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $this->_lng['requirements']['notinstalled']);
$_die = true;
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', $this->_lng['requirements']['installed']);
// check for posix-extension
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['phpposix']);
if (! extension_loaded('posix')) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $this->_lng['requirements']['notinstalled']);
$_die = true;
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', $this->_lng['requirements']['installed']);
// check for bstring-extension
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['phpmbstring']);
if (! extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $this->_lng['requirements']['notinstalled']);
$_die = true;
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', $this->_lng['requirements']['installed']);
// check for curl extension
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['phpcurl']);
if (! extension_loaded('curl')) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('red', $this->_lng['requirements']['notinstalled']);
$_die = true;
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', $this->_lng['requirements']['installed']);
// check for bcmath extension
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['phpbcmath']);
if (! extension_loaded('bcmath')) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('orange', $this->_lng['requirements']['notinstalled'] . "<br />" . $this->_lng['requirements']['bcmathdescription']);
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', $this->_lng['requirements']['installed']);
// check for zip extension
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['phpzip']);
if (! extension_loaded('zip')) {
$content .= $this->_status_message('orange', $this->_lng['requirements']['notinstalled'] . "<br />" . $this->_lng['requirements']['zipdescription']);
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', $this->_lng['requirements']['installed']);
// check for open_basedir
$content .= $this->_status_message('begin', $this->_lng['requirements']['openbasedir']);
$php_ob = @ini_get("open_basedir");
if (! empty($php_ob) && $php_ob != '') {
$content .= $this->_status_message('orange', $this->_lng['requirements']['activated'] . "<br />" . $this->_lng['requirements']['openbasedirenabled']);
} else {
$content .= $this->_status_message('green', 'off');
$content .= "</table>";
// check if we have unrecoverable errors
$navigation = '';
if ($_die) {
$msgcolor = 'red';
$message = $this->_lng['requirements']['diedbecauseofrequirements'];
$link = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$linktext = $this->_lng['click_here_to_refresh'];
} else {
$msgcolor = 'green';
$message = $this->_lng['requirements']['froxlor_succ_checks'];
$link = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?check=1';
$linktext = $this->_lng['click_here_to_continue'];
eval("\$navigation .= \"" . $this->_getTemplate("pagebottom") . "\";");
return array(
'pagecontent' => $content,
'pagenavigation' => $navigation
* send no-caching headers and set the default timezone
private function _sendHeaders()
// no caching
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', time()));
header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T', time()));
// ensure that default timezone is set
if (function_exists("date_default_timezone_set") && function_exists("date_default_timezone_get")) {
* check for the userdata - if it exists then froxlor is
* already installed and we show a nice note
private function _checkUserDataFile()
$userdata = $this->_basepath . '/lib/';
if (file_exists($userdata)) {
// includes the usersettings (MySQL-Username/Passwort)
// to test if Froxlor is already installed
require $this->_basepath . '/lib/';
if (isset($sql) && is_array($sql)) {
// use sparkle theme for the notice
$installed_hint = file_get_contents($this->_basepath . '/templates/Sparkle/misc/alreadyinstalledhint.tpl');
$installed_hint = str_replace("<CURRENT_YEAR>", date('Y', time()), $installed_hint);
* include the chose language or else default (english)
private function _includeLanguageFile()
// set default
$standardlanguage = 'english';
// check either _GET or _POST
if (isset($_GET['language']) && isset($this->_languages[$_GET['language']])) {
$this->_activelng = $_GET['language'];
} elseif (isset($_POST['language']) && isset($this->_languages[$_POST['language']])) {
$this->_activelng = $_POST['language'];
} else {
// try to guess the right language
$lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2);
switch ($lang) {
case "de":
$this->_activelng = 'german';
case "fr":
$this->_activelng = 'french';
$this->_activelng = $standardlanguage;
$lngfile = $this->_basepath . '/install/lng/' . $this->_activelng . '.lng.php';
if (file_exists($lngfile)) {
// includes file /lng/$language.lng.php if it exists
require $lngfile;
$this->_lng = $lng;
* Get template from filesystem
* @param string $template
* name of the template including subdirectory
* @return string
private function _getTemplate($template = null)
// build filename
$filename = $this->_basepath . '/install/templates/' . $template . '.tpl';
// check existence
if (file_exists($filename) && is_readable($filename)) {
$templatefile = addcslashes(file_get_contents($filename), '"\\');
// loop through template more than once in case we have an "if"-statement in another one
while (preg_match('/<if[ \t]*(.*)>(.*)(<\/if>|<else>(.*)<\/if>)/Uis', $templatefile)) {
$templatefile = preg_replace('/<if[ \t]*(.*)>(.*)(<\/if>|<else>(.*)<\/if>)/Uis', '".( ($1) ? ("$2") : ("$4") )."', $templatefile);
} else {
$templatefile = 'TEMPLATE NOT FOUND: ' . $filename;
return $templatefile;
* output status
* @param string $case
* @param string $text
* @return string
private function _status_message($case, $text)
if ($case == 'begin') {
return '<tr><td class="install-step">' . $text;
} else {
return '</td><td><span class="' . $case . '">' . $text . '</span></td></tr>';
* get/guess servername
private function _guessServerName()
// from form?
if (! empty($_POST['servername'])) {
$this->_data['servername'] = $_POST['servername'];
// from $_SERVER
} else
if (! empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
// no ips
if ($this->_validate_ip($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) == false) {
$this->_data['servername'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
// empty
$this->_data['servername'] = '';
* get/guess serverip
private function _guessServerIP()
// from form
if (! empty($_POST['serverip'])) {
$this->_data['serverip'] = $_POST['serverip'];
// from $_SERVER
} elseif (! empty($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) {
$this->_data['serverip'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
// empty
$this->_data['serverip'] = '';
* get/guess webserver-software
private function _guessWebserver()
// post
if (! empty($_POST['webserver'])) {
$this->_data['webserver'] = $_POST['webserver'];
} else {
if (strtoupper(@php_sapi_name()) == "APACHE2HANDLER" || stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], "apache/2")) {
$this->_data['webserver'] = 'apache2';
} elseif (substr(strtoupper(@php_sapi_name()), 0, 8) == "LIGHTTPD" || stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], "lighttpd")) {
$this->_data['webserver'] = 'lighttpd';
} elseif (substr(strtoupper(@php_sapi_name()), 0, 8) == "NGINX" || stristr($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], "nginx")) {
$this->_data['webserver'] = 'nginx';
} else {
// we don't need to bail out, since unknown does not affect any critical installation routines
$this->_data['webserver'] = 'unknown';
* check if POST field is set and get value for the
* internal data array, if not set use either '' or $default if != null
* @param string $fieldname
* @param string $default
private function _getPostField($fieldname = null, $default = null)
// initialize
$this->_data[$fieldname] = '';
// set default
if ($default !== null) {
$this->_data[$fieldname] = $default;
// check field
if (! empty($_POST[$fieldname])) {
$this->_data[$fieldname] = $_POST[$fieldname];
* check whether the given parameter is an ip-address or not
* @param string $ip
* @return boolean|string
private function _validate_ip($ip = null)
if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) === false && filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) === false && filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) === false) {
return false;
return $ip;
* remove marks from sql
* @param string $sql
* @return string
private function _remove_remarks($sql)
$lines = explode("\n", $sql);
// try to keep mem. use down
$sql = "";
$linecount = count($lines);
$output = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $linecount; $i ++) {
if ($i != ($linecount - 1) || strlen($lines[$i]) > 0) {
if (substr($lines[$i], 0, 1) != "#") {
$output .= $lines[$i] . "\n";
} else {
$output .= "\n";
// Trading a bit of speed for lower mem. use here.
$lines[$i] = "";
return $output;
* split_sql_file will split an uploaded sql file into single sql statements.
* Note: expects trim() to have already been run on $sql
* The whole function has been taken from the phpbb installer,
* copyright by the phpbb team, phpbb in summer 2004.
private function _split_sql_file($sql, $delimiter)
// Split up our string into "possible" SQL statements.
$tokens = explode($delimiter, $sql);
// try to save mem.
$sql = "";
$output = array();
// we don't actually care about the matches preg gives us.
$matches = array();
// this is faster than calling count($tokens) every time through the loop.
$token_count = count($tokens);
for ($i = 0; $i < $token_count; $i ++) {
// Don't want to add an empty string as the last thing in the array.
if (($i != ($token_count - 1)) || (strlen($tokens[$i] > 0))) {
// This is the total number of single quotes in the token.
$total_quotes = preg_match_all("/'/", $tokens[$i], $matches);
// Counts single quotes that are preceded by an odd number of backslashes,
// which means they're escaped quotes.
$escaped_quotes = preg_match_all("/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\\\\\)*\\\\'/", $tokens[$i], $matches);
$unescaped_quotes = $total_quotes - $escaped_quotes;
// If the number of unescaped quotes is even, then the delimiter
// did NOT occur inside a string literal.
if (($unescaped_quotes % 2) == 0) {
// It's a complete sql statement.
$output[] = $tokens[$i];
// save memory.
$tokens[$i] = "";
} else {
// incomplete sql statement. keep adding tokens until we have a complete one.
// $temp will hold what we have so far.
$temp = $tokens[$i] . $delimiter;
// save memory..
$tokens[$i] = "";
// Do we have a complete statement yet?
$complete_stmt = false;
for ($j = $i + 1; (! $complete_stmt && ($j < $token_count)); $j ++) {
// This is the total number of single quotes in the token.
$total_quotes = preg_match_all("/'/", $tokens[$j], $matches);
// Counts single quotes that are preceded by an odd number of backslashes,
// which means they're escaped quotes.
$escaped_quotes = preg_match_all("/(?<!\\\\)(\\\\\\\\)*\\\\'/", $tokens[$j], $matches);
$unescaped_quotes = $total_quotes - $escaped_quotes;
if (($unescaped_quotes % 2) == 1) {
// odd number of unescaped quotes. In combination with the previous incomplete
// statement(s), we now have a complete statement. (2 odds always make an even)
$output[] = $temp . $tokens[$j];
// save memory.
$tokens[$j] = "";
$temp = "";
// exit the loop.
$complete_stmt = true;
// make sure the outer loop continues at the right point.
$i = $j;
} else {
// even number of unescaped quotes. We still don't have a complete statement.
// (1 odd and 1 even always make an odd)
$temp .= $tokens[$j] . $delimiter;
// save memory.
$tokens[$j] = "";
} // for..
} // else
return $output;