2019-11-12 12:53:38 +01:00

147 lines
4.8 KiB

if (! defined('AREA')) {
header("Location: index.php");
* This file is part of the Froxlor project.
* Copyright (c) 2016 the Froxlor Team (see authors).
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
* file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the
* COPYING file online at
* @copyright (c) the authors
* @author Froxlor team <> (2016-)
* @license GPLv2
* @package Panel
use Froxlor\Settings;
use Froxlor\Api\Commands\Certificates as Certificates;
// This file is being included in admin_domains and customer_domains
// and therefore does not need to require lib/init.php
$success_message = "";
// do the delete and then just show a success-message and the certificates list again
if ($action == 'delete') {
$id = isset($_GET['id']) ? (int) $_GET['id'] : 0;
if ($id > 0) {
try {
$json_result = Certificates::getLocal($userinfo, array(
'id' => $id
$success_message = sprintf($lng['domains']['ssl_certificate_removed'], $id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$log->logAction(\Froxlor\FroxlorLogger::USR_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, "viewed domains::ssl_certificates");
$fields = array(
'd.domain' => $lng['domains']['domainname']
try {
// get total count
$json_result = Certificates::getLocal($userinfo)->listingCount();
$result = json_decode($json_result, true)['data'];
// initialize pagination and filtering
$paging = new \Froxlor\UI\Pagination($userinfo, $fields, $result);
// get list
$json_result = Certificates::getLocal($userinfo, $paging->getApiCommandParams())->listing();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$result = json_decode($json_result, true)['data'];
$all_certs = $result['list'];
$certificates = "";
if (count($all_certs) == 0) {
$message = $lng['domains']['no_ssl_certificates'];
$sortcode = "";
$arrowcode = array(
'd.domain' => ''
// keep searching code if something was searched and no results were returned
$searchcode = $paging->getHtmlSearchCode($lng);
$pagingcode = "";
eval("\$certificates.=\"" . \Froxlor\UI\Template::getTemplate("ssl_certificates/certs_error", true) . "\";");
} else {
$sortcode = $paging->getHtmlSortCode($lng);
$arrowcode = $paging->getHtmlArrowCode($filename . '?page=' . $page . '&s=' . $s);
$searchcode = $paging->getHtmlSearchCode($lng);
$pagingcode = $paging->getHtmlPagingCode($filename . '?page=' . $page . '&s=' . $s);
foreach ($all_certs as $idx => $cert) {
// respect froxlor-hostname
if ($cert['domainid'] == 0) {
$cert['domain'] = Settings::Get('system.hostname');
$cert['letsencrypt'] = Settings::Get('system.le_froxlor_enabled');
$cert['loginname'] = 'froxlor.panel';
if (empty($cert['domain']) || empty($cert['ssl_cert_file'])) {
// no domain found to the entry or empty entry - safely delete it from the DB
try {
Certificates::getLocal($userinfo, array(
'id' => $cert['id']
} catch (Exception $e) {
// do nothing
$cert_data = openssl_x509_parse($cert['ssl_cert_file']);
$cert['domain'] = $idna_convert->decode($cert['domain']);
$adminCustomerLink = "";
if (AREA == 'admin' && $cert['domainid'] > 0) {
if (! empty($cert['loginname'])) {
$adminCustomerLink = '&nbsp;(<a href="' . $linker->getLink(array(
'section' => 'customers',
'page' => 'customers',
'action' => 'su',
'id' => $cert['customerid']
)) . '" rel="external">' . $cert['loginname'] . '</a>)';
if ($cert_data) {
$validFrom = date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $cert_data['validFrom_time_t']);
$validTo = date('d.m.Y H:i:s', $cert_data['validTo_time_t']);
$isValid = true;
if ($cert_data['validTo_time_t'] < time()) {
$isValid = false;
$san_list = "";
if (isset($cert_data['extensions']['subjectAltName']) && ! empty($cert_data['extensions']['subjectAltName'])) {
$SANs = explode(",", $cert_data['extensions']['subjectAltName']);
$SANs = array_map('trim', $SANs);
foreach ($SANs as $san) {
$san = str_replace("DNS:", "", $san);
if ($san != $cert_data['subject']['CN'] && strpos($san, "othername:") === false) {
$san_list .= $san . "<br>";
$row = \Froxlor\PhpHelper::htmlentitiesArray($cert);
eval("\$certificates.=\"" . \Froxlor\UI\Template::getTemplate("ssl_certificates/certs_cert", true) . "\";");
} else {
$message = sprintf($lng['domains']['ssl_certificate_error'], $cert['domain']);
eval("\$certificates.=\"" . \Froxlor\UI\Template::getTemplate("ssl_certificates/certs_error", true) . "\";");
eval("echo \"" . \Froxlor\UI\Template::getTemplate("ssl_certificates/certs_list", true) . "\";");