(2003-2009) * @author Froxlor team (2010-) * @license GPLv2 http://files.froxlor.org/misc/COPYING.txt * @package Panel * */ const AREA = 'customer'; require __DIR__ . '/lib/init.php'; use Froxlor\Api\Commands\Certificates as Certificates; use Froxlor\Api\Commands\SubDomains as SubDomains; use Froxlor\Database\Database; use Froxlor\Settings; use Froxlor\UI\Panel\UI; use Froxlor\UI\Request; // redirect if this customer page is hidden via settings if (Settings::IsInList('panel.customer_hide_options', 'domains')) { \Froxlor\UI\Response::redirectTo('customer_index.php'); } $id = (int) Request::get('id'); if ($page == 'overview' || $page == 'domains') { if ($action == '') { $log->logAction(\Froxlor\FroxlorLogger::USR_ACTION, LOG_NOTICE, "viewed customer_domains::domains"); $parentdomain_id = (int) Request::get('pid', '0'); try { $domain_list_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/tablelisting/customer/tablelisting.domains.php'; $collection = (new \Froxlor\UI\Collection(\Froxlor\Api\Commands\SubDomains::class, $userinfo)) //->addParam(['sql_search' => ['d.parentdomainid' => $parentdomain_id]]) ->withPagination($domain_list_data['domain_list']['columns']); $parentDomainCollection = (new \Froxlor\UI\Collection(SubDomains::class, $userinfo, ['sql_search' => ['d.parentdomainid' => 0]])); } catch (Exception $e) { \Froxlor\UI\Response::dynamic_error($e->getMessage()); } $actions_links = false; if (($userinfo['subdomains_used'] < $userinfo['subdomains'] || $userinfo['subdomains'] == '-1') && $parentDomainCollection->count() != 0) { $actions_links = [[ 'href' => $linker->getLink(['section' => 'domains', 'page' => 'domains', 'action' => 'add']), 'label' => $lng['domains']['subdomain_add'] ]]; } UI::twigBuffer('user/table.html.twig', [ 'listing' => \Froxlor\UI\Listing::format($collection, $domain_list_data['domain_list']), 'actions_links' => $actions_links, 'entity_info' => $lng['domains']['description'] ]); UI::twigOutputBuffer(); } elseif ($action == 'delete' && $id != 0) { try { $json_result = SubDomains::getLocal($userinfo, array( 'id' => $id ))->get(); } catch (Exception $e) { \Froxlor\UI\Response::dynamic_error($e->getMessage()); } $result = json_decode($json_result, true)['data']; $alias_stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `count` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "` WHERE `aliasdomain` = :aliasdomain"); $alias_check = Database::pexecute_first($alias_stmt, array( "aliasdomain" => $id )); if (isset($result['parentdomainid']) && $result['parentdomainid'] != '0' && $alias_check['count'] == 0) { if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') { try { SubDomains::getLocal($userinfo, $_POST)->delete(); } catch (Exception $e) { \Froxlor\UI\Response::dynamic_error($e->getMessage()); } \Froxlor\UI\Response::redirectTo($filename, array( 'page' => $page, 's' => $s )); } else { \Froxlor\UI\HTML::askYesNo('domains_reallydelete', $filename, array( 'id' => $id, 'page' => $page, 'action' => $action ), $idna_convert->decode($result['domain'])); } } else { \Froxlor\UI\Response::standard_error('domains_cantdeletemaindomain'); } } elseif ($action == 'add') { if ($userinfo['subdomains_used'] < $userinfo['subdomains'] || $userinfo['subdomains'] == '-1') { if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') { try { SubDomains::getLocal($userinfo, $_POST)->add(); } catch (Exception $e) { \Froxlor\UI\Response::dynamic_error($e->getMessage()); } \Froxlor\UI\Response::redirectTo($filename, array( 'page' => $page, 's' => $s )); } else { $stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `id`, `domain`, `documentroot`, `ssl_redirect`,`isemaildomain`,`letsencrypt` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "` WHERE `customerid` = :customerid AND `parentdomainid` = '0' AND `email_only` = '0' AND `caneditdomain` = '1' ORDER BY `domain` ASC"); Database::pexecute($stmt, array( "customerid" => $userinfo['customerid'] )); $domains = []; while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $domains[$row['domain']] = $idna_convert->decode($row['domain']); } $aliasdomains[0] = $lng['domains']['noaliasdomain']; $domains_stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `d`.`id`, `d`.`domain` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "` `d`, `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "` `c` WHERE `d`.`aliasdomain` IS NULL AND `d`.`id` <> `c`.`standardsubdomain` AND `d`.`parentdomainid` = '0' AND `d`.`customerid`=`c`.`customerid` AND `d`.`email_only`='0' AND `d`.`customerid`= :customerid ORDER BY `d`.`domain` ASC"); Database::pexecute($domains_stmt, array( "customerid" => $userinfo['customerid'] )); while ($row_domain = $domains_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $aliasdomains[$row_domain['id']] = $idna_convert->decode($row_domain['domain']); } $redirectcode = []; if (Settings::Get('customredirect.enabled') == '1') { $codes = \Froxlor\Domain\Domain::getRedirectCodesArray(); foreach ($codes as $rc) { $redirectcode[$rc['id']] = $rc['code'] . ' (' . $lng['redirect_desc'][$rc['desc']] . ')'; } } // check if we at least have one ssl-ip/port, #1179 $ssl_ipsandports = false; $ssl_ip_stmt = Database::prepare(" SELECT COUNT(*) as countSSL FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_IPSANDPORTS . "` pip LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_DOMAINTOIP . "` dti ON dti.id_ipandports = pip.id WHERE pip.`ssl`='1' "); Database::pexecute($ssl_ip_stmt); $resultX = $ssl_ip_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (isset($resultX['countSSL']) && (int) $resultX['countSSL'] > 0) { $ssl_ipsandports = true; } $openbasedir = [ 0 => $lng['domain']['docroot'], 1 => $lng['domain']['homedir'] ]; $pathSelect = \Froxlor\FileDir::makePathfield($userinfo['documentroot'], $userinfo['guid'], $userinfo['guid']); $phpconfigs = []; if (isset($userinfo['allowed_phpconfigs']) && !empty($userinfo['allowed_phpconfigs'])) { $allowed_cfg = json_decode($userinfo['allowed_phpconfigs'], JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY); $phpconfigs_result_stmt = Database::query(" SELECT c.*, fc.description as interpreter FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_PHPCONFIGS . "` c LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PANEL_FPMDAEMONS . "` fc ON fc.id = c.fpmsettingid WHERE c.id IN (" . implode(", ", $allowed_cfg) . ") "); while ($phpconfigs_row = $phpconfigs_result_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ((int) Settings::Get('phpfpm.enabled') == 1) { $phpconfigs[$phpconfigs_row['id']] = $phpconfigs_row['description'] . " [" . $phpconfigs_row['interpreter'] . "]"; } else { $phpconfigs[$phpconfigs_row['id']] = $phpconfigs_row['description']; } } } $subdomain_add_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/formfields/customer/domains/formfield.domains_add.php'; UI::twigBuffer('user/form.html.twig', [ 'formaction' => $linker->getLink(array('section' => 'domains')), 'formdata' => $subdomain_add_data['domain_add'] ]); UI::twigOutputBuffer(); } } } elseif ($action == 'edit' && $id != 0) { try { $json_result = SubDomains::getLocal($userinfo, array( 'id' => $id ))->get(); } catch (Exception $e) { \Froxlor\UI\Response::dynamic_error($e->getMessage()); } $result = json_decode($json_result, true)['data']; if (isset($result['customerid']) && $result['customerid'] == $userinfo['customerid']) { if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') { try { SubDomains::getLocal($userinfo, $_POST)->update(); } catch (Exception $e) { \Froxlor\UI\Response::dynamic_error($e->getMessage()); } \Froxlor\UI\Response::redirectTo($filename, array( 'page' => $page, 's' => $s )); } else { $result['domain'] = $idna_convert->decode($result['domain']); $domains[0] = $lng['domains']['noaliasdomain']; // also check ip/port combination to be the same, #176 $domains_stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `d`.`id`, `d`.`domain` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "` `d` , `" . TABLE_PANEL_CUSTOMERS . "` `c` , `" . TABLE_DOMAINTOIP . "` `dip` WHERE `d`.`aliasdomain` IS NULL AND `d`.`id` <> :id AND `c`.`standardsubdomain` <> `d`.`id` AND `d`.`parentdomainid` = '0' AND `d`.`customerid` = :customerid AND `c`.`customerid` = `d`.`customerid` AND `d`.`id` = `dip`.`id_domain` AND `dip`.`id_ipandports` IN (SELECT `id_ipandports` FROM `" . TABLE_DOMAINTOIP . "` WHERE `id_domain` = :id) GROUP BY `d`.`id`, `d`.`domain` ORDER BY `d`.`domain` ASC"); Database::pexecute($domains_stmt, array( "id" => $result['id'], "customerid" => $userinfo['customerid'] )); while ($row_domain = $domains_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $domains[$row_domain['id']] = $idna_convert->decode($row_domain['domain']); } if (preg_match('/^https?\:\/\//', $result['documentroot']) && \Froxlor\Validate\Validate::validateUrl($result['documentroot'])) { if (Settings::Get('panel.pathedit') == 'Dropdown') { $urlvalue = $result['documentroot']; $pathSelect = \Froxlor\FileDir::makePathfield($userinfo['documentroot'], $userinfo['guid'], $userinfo['guid']); } else { $urlvalue = ''; $pathSelect = \Froxlor\FileDir::makePathfield($userinfo['documentroot'], $userinfo['guid'], $userinfo['guid'], $result['documentroot'], true); } } else { $urlvalue = ''; $pathSelect = \Froxlor\FileDir::makePathfield($userinfo['documentroot'], $userinfo['guid'], $userinfo['guid'], $result['documentroot']); } $redirectcode = []; if (Settings::Get('customredirect.enabled') == '1') { $def_code = \Froxlor\Domain\Domain::getDomainRedirectId($id); $codes = \Froxlor\Domain\Domain::getRedirectCodesArray(); foreach ($codes as $rc) { $redirectcode[$rc['id']] = $rc['code'] . ' (' . $lng['redirect_desc'][$rc['desc']] . ')'; } } // check if we at least have one ssl-ip/port, #1179 $ssl_ipsandports = false; $ssl_ip_stmt = Database::prepare(" SELECT COUNT(*) as countSSL FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_IPSANDPORTS . "` pip LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_DOMAINTOIP . "` dti ON dti.id_ipandports = pip.id WHERE `dti`.`id_domain` = :id_domain AND pip.`ssl`='1' "); Database::pexecute($ssl_ip_stmt, array( "id_domain" => $result['id'] )); $resultX = $ssl_ip_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (isset($resultX['countSSL']) && (int) $resultX['countSSL'] > 0) { $ssl_ipsandports = true; } // Fudge the result for ssl_redirect to hide the Let's Encrypt steps $result['temporary_ssl_redirect'] = $result['ssl_redirect']; $result['ssl_redirect'] = ($result['ssl_redirect'] == 0 ? 0 : 1); $openbasedir = [ 0 => $lng['domain']['docroot'], 1 => $lng['domain']['homedir'] ]; // create serveralias options $serveraliasoptions = []; $serveraliasoptions_selected = '2'; if ($result['iswildcarddomain'] == '1') { $serveraliasoptions_selected = '0'; } elseif ($result['wwwserveralias'] == '1') { $serveraliasoptions_selected = '1'; } $serveraliasoptions[0] = $lng['domains']['serveraliasoption_wildcard']; $serveraliasoptions[1] = $lng['domains']['serveraliasoption_www']; $serveraliasoptions[2] = $lng['domains']['serveraliasoption_none']; $ips_stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT `p`.`ip` AS `ip` FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_IPSANDPORTS . "` `p` LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_DOMAINTOIP . "` `dip` ON ( `dip`.`id_ipandports` = `p`.`id` ) WHERE `dip`.`id_domain` = :id_domain GROUP BY `p`.`ip`"); Database::pexecute($ips_stmt, array( "id_domain" => $result['id'] )); $domainips = []; while ($rowip = $ips_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $domainips[] = ['item' => $rowip['ip']]; } $phpconfigs = []; if (isset($userinfo['allowed_phpconfigs']) && !empty($userinfo['allowed_phpconfigs'])) { $allowed_cfg = json_decode($userinfo['allowed_phpconfigs'], JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY); $phpconfigs_result_stmt = Database::query(" SELECT c.*, fc.description as interpreter FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_PHPCONFIGS . "` c LEFT JOIN `" . TABLE_PANEL_FPMDAEMONS . "` fc ON fc.id = c.fpmsettingid WHERE c.id IN (" . implode(", ", $allowed_cfg) . ") "); while ($phpconfigs_row = $phpconfigs_result_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ((int) Settings::Get('phpfpm.enabled') == 1) { $phpconfigs[$phpconfigs_row['id']] = $phpconfigs_row['description'] . " [" . $phpconfigs_row['interpreter'] . "]"; } else { $phpconfigs[$phpconfigs_row['id']] = $phpconfigs_row['description']; } } } $alias_stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS count FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAINS . "` WHERE `aliasdomain`= :aliasdomain"); $alias_check = Database::pexecute_first($alias_stmt, array( "aliasdomain" => $result['id'] )); $alias_check = $alias_check['count']; $result = \Froxlor\PhpHelper::htmlentitiesArray($result); $subdomain_edit_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/formfields/customer/domains/formfield.domains_edit.php'; UI::twigBuffer('user/form.html.twig', [ 'formaction' => $linker->getLink(array('section' => 'domains', 'id' => $id)), 'formdata' => $subdomain_edit_data['domain_edit'] ]); UI::twigOutputBuffer(); } } else { \Froxlor\UI\Response::standard_error('domains_canteditdomain'); } } } elseif ($page == 'domainssleditor') { if ($action == '' || $action == 'view') { // get domain try { $json_result = SubDomains::getLocal($userinfo, array( 'id' => $id ))->get(); } catch (Exception $e) { \Froxlor\UI\Response::dynamic_error($e->getMessage()); } $result_domain = json_decode($json_result, true)['data']; if (isset($_POST['send']) && $_POST['send'] == 'send') { $do_insert = isset($_POST['do_insert']) ? (($_POST['do_insert'] == 1) ? true : false) : false; try { if ($do_insert) { Certificates::getLocal($userinfo, $_POST)->add(); } else { Certificates::getLocal($userinfo, $_POST)->update(); } } catch (Exception $e) { \Froxlor\UI\Response::dynamic_error($e->getMessage()); } // back to domain overview \Froxlor\UI\Response::redirectTo($filename, array( 'page' => 'domains', 's' => $s )); } $stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAIN_SSL_SETTINGS . "` WHERE `domainid`= :domainid"); $result = Database::pexecute_first($stmt, array( "domainid" => $id )); $do_insert = false; // if no entry can be found, behave like we have empty values if (!is_array($result) || !isset($result['ssl_cert_file'])) { $result = array( 'ssl_cert_file' => '', 'ssl_key_file' => '', 'ssl_ca_file' => '', 'ssl_cert_chainfile' => '' ); $do_insert = true; } $result = \Froxlor\PhpHelper::htmlentitiesArray($result); $ssleditor_data = include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/formfields/customer/domains/formfield.domain_ssleditor.php'; $ssleditor_form = \Froxlor\UI\HtmlForm::genHTMLForm($ssleditor_data); $title = $ssleditor_data['domain_ssleditor']['title']; $image = $ssleditor_data['domain_ssleditor']['image']; eval("echo \"" . \Froxlor\UI\Template::getTemplate("domains/domain_ssleditor") . "\";"); } } elseif ($page == 'domaindnseditor' && $userinfo['dnsenabled'] == '1' && Settings::Get('system.dnsenabled') == '1') { require_once __DIR__ . '/dns_editor.php'; } elseif ($page == 'sslcertificates') { require_once __DIR__ . '/ssl_certificates.php'; } elseif ($page == 'logfiles') { require_once __DIR__ . '/logfiles_viewer.php'; } function formatDomainEntry(&$row, &$idna_convert) { $row['domain'] = $idna_convert->decode($row['domain']); $row['aliasdomain'] = $idna_convert->decode($row['aliasdomain']); $row['domainalias'] = $idna_convert->decode($row['domainalias']); /** * check for set ssl-certs to show different state-icons */ // nothing (ssl_global) $row['domain_hascert'] = 0; $ssl_stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAIN_SSL_SETTINGS . "` WHERE `domainid` = :domainid"); Database::pexecute($ssl_stmt, array( "domainid" => $row['id'] )); $ssl_result = $ssl_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (is_array($ssl_result) && isset($ssl_result['ssl_cert_file']) && $ssl_result['ssl_cert_file'] != '') { // own certificate (ssl_customer_green) $row['domain_hascert'] = 1; } else { // check if it's parent has one set (shared) if ($row['parentdomainid'] != 0) { $ssl_stmt = Database::prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . TABLE_PANEL_DOMAIN_SSL_SETTINGS . "` WHERE `domainid` = :domainid"); Database::pexecute($ssl_stmt, array( "domainid" => $row['parentdomainid'] )); $ssl_result = $ssl_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (is_array($ssl_result) && isset($ssl_result['ssl_cert_file']) && $ssl_result['ssl_cert_file'] != '') { // parent has a certificate (ssl_shared) $row['domain_hascert'] = 2; } } } $row['termination_date'] = str_replace("0000-00-00", "", $row['termination_date']); $row['termination_css'] = ""; if ($row['termination_date'] != "") { $cdate = strtotime($row['termination_date'] . " 23:59:59"); $today = time(); if ($cdate < $today) { $row['termination_css'] = 'domain-expired'; } else { $row['termination_css'] = 'domain-canceled'; } } }