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IPAddress.cpp - Base class that provides IPAddress
Copyright (c) 2011 Adrian McEwen. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "IPAddress.h"
#include "Print.h"
#include "lwip/netif.h"
#include "StreamString.h"
IPAddress::IPAddress() : IPAddress(IPv4) {}
IPAddress::IPAddress(IPType ip_type) {
_type = ip_type;
_zone = IP6_NO_ZONE;
memset(_address.bytes, 0, sizeof(_address.bytes));
IPAddress::IPAddress(uint8_t first_octet, uint8_t second_octet, uint8_t third_octet, uint8_t fourth_octet) {
_type = IPv4;
_zone = IP6_NO_ZONE;
memset(_address.bytes, 0, sizeof(_address.bytes));
_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX] = first_octet;
_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX + 1] = second_octet;
_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX + 2] = third_octet;
_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX + 3] = fourth_octet;
uint8_t o1, uint8_t o2, uint8_t o3, uint8_t o4, uint8_t o5, uint8_t o6, uint8_t o7, uint8_t o8, uint8_t o9, uint8_t o10, uint8_t o11, uint8_t o12,
uint8_t o13, uint8_t o14, uint8_t o15, uint8_t o16, uint8_t z
) {
_type = IPv6;
_address.bytes[0] = o1;
_address.bytes[1] = o2;
_address.bytes[2] = o3;
_address.bytes[3] = o4;
_address.bytes[4] = o5;
_address.bytes[5] = o6;
_address.bytes[6] = o7;
_address.bytes[7] = o8;
_address.bytes[8] = o9;
_address.bytes[9] = o10;
_address.bytes[10] = o11;
_address.bytes[11] = o12;
_address.bytes[12] = o13;
_address.bytes[13] = o14;
_address.bytes[14] = o15;
_address.bytes[15] = o16;
_zone = z;
IPAddress::IPAddress(uint32_t address) {
// IPv4 only
_type = IPv4;
_zone = IP6_NO_ZONE;
memset(_address.bytes, 0, sizeof(_address.bytes));
_address.dword[IPADDRESS_V4_DWORD_INDEX] = address;
// NOTE on conversion/comparison and uint32_t:
// These conversions are host platform dependent.
// There is a defined integer representation of IPv4 addresses,
// based on network byte order (will be the value on big endian systems),
// e.g. http://2398766798 is the same as,
// However on little endian systems the octets 0x83, 0xFA, 0x46, 0xCE,
// in that order, will form the integer (uint32_t) 3460758158 .
IPAddress::IPAddress(const uint8_t *address) : IPAddress(IPv4, address) {}
IPAddress::IPAddress(IPType ip_type, const uint8_t *address, uint8_t z) {
_type = ip_type;
if (ip_type == IPv4) {
memset(_address.bytes, 0, sizeof(_address.bytes));
memcpy(&_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX], address, sizeof(uint32_t));
_zone = 0;
} else {
memcpy(_address.bytes, address, sizeof(_address.bytes));
_zone = z;
IPAddress::IPAddress(const char *address) {
IPAddress::IPAddress(const IPAddress &address) {
*this = address;
String IPAddress::toString(bool includeZone) const {
StreamString s;
printTo(s, includeZone);
return String(s);
bool IPAddress::fromString(const char *address) {
if (!fromString4(address)) {
return fromString6(address);
return true;
bool IPAddress::fromString4(const char *address) {
// TODO: add support for "a", "a.b", "a.b.c" formats
int16_t acc = -1; // Accumulator
uint8_t dots = 0;
memset(_address.bytes, 0, sizeof(_address.bytes));
while (*address) {
char c = *address++;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
acc = (acc < 0) ? (c - '0') : acc * 10 + (c - '0');
if (acc > 255) {
// Value out of [0..255] range
return false;
} else if (c == '.') {
if (dots == 3) {
// Too many dots (there must be 3 dots)
return false;
if (acc < 0) {
/* No value between dots, e.g. '1..' */
return false;
_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX + dots++] = acc;
acc = -1;
} else {
// Invalid char
return false;
if (dots != 3) {
// Too few dots (there must be 3 dots)
return false;
if (acc < 0) {
/* No value between dots, e.g. '1..' */
return false;
_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX + 3] = acc;
_type = IPv4;
return true;
bool IPAddress::fromString6(const char *address) {
uint32_t acc = 0; // Accumulator
int colons = 0, double_colons = -1;
while (*address) {
char c = tolower(*address++);
if (isalnum(c) && c <= 'f') {
if (c >= 'a') {
c -= 'a' - '0' - 10;
acc = acc * 16 + (c - '0');
if (acc > 0xffff) {
// Value out of range
return false;
} else if (c == ':') {
if (*address == ':') {
if (double_colons >= 0) {
// :: allowed once
return false;
if (*address != '\0' && *(address + 1) == ':') {
// ::: not allowed
return false;
// remember location
double_colons = colons + !!acc;
} else if (*address == '\0') {
// can't end with a single colon
return false;
if (colons == 7) {
// too many separators
return false;
_address.bytes[colons * 2] = acc >> 8;
_address.bytes[colons * 2 + 1] = acc & 0xff;
acc = 0;
} else if (c == '%') {
_zone = netif_name_to_index(address);
while (*address != '\0') {
} else {
// Invalid char
return false;
if (double_colons == -1 && colons != 7) {
// Too few separators
return false;
if (double_colons > -1 && colons > 6) {
// Too many segments (double colon must be at least one zero field)
return false;
_address.bytes[colons * 2] = acc >> 8;
_address.bytes[colons * 2 + 1] = acc & 0xff;
if (double_colons != -1) {
for (int i = colons * 2 - double_colons * 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
_address.bytes[16 - colons * 2 + double_colons * 2 + i] = _address.bytes[double_colons * 2 + i];
for (int i = double_colons * 2; i < 16 - colons * 2 + double_colons * 2; i++) {
_address.bytes[i] = 0;
_type = IPv6;
return true;
IPAddress &IPAddress::operator=(const uint8_t *address) {
// IPv4 only conversion from byte pointer
_type = IPv4;
memset(_address.bytes, 0, sizeof(_address.bytes));
memcpy(&_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX], address, sizeof(uint32_t));
return *this;
IPAddress &IPAddress::operator=(const char *address) {
return *this;
IPAddress &IPAddress::operator=(uint32_t address) {
// IPv4 conversion
// See note on conversion/comparison and uint32_t
_type = IPv4;
memset(_address.bytes, 0, sizeof(_address.bytes));
_address.dword[IPADDRESS_V4_DWORD_INDEX] = address;
return *this;
IPAddress &IPAddress::operator=(const IPAddress &address) {
_type = address.type();
_zone =;
memcpy(_address.bytes, address._address.bytes, sizeof(_address.bytes));
return *this;
bool IPAddress::operator==(const IPAddress &addr) const {
return (addr._type == _type) && (_type == IPType::IPv4 ? addr._address.dword[IPADDRESS_V4_DWORD_INDEX] == _address.dword[IPADDRESS_V4_DWORD_INDEX] : memcmp(addr._address.bytes, _address.bytes, sizeof(_address.bytes)) == 0);
bool IPAddress::operator==(const uint8_t *addr) const {
// IPv4 only comparison to byte pointer
// Can't support IPv6 as we know our type, but not the length of the pointer
return _type == IPv4 && memcmp(addr, &_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX], sizeof(uint32_t)) == 0;
uint8_t IPAddress::operator[](int index) const {
if (_type == IPv4) {
return _address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX + index];
return _address.bytes[index];
uint8_t &IPAddress::operator[](int index) {
if (_type == IPv4) {
return _address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX + index];
return _address.bytes[index];
size_t IPAddress::printTo(Print &p) const {
return printTo(p, false);
size_t IPAddress::printTo(Print &p, bool includeZone) const {
size_t n = 0;
if (_type == IPv6) {
// IPv6 IETF canonical format: compress left-most longest run of two or more zero fields, lower case
int8_t longest_start = -1;
int8_t longest_length = 1;
int8_t current_start = -1;
int8_t current_length = 0;
for (int8_t f = 0; f < 8; f++) {
if (_address.bytes[f * 2] == 0 && _address.bytes[f * 2 + 1] == 0) {
if (current_start == -1) {
current_start = f;
current_length = 1;
} else {
if (current_length > longest_length) {
longest_start = current_start;
longest_length = current_length;
} else {
current_start = -1;
for (int f = 0; f < 8; f++) {
if (f < longest_start || f >= longest_start + longest_length) {
uint8_t c1 = _address.bytes[f * 2] >> 4;
uint8_t c2 = _address.bytes[f * 2] & 0xf;
uint8_t c3 = _address.bytes[f * 2 + 1] >> 4;
uint8_t c4 = _address.bytes[f * 2 + 1] & 0xf;
if (c1 > 0) {
n += p.print((char)(c1 < 10 ? '0' + c1 : 'a' + c1 - 10));
if (c1 > 0 || c2 > 0) {
n += p.print((char)(c2 < 10 ? '0' + c2 : 'a' + c2 - 10));
if (c1 > 0 || c2 > 0 || c3 > 0) {
n += p.print((char)(c3 < 10 ? '0' + c3 : 'a' + c3 - 10));
n += p.print((char)(c4 < 10 ? '0' + c4 : 'a' + c4 - 10));
if (f < 7) {
n += p.print(':');
} else if (f == longest_start) {
if (longest_start == 0) {
n += p.print(':');
n += p.print(':');
// add a zone if zone-id is non-zero
if (_zone > 0 && includeZone) {
n += p.print('%');
char if_name[NETIF_NAMESIZE];
netif_index_to_name(_zone, if_name);
n += p.print(if_name);
return n;
// IPv4
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
n += p.print(_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX + i], DEC);
n += p.print('.');
n += p.print(_address.bytes[IPADDRESS_V4_BYTES_INDEX + 3], DEC);
return n;
IPAddress::IPAddress(const ip_addr_t *addr) {
void IPAddress::to_ip_addr_t(ip_addr_t *addr) const {
if (_type == IPv6) {
addr->type = IPADDR_TYPE_V6;
addr->u_addr.ip6.addr[0] = _address.dword[0];
addr->u_addr.ip6.addr[1] = _address.dword[1];
addr->u_addr.ip6.addr[2] = _address.dword[2];
addr->u_addr.ip6.addr[3] = _address.dword[3];
addr-> = _zone;
#endif /* LWIP_IPV6_SCOPES */
} else {
addr->type = IPADDR_TYPE_V4;
addr->u_addr.ip4.addr = _address.dword[IPADDRESS_V4_DWORD_INDEX];
IPAddress &IPAddress::from_ip_addr_t(const ip_addr_t *addr) {
if (addr->type == IPADDR_TYPE_V6) {
_type = IPv6;
_address.dword[0] = addr->u_addr.ip6.addr[0];
_address.dword[1] = addr->u_addr.ip6.addr[1];
_address.dword[2] = addr->u_addr.ip6.addr[2];
_address.dword[3] = addr->u_addr.ip6.addr[3];
_zone = addr->;
#endif /* LWIP_IPV6_SCOPES */
} else {
_type = IPv4;
memset(_address.bytes, 0, sizeof(_address.bytes));
_address.dword[IPADDRESS_V4_DWORD_INDEX] = addr->u_addr.ip4.addr;
return *this;
esp_ip6_addr_type_t IPAddress::addr_type() const {
if (_type != IPv6) {
ip_addr_t addr;
return esp_netif_ip6_get_addr_type((esp_ip6_addr_t *)(&(addr.u_addr.ip6)));
const IPAddress IN6ADDR_ANY(IPv6);
const IPAddress INADDR_NONE(0, 0, 0, 0);