Rodrigo Garcia 0ef2986874
feat(rmt): Solve neopixel issue (#9906)
* feat(rmt): Solve neopixel issue

if neopixelWrite() is used from different tasks/isr_callbacks, it may result in a concurrency problem and many detach/attach calls in sequence, but not in synch.

This commit avoids initializing the neopixel GPIO again and improves the respomse time of neopixelWrite().
2024-06-20 16:33:06 -03:00

631 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright 2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "esp32-hal.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "driver/rmt_tx.h"
#include "driver/rmt_rx.h"
#include "hal/rmt_ll.h"
#include "esp32-hal-rmt.h"
#include "esp32-hal-periman.h"
#include "esp_idf_version.h"
// Arduino Task Handle indicates if the Arduino Task has been started already
extern TaskHandle_t loopTaskHandle;
// RMT Events
#define RMT_FLAG_RX_DONE (1)
#define RMT_FLAG_TX_DONE (2)
Internal macros
#define RMT_MUTEX_LOCK(busptr)
#define RMT_MUTEX_UNLOCK(busptr)
#define RMT_MUTEX_LOCK(busptr) \
do { \
} while (xSemaphoreTake(busptr->g_rmt_objlocks, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS)
#define RMT_MUTEX_UNLOCK(busptr) xSemaphoreGive(busptr->g_rmt_objlocks)
Typedefs for internal structures, enums
struct rmt_obj_s {
// general RMT information
rmt_channel_handle_t rmt_channel_h; // IDF RMT channel handler
rmt_encoder_handle_t rmt_copy_encoder_h; // RMT simple copy encoder handle
uint32_t signal_range_min_ns; // RX Filter data - Low Pass pulse width
uint32_t signal_range_max_ns; // RX idle time that defines end of reading
EventGroupHandle_t rmt_events; // read/write done event RMT callback handle
bool rmt_ch_is_looping; // Is this RMT TX Channel in LOOPING MODE?
size_t *num_symbols_read; // Pointer to the number of RMT symbol read by IDF RMT RX Done
rmt_reserve_memsize_t mem_size; // RMT Memory size
uint32_t frequency_Hz; // RMT Frequency
uint8_t rmt_EOT_Level; // RMT End of Transmission Level - default is LOW
SemaphoreHandle_t g_rmt_objlocks; // Channel Semaphore Lock
typedef struct rmt_obj_s *rmt_bus_handle_t;
Internal variables used in RMT API
static SemaphoreHandle_t g_rmt_block_lock = NULL;
Internal method (private) declarations
// This is called from an IDF ISR code, therefore this code is part of an ISR
static bool _rmt_rx_done_callback(rmt_channel_handle_t channel, const rmt_rx_done_event_data_t *data, void *args) {
BaseType_t high_task_wakeup = pdFALSE;
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = (rmt_bus_handle_t)args;
// sets the returning number of RMT symbols (32 bits) effectively read
*bus->num_symbols_read = data->num_symbols;
// set RX event group and signal the received RMT symbols of that channel
xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR(bus->rmt_events, RMT_FLAG_RX_DONE, &high_task_wakeup);
// A "need to yield" is returned in order to execute portYIELD_FROM_ISR() in the main IDF RX ISR
return high_task_wakeup == pdTRUE;
// This is called from an IDF ISR code, therefore this code is part of an ISR
static bool _rmt_tx_done_callback(rmt_channel_handle_t channel, const rmt_tx_done_event_data_t *data, void *args) {
BaseType_t high_task_wakeup = pdFALSE;
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = (rmt_bus_handle_t)args;
// set RX event group and signal the received RMT symbols of that channel
xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR(bus->rmt_events, RMT_FLAG_TX_DONE, &high_task_wakeup);
// A "need to yield" is returned in order to execute portYIELD_FROM_ISR() in the main IDF RX ISR
return high_task_wakeup == pdTRUE;
// This function must be called only after checking the pin and its bus with _rmtGetBus()
static bool _rmtCheckDirection(uint8_t gpio_num, rmt_ch_dir_t rmt_dir, const char *labelFunc) {
// gets bus RMT direction from the Peripheral Manager information
rmt_ch_dir_t bus_rmt_dir = perimanGetPinBusType(gpio_num) == ESP32_BUS_TYPE_RMT_TX ? RMT_TX_MODE : RMT_RX_MODE;
if (bus_rmt_dir == rmt_dir) { // matches expected RX/TX channel
return true;
// print error message
if (rmt_dir == RMT_RX_MODE) {
log_w("==>%s():Channel set as TX instead of RX.", labelFunc);
} else {
log_w("==>%s():Channel set as RX instead of TX.", labelFunc);
return false; // mismatched
static rmt_bus_handle_t _rmtGetBus(int pin, const char *labelFunc) {
// Is pin RX or TX? Let's find it out
peripheral_bus_type_t rmt_bus_type = perimanGetPinBusType(pin);
if (rmt_bus_type != ESP32_BUS_TYPE_RMT_TX && rmt_bus_type != ESP32_BUS_TYPE_RMT_RX) {
log_e("==>%s():GPIO %u is not attached to an RMT channel.", labelFunc, pin);
return NULL;
return (rmt_bus_handle_t)perimanGetPinBus(pin, rmt_bus_type);
// Peripheral Manager detach callback
static bool _rmtDetachBus(void *busptr) {
// sanity check - it should never happen
assert(busptr && "_rmtDetachBus bus NULL pointer.");
bool retCode = true;
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = (rmt_bus_handle_t)busptr;
log_v("Detaching RMT GPIO Bus");
// lock it
while (xSemaphoreTake(g_rmt_block_lock, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) {}
// free Event Group
if (bus->rmt_events != NULL) {
bus->rmt_events = NULL;
// deallocate the channel encoder
if (bus->rmt_copy_encoder_h != NULL) {
if (ESP_OK != rmt_del_encoder(bus->rmt_copy_encoder_h)) {
log_w("RMT Encoder Deletion has failed.");
retCode = false;
// disable and deallocate RMT channel
if (bus->rmt_channel_h != NULL) {
// force stopping rmt TX/RX processing and unlock Power Management (APB Freq)
if (ESP_OK != rmt_del_channel(bus->rmt_channel_h)) {
log_w("RMT Channel Deletion has failed.");
retCode = false;
// deallocate channel semaphore
if (bus->g_rmt_objlocks != NULL) {
// free the allocated bus data structure
// release the mutex
return retCode;
Public method definitions
bool rmtSetEOT(int pin, uint8_t EOT_Level) {
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = _rmtGetBus(pin, __FUNCTION__);
if (bus == NULL) {
return false;
if (!_rmtCheckDirection(pin, RMT_TX_MODE, __FUNCTION__)) {
return false;
bus->rmt_EOT_Level = EOT_Level > 0 ? 1 : 0;
return true;
bool rmtSetCarrier(int pin, bool carrier_en, bool carrier_level, uint32_t frequency_Hz, float duty_percent) {
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = _rmtGetBus(pin, __FUNCTION__);
if (bus == NULL) {
return false;
if (duty_percent > 1) {
log_w("GPIO %d - RMT Carrier must be a float percentage from 0 to 1. Setting to 50%.", pin);
duty_percent = 0.5;
rmt_carrier_config_t carrier_cfg = {0};
carrier_cfg.duty_cycle = duty_percent; // duty cycle
carrier_cfg.frequency_hz = carrier_en ? frequency_Hz : 0; // carrier frequency in Hz
carrier_cfg.flags.polarity_active_low = carrier_level; // carrier modulation polarity level
bool retCode = true;
// modulate carrier to TX channel
if (ESP_OK != rmt_apply_carrier(bus->rmt_channel_h, &carrier_cfg)) {
log_w("GPIO %d - Error applying RMT carrier.", pin);
retCode = false;
return retCode;
bool rmtSetRxMinThreshold(int pin, uint8_t filter_pulse_ticks) {
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = _rmtGetBus(pin, __FUNCTION__);
if (bus == NULL) {
return false;
if (!_rmtCheckDirection(pin, RMT_RX_MODE, __FUNCTION__)) {
return false;
uint32_t filter_pulse_ns = (1000000000 / bus->frequency_Hz) * filter_pulse_ticks;
// RMT_LL_MAX_FILTER_VALUE is 255 for ESP32, S2, S3, C3, C6 and H2;
// filter_pulse_ticks is 8 bits, thus it will not exceed 255
#if 0 // for the future, in case some other SoC has different limit
if (filter_pulse_ticks > RMT_LL_MAX_FILTER_VALUE) {
log_e("filter_pulse_ticks is too big. Max = %d", RMT_LL_MAX_FILTER_VALUE);
return false;
bus->signal_range_min_ns = filter_pulse_ns; // set zero to disable it
return true;
bool rmtSetRxMaxThreshold(int pin, uint16_t idle_thres_ticks) {
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = _rmtGetBus(pin, __FUNCTION__);
if (bus == NULL) {
return false;
if (!_rmtCheckDirection(pin, RMT_RX_MODE, __FUNCTION__)) {
return false;
uint32_t idle_thres_ns = (1000000000 / bus->frequency_Hz) * idle_thres_ticks;
// RMT_LL_MAX_IDLE_VALUE is 65535 for ESP32,S2 and 32767 for S3, C3, C6 and H2
#if RMT_LL_MAX_IDLE_VALUE < 65535 // idle_thres_ticks is 16 bits anyway - save some bytes
if (idle_thres_ticks > RMT_LL_MAX_IDLE_VALUE) {
log_e("idle_thres_ticks is too big. Max = %ld", RMT_LL_MAX_IDLE_VALUE);
return false;
bus->signal_range_max_ns = idle_thres_ns;
return true;
bool rmtDeinit(int pin) {
log_v("Deiniting RMT GPIO %d", pin);
if (_rmtGetBus(pin, __FUNCTION__) != NULL) {
// release all allocated data
return perimanClearPinBus(pin);
log_e("GPIO %d - No RMT channel associated.", pin);
return false;
static bool _rmtWrite(int pin, rmt_data_t *data, size_t num_rmt_symbols, bool blocking, bool loop, uint32_t timeout_ms) {
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = _rmtGetBus(pin, __FUNCTION__);
if (bus == NULL) {
return false;
if (!_rmtCheckDirection(pin, RMT_TX_MODE, __FUNCTION__)) {
return false;
bool loopCancel = false; // user wants to cancel the writing loop mode
if (data == NULL || num_rmt_symbols == 0) {
if (!loop) {
log_w("GPIO %d - RMT Write Data NULL pointer or size is zero.", pin);
return false;
} else {
loopCancel = true;
log_v("GPIO: %d - Request: %d RMT Symbols - %s - Timeout: %d", pin, num_rmt_symbols, blocking ? "Blocking" : "Non-Blocking", timeout_ms);
"GPIO: %d - Currently in Loop Mode: [%s] | Asked to Loop: %s, LoopCancel: %s", pin, bus->rmt_ch_is_looping ? "YES" : "NO", loop ? "YES" : "NO",
loopCancel ? "YES" : "NO"
if ((xEventGroupGetBits(bus->rmt_events) & RMT_FLAG_TX_DONE) == 0) {
log_v("GPIO %d - RMT Write still pending to be completed.", pin);
return false;
rmt_transmit_config_t transmit_cfg = {0}; // loop mode disabled
bool retCode = true;
// wants to start in writing or looping over a previous looping --> resets the channel
if (bus->rmt_ch_is_looping == true) {
// must force stopping a previous loop transmission first
// enable it again for looping or writing
bus->rmt_ch_is_looping = false; // not looping anymore
// sets the End of Transmission level to HIGH if the user has requested so
if (bus->rmt_EOT_Level) {
transmit_cfg.flags.eot_level = 1; // EOT is HIGH
if (loopCancel) {
// just resets and releases the channel, maybe, already done above, then exits
bus->rmt_ch_is_looping = false;
} else { // new writing | looping request
// looping | Writing over a previous looping state is valid
if (loop) {
transmit_cfg.loop_count = -1; // enable infinite loop mode
// keeps RMT_FLAG_TX_DONE set - it never changes
} else {
// looping mode never sets this flag (IDF 5.1) in the callback
xEventGroupClearBits(bus->rmt_events, RMT_FLAG_TX_DONE);
// transmits just once or looping data
if (ESP_OK != rmt_transmit(bus->rmt_channel_h, bus->rmt_copy_encoder_h, (const void *)data, num_rmt_symbols * sizeof(rmt_data_t), &transmit_cfg)) {
retCode = false;
log_w("GPIO %d - RMT Transmission failed.", pin);
} else { // transmit OK
if (loop) {
bus->rmt_ch_is_looping = true; // for ever... until a channel canceling or new writing
} else {
if (blocking) {
// wait for transmission confirmation | timeout
retCode = (xEventGroupWaitBits(bus->rmt_events, RMT_FLAG_TX_DONE, pdFALSE /* do not clear on exit */, pdFALSE /* wait for all bits */, timeout_ms)
!= 0;
return retCode;
static bool _rmtRead(int pin, rmt_data_t *data, size_t *num_rmt_symbols, bool waitForData, uint32_t timeout_ms) {
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = _rmtGetBus(pin, __FUNCTION__);
if (bus == NULL) {
return false;
if (!_rmtCheckDirection(pin, RMT_RX_MODE, __FUNCTION__)) {
return false;
if (data == NULL || num_rmt_symbols == NULL) {
log_w("GPIO %d - RMT Read Data and/or Size NULL pointer.", pin);
return false;
log_v("GPIO: %d - Request: %d RMT Symbols - %s - Timeout: %d", pin, *num_rmt_symbols, waitForData ? "Blocking" : "Non-Blocking", timeout_ms);
bool retCode = true;
// request reading RMT Channel Data
rmt_receive_config_t receive_config;
receive_config.signal_range_min_ns = bus->signal_range_min_ns;
receive_config.signal_range_max_ns = bus->signal_range_max_ns;
xEventGroupClearBits(bus->rmt_events, RMT_FLAG_RX_DONE);
bus->num_symbols_read = num_rmt_symbols;
rmt_receive(bus->rmt_channel_h, data, *num_rmt_symbols * sizeof(rmt_data_t), &receive_config);
// wait for data if requested
if (waitForData) {
retCode = (xEventGroupWaitBits(bus->rmt_events, RMT_FLAG_RX_DONE, pdFALSE /* do not clear on exit */, pdFALSE /* wait for all bits */, timeout_ms)
!= 0;
return retCode;
bool rmtWrite(int pin, rmt_data_t *data, size_t num_rmt_symbols, uint32_t timeout_ms) {
return _rmtWrite(pin, data, num_rmt_symbols, true /*blocks*/, false /*looping*/, timeout_ms);
bool rmtWriteAsync(int pin, rmt_data_t *data, size_t num_rmt_symbols) {
return _rmtWrite(pin, data, num_rmt_symbols, false /*blocks*/, false /*looping*/, 0 /*N/A*/);
bool rmtWriteLooping(int pin, rmt_data_t *data, size_t num_rmt_symbols) {
return _rmtWrite(pin, data, num_rmt_symbols, false /*blocks*/, true /*looping*/, 0 /*N/A*/);
bool rmtTransmitCompleted(int pin) {
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = _rmtGetBus(pin, __FUNCTION__);
if (bus == NULL) {
return false;
if (!_rmtCheckDirection(pin, RMT_TX_MODE, __FUNCTION__)) {
return false;
bool retCode = true;
retCode = (xEventGroupGetBits(bus->rmt_events) & RMT_FLAG_TX_DONE) != 0;
return retCode;
bool rmtRead(int pin, rmt_data_t *data, size_t *num_rmt_symbols, uint32_t timeout_ms) {
return _rmtRead(pin, data, num_rmt_symbols, true /* blocking */, timeout_ms);
bool rmtReadAsync(int pin, rmt_data_t *data, size_t *num_rmt_symbols) {
return _rmtRead(pin, data, num_rmt_symbols, false /* non-blocking */, 0 /* N/A */);
bool rmtReceiveCompleted(int pin) {
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = _rmtGetBus(pin, __FUNCTION__);
if (bus == NULL) {
return false;
if (!_rmtCheckDirection(pin, RMT_RX_MODE, __FUNCTION__)) {
return false;
bool retCode = true;
retCode = (xEventGroupGetBits(bus->rmt_events) & RMT_FLAG_RX_DONE) != 0;
return retCode;
bool rmtInit(int pin, rmt_ch_dir_t channel_direction, rmt_reserve_memsize_t mem_size, uint32_t frequency_Hz) {
"GPIO %d - %s - MemSize[%d] - Freq=%dHz", pin, channel_direction == RMT_RX_MODE ? "RX MODE" : "TX MODE", mem_size * RMT_SYMBOLS_PER_CHANNEL_BLOCK,
// create common block mutex for protecting allocs from multiple threads allocating RMT channels
if (!g_rmt_block_lock) {
g_rmt_block_lock = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
if (g_rmt_block_lock == NULL) {
log_e("GPIO %d - Failed creating RMT Mutex.", pin);
return false;
// check if the RMT peripheral is already initialized with the same parameters
rmt_bus_handle_t bus = NULL;
peripheral_bus_type_t rmt_bus_type = perimanGetPinBusType(pin);
if (rmt_bus_type == ESP32_BUS_TYPE_RMT_TX || rmt_bus_type == ESP32_BUS_TYPE_RMT_RX) {
rmt_ch_dir_t bus_rmt_dir = rmt_bus_type == ESP32_BUS_TYPE_RMT_TX ? RMT_TX_MODE : RMT_RX_MODE;
bus = (rmt_bus_handle_t)perimanGetPinBus(pin, rmt_bus_type);
if (bus->frequency_Hz == frequency_Hz && bus_rmt_dir == channel_direction && bus->mem_size == mem_size) {
return true; // already initialized with the same parameters
// set Peripheral Manager deInit Callback
perimanSetBusDeinit(ESP32_BUS_TYPE_RMT_TX, _rmtDetachBus);
perimanSetBusDeinit(ESP32_BUS_TYPE_RMT_RX, _rmtDetachBus);
// check is pin is valid and in the right direction
if ((channel_direction == RMT_TX_MODE && !GPIO_IS_VALID_OUTPUT_GPIO(pin)) || (!GPIO_IS_VALID_GPIO(pin))) {
log_e("GPIO %d is not valid or can't be used for output in TX mode.", pin);
return false;
// validate the RMT ticks by the requested frequency
// Based on 80Mhz using a divider of 8 bits (calculated as 1..256)
if (frequency_Hz > 80000000 || frequency_Hz < 312500) {
log_e("GPIO %d - Bad RMT frequency resolution. Must be between 312.5KHz to 80MHz.", pin);
return false;
// Try to detach any (Tx|Rx|Whatever) previous bus or just keep it as not attached
if (!perimanClearPinBus(pin)) {
log_w("GPIO %d - Can't detach previous peripheral.", pin);
return false;
// lock it
while (xSemaphoreTake(g_rmt_block_lock, portMAX_DELAY) != pdPASS) {}
// allocate the rmt bus object and sets all fields to NULL
bus = (rmt_bus_handle_t)heap_caps_calloc(1, sizeof(struct rmt_obj_s), MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT);
if (bus == NULL) {
log_e("GPIO %d - Bus Memory allocation fault.", pin);
goto Err;
// store the RMT Freq and mem_size to check Initialization, Filter and Idle valid values in the RMT API
bus->frequency_Hz = frequency_Hz;
bus->mem_size = mem_size;
// pulses with width smaller than min_ns will be ignored (as a glitch)
//bus->signal_range_min_ns = 0; // disabled --> not necessary CALLOC set all to ZERO.
// RMT stops reading if the input stays idle for longer than max_ns
bus->signal_range_max_ns = (1000000000 / frequency_Hz) * RMT_LL_MAX_IDLE_VALUE; // maximum possible
// creates the event group to control read_done and write_done
bus->rmt_events = xEventGroupCreate();
if (bus->rmt_events == NULL) {
log_e("GPIO %d - RMT Group Event allocation fault.", pin);
goto Err;
// Starting with Receive|Transmit DONE bits set, for allowing a new request from user
xEventGroupSetBits(bus->rmt_events, RMT_FLAG_RX_DONE | RMT_FLAG_TX_DONE);
// channel particular configuration
if (channel_direction == RMT_TX_MODE) {
// TX Channel
rmt_tx_channel_config_t tx_cfg;
tx_cfg.gpio_num = pin;
// CLK_APB for ESP32|S2|S3|C3 -- CLK_PLL_F80M for C6 -- CLK_XTAL for H2
tx_cfg.clk_src = RMT_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT;
tx_cfg.resolution_hz = frequency_Hz;
tx_cfg.mem_block_symbols = SOC_RMT_MEM_WORDS_PER_CHANNEL * mem_size;
tx_cfg.trans_queue_depth = 10; // maximum allowed
tx_cfg.flags.invert_out = 0;
tx_cfg.flags.with_dma = 0;
tx_cfg.flags.io_loop_back = 0;
tx_cfg.flags.io_od_mode = 0;
tx_cfg.intr_priority = 0;
if (rmt_new_tx_channel(&tx_cfg, &bus->rmt_channel_h) != ESP_OK) {
log_e("GPIO %d - RMT TX Initialization error.", pin);
goto Err;
// set TX Callback
rmt_tx_event_callbacks_t cbs = {.on_trans_done = _rmt_tx_done_callback};
if (ESP_OK != rmt_tx_register_event_callbacks(bus->rmt_channel_h, &cbs, bus)) {
log_e("GPIO %d RMT - Error registering TX Callback.", pin);
goto Err;
} else {
// RX Channel
rmt_rx_channel_config_t rx_cfg;
rx_cfg.gpio_num = pin;
// CLK_APB for ESP32|S2|S3|C3 -- CLK_PLL_F80M for C6 -- CLK_XTAL for H2
rx_cfg.clk_src = RMT_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT;
rx_cfg.resolution_hz = frequency_Hz;
rx_cfg.mem_block_symbols = SOC_RMT_MEM_WORDS_PER_CHANNEL * mem_size;
rx_cfg.flags.invert_in = 0;
rx_cfg.flags.with_dma = 0;
rx_cfg.flags.io_loop_back = 0;
rx_cfg.intr_priority = 0;
// try to allocate the RMT Channel
if (ESP_OK != rmt_new_rx_channel(&rx_cfg, &bus->rmt_channel_h)) {
log_e("GPIO %d RMT - RX Initialization error.", pin);
goto Err;
// set RX Callback
rmt_rx_event_callbacks_t cbs = {.on_recv_done = _rmt_rx_done_callback};
if (ESP_OK != rmt_rx_register_event_callbacks(bus->rmt_channel_h, &cbs, bus)) {
log_e("GPIO %d RMT - Error registering RX Callback.", pin);
goto Err;
// allocate memory for the RMT Copy encoder
rmt_copy_encoder_config_t copy_encoder_config = {};
if (rmt_new_copy_encoder(&copy_encoder_config, &bus->rmt_copy_encoder_h) != ESP_OK) {
log_e("GPIO %d - RMT Encoder Memory Allocation error.", pin);
goto Err;
// create each channel Mutex for multi thread operations
bus->g_rmt_objlocks = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
if (bus->g_rmt_objlocks == NULL) {
log_e("GPIO %d - Failed creating RMT Channel Mutex.", pin);
goto Err;
rmt_enable(bus->rmt_channel_h); // starts/enables the channel
// Finally, allocate Peripheral Manager RMT bus and associate it to its GPIO
peripheral_bus_type_t pinBusType = channel_direction == RMT_TX_MODE ? ESP32_BUS_TYPE_RMT_TX : ESP32_BUS_TYPE_RMT_RX;
if (!perimanSetPinBus(pin, pinBusType, (void *)bus, -1, -1)) {
log_e("Can't allocate the GPIO %d in the Peripheral Manager.", pin);
goto Err;
// this delay is necessary when CPU frequency changes, but internal RMT setup is "old/wrong"
// The use case is related to the RMT_CPUFreq_Test example. The very first RMT Write
// goes in the wrong pace (frequency). The delay allows other IDF tasks to run to fix it.
if (loopTaskHandle != NULL) {
// it can only run when Arduino task has been already started.
} // prevent panic when rmtInit() is executed within an C++ object constructor
// release the mutex
return true;
// release LOCK and the RMT object
_rmtDetachBus((void *)bus);
return false;
#endif /* SOC_RMT_SUPPORTED */