exclude: | (?x)( ^\.github\/| ^tests\/performance\/coremark\/.*\.[ch]$| ^tests\/performance\/superpi\/.*\.(cpp|h)$| LICENSE\.md$ ) default_language_version: # force all unspecified python hooks to run python3 python: python3 repos: - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks rev: "v4.5.0" hooks: - id: check-case-conflict - id: check-symlinks - id: debug-statements - id: destroyed-symlinks - id: detect-private-key - id: end-of-file-fixer exclude: ^.*\.(bin|BIN)$ - id: mixed-line-ending args: [--fix=lf] - id: trailing-whitespace args: [--markdown-linebreak-ext=md] - id: pretty-format-json args: [--autofix] types_or: [json] exclude: | (?x)( diagram\..*\.json$| package\.json$| ^package\/.*$ ) - repo: https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell rev: "v2.3.0" hooks: - id: codespell exclude: ^.*\.(svd|SVD)$ - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-clang-format rev: "v18.1.3" hooks: - id: clang-format types_or: [c, c++] exclude: ^.*\/build_opt\.h$ - repo: https://github.com/psf/black-pre-commit-mirror rev: "22.10.0" hooks: - id: black types_or: [python] args: [--line-length=120] #From the arduino code style. Add as argument rather than creating a new config file. - repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8 rev: "7.0.0" hooks: - id: flake8 types_or: [python] additional_dependencies: - flake8-bugbear - flake8-comprehensions - flake8-simplify - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-prettier rev: "v3.1.0" hooks: - id: prettier types_or: [yaml] - repo: https://github.com/errata-ai/vale rev: "v3.0.7" hooks: - id: vale name: vale-sync language_version: "1.21.6" pass_filenames: false args: [sync] types_or: [markdown, rst] - id: vale language_version: "1.21.6" types_or: [markdown, rst]