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2021-04-28 06:06:15 +00:00
# Arduino Audio Tools
2021-05-05 17:17:13 +00:00
Some basic __header-only C++ classes__ that can be used for __Audio Processing__ provided as __Arduino Library__:
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- a simple I2S class (to read and write to the internal I2S)
- a simple ADC class (to read analog data with the help of I2S)
- Additional Stream implementations: MemoryStream, UrlStream, I2SStream, A2DPStream, PrintStream
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- Converters
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- Musical Notes (with frequencies of notes)
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- SineWaveGenerator (to generate some sine tone)
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- NBuffer (Multi buffer for writing and reading of (audio) data)
- TimerAlarmRepeating (e.g. for sampling audio data using exact times) [ESP32 only]
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- A Wav Encoder and Decoder
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- AudioOutputWithCallback class to provide callback integration e.g. with ESP8266Audio
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This functionality provides the glue which makes different audio processing components and libraries work together.
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We also provide plenty of examples that demonstrate how to implement the different scenarios. The __design philosophy__ is based on the Arduino conventions: we use the ```begin()``` and ```end()``` methods to start and stop the processing and we propagate the __use of Streams__. We all know the Arduino Streams: We use them to write out print messages and sometimes we use them to read the output from Serial devices. The same thing applies to my “Audio Streams”: You can read audio data from “Audio Sources” and you write them to “Audio Sinks”.
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As “Audio Sources” we will have e.g.:
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- Analog Microphones [AnalogAudio](
- Digital Microphonse [I2SStream](
- Files on the Internet [UrlStream](
- Generated Sound [GeneratedSoundStream](
- Mobile Phone A2DP Bluetooth [A2DPStream](
- Binary Data in Flash Memory [MemoryStream](
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- SD Files
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As “Audio Sinks” we will have e.g:
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- external DAC [I2SStream](
- an Amplifier [AnalogAudio](
- Bluetooth Speakers [A2DPStream](
- Serial to display the data as CSV [CsvStream](
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- SD Files
Here is an simple example which streams a file from the Flash Memory and writes it to I2S:
#include "AudioTools.h"
#include "StarWars30.h"
using namespace audio_tools;
uint8_t channels = 2;
uint16_t sample_rate = 22050;
MemoryStream music(StarWars30_raw, StarWars30_raw_len);
I2SStream i2s; // Output to I2S
StreamCopyT<int16_t> copier(i2s, music); // copies sound into i2s
void setup(){
I2SConfig config = i2s.defaultConfig(TX_MODE);
config.sample_rate = sample_rate;
config.channels = channels;
config.bits_per_sample = 16;
void loop(){
if (!copier.copy2()){
A complete list of the supported Audio Stream classes and scenarios can be found in the [Scenarios Document](
## Examples
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The examples follow the following naming convention: "scenario type"-"source"-"destination". For the scenario types we might have __base__ (using basic api functionality), __stream__ for examples using Streams and __test__ for the test cases.
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For the __source__ we currently have __adc__ for analog input devices like analog microphones, __i2s__ for digital input devices (e.g. digital microphones), __file__ for SD files and __a2dp__ for input from Bluetooth A2DP (e.g. from a Mobile Phone).
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2021-05-05 17:17:13 +00:00
For the __destination__ we use __dac__ for analog output (e.g. to an amplifier), __i2s__ for digital output devices (e.g. an external DAC), __file__ for SD files and __a2dp__ for output to Bluetooth A2DP (e.g. a Bluetooth Speaker).
Here is the list of examples:
#### Stream API
- [streams-adc-serial](/examples/streams-adc-serial) Displaying input from analog microphone on the Serial Plotter
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- [streams-generator-serial](/examples/streams-generator-serial) Displaying generated sound on the Serial Plotter
- [streams-generator-i2s_external_dac](/examples/streams-generator-i2s_external_dac) Playing generated sound on external DAC via I2S
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- [streams-memory_raw-i2s_external_dac](examples/streams-memory_raw-i2s_external_dac) - Play music form Flash Memory via I2S to External DAC
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- [streams-url_raw-serial](/examples/streams-url_raw-serial) Displaying a music file from the internet on the Serial Plotter
2021-05-05 17:51:13 +00:00
- [streams-url_raw-I2S_external_dac.ino](/examples/streams-url_raw-I2S_external_dac.ino) Streaming a File from the Internet to on external DAC via I2S
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... these are just a few examples, but you can combine any Input Stream with any Output Stream as you like...
#### Basic API
- [base-adc-serial](examples/base-adc-serial) - Sample analog sound and write it to Serial
- [base-adc-a2dp](examples/base-adc-a2dp) - Sample analog sound and write it to a A2DP Bluetooth source
- [base-file_raw-serial](examples/base-file_raw-serial) - Read Raw File from SD card to and write it to Serial
- [base-file_raw-a2dp](examples/base-file_raw-a2dp) - Read Raw File from SD card write it A2DP Bluetooth
- [base-file_mp3-a2dp](examples/base-file_mp3-a2dp) - Stream MP3 File from SD card to A2DP Bluetooth using the ESP8266Audio library
- [base-i2s-serial](examples/base-i2s-serial) - Sample digital sound and write it to Serial
- [base-i2s-a2dp](examples/base-i2s-a2dp) - Sample analog sound and write it to a A2DP Bluetooth source
## Optional Libraries
Dependent on the example you might need to install some of the following libraries:
- [ESP32-A2DP Library]( to support A2DP Bluetooth Audio
- [ESP8266Audio]( ) to play different audio Formats
- [SD Library]( to read and write files.
- [arduino-fdk-aac]( to encode or decode AAC
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## Installation
You can download the library as zip and call include Library -> zip library. Or you can git clone this project into the Arduino libraries folder e.g. with
cd ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries
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git clone pschatzmann/arduino-audio-tools.git
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## Documentation
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2021-05-05 17:17:13 +00:00
Here is the generated [Class documentation](
You also might find further information in [one of my blogs](
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## Project Status
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2021-04-29 09:52:46 +00:00
This is currently work in progress:
2021-04-29 09:55:35 +00:00
| Functionality | Status |
| Analog input - ADC | tested |
| I2S | tested |
2021-04-29 19:18:30 +00:00
| Files (RAW, MP3...) | tested |
2021-05-05 17:17:13 +00:00
| Streams | tested |
2021-04-29 09:55:35 +00:00
| WAV encoding/deconding | open |
| AAC encoding/deconding | open |
2021-05-01 08:42:05 +00:00
| int24_t | tested |
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